How To Convert Term Life To Whole Life Insurance (2024)

Converting your term life insurance to whole life insurance is fairly simple. The first step is to contact your insurance company to learn more about your options. If you bought your life insurance policy through Policygenius, we can help walk you through next steps, too.

Can you convert your term life policy to whole life at the end of the policy?

Whether you can convert your policy or not depends on your insurer’s conversion options and guidelines.

Many insurance companies offer convertible term life policies that allow you to convert to a whole life policy or another type of permanent life insurance before the end of the original term.

Some insurers also only let you convert your policy under certain circ*mstances.

  • While your initial term is still active — in other words, any time before the end of the term.

  • If our policy has been active for at least one full year.

  • If you’re younger than a certain age — usually 65 or 70.

Where can you find yourinsurer’s conversion guidelines?

Your insurance company’s conversion guidelines for the specific policy you own should be in your policy documents. You might have a hard copy of these documents, but if you bought your policy in recent years, you likely have an electronic copy as well.

You can also call your insurance company directly to ask about guidelines for your policy. If you bought your life insurance through Policygenius, our team can still help you with your active policy, too.

When does it make sense to convert a term life insurance policy to whole life?

Term conversion isn’t the best fit for everyone, but it might make sense under certain scenarios — for example, if your budget, health, or financial priorities have changed.

Your budget has changed

If you have a higher budget than when you first bought your policy, you may consider converting to whole life. Whole life rates — and other permanent life insurance rates — are significantly more expensive than term life rates because these types of policies don’t expire and come with a cash value savings feature.

If you wanted to buy permanent coverage for your loved ones in the first place but couldn’t due to budgetary restrictions, converting your policy now makes sense.

Your health has changed

If you planned on buying a separate whole life policy in the future, but now you have a health condition that would make this option more expensive or even more difficult to get approved for, it might make sense to convert a portion of your existing coverage.

When you convert your term life policy, you don’t have to take a new medical exam or answer qualifying health questions, so your premiums won’t be impacted by any recent health changes (as long as you’re not requesting to increase your coverage).

You want to leave an inheritance to your loved ones

If your financial priorities have changed, or you’ve retired recently, you may prioritize providing an inheritance to your loved ones instead of protecting your income with a term policy. Converting to a permanent policy can guarantee that you’ll leave a legacy to your family regardless of when you die.

The insurer pays the life insurance proceeds directly to your beneficiaries, so it doesn’t have to go through probate court when you pass away, which speeds up the process for your loved ones claiming the money. This makes a life insurance death benefit ideal for providing an inheritance.

You have lifelong dependents

If you have dependents who require lifelong care, you may need coverage that won’t expire, so you can guarantee funds to support them when you’re gone. Converting your term policy to a permanent one can give you the peace of mind that your beneficiaries will be taken care of regardless of the time of your death.

Learn more about buying life insurance for a child with a disability

You want a cash value asset

Whole life policies come with a cash value feature, which acts as an investment component that earns interest at a set low rate over the life of the policy. Unlike the life insurance death benefit, you can access your cash value while you’re living.

Some people like to use their life insurance cash value in addition to traditional investment accounts like Roth IRAs and 401(k)s. Converting your term policy to whole could be a good fit if you’ve exhausted your pre-tax investment options and are looking for ways to complement your retirement portfolio.

You want to leave final expense funds

If you have less of a need for term life insurance — maybe you paid off your mortgage, or you no longer have children who are financially dependent on you — you may prefer to have a smaller amount of permanent coverage that’s guaranteed to help pay for end-of-life expenses, like a funeral.

If that’s your case, converting part of your term policy to a permanent policy can help secure funds for end-of-life costs.

Some insurers have a minimum coverage amount they allow for conversion, so you’ll need to check that stipulation before converting. Otherwise, it might make sense to purchase a separate final expense life insurance policy.

If you’re not certain if you should convert your term life policy, you can speak with a financial professional or a licensed life insurance agent.

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How much does it cost to convert term life to whole life insurance?

The conversion itself doesn’t cost anything, but your premiums will increase if you convert your term life policy to whole life.

For instance, a 40-year-old female with few health conditions could pay $35.27 per month for a $500,000 term life policy lasting 20 years, whereas the same person could pay $588 per month for a $500,000 whole life policy that doesn’t expire.

Even if you lower your coverage amount when you convert, you’ll likely pay more in premiums than you did before. It’s important to work with a life insurance agent who can give you specific estimates on how much you’d pay before you decide to exercise this option.

Learn more about life insurance rates

What to consider before converting term life to whole life insurance

Your policy options

Before you consider if you want to convert your policy, you’ll need to check if your insurer offers this option. Most companies do, but insurers have different stipulations for when you can convert.

For example, some insurance companies only offer conversion for certainkinds of policies.Or one insurer might let you convert from term life to whole life insurance, but another may only offer conversion from term life to universal life insurance — another type of permanent coverage that lets you adjust your premiums and death benefit, but doesn’t always offer guaranteed returns, like whole life.

Your budget

Your premiums will likely increase if you convert to whole life insurance, so it’s important to consider your budget first. This will help you ensure you can afford the premiums to keep the policy active and prevent your coverage from lapsing and leaving your loved ones without the financial protection you intended for them.

Your coverage needs

Before you convert or otherwise change your coverage, consider how much life insurance you need and how your financial obligations have changed since you first bought your policy.

For example, you might have paid off your mortgage, so you may no longer need term life insurance to cover your debts. Instead, you might just need a small amount of coverage to help your beneficiaries when you’re gone.

Learn more about how to buy additional life insurance

How to convert your term life policy to whole life insurance

It’s fairly easy to convert your term life policy to whole life.

  1. First, contact your insurer. Make sure to double-check your insurer’s conversion clause, so you’re aware of all your options. You can also work with one of its life insurance agents to look at policy projections for how much you’d pay for your updated coverage.

  2. Next, you’ll fill out conversion paperwork. Here, you’ll specify important details, including how much of your coverage you want to convert. You won’t have to take a new medical exam or answer any health questions, unlessyou’re increasing your coverage or adding new riders to your policy.

  3. After that, you’ll wait for the insurance company. It usually takes about one week for the insurer to process the request and issue your updated policy (assuming you’re not increasing your coverage; if you are, the conversion process might take a little longer).

  4. Once the change is processed, your insurer will notify you. You won’t have any lapses in coverage. You’ll just receive notice from your insurer when your policy is converted to whole life, and you’ll pay updated premiums to reflect your new type of coverage.

Alternatives to converting term life insurance to permanent life insurance

If you know you want to update your coverage but you’re not certain term conversion is right for you, you have a few options.

A partial conversion

You don’t have to convert your full coverage amount if you don’t need it. For instance, if you have a $500,000 term life policy but you no longer need the whole coverage amount, you could choose to convert only $250,000 in coverage instead.

Some insurance companies have a minimum coverage requirement for conversion (for example, $100,000) so this is another example of when you’ll need to check your insurer’s guidelines before making a decision.

A new term life policy

If you’re approaching the end of your term and you still have temporary coverage needs, a new term life policy could also be a good — and potentially more affordable — option. If you still have dependents or debt that you’d want to cover for your loved ones but don’t want to invest in, or have the budget for, a permanent policy, it might make sense to apply for a new term life policy instead.

You could also apply for a shorter term than your original coverage — for example, if your 20-year term is expiring and you have 10 years until retirement, a 10-year term might be more than enough.

Learn more about what happens if you outlive your life insurance

A final expense insurance policy

If your primary goal is to cover final expenses for your family (including funeral costs) and you only need a very low coverage amount, you could apply for a final expense insurance policy.

If your insurer has a minimum coverage conversion amount of $100,000 but you only want $10,000, a new final expense policy could be a better and cheaper option than making a partial conversion of your existing policy.

There are also different types of final expense policies, including simplified issue and guaranteed issue, that you could consider instead of converting. An independent broker can help match you to the policy that’s the best fit for your overall profile.

Other types of term life insurance

  • 15-year term life insurance

  • 20-year term life insurance

  • 25-year term life insurance

  • 30-year term life insurance

  • 40-year term life insurance

  • Increasing term life insurance

  • Decreasing term life insurance

  • Mortgage protection insurance

  • Return of premium life insurance

  • Short term life insurance

  • Annual renewable term life insurance

  • Temporary life insurance

  • Family income life insurance

Frequently asked questions

What happens when you convert term life to whole life insurance?

How To Convert Term Life To Whole Life Insurance (1)

If you convert term life to whole life insurance, you’ll contact your insurance company to complete the paperwork before your coverage becomes permanent. Your premiums will also increase.

Is it wise to convert term life to whole life insurance?

How To Convert Term Life To Whole Life Insurance (2)

It depends on your personal financial situation, your health status, and your budget. Converting term life to whole life can make sense if you have a need for permanent coverage and a higher budget than when you bought your term life policy.

Should you convert your term life into whole life insurance?

How To Convert Term Life To Whole Life Insurance (3)

It depends on your financial situation and your insurance needs. If you have a higher budget, you’re looking to guarantee an inheritance for your loved ones, or you have a permanent dependent, it might make sense to convert to whole life. A licensed life insurance agent can help you compare options.

What do you gain by converting term life to whole life insurance?

How To Convert Term Life To Whole Life Insurance (4)

If you convert to whole life insurance, your premiums will increase, but your coverage won’t expire.

Can you convert whole life to term life insurance?

How To Convert Term Life To Whole Life Insurance (5)

No. Many term life policies offer you the option to convert to whole life, but whole life policies don’t offer you the option to convert to term life. If you’re in this situation, you could consider surrendering your whole life policy and replacing it with term life — but make sure you speak with a licensed agent before you do so, since you could face surrender fees.

How To Convert Term Life To Whole Life Insurance (2024)


How To Convert Term Life To Whole Life Insurance? ›

Talk to your insurance provider and ask about the different options available for whole life insurance and the cost to convert. You will need to let the provider know that you want to make the conversion for your policy. You'll fill out an application to convert the term policy.

Can I switch my term life insurance to whole life? ›

Fortunately, the majority of term life policies offer “riders” that allow you to convert your term life policy to a whole life policy if you wish. You can check whether you have this option by reading through your policy or talking to your insurance company.

What is the last age at which you can convert a term policy to whole life? ›

A 30-year policy may only allow conversions for the first 10 years. Some insurers also have a maximum age requirement. You may not be able to convert if you are more than 65 years old, for example.

How much does it cost to convert life insurance policy? ›

You won't pay a fee to convert term life insurance to a whole life policy. However, you can expect increased premiums to continue coverage after making the switch. Some providers offer a conversion credit, or a discount that helps offset costs in the first year of carrying the new policy.

Is convertible term life insurance worth it? ›

Advantages. You might choose a convertible term policy if you can only afford a less expensive term policy now, but think you might prefer and be able to afford a more expensive permanent policy later and don't want to take the risk that a change in your health could disqualify you from life insurance coverage.

How much does it cost to convert term to whole life? ›

There are no fees to convert your term policy to a whole life policy, but your premium might increase since older policyholders are riskier to insure. If you have a term life insurance policy and still need coverage after the term ends, converting it to a whole life insurance policy is worth considering.

What happens if you live longer than your term life insurance? ›

Term life insurance provides coverage for a certain length of time, with policies commonly lasting between 10 and 30 years. Unlike a permanent life insurance policy, which offers lifetime protection under most circ*mstances, term life insurance coverage typically ends once you've outlived the term.

At what age do you stop paying for whole life insurance? ›

Most whole life policies endow at age 100. When a policyholder outlives the policy, the insurance company may pay the full cash value to the policyholder (which in this case equals the coverage amount) and close the policy. Others grant an extension to the policyholder who continues paying premiums until they pass.

How many years does it take for a whole life insurance policy to mature? ›

A whole life policy is said to "mature" at death or the maturity age of 100, whichever comes first. To be more exact the maturity date will be the "policy anniversary nearest age 100". The policy becomes a "matured endowment" when the insured person lives past the stated maturity age.

Can I cash out my life insurance policy? ›

You can cash out a life insurance policy. How much money you get for it will depend on the amount of cash value held in it. If you have, say $10,000 of accumulated cash value, you would be entitled to withdraw up to all of that amount (less any surrender fees). At that point, however, your policy would be terminated.

How much a month is a $500 000 term life insurance policy? ›

Looking at $500,000 of coverage, a man in their 30s can expect to pay around $18 a month, whereas a woman would pay about $15 a month. This difference in monthly premiums increases drastically for 60-year-old applicants, where men can expect to pay around $137 a month versus $79 a month for women.

How much is whole life insurance per month? ›

How much is whole life insurance? The average cost of whole life insurance is $451 per month. That's the amount a 30-year-old who doesn't smoke and is generally in good health will pay for a $500,000 whole life insurance policy.

Should I port or convert my life insurance? ›

If keeping temporary coverage in force at a low cost is the best option, porting would be the way to go. If locking in long-term coverage at a higher rate sounds better, converting would be the better option. With either option, the insured can keep their coverage without a lapse.

What is the drawback to term life insurance? ›

Term life insurance
Generally less expensive than whole life Simple to understand Flexible term lengths No commitment after term endsNo cash value Premiums may rise if renewed No benefits if outlive term
Nov 15, 2023

What is the main disadvantage of term life insurance? ›

Term Life insurance Cons: If you outlive the term length, your coverage will end and you won't receive any benefits. You will not be covered your entire lifetime and your policy will not accumulate cash value like an investment account does.

Does Suze Orman recommend term life insurance? ›

That's why Orman says it's best to set up a term life insurance policy that will remain in effect until your children reach early adulthood. In fact, in a recent podcast episode, Orman suggested getting life insurance that will last until your kids reach age 23 or 24.

Is it better to have whole life or term life insurance? ›

The pros and cons of term and whole life insurance are clear: Term life insurance is simpler and more affordable but has an expiration date and doesn't include a cash value feature. Whole life insurance is more expensive and complex, but it provides lifelong coverage and builds cash value over time.

Can I cash out my term life insurance policy? ›

Can you cash out term life insurance? Since a term life insurance policy doesn't come with a cash value component, it's not possible to cash it out. This policy solely includes a death benefit that your beneficiaries may receive if you die before the end of the policy's term.

Can you back out of term life insurance? ›

Term Life Insurance Cancellation

Cancellation is straightforward with a term life policy. You should contact your life insurance company with a written notice and advise them you are ending the policy. You can also simply stop paying premiums to get the same result.

Can I cancel term life insurance at any time? ›

You can cancel a life insurance policy by: Let the policy lapse: No matter what life insurance policy you have, you can simply stop paying premiums at any point. The policy will lapse, and you'll lose coverage. Keep in mind that you typically can't recover any of the premiums you paid once the policy lapses.

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