How to Communicate Organizational Change: 4 Steps | HBS Online (2024)

Change can be hard. You may experience this when attempting to break a bad habit or start a better one. Altering your behavior or routines often requires additional effort—at least at first. Organizational change—like mergers and acquisitions, restructuring, and adjustments to organizational processes—is no different.

It’s no wonder then that many organizational change efforts fail. You’re not only trying to evolve your own approaches and habits, but convince others to change their own. This lack of change management skills can make organizational initiatives difficult to execute, so it's important that managers develop the competencies needed to lead their teams through periods of transformation.

In fact, a study by Gartner shows only 34 percent of all change initiatives pursued by businesses end in clear success. On the other hand, 16 percent yield mixed results, which equates to 50 percent of all change initiatives failing.

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Communicating Change

Given that organizational change is often difficult to implement, it’s important to consider the management skills required to cultivate success. Effective communication, in particular, plays a vital role in making organizational change possible.

There are two questions you need to address when communicating change:

  1. Do our employees have the motivation to change?
  2. Are our employees equipped with the ability to change?

Both of these pieces are incredibly important. One without the other can jeopardize attempts at organizational change. When communicating change, you should focus on increasing motivation and the company’s ability to adapt.

Related: 5 Tips for Managing Change in the Workplace

Here are four tips to help you create a winning change communication strategy.

4 Steps to Communicate Organizational Change

1. Share a Vision

One of the best things you can do when communicating change is share a vision of how the organization can benefit from the transition. Individuals need to know the change is both good for them and the company overall. A way to craft that vision is by answering these questions:

  • How will the organization operate once the change is made?
  • What will employees experience as a result of making the necessary transitions?
  • Will there be tangible results? What will those results look like?
  • Will there be a sense of accomplishment? What will that feel like?
  • What will the rewards be, both for the individuals and your organization as a whole?

Make answering these questions central to your change communication.

By answering these questions, employees will have a better understanding of why organizational change is imminent, which is critical to success. Clarifying the motivations behind organizational change helps team members reach a mutual understanding, allowing everyone to work toward one shared vision.

Right now, for example, businesses around the world are coping with challenges brought on by the coronavirus (COVID-19) and a temporarily stalled economy. To survive this sudden disruption to business as usual, many companies have been forced to undergo rapid organizational change initiatives, such as embracing remote work. Firms that have successfully adapted have been transparent in their efforts and communicated a clear vision for employees to rally around.

2. Tell a Story

The vision—where you want to be as an organization—is part of a larger story that involves you and your business. Telling a story enables everyone to envision where the company needs to be, but also where it currently is and how to transition.

Take the example of Scandinavian Airlines, as outlined in a Harvard Business School case by Professor Christopher Bartlett. Scandinavian Airlines needed to make an organizational shift in the early 1980s. The airline industry was struggling. The company was losing money at the tune of $20 million. The market was stagnant.

Through its change efforts, the company not only met its goal of increasing earnings by $25 million in the first year; Scandinavian Airlines increased them by $80 million. Within a couple of years, it was named the best airline for business travelers by Fortune magazine. Employees were on board with the change, which was making a difference. How did Scandinavian Airlines do it?

All 20,000 of its employees received a short handbook communicating the change, which centered around focusing on a subset of customers—the business flyer—to turn the company around. This was not your typical corporate communication. Titled “Let’s Get in There and Fight,” the booklet included characterizations of airplanes, complete with cartoons and large typeface fonts that highlighted where the company was and the vision for where it wanted to be. It told how “storm clouds” and “bad weather” had struck the business and how it faced challenges in being profitable. It described its competition and how employees could help it stay competitive.

Your strategy may not involve cartoons and large text like Scandinavian Airlines, but communicating the story of your change initiative can have a powerful effect on illuminating your vision.

Returning to the example of COVID-19, you might position your organizational change story much like a heroic tale. Social distancing is an immediate threat to your business, which you must rise to meet as an organization. It won’t be easy, but you have a plan which includes X, Y, and Z. Communicating change in this manner can allay some of the fear and uncertainty your employees may be feeling, while simultaneously rallying them around common goals.

3. Make Those in Your Organization the Heroes

Does your change communication strategy focus on telling the members of your organization what to do and what they need to change? Or does it inspire and enable them to be change agents as well?

In the book Winning ‘Em Over, author Jay Conger shares Scandinavian Airlines’ message to employees, which was:

"We have to fight in a stagnating market. We have to fight competitors who are more efficient than we are. And who are at least as good as we are in figuring out the best deals. We can do it. But only if we are prepared to fight. Side by side. We are all in this together."

Every employee received Scandinavian Airlines’ handbook. Everyone was able to understand where the company wanted to go and what role they played. Telling a story where the employees were not only part of that change, but could be heroes in the story, provided a rallying cry that allowed them to stand side-by-side as active players in the change initiative.

What can you do to make the individuals in your organization active participants in your change efforts? How can you make them feel that changing with the organization will make them the hero and not the victim?

Related: 9 Mistakes to Avoid as a First-Time Manager

Consider again the organizational change scenario spurred by the coronavirus. You’ve shared your vision for change and told the story of how you intend to reach your goals. By making your employees the heroes of the change story and explaining the specific roles each person plays, you can empower them to exercise agency in helping the organization meet its goals.

4. Chart the Path

Equip those in your organization to become leaders in your change communication. Once you reach a shared vision—one that your employees believe is good for the company—it’s your role to show the path that will get them there.

This became increasingly evident at Rakuten, Japan’s largest online retailer, according to a Harvard Business School case by Professor Tsedal Neeley. Rakuten CEO Hiroshi Mikitani wanted to change the very language of the organization. Instead of the majority of his company speaking their native Japanese, he wanted his 7,100 Tokyo employees to transition to conducting business in English.

This change was to support the company’s effort to become number one in internet services across the globe. In two years, Mikitani expected his employees to be proficient in English. With just a few months left to go in his change initiative, however, surveys found that a large percentage of employees, especially native Japanese speakers, felt afraid, frustrated, nervous, and even oppressed by the initiative.

Related: 3 Group Decision-Making Techniques For Success

The employees of Rakuten were not experiencing the change as something positive for them, personally. They may have believed it was good for the company, and possibly good for them, but they were finding themselves challenged and discouraged. If you were in Mikitani’s place, what would you do?

As a leader, you don’t need the change to be good for your employees every step of the way. Some change will be gruelingly difficult. It will involve scaling steep inclines and, for some, working harder than they have before. What can you do to increase their ability to keep going on this path?

While the initial change initiative shared by Rakuten was clear, there needed to be additional communication that would help employees chart the path. Rakuten provided funding for language learning programs, communicating to employees that the company was there for them. They would not have to make the change alone. Action, as well as words, were powerful tools.

In the case of shifting to remote work to combat the threats of coronavirus, your employees likely understand it’s essential for the company to survive. They know they have a role to play in the initiative’s success and there’s a clear path forward. But that doesn’t change that, for many, it’s an entirely new way of working—and that comes with challenges. In addition to communicating the initial change initiative, it’s important to make it clear to your employees that there are resources available to help them transition so they don’t feel overwhelmed or paralyzed into inaction.

How to Communicate Organizational Change: 4 Steps | HBS Online (2)

After the Initial Change: Keep Communicating

Communicating change isn't a one-and-done effort. Be prepared to communicate not just once, but again and again throughout the change process. Restate the vision, retell the story, enable your employees to act as heroes, and chart and re-chart the path when struggles arise. Your organization will be more motivated and equipped to make that change effort with you.

Change is possible. Individuals make real changes every day. Organizations shift gears and become increasingly successful as a result. Your communication strategy can play an important role in enabling transformation and lasting impact.

If you want to improve your organizational change management abilities, enrolling in an online management course, like Management Essentials, can prepare you to handle any transitional challenge that comes your way.

Do you want to become a more effective leader and manager? Download our free leadership and management e-book to find out how. Also, explore our online courses Leadership Principles and Management Essentials to learn how you can take charge of your professional development and accelerate your career.

This post was updated on June 26, 2020. It was originally published on December 11, 2018.

How to Communicate Organizational Change: 4 Steps | HBS Online (2024)


How to Communicate Organizational Change: 4 Steps | HBS Online? ›

For successful change implementation in organizations, there are 4 main components serving as pillars holding up the change. These pillars are various distinct phases of change – planning, leadership, management, and maintenance of change.

What are the 4 major components of organizational change? ›

For successful change implementation in organizations, there are 4 main components serving as pillars holding up the change. These pillars are various distinct phases of change – planning, leadership, management, and maintenance of change.

What are the four 4 considerations in effectively implementing changes in order to improve organisational and workplace cultures? ›

Companies who want to successfully lead employees through adoption of an organizational change must follow a systematic, proactive approach that incorporates four primary steps: overcoming resistance, engaging employees, implementing change in phases and communicating the change.

How do you talk about organizational change? ›

8 methods and techniques for communicating change:
  1. Be clear and honest when communicating change to employees. ...
  2. Use care when communicating organizational change. ...
  3. Tell employees what's in it for them. ...
  4. Set expectations with change management communication. ...
  5. Tell employees what they need to do.

What are the 4 change management model? ›

In both research and practice, we find that transformations stand the best chance of success when they focus on four key actions to change mind-sets and behavior: fostering understanding and conviction, reinforcing changes through formal mechanisms, developing talent and skills, and role modeling.

What are the 4 implementation approach for change initiatives? ›

Successful change management relies on four core principles: Understand Change. Plan Change. Implement Change.

What are the four phases of implementation of change? ›

When change is first introduced at work, the people affected will typically go through four stages. These can be visualised on the change curve. The stages are shock, anger, acceptance and commitment.

What are the 4 factors which can influence Organisational culture? ›

Factors which can influence organisational culture include: the organisation's structure, the system and processes by which work is carried out, the behaviour and attitudes of employees, the organisation's values and traditions, and the management and leadership styles adopted.

What are the 5 methods of communication in an organization? ›

Five Types of Communication
  • Verbal Communication. Verbal communication occurs when we engage in speaking with others. ...
  • Non-Verbal Communication. What we do while we speak often says more than the actual words. ...
  • Written Communication. ...
  • Listening. ...
  • Visual Communication.
Jul 12, 2018

What defines successful communication around an organizational change? ›

Research on organizational change readiness suggests five areas to address when communicating about any change — the need for change, the change solution, the organizational capacity for and commitment to the change, and how the change will impact individuals and teams.

What is 4 basic management style? ›

The four leadership styles managers use are autocratic, democratic, laissez-faire, and paternalistic, and each will be most effective depending on particular situations.

What are the 3 P's of change management? ›

If you want your business to succeed, you absolutely must focus on three key variables: people, process, and product. The three Ps, as they're often called, provide the highest return for your efforts because they act as the cornerstone for everything your business does.

What are the 3 C's of the change management? ›

The Three C's of Change Management: Communication, Collaboration and Commitment. Effective change management is needed more than ever as organizations worldwide face constant disruptions due to the pandemic, economic shifts, supply chain issues and more.

What are the 3 pillars of change management? ›

A change management plan includes a stakeholder and change impact analysis, a communications strategy, and a training plan.

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4. Execute and Monitor. It's time to put your strategic plan into action. All team members should have the resources they need to complete the task at hand.

What are the 4 elements of implementation? ›

While the project plan for the implementation phase will have the same components as that for the process review, there are four elements that I want to address explicitly: project leadership, communication, education, and running a pilot. Let's have a look at each of these topics in detail.

What are the 4 major components of an implementation plan? ›

Implementation plans should all contain solutions for:
  • Tasks and subtasks.
  • Budgets.
  • Timelines.
  • Collaborators.
  • Any additional resources.

What are the four 4 elements of culture? ›

The major elements of culture are symbols, language, norms, values, and artifacts.

What are the 4 dimensions of organizational culture? ›

ADVERTIsem*nTS: This article throws light on the five major dimensions of organisational culture, i.e, (1) Dominant Culture and Subcultures, (2) Strong Culture and Weak Culture, (3) Mechanistic and Organic Cultures, (4) Authoritarian and Participative Cultures, and (5) National Culture vs.

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So urbanization, industrialization, the mass media and the continuous growth in technology since the late 1700s, have all been significant factors in the formation of popular culture. These continue to be factors shaping pop culture today.

What are the 3 types of communication in the organization? ›

Communication can be categorized into three basic types: (1) verbal communication, in which you listen to a person to understand their meaning; (2) written communication, in which you read their meaning; and (3) nonverbal communication, in which you observe a person and infer meaning.

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Face-to-face meetings with employees are one of the best ways to relay sensitive information. During layoffs or restructurings or when handling employee performance issues, face-to-face communication is generally preferred. The telephone is another way to communicate information to employees.

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The seven C's of communication is a list of principles for written and spoken communications to ensure that they are effective. The seven C's are: clear, correct, complete, concrete, concise, considered and courteous.

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allow the organization to successfully move through the 4-step commitment curve model, where subjects move through awareness, understanding, acceptance, and ownership of the change.

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What is change communications? Change communications is the transmission of information that tells employees what is changing, how this change will affect them, and what they need to do next. It helps people advance from where they currently are, to the new situation required of them.

How do you communicate process changes and improvement? ›

Process Improvement Engagement and Communication Strategies:
  1. Communicate “why” process improvement is required.
  2. Embed functional and communication expertise in the implementation team.
  3. Drive employee ownership of the solution.
  4. Develop reference materials, train effectively, and track competence.
  5. Ensure leaders walk the talk.
Feb 13, 2023

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that success can look to five components of organizations that successfully navigate change: Culture, Communication, Courage, Conviction, and Compassion.

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4 Steps to Communicate Organizational Change
  1. Share a Vision. One of the best things you can do when communicating change is share a vision of how the organization can benefit from the transition. ...
  2. Tell a Story. ...
  3. Make Those in Your Organization the Heroes. ...
  4. Chart the Path.
Dec 11, 2018

What are the 4 critical factors to consider when you are communicating? ›

The communication process is made up of four key components. Those components include encoding, medium of transmission, decoding, and feedback. There are also two other factors in the process, and those two factors are present in the form of the sender and the receiver.

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Role of communication in organisational change

Make sure that managers operate an 'open door' policy to any employees who may have questions. Talk to suppliers, partners and customers as well, and keep them informed of any changes that could affect them. Try to give this information as far ahead as possible.

What are key messages in change management? ›

Research participants identified 5 most important messages to communicate to employees regarding the change.
  • Business reasons for the change. ...
  • Why the employees should want to participate. ...
  • Impact of the change on employees. ...
  • How the change is happening. ...
  • Details about the change.
May 7, 2021

What are the most important considerations when implementing a change in work process? ›

Below are five tips and strategies you can use to better manage change within your workplace.
  • Understand the Process of Change. No two change initiatives are the same. ...
  • Understand the Forces of Change. ...
  • Create a Plan. ...
  • Communicate. ...
  • Prepare for Roadblocks.
Jan 23, 2020

Which are the four strategies to change and or strengthen an organization's culture? ›

Our four-step cycle for strengthening a culture includes investigating the current status of the culture, identifying an area of improvement or desired implementation, engaging employees (which carries the most weight and is where the meat of this lies), and lastly, evaluating the outcomes and results.

What are some factors to consider when implementing change? ›

5 factors to consider when implementing change
  • Control. Your employees take pride in the control they have over their tasks and operations in the workplace. ...
  • Predictability. Simply knowing what is to come next can decrease stress and allow employees to take changes in stride. ...
  • Understanding. ...
  • Time Frame. ...
  • Relationships.

What are 3 key elements of implementing a large change in an organization? ›

3 Key Elements of a Strong Change Management Framework
  • Identify the need for change.
  • Guide the organization through the transition period.
  • Reinforce and sustain change once it is implemented.
Nov 18, 2016

What are the 5 key elements necessary to making planned change successful? ›

The premise is that these five items - vision, skills, incentives, resources and an action plan – must be in place for successful change to occur. Take a moment to view the diagrams below. You will probably recognize some of these feelings as they relate to you or your organization.

What strategies can be used to implement change in an organization? ›

Below are the seven ways leaders can effectively manage change in their organizations.
  • Put people first. ...
  • Work with a change management model. ...
  • Empower employees through communication. ...
  • Activate leadership. ...
  • Make change compelling and exciting. ...
  • Pay attention to high and low points in momentum. ...
  • Don't ignore resistance.

How to change your company culture a four step framework? ›

A 4-Step Plan for Cultural Change
  1. Assess your own culture.
  2. Identify how your culture could help or hinder your change project.
  3. Focus on changing beliefs, ideas, and values, not processes.
  4. Disconfirm old beliefs with persuasive data, then reconfirm with new data.
Nov 2, 2021

What are the six strategies that leaders can do to be successful in change management? ›

In this article, PulseLearning presents six key steps to effective organizational change management.
  1. Clearly define the change and align it to business goals. ...
  2. Determine impacts and those affected. ...
  3. Develop a communication strategy. ...
  4. Provide effective training. ...
  5. Implement a support structure. ...
  6. Measure the change process.
Mar 16, 2022

What is the most important factor in change management? ›

The most important factor in changing anything within a business, small or large, is to communicate the change and its many factors, to the key stakeholders within the organisation – staff, first and foremost, but also outside stakeholders like shareholders and consumers.

What is the 3 stage approach for generating organizational change? ›

Kurt Lewin developed a change model involving three steps: unfreezing, changing and refreezing. For Lewin, the process of change entails creating the perception that a change is needed, then moving toward the new, desired level of behavior and, finally, solidifying that new behavior as the norm.

How do you introduce change in an organization? ›

8 steps to implement organizational change
  1. Identify the change and perform an impact assessment. ...
  2. Develop a plan. ...
  3. Communicate the change to employees. ...
  4. Provide reasons for the change. ...
  5. Seek employee feedback. ...
  6. Launch the change. ...
  7. Monitor the change. ...
  8. Evaluate the change.
Feb 3, 2023

How do you lead change effectively? ›

How do I lead change?
  1. Make your goals clear from the start.
  2. Be transparent about your new vision for your team.
  3. Offer mentoring and assistance for those that need it (here's how you can be a mentor yourself)
  4. Listen to feedback from your team members.
  5. Make sure that information and resources are readily available.
Jul 21, 2022

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Introduction: My name is Fredrick Kertzmann, I am a gleaming, encouraging, inexpensive, thankful, tender, quaint, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.