How to Clean Your Jewelry - Culpepper Jewelers (2024)

After you’ve gotten the perfect piece of jewelry, you’ll want to keep up with regular cleaning to maintain your precious metals’ and gems’ luster, shine, and brilliance. Here are a few ways to keep your pieces looking their best without spending a lot of money or using harsh chemicals.

Gold, Silver, Platinum, and Tungsten Steel

For most pieces of jewelry, the best method is actually the most simple. Just soak your jewelry for about 10 minutes in warm water mixed with a bit of mild dish soap. Brush away the dirt and grime with a soft-bristled toothbrush in all the little crevices and then rinse thoroughly in clean, warm water (rinse well to prevent soap scum from dulling the finish). Buff dry with a soft cloth (like a microfiber cloth or an old T-shirt) or let air dry. Just remember that silver and gold can scratch fairly easily, so don’t rub them with any abrasive products, like toothpaste, baking soda, or rough scrub brushes.How to Clean Your Jewelry - Culpepper Jewelers (1)

De-Tarnish Silver

To de-tarnish your silver, stick with a professional silver polish specifically made for sterling silver. Cleaning “tricks” that involve baking soda, tin foil, ketchup, or other chemicals can actually cause scratches or pits to develop in the metal. You might not notice them right away, but over time, your jewelry will become damaged. Regular cleaning, however, should prevent your jewelry from getting tarnished in the first place.

Diamonds & Gems

Each gemstone is different, and thus they each have different properties and must be cared for in a different way. Ask your jeweler about any specific stones you have before cleaning, but a mixture of dish soap and water should be safe for most stones. Harder stones such as diamonds and sapphires are okay to let soak in water (they will not absorb any water), but other gems are not so impervious. When it doubt, skip the soak and clean them with a damp cloth or toothbrush.

Pearls & Opals

Pearls and opals are both soft stones and require more gentle methods. Stay away from toothpaste, ammonia, baking soda, vinegar, or anything too acidic or abrasive, as they can scratch or damage your pearls. Warm water with a bit of dish soap will get the job done, but do not let your pearls or opals soak in water. (This can damage your stone as well as cause the string in a pearl necklace to stretch and weaken.) Instead, rub each stone individually with a cloth that has been dipped in the dish soap mixture and let air dry.


When cleaning amber jewelry, don’t treat your amber too roughly or use anything abrasive, as amber is a soft stone and can crack, chip, or scratch. In fact, keeping your amber clean begins by storing it where other pieces won’t be able to scratch them and putting on your amber jewelry after you have applied hairspray and perfume.

When it comes time to clean your amber pieces, simply wiping your gems with a soft, damp cloth should remove any residue. If you feel that you need a bit more “shine,” simply rub a dime-sized amount of olive oil in your hands and then rub the amber stones to impart some of the shine back into the gems. Rub the excess oil off with a soft microfiber or cotton cloth and enjoy your rejuvenated jewelry!

Prevention Is Best

Keep your jewelry pieces cleaner, longer, by removing them before you swim, bathe, apply lotion, etc. Chlorine can discolor your jewelry, while soap scum and lotion residue can leave a grimy film. (This is why you have to rinse well when cleaning!) A few good habits and a regular cleaning schedule will make sure your favorite pieces stay beautiful for a lifetime.

How to Clean Your Jewelry - Culpepper Jewelers (2024)


How to Clean Your Jewelry - Culpepper Jewelers? ›

Just soak your jewelry for about 10 minutes in warm water mixed with a bit of mild dish soap. Brush away the dirt and grime with a soft-bristled toothbrush in all the little crevices and then rinse thoroughly in clean, warm water (rinse well to prevent soap scum from dulling the finish).

What do jewelers use to clean jewelry? ›

Jewelers use ultrasonic cleaners with high frequency sound waves and chemicals, which create bubbles that latch on to the dirt on the diamond. The high frequency sound waves pull the dirt away from the stone and bring them up to the surface.

Does vinegar damage pearls? ›

Vinegar is acetic acid, and this is known to be especially damaging to the surface of a pearl. Even in weak formulations, the damage is rapid and irreversible.

What should you not clean jewelry with? ›

From rubbing alcohol to vodka, keep it away from your jewelry. Alcohol can dry out the natural oils in gemstones like opals and emeralds, which again, can cause them to crack.

Does hydrogen peroxide clean jewelry? ›

If you'd like to disinfect your jewelry, you can use regular household isopropyl alcohol or hydrogen peroxide, as long as the jewelry is solid gold or platinum and is only set with diamond, ruby, or sapphire. Take care with any other kind of stones and use a gentler form of cleaning.

What is the best mixture to clean jewelry? ›

Baking soda and salt

Pour 1 cup of hot water (not boiling) over the mix and stir until dissolved. Leave your jewelry to soak in the solution for 10-15 minutes. By combining each of these components (aluminium, bicarbonate of soda and salt) a chemical reaction happens, helping lift the oxidisation off of your silver.

How do jewelers clean diamond rings? ›

To clean diamonds, professional jewellers will use a specialised device referred to as an Ultrasonic Jewellery Cleansing Bath to get your piece sparkling once again. This device uses vibration and ultrasonic sound waves to lift the dirt and other pollutants off your diamond.

Should you clean jewelry with vinegar? ›

A couple common household items with tons of uses are good old vinegar and lemon juice. Their chemical make-up can do wonders on a number of cleaning projects but your jewelry shouldn't be one of them. Sure it can get your jewelry clean, but the acidity and abrasiveness can damage silver.

Can pearls be cleaned with Dawn dish soap? ›

If your pearls are visibly soiled, you may gently wipe them with a damp cloth dipped in a solution with mild dish soap and water. Do not submerge your pearls in water, the pearls and thread will absorb the water which can weaken the thread or cause it to stretch.

Do real pearls turn yellow? ›

Pearls go yellow when they dehydrate. After all, pearls are formed in oysters or mussels and originate in either fresh or saltwater depending on the type of pearl. As such, yellowed pearls occur more frequently if you allow your pearls to dehydrate.

What does a green pearl mean? ›

Green pearls represent balance, nature, hope, growth, and renewal. They are perfect for someone who is ready to start a new chapter in life or who is inspired to continue their personal growth.

Can rubbing alcohol clean jewelry? ›

Yes! To clean your jewelry using isopropyl rubbing alcohol, fill a small bowl with it—just enough to fully cover the piece you wish you clean. Leave the jewelry to soak in the bowl for a few minutes. Alcohol dries completely clear on metal surfaces so there is no need to rinse it off with water.

Can vinegar damage jewelry? ›

Don't use Windex, vinegar, baking soda, or peroxide

The ammonia in Windex can damage precious metals over time. Vinegar is too acidic and can damage jewelry, too. Baking soda won't remove grease or grime, and worse, it can scratch softer metals and get stuck in small spaces.

Why do people boil their jewelry? ›

If you're cleaning heavily soiled jewelry made completely from gold, or gold jewelry that contains “strong” gemstones such as diamonds, boiling is a good way to go. When not to employ this method? When you're dealing with delicate gemstones like opals, pearls, or coral—or any jewelry piece featuring glued-in gemstones.

What chemical is used to clean jewelry? ›

A jeweler may provide their customers with sudsy ammonia cleaning kits, while another may sell small ultrasonic cleaners. Some gemstones, such as white topaz, have an overlay to produce certain colors. Ultrasonic cleaning can remove this coating.

What solution is used to clean old jewelry? ›

  • Pour water into a microwave-safe mug or bowl. Heat in the microwave for 1 to 2 minutes.
  • Line the bottom of a cereal bowl with aluminum foil. Pour hot water into the bowl. Add salt, baking soda, and dish detergent; do not stir. ...
  • Rinse jewelry in cool water and dry well with a soft cloth.

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