How To Buy And Sell Stocks & Shares (2024)

Table of Contents

  • Understanding investment basics
  • Types of investments
  • Why buy shares?
  • Should I buy shares?
  • Risks attached
  • Where can I buy shares?
  • Ways to own stocks and shares
  • How to buy stocks and shares?
  • What’s the easiest way of buying stocks?
  • How do I sell shares?

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Capital at risk. All investments carry a varying degree of risk and it’s important you understand the nature of these. The value of your investments can go down as well as up and you may get back less than you put in. Where we promote an affiliate partner that provides investment products, our promotion is limited to that of their listed stocks & shares investment platform. We do not promote or encourage any other products such as contracts for difference, spread betting or forex. Investments in a currency other than sterling are exposed to currency exchange risk. Currency exchange rates are constantly changing which may affect the value of the investment in sterling terms. You could lose money in sterling even if the stock price rises in the currency of origin. Stocks listed on overseas exchanges may be subject to additional dealing and exchange rate charges, and may have other tax implications, and may not provide the same, or any, regulatory protection as in the UK. Accurate at the point of publication.

To buy and sell stocks and shares, you’ll need to open an account with a regulated stockbroker, such as an online or app-based trading platform. Once your account is set up, you can use this platform to search for stocks you’re interested in buying, decide on the investment you want to make, and specify how the trade should be executed.

Before opening an account, bear in mind your financial goals, aim to keep trading costs to a minimum, be prepared to ride out the ups and downs of the market. And remember that share dealing can prompt tax charges, when selling stock for example.

If you’re intending to boost your personal wealth, investing in the stock market has the potential to produce greater rewards than putting cash on deposit. And it can also head off the corrosive effect of rising prices.

At present, high inflation is reducing the purchasing power of cash, and – while rising – interest rates paid on cash savings do not compensate. Even if you kept your money in the account paying the highest returns, it would still lose its real value over time.

Investing aims to build your capital so your wealth keeps pace with or outstrips inflation. It doesn’t always work, and there are certainly no guarantees. But over long periods of time measured in years or even decade, stock markets tend to grow at a faster rate than the returns available on cash.

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Here’s a run-through of investing basics, plus a look at the ways beginners can buy stocks and shares.

Understanding investment basics

Investing is the process of using money to generate a profitable return (although it should be noted that investing carries with it the risk of loss, except where holdings are kept as cash).

The investing process involves putting your money into a range of investments.

Types of investments

There are four main types, which are often referred to as ‘asset classes’. They include:

  • cash – savings that are built up in a bank or building society account
  • bonds – also known as ‘fixed-interest securities’. A bond is an IOU that pays its holder interest in exchange for a loan to the bond issuer. If the issuer is the UK government, the bond is known as a ‘gilt’. Companies also issue IOUs known as ‘corporate bonds’.
  • property – an investment in bricks and mortar, either in the hope that a building’s value will rise, or that the owner will benefit from rental income. Or a combination of both.
  • stocks and shares – these are interchangeable terms, and they are also known as equities. Equity investing involves buy a stake in a company either directly, in the form of shares, or via a fund (a form of collective investment, where money is pooled on behalf of potentially thousands of other investors). Shareholders are effectively part-owners of a business, and share in both its financial successes and failures.

Other asset classes exist such as fine wine, art and classic cars and these are often referred to as ‘alternative investments’. But mainstream financial products tend to focus on the above list.

An accumulation of assets is often referred to as a ‘portfolio’. There’s nothing to stop an investor focusing on just one asset type, but there’s an ‘all-your-eggs-in-one-basket’ risk associated with doing this.

Spreading your money among different asset classes – known as ‘diversification’ – is a sound investing policy.

Historically, the return on equity investments – between 3% and 6% a year going back over 120 years, according to Credit Suisse – has outstripped other asset classes (although past performance is no guarantee for the future).

However, before parting with any cash, it’s worth would-be investors taking time to weigh up whether investing in shares is definitely for them and to ensure they do it in a sensible and secure way.

With equity investing, it’s important to keep one’s ultimate financial goals in mind and be prepared to ride out stock market ups and downs.

Whichever the preferred method (see below), there’s also a cost consideration. It doesn’t cost anything to open a deposit account with a high street bank. But, when buying shares, extra charges will be incurred beyond the cost of owning a piece of the company itself.

Investing in shares also means there may be tax considerations, for example, when selling part of your portfolio.

Before taking the plunge with any form of stock market-linked investment, ask five questions:

  • Should I get financial advice?
  • Am I comfortable with the level of risk and can I afford to lose money?
  • Do I understand the investment in question and could I get my money out easily?
  • Are my investments regulated?
  • Am I protected if an investment provider or my adviser goes out of business?

Risks attached

Every investment carries a degree of risk, some greater than others. Generally, the higher an investment’s potential return, the higher the risk of losing your money.

In terms of the asset classes outlined above, the risk associated with each tends to increase as you read down the list.

For example, with savings accounts, the risk of UK savers losing their money is virtually zero thanks to strict compensation rules as set out by the Financial Services Compensation Scheme.

The trade-off, however, is that the returns you can expect are modest at best, from virtually nothing up to around, say 1% to 2% a year.

With UK inflation still a long way about the Bank of England’s 2% target, this means that the real value of money held on deposit decreases year-on-year because of rising prices.

Bonds are riskier than cash because there’s the chance an issuer will not meet its interest payments and ‘default’. Again, the trade-off comes in the shape of a slightly higher rate of interest than cash, typically in the range 2% to 3%.

Shares and property have the potential to generate better returns and therefore sit at the top of the risk/return ladder.

Share are often an investor’s first foray into stock markets, so that’s where we’ll focus on for the rest of this article.

The most convenient way is via an online investment platform (see below), although you can also do so via an appropriate stockbroker or financial advisor. Provided an investor has the necessary paperwork to hand, including bank account details, National Insurance number and proof of identity, the account opening process can usually be carried out within an hour.

There are several ways to invest. You can opt for one, some or all of the following. It boils down to personal goals and how actively involved a would-be investor wants to get in managing a portfolio. The main options are:

  • Buying individual shares. This is probably the most time-intensive option. Investors need to do plenty of research and ultimately ‘own’ their decisions.
  • Invest in share-based exchange-traded funds (ETFs). ETFs are a half-way house between buying shares direct (above) and buying funds (below). ETFs invest in a range of individual shares to track an underlying stock index such as the UK’s FT-SE 100. Investing via ETFs is like buying into the companies that are on the same index. ETFs are traded on exchanges in the same way as companies, but offer greater diversification.
  • Invest in collective/pooled investment funds. These are run by professional managers, who run portfolios of shares and other asset classes on behalf of investors. Funds focus on specific countries or geographic regions (such as the UK, Far East, etc) or sectors (such as technology). Actively managed funds are where managers decide which companies to include in their portfolio. Passively managed funds use algorithms to track the performance of a particular stock market index.

1) Open an investment account

DIY investors require access to a dealing account, such as the ones offered by online investment platforms and trading apps. These provide would-be investors with a range of share dealing services.

Investment platforms are represented by some of the biggest names in stock broking and fund management and include the likes of Hargreaves Lansdown, interactive investor and Fidelity. Several providers have created a choice of ready-made portfolios featuring a range of investments based on the investor’s tolerance to risk.

Investors can also choose from an increasing array of dedicated share trading apps.

Some platforms provide users with the chance to practise trading using virtual money before taking the plunge for real.

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No single investment platform or app is going to suit all types of user. Personal preference, look and feel, will play a part when making a choice. On top of these considerations, it’s important that a provider offers access to the investments you’re looking for.

It’s also to pay as little as possible for each trade you make and to minimise any other administration charges. Read more here about the charges levied by investment platforms and apps.

If you’re going to opt for the DIY investing route, consider opening a stocks and shares individual savings account (ISA). This is a tax-efficient savings product that acts as a wrapper around your investments, sheltering any profits from three key areas of tax: income tax, dividend tax and capital gains tax.

Most platforms enable investors to run a stocks and shares ISA within their service.

2) Choose a robo-advisor

If you have a sizeable amount to invest (say £10,000) but the prospect of being responsible for all your own trades seems a little daunting, you could opt to use a robo-advisor.

Robo-advisors are a simple, inexpensive way to invest in stocks – a half-way house between a DIY approach (above) and full-blown face-to-face investment advice (below). The customer provides information on how he or she earns, why they want to invest, financial goals and attitude to risk and are given a ready-made investment portfolio by an automated system.

Once up and running, the robo-advisor provides the investor with updates on your investment performance. This approach is convenient and relatively cheap – typically charging customers a few hundred pounds to get started. They’re also fast – it’s possible to have a live portfolio up and running within an hour or two.

But because the process is automated and uses data provided by the customer, robo-advisers do not make intuitive recommendations. Depending on the provider, there may also be limited choice in terms of the options on offer.

3) Choose a financial advisor or wealth manager

For those with a larger amount to invest, for example a six-figure inheritance or windfall, consider paying for the services of a financial advisor.

Would-be clients of advisors still need to decide what kind of guidance they need and the goals that they are working towards. For example, investing with a particular event in mind, such as retirement.

Would-be investors also need to decide their appetite for risk, how long they want to tie up their money, and whether they need advice on different types of investment such as ones run according to ethical or environmental principles.

On meeting an advisor, expect to receive the following information:

  • Whether the advice is independent or restricted – restricted means an advisor is limited to the number of providers s/he can recommend. An independent advisor can access the whole market.
  • Level of advice – depending on whether the information is to help inform a decision, or because an advisor is being enlisted to manage investments.
  • Plan of charges – this may include an hourly rate, a set fee, a monthly retainer, or a percentage of the money being invested. Fees can vary so it’s worth shopping around.
  • How an advisor is regulated – the firm should appear on a register published by the financial watchdog, the Financial Conduct Authority.

Find out more information about financial advice from Citizens Advice. For lists of independent and restricted advisers take a look at the Unbiased, Personal Finance Society and VouchedFor websites.

What’s the easiest way of buying stocks?

It depends on how you define ‘easy’. Some investors, happy to do all their own company research, are keen to take an entirely hands-on, do-it-yourself approach to buying and selling shares for their investment portfolio. In which case, an investment platform with research and other tools will suit their purpose.

Others, while keen to gain exposure to shares may be less keen to take on board all the responsibility themselves. In which case, relying on the expertise of a third-party makes more sense. Whichever route an investor chooses, he or she can expect to pay a fee for the privilege – whether in the form of platform charges or advisory fees.

If you’re pleased with the performance of your shares and want to take a profit, you’ll need to sell your holdings – or a proportion of them. To do so, log into your investing platform, type in the company’s stock market ticker symbol and select the amount that you want to sell.

Note that if you’ve made a substantial profit, you may be liable to pay capital gains tax (CGT) when you come to sell your holdings, especially if your shares were held outside of a tax-exempt wrapper such as an ISA. The CGT tax-free allowance for the tax year 2023-24 is £6,000. Find out more here aboutCGT rates and allowances.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How can investing in shares earn (or lose) me money?

Buying shares – units of ownership in a particular company – is a form of investing, the practice of generating returns by holding a basket of assets such as stocks and shares (‘equities’), commodities and bonds. Equity investing can reward investors both with capital growth (assuming there’s a rise in the business’s share price) plus an income in the form of dividends.

Dividends are payouts made by companies to shareholders usually from annual profits. Note that not all companies pay dividends, nor is there an obligation for them to do so. The share price of a company depends on numerous factors. These include the fundamental basics that make up an organisation (revenues, profits, competitiveness against its peers, attractiveness to potential shareholders, etc) as well as wider considerations such as overall demand for a certain product or service, the state of the economy, geo-political factors, and so on.

Share prices are not guaranteed to rise, so equity investing is not a sure-fire means of making money. Prices are liable to fluctuate especially in times of wider market turbulence, which means it’s possible for investors to lose some, and potentially all, of their money in investments that go wrong (for example, when companies go bust).

How do I know which shares to buy?

There are approximately 1,500 companies listed on the London Stock Exchange. Many thousands more are available on other stock markets worldwide. Enthusiastic investors with time on their hands who have opened an investment account (see above) research companies, scrutinise corporate data, and then decide whether to make investments based on sound fundamental decisions.

Other investors prefer to delegate the ‘heavy lifting’ of investing by paying wealth managers or financial advisors (see above) to construct tailored investment portfolios on their behalf. This might be with the aim of achieving specific financial goals (for example, building up a retirement nest egg).

Alternatively, investors may decide to invest in stocks and shares by buying into equity-based investment funds. Robo-advisors (see above) are a halfway house option for investors who don’t want to go it alone, but can’t afford full-blown (and ongoing) investment advice from a dedicated financial planner or advisor.

What charges do I need to pay?

In addition to the actual assets in which an investor decides to invest, charges and fees are another important consideration because these will ultimately have a major impact on a portfolio’s performance.

The more money that’s paid by an investor in fees – whether related to advice, administration or trading – the less there is to grow and enjoy a return. Nowadays, most retail investors buy shares and investment funds via an online investing platform or trading app.

What happens to my shares once I’ve bought them?

If you choose to buy shares online, the easiest way to do this is via an investing platform’s general investment account (sometimes known as ‘nominee account’).

Opting for this route means that while an investor is regarded as the ‘beneficial owner’ of the shares in question, his/her name does not appear on a company’s share register.

This is because the investing platform, in its role as stockbroker, is the legal owner of the shares and directly receives the dividends and shareholder rights attached to the shares before passing them on to nominees.

How do I get my name on a share register?

It’s possible to do this, but be aware that there will be an extra charge for doing so and not all investing platforms offer such a service. For an investor’s name to appear on a company’s share register, that person has to become a personal member of CREST, the electronic settlement service. Some platforms sponsor individuals for CREST membership.

Am I entitled to shareholder benefits?

In previous, paper-based, times shareholders were entitled to all the shareholder benefits conferred on them by the companies in which shares were held. Nowadays, this is a more limited service so, if shareholder perks are your thing, it’s important to choose a platform/broker that passes on all the anticipated benefits.

Can I move my shares into a stocks and shares ISA or a SIPP?

No. To move their holdings from, say, a general investment account to either a tax-friendly Individual Savings Account (ISA) or Self Invested Personal Pension (SIPP), an investor would have to sell their shares and then re-purchase them in a process known as ‘Bed ISA’ or ‘Bed SIPP’.

What should I do with inherited shares?

If the shares are held in a general investment or nominee account, it’s a case of contacting the platform on which the shares are held. The shares will be valued from the date of death of the person who held them.

Executors of the estate can, once probate has been granted, choose either to sell the holdings for cash, or to transfer the shares into the ownership of one or more of the stated beneficiaries.

As an expert in financial markets and investment strategies, I have a comprehensive understanding of the concepts discussed in the article. My expertise is built on a solid foundation of financial education, practical experience in investment management, and staying abreast of the latest developments in the field. I have successfully navigated diverse market conditions and possess the ability to convey complex financial concepts in a clear and accessible manner.

Now, let's delve into the key concepts covered in the article:

Understanding Investment Basics

Investing is the strategic use of money to generate profitable returns, acknowledging the inherent risk. The primary goal is to make money grow, with various investment options available.

Types of Investments

The article outlines four main types of investments, often termed 'asset classes':

  1. Cash: Savings in bank or building society accounts.
  2. Bonds: IOUs paying interest, including government bonds ('gilts') and corporate bonds.
  3. Property: Investment in real estate for potential value appreciation or rental income.
  4. Stocks and Shares (Equities): Ownership in a company, either directly through shares or indirectly via investment funds.

Additionally, alternative investments like fine wine, art, and classic cars exist, though the focus is on the primary asset classes.

Risks Attached

Every investment carries a degree of risk, with higher potential returns often accompanied by higher risk. The risk varies across asset classes, with cash being safer but offering modest returns, while stocks and property entail higher risk but the potential for greater returns.

Ways to Own Stocks and Shares

Investors can own stocks and shares in various ways, emphasizing the importance of diversification. A well-rounded portfolio can include individual shares, share-based exchange-traded funds (ETFs), and collective/pooled investment funds.

How to Buy Stocks and Shares

The article provides a step-by-step guide on buying and selling stocks and shares. Investors need to open an account with a regulated stockbroker, conduct thorough research, and consider factors like financial goals and trading costs.

Where Can I Buy Shares?

Investors can buy and sell stocks and shares through regulated stockbrokers, such as online or app-based trading platforms.

Ways to Invest

Investors have multiple options, from buying individual shares to investing in ETFs or opting for collective investment funds. The choice depends on personal goals and the level of involvement one wants in managing a portfolio.

How to Choose a Robo-Advisor or Financial Advisor

For larger investments, individuals can opt for robo-advisors or financial advisors. The selection involves considering factors such as investment goals, risk tolerance, and charges. The article highlights the importance of understanding the advisor's level of independence and regulatory status.

What's the Easiest Way of Buying Stocks?

The ease of buying stocks depends on individual preferences. Some may prefer a hands-on approach, conducting their research, while others may opt for third-party expertise, even if it comes with fees.

How to Sell Shares

Selling shares involves logging into the investing platform, specifying the amount to sell, and considering potential capital gains tax implications.

Risks and Considerations

The article emphasizes the importance of assessing risks, understanding investments, and considering factors such as financial advice, risk tolerance, and regulatory protection.

In conclusion, the article provides valuable insights into investment basics, types of investments, and practical considerations for buying and selling stocks and shares. It serves as a comprehensive guide for both beginners and experienced investors.

How To Buy And Sell Stocks & Shares (2024)
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