How to Become a Digital Nomad - Making Money and Traveling (2024)

If you want to learn how to become a digital nomad, you’re in the right place!

According to a yearly Gallup poll measuring employee satisfaction, 85% of people dislike their jobs. That means 85% of people around the world spend their entire lives doing something that makes them unhappy. Their entire lives!

Why do you think that is? Why would we choose something, day in and day out that we absolutely HATED? For our entire lives? Why not chase our dreams?

I’ll tell you why: Fear. Fear of the unknown, fear for safety, fear for so many reasons.

We often choose what we think makes more sense or what seems “safe”. A steady paycheck with benefits seems safer than the risk of sporadic, income.

Our fears are rarely rooted in reality, yet they’re strong enough to keep us doing what we hate from the time we are born until the time we die.

Imagine what you would do if you weren't ruled by fear.

Would you travel the world? Would you become a public speaker? Would you start your own non-profit? Would you start your own FOR-profit?

Our world is changing. People are rapidly embracing different dreams for themselves than what once was thought to be the norm.

Some of us are embracing a lifestyle of travel and work, with more and more people going ‘location-independent’ every day.

Most of us don’t want what our parents wanted: a 9-5 job in an office building, a house with a mortgage, a car with a payment, etc.

But… It’s not just us that are changing. The landscape of the global workforce is changing almost as rapidly as our desires are… and it’s moving online.

With more and more work being available on the internet, high speed wifi all around the globe and the appeal of a traveling lifestyle is really starting to gain traction, and it’s not hard to see why.

So, naturally, the question arises: How do I become a digital nomad? How to I transition to a location-independent income to travel the world?

Honestly, everyone's path is different – there is no one size fits all. Everyone starts at a different place and takes a different journey… But this article will tell you what you need to know so that you, too, can begin your journey to becoming a digital nomad and living life on your own terms.

Table of Contents


If you already have a job that’s remote or is going to allow you to go remote – all you have to worry about is the logistics of traveling. If you already have that, you pretty much already know how to become a digital nomad – skip to step 4.

For everyone else, the most important part of this entire process is going to be transitioning to making your money online. You can’t learn how to become a digital nomad if you don’t learn how to make or create a location independent income, but the good news is that this is much easier than it seems at first.

There are so many different ways you can make money online.

If you do a simple google search, you will find a million people telling you why their way is the best way… But I’m going to break this down for you as simple as possible.

There are basically 4 main ways you can make money online. Most anyone who earns income remotely will fall into one of these 4 categories:

  1. Go remote with your current employer
  2. Find a new job with an employer looking for remote employees
  3. Learn new skills and start freelancing
  4. Start an online business selling physical or digital products or software

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In order to learn how to become a Digital Nomad, you’re going to have to learn some new skills. It doesn’t matter who you are or what path you’re taking, everyone’s gotta learn!

A common mistake many newbies make is thinking they have to learn everything about every business model and every tactic to make money online. This is a mistake I made, myself!

If I can prevent even just 1 person from spending an entire year hopping from subject to subject, I have done my job.

Whether you are going to start freelancing, selling ebooks, marketing your crafts or info products online, or starting a service based business, you are going to need to learn new skills.

I started by learning what was in demand online and bulking up in the skills in that area.

A common misconception is that you need degrees and certifications for working online in jobs like tech and marketing – I’m here to tell you that is false.

Thanks to the internet, you can learn almost anything for free!

Unless you’re applying for a job with a company or corporation that has these specific job requirements – you don’t need them.

There is an unlimited amount of opportunities on job boards all over the internet and all they are looking for is someone who knows what they’re doing and can solve their specific problems.

My very first choice when I wanted to learn how to make money on the road was learning to code so I could start freelancing in web-development. Paired with a full-time job, learning to code became very draining and I started looking for other ways to make a remote income.

When I began freelancing, I was doing jobs related to customer service and data entry and I was only charging around $20/hr.

Then I realized I could charge more if I offered better and more in-demand services, so I started learning! I took courses in Marketing, Sales, and Design and I now charge (and earn) up to $100/hr for my work.

It’s amazing what a few weeks or months of studying and learning can do for your bottom line!

You only need to choose 1 thing to focus on to succeed. In fact, if you try and focus on more than 1 thing, you drastically lower your chances of success.

This can be blogging, freelance writing, web development, graphic design, social media management, data analyzing, data entry, coding, copywriting or otherwise.

Choose a few topics online that you want to learn about and narrow it down to something you can see yourself learning, doing and enjoying.

It can be hard choosing what it is you want to do, but I find it’s best to choose something that intersects your interests with what you’re good at. Check out this Ikigai illustration:

How to Become a Digital Nomad - Making Money and Traveling (1)

Credit: Twitter

In Japanese, Ikigai translates into “reason for being”. This is a great series of questions to ask yourself when trying to decide what direction to go in for remote work.

  • What do you LOVE to do? I.e. spending time online on social media, making pretty images and graphics, making and editing videos, writing, etc
  • What are you GOOD at? I.e. web research, SEO, working with excel, etc
  • What does the world (or clients) NEED? I.e. Someone to grow their Twitter following, clever blog posts written for their website, etc
  • What can you get PAID for?

At the intersection of all of these questions lies YOUR Ikigai. This is a great base to start from.

Where to Learn New Skills:

Take classes on Udemy, Lynda or Skillshare.

Learn coding at Freecodecamp, Codecademy, andTreehouse.


How to Become a Digital Nomad - Making Money and Traveling (2)

Once you have your skillsets honed or are working on them, you can go out and get work!

As a freelancer, you’ll become great at job hunting. You’ll get quicker at it as time goes on, and you’ll start to get a feel for what you really like to do and what you don’t.

Read my post here about How to Get Your First Client as a Freelancer.

There are several different job boards to choose from for freelancing jobs and remote work. The skillsets sought after on each one vary a bit from place to place.

Check out this post for the Top 15 Websites for Find Freelance Jobs.

Or, click here to learn how to make money on the road.

If you want to sell products online try:

  • Amazon
  • Ebay
  • Shopify

If you’re a crafter, handmaker, artist or DIY creator, Etsy is best.

In almost all cases, having a blog or a website as a home base and a place to send prospective clients or customers to so they can learn more about you is a great idea.

On a blog, you can list your products and services, write articles showcasing your talents and knowledge, and keep everything in one place. Read more about How to Start a Blog here.

This is just the tip of the iceberg – for your specific situation, there will be equally specific steps to take for the best way to get clients or customers.

How to Become a Digital Nomad - Making Money and Traveling (3)

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By saying to let go of the things that are holding you back, it doesn't always mean literally. We forge connections with people, places, things and situations in our brains that we THINK we can't work around. What we perceive and what is actual truth are sometimes very different things.

Something that prevents a lot of people from learning how to become a digital nomad is the idea that there are certain things holding them back that they just can’t overcome. This could be debt, mortgages, family, belongings, or something else entirely.

The good news is – you can do this with debt. In most cases, your traveling lifestyle will be cheaper than your current lifestyle… Especially if you do your research! Many countries have a much lower cost of living, and as a freelancer or entrepreneur, you aren’t limited in how much income you will make.

Similarly, if you have a remote job, you’ll be making the same as you were at home but you can choose to go somewhere that costs way less to live! A lot of people become Digital Nomads so they can pay off their debts – with the bonus of seeing the world. How cool is that?

Other things that may make you feel stuck are relationships, material possessions and the biggest of all – fear.

Sometimes you can’t get around these things – leases have to be finished or broken which often comes with financial consequences, and relationships can mean a lot to us.

It comes down to choosing what means more to you – living your life to the fullest and doing things for yourself vs everyone else or allowing yourself to be held back. You may feel a tremendous amount of guilt around this subject – but you only get one life. Live it for you.

Fear is the worst of all, and it’s a total liar. Fear makes us worry what we’ll do about money, fear makes us believe new places and situations are dangerous, fear makes us believe we may be ruining our lives.

Something you’ll be working on constantly is monitoring your mindset and staying one step ahead of fear. Remember, most fear isn’t rooted in reality.


Once you are prepared to travel, you’re free! Traveling requires some adaptation and research. You want to make sure where you’re going is relatively safe, you can afford it and has an internet connection.

There is nothing more frustrating than booking several weeks in a place where you can’t get a signal. I’ve done it once and it really felt horrible!

Some things with travel you will only learn with time, such as your favorite routine and method of travel, where you like to go, how you work best and so on.

You can also do your research to find cheap countries to stay in. For example, these cheap countries in Europe could be a great place to start your digital nomad life!

The main point of it all is to explore, adventure, have fun and live your best life!

Now you know How to Become A Digital Nomad

Keep in mind that no two paths to digital nomad-ism are alike. Everyone has different desires and require different amounts of planning.

The key in learning how to become a digital nomad is finding the path that makes the most sense to you!

How to Become a Digital Nomad - Making Money and Traveling (4)

Carrie Wilder

Carrie has a passion for location independence and nomadic lifestyles. After traveling full-time in an RV and living the van life, she created Making Money and Traveling to help others make the switch to a remote lifestyle. Learn more about Carrie on the About page or connect on social media below.

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How to Become a Digital Nomad - Making Money and Traveling (2024)


How to Become a Digital Nomad - Making Money and Traveling? ›

To create digital nomad passive income, you can start different businesses, affiliate websites, hire other people to work for you, sell courses, invest money, and a lot of other things that will accumulate income for you, which you don't have to actively work for.

How do you become a digital nomad and travel? ›

How to Become a Digital Nomad (Step-by-Step)
  1. Identify if Being a Digital Nomad is Right For You. ...
  2. Evaluate Skills and Experience. ...
  3. Break Down Your Finances. ...
  4. Decide on Destination. ...
  5. Build a Portfolio. ...
  6. Network. ...
  7. Optimize and Simplify Your Lifestyle. ...
  8. Research Companies and Apply for Jobs.

How much money do you need to be a digital nomad? ›

How much do you need to make to be a digital nomad? If you're traveling solo, you'll need to make at least $1,500-$2,000/month to live a comfortable digital nomad lifestyle. This could be through working online with a corporate job or freelancing. Of course, living on less is possible if necessary.

How do I start living as a digital nomad? ›

Table of Contents
  1. Identify your skill sets & strengthen them.
  2. Build a portfolio & start searching job boards.
  3. Start networking.
  4. Start simplifying your lifestyle.
  5. Build your savings.
  6. Determine your budget & decide on your locations.
  7. Get travelers insurance.
  8. Optimize your digital workflow.

Is 30 too old to be digital nomad? ›

Although you might think digital nomads are all Generation Z, the reality is that you can become a digital nomad at any age, in your 30s, 40s or beyond. Even better, you have some big advantages that younger people don't enjoy — and that can get your remote working lifestyle off to a great start.

How do taxes work as a digital nomad? ›

A significant majority of digital nomads tend to pay taxes in their home country or where they spend most of their time. However, it's not uncommon for digital nomads to pay taxes in multiple countries. A very small percentage of digital nomads do not pay taxes at all.

What is the average age of a digital nomad? ›

Digital nomads are predominantly young and male. According to data from the tens of thousands of Nomad List members presented in The 2024 State of Digital Nomads report, most digital nomads are young people aged between 23 and 44, with the highest percentage of digital nomads being 35 years old (8%).

What is the downside of being a digital nomad? ›

Being a digital nomad has many advantages and disadvantages. Some of the cons will look like income insecurity, loneliness and lack of structure in your work and daily life.

Do digital nomad pay taxes? ›

Do Digital Nomads Have to Pay US Taxes? Yes, American digital nomads are required to file a US Federal Tax Return if they make over the minimum filing requirement—no matter where they live and if they're working remotely. The US is one of the few countries in the world that uses a citizenship-based tax system.

How many hours does a digital nomad work? ›

The majority of digital nomads work 40 or fewer hours per week, with only 33% working over 40 hours. 51% of digital nomads stay in hotels during their travels. Living costs and fast internet connection are key factors when choosing a location. 4 out of 5 digital nomads buy groceries and cook their own meals.

Where is the easiest place to be a digital nomad? ›

The 6 Best Digital Nomad Destinations
  • Visa Guide gives Spain the #1 spot for digital nomad destinations in the world as of 2024. ...
  • Mexico is a very popular destination for North American nomads. ...
  • Croatia was at the forefront of offering digital nomad visas. ...
  • Bali is a bucket list location for many people.
Jan 29, 2024

Who qualifies as a digital nomad? ›

A digital nomad is a person who lives a nomadic lifestyle and uses technology to work remotely from outside their home country. Digital nomad visas allow these individuals to legally live and work in another country.

Do digital nomads make a lot of money? ›

Share of digital nomads worldwide 2024, by income

According to a March 2024 study, 35 percent of surveyed digital nomads worldwide recorded an annual income of 100 thousand to 250 thousand U.S. dollars. By contrast, only six percent of the sample reported earning less than 25 thousand U.S. dollars a year.

How do nomads get mail? ›

Get a PO Box

A PO Box is a fantastic solution for those looking to live a location-independent lifestyle with the ability to receive both mail and packages to a dedicated post box. What happens after the delivery of your mail is down to the service chosen.

How long should a digital nomad stay? ›

According to a 2023 study, roughly three in ten surveyed digital nomads worldwide spent one to two months in each visited travel destination. Meanwhile, just over a quarter of the sample reported staying for three to four months in each destination.

Is being a digital nomad lonely? ›

It's essential, though, to find the right balance and combination of these strategies that work for you, and to remember that loneliness is a common feeling among digital nomads, and there are ways to deal with it.

How to become a nomad with no experience? ›

How you can become a digital nomad with no experience
  1. Step 1: Assess Your Current Situation. ...
  2. Step 2: Learn New Skills or Improve Existing Ones. ...
  3. Step 3: Find Online Work or Create Your Own Online Business. ...
  4. Step 4: Making money online. ...
  5. Step 5: Planning your digital nomad lifestyle.
Dec 29, 2023

Can anyone become a digital nomad? ›

Great thing about being a digital nomad is that anyone can do it! All you need it the ability to show that your skill can be done remotely. This could be anything from freelance writing or web design, to online teaching or social media management.

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Author: Msgr. Refugio Daniel

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Name: Msgr. Refugio Daniel

Birthday: 1999-09-15

Address: 8416 Beatty Center, Derekfort, VA 72092-0500

Phone: +6838967160603

Job: Mining Executive

Hobby: Woodworking, Knitting, Fishing, Coffee roasting, Kayaking, Horseback riding, Kite flying

Introduction: My name is Msgr. Refugio Daniel, I am a fine, precious, encouraging, calm, glamorous, vivacious, friendly person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.