How to Be Consistent While Achieve Goals ( 7 Proven Methods) | FamLee of Four (2024)

We all struggle with how to be consistent in various aspects of our lives, especially when it comes to achieving our goals. Like you, I searched for the secret to getting more done and staying consistent so dreams come true. Just being able to set your mind to something and follow through.

Life often gets in the way, making it difficult to maintain consistency. And when we see others who are consistently achieving their goals, we can’t help but wonder what they’re doing differently and how we can learn from them.

But here’s the difference between those who consistently achieve their goals and those who don’t: they know how to be consistent.

That’s exactly what we’ll teach you in these 7 steps to keep you showing up and remaining consistent. By understanding your “why” and having a clear purpose, you’ll be more committed to your tasks. Say goodbye to constantly changing your mind and getting lost along the way. It’s time to create habits to help you stay on track and achieve your dreams.


How to Be Consistent While Achieve Goals ( 7 Proven Methods) | FamLee of Four (1)

What does it mean to be consistent?

According to Cambridge, the meaning ofconsistentadjective(NOT CHANGING): is alwaysbehavingorhappeningin asimilar,especiallypositive, way to being consistent in your behavior and actions.

Before we dive into fixing the problem, let’s first understand why people aren’t consistent.

  • Lack of clear goals: Without a clear vision of what they want to achieve, people often find it challenging to maintain consistency.
  • Poor time management: When people don’t organize their time effectively, they can struggle to follow through with tasks consistently.
  • Lack of motivation: Without a strong drive or motivation, it’s easy to deviate from a consistent routine.
  • Fear of failure: Sometimes, fear of failure can lead to inconsistency as people avoid facing potential disappointments.
  • Perfectionism: Pursuing perfection can lead to inconsistency when people abandon tasks they feel aren’t perfect.
  • Lack of discipline: Discipline is key to consistency. Without discipline, it’s easy to let distractions deter us from our goals.
  • Inadequate support system: Having a strong support system can greatly influence consistency. Without it, people may find it hard to stay on track.

Now, let’s dive into the 7 actionable steps that will combat inconsistency so that you become more consistent:

How to Be Consistent While Achieve Goals ( 7 Proven Methods) | FamLee of Four (2)

1. Create Concrete Goals with Your “Why” in Mind

When you know why you’re doing something, you’re more likely to stay committed to the task. Whether starting a blog to provide for your family or losing weight for your wedding, having a strong reason will keep you focused on the end goal.

Instead of having vague goals like “be more consistent,” try creating specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) goals. For example, instead of saying, “I want to exercise more,” set a goal to “go for a 30-minute walk daily.” This will give you something tangible to strive for and measure your progress.

Suggested post related to goal setting:

  • Obstacles in the Way of Setting Achievable Goals ( 4 Fixes)
  • 5 Powerful Steps to Successful Achieve New Goals
  • Guide for Goal Setting for Beginners Guide ( Workbook Included)
  • Finding Motivation to Persist When on the Brink of Giving Up
How to Be Consistent While Achieve Goals ( 7 Proven Methods) | FamLee of Four (3)

2. Focus on One Thing at a Time

Instead of trying to do a million things at once, start by picking one goal, task, or habit to focus on. By mastering one thing at a time, you’ll build confidence and momentum to tackle more.

It’s like juggling.

If you choose just one ball, it’ll be way easier to concentrate your energy and master it before moving on to another. But if you try to juggle 15 things right from the start, it becomes nearly impossible.

Therefore, refrain from attempting to…

  • Pay off debt Setting Effective Financial Goals for Debt-Free Living
  • Buy a home
  • Lose weight/ get in shape
  • Start a new project.
  • Be on all the social media channels ( Pinterest, TikTok, iG, YT, Twitter etc)
  • Annnnnddddd sign up for courses( course I recommend Mindvalley Silva Ultramind System (Complete Review)

Don’t drive yourself crazy! Instead, choose one thing to focus on. Taking this small step will boost your confidence and give you the courage to tackle more. 😊

Here is a list of similar posts to help with focusing…

  • How to Be More Productive: Top 10 Tips to Help Busy Moms
  • How to create a Positive Productive Day
  • How to Be Productive Mom Even if You’re Exhausted

3. Overcome Your Inner Critic

How to Be Consistent While Achieve Goals ( 7 Proven Methods) | FamLee of Four (4)

That voice in your head that doubts and discourages you? It’s time to silence it.

We all have that voice in our head that talks us out of stuff or puts doubt in our minds.

“You can do it tomorrow because today is not a good day.”

“Why are you trying to start a blog? You know no one’s going to read it.”

“You can’t start a routine in the middle of the week, the middle of the month, or better yet, the middle of the year.“

Sound familiar? These negative thoughts can hold us back from achieving our goals and leave us in the same place we started. Nowhere. But it’s important to recognize that these are just thoughts, not facts.

So, next time your inner critic tries to discourage you, take a moment to challenge those thoughts. Ask yourself if they are true or if there’s evidence to support them. More often than not, you’ll realize they are just baseless fears and doubts.

Don’t let your inner critic and self-doubt hold you back from reaching your full potential. Believe in yourself and push past those negative thoughts. Nurturing the voice of your intuition over ego is the best way to overpower that ego voice and embrace your success: Crafting a Clear Path: How to Listen to Your Inner Voice.

More related!

4. Schedule Your Priorities

As Stephen R. Covey said, “The key is not to prioritize what’s on your schedule, but to schedule your priorities.” If you want to be productive and achieve your goals, it’s important to schedule your tasks and make them a priority. “

Stephen R Convey, 7 habits of highly effective people

This means setting aside specific time slots for important tasks and not letting other distractions get in the way.

One helpful tip is to create a daily or weekly schedule where you allocate specific blocks of time for different tasks. This will help you stay organized and focused and ensure that your priorities are being addressed. Additionally, make sure to schedule breaks and self-care activities into your day.

Do you think a schedule is too rigid and requires too much work? Or do you prefer to live life with flexibility? If it’s working for you and you’re achieving success, then go ahead and do it. But if you’re not getting things done, feeling productive, or motivated, then it’s time for a change.

Remember the saying: if you want something different, you must try something different.

If you’re not into taking action, it means you’re leaning more toward your feminine energy, which is awesome for manifesting. But just dreaming, believing, and trusting things won’t cut it without a touch of masculine energy-inspired action. So, make sure to balance feminine and masculine energy.

5. Let Music Motivate You

How to Be Consistent While Achieve Goals ( 7 Proven Methods) | FamLee of Four (6)

Music has a powerful impact on your motivation. When you’re feeling uninspired, turn on some music that energizes and motivates you. It can provide the push you need to start and stay consistent. Music can also help you get into the right mindset for tackling your tasks.

Additionally, research shows that listening to music while working can improve focus and productivity. So next time you feel unmotivated, turn on some music and let it boost your productivity.

According to Lavanga Chiropractic

“Music can help you stay motivated and focused. The act of listening to music can help you concentrate on a boring task. The Globe and Mail reported that, “Focusing on a favorite song combats de-motivating brain signals associated with fatigue or boredom.”……”A powerful song can change your mood instantly. Music can be fun and uplifting or comforting and melancholy. In fact, “Music’s energizing effects comes from its ability to engage the body’s sympathetic nervous system. The activation of this system readies the body for action whenever we face a challenge in our environment.”

So, create a playlist of songs that pump you up, create focus or zen sounds, and listen to it while working on important tasks. For example, YouTube has Lofi hip hop, chill Lofi, adha music, brown noise, and 90s R&B music.

6. Make a Ultimate To List

How to Be Consistent While Achieve Goals ( 7 Proven Methods) | FamLee of Four (7)

There’s nothing more satisfying than crossing things off your to-do list. Whether you’re checking items on your habit tracker or finding helpful ways to stay productive, being consistent and completing tasks makes the next day a breeze. Check out this link for tips on going from busy to productive: Stay Productive.

I rely on my brain dump method printable sheet to stay productive and accomplish tasks efficiently.

How to Be Consistent While Achieve Goals ( 7 Proven Methods) | FamLee of Four (8)

7. Shift your Mindset

Focus on the Small Things Because They Add up to Big Things. Hey, don’t beat yourself up for not moving quickly and taking life-changing steps. I was guilty of that, too. Sometimes, we tend to focus only on the things we didn’t complete instead of acknowledging the small things we have accomplished.

As a parent, I’m sure the time issue comes up often. We often think, “I don’t have enough time to finish that.” We promise to do it tomorrow once we block out time on our schedule. Or there are so many other tasks that pop up on our schedule that we never feel accomplished.

But here’s the truth: those little tasks you do have meaning. They might not get you where you want to be today, but they will eventually get you to your goal.

Let me give you an example. As a coach, intuitive healer, and blogger, I don’t have tons of time to write a blog post every day, email my list once a week, and coach tons of people a month. But whenever I do have time, even if it’s to write a paragraph, email my list once a month, or make a product every six weeks, it still gets me somewhere.

Maybe not as fast as those consistently working their side hustle and cranking out significant results, but progress is progress, no matter how small. Instead, I take pride in my little steps and keep moving towards my goal.

The Toretes Vs. Hare Story: Slow and steady wins the race!

There once was a speedy hare who bragged about how fast he could run. Tired of hearing him boast, Slow and Steady, the tortoise, challenged him to a race.

All the animals in the forest gathered to watch. Hare ran down the road for a while and then paused to rest. He looked back at Slow and Steady and cried out, “How do you expect to win this race when you are walking along at your slow, slow pace?”Hare stretched himself out alongside the road and fell asleep, thinking, “There is plenty of time to relax.”

Slow and Steady walked and walked. He never, ever stopped until he came to the finish line. The animals who were watching cheered so loudly for Tortoise, they woke up Hare. Hare stretched and yawned and began to run again, but it was too late. The tortoise was over the line. After that, Hare always reminded himself, “Don’t brag about your lightning pace, for Slow and Steady won the race!”
Credited to Story Arts

Final Thought For Staying Consistent

Through understanding your ‘why’ and possessing a clear purpose, you should feel more motivated to remain consistent when chasing after your dreams. Developing the right habits can help to keep you on track, rather than constantly changing directions or forgetting what you set out to achieve.

Now that you know the secrets to consistency, it’s time to put them into action. Follow these 7 steps and watch as you achieve your goals and get more done than ever before.

If you ever feel stuck or need extra guidance in aligning yourself with the highest timeline possible so that you may reach your goals, I’m here for you. Don’t hesitate to get in touch if you want my support in working out the perfect masculine and feminine energy balance. With those foundations laid down, success is yours for the taking. Best of luck!

Greatness comes by doing a few small and smart things each and every day. Comes from taking little steps, consistently. Comes from a making a few small chips against everything in your professional and personal life that is ordinary, so that a day eventually arrives when all that’s left isThe Extraordinary. Robin S. Sharma

How to Be Consistent While Achieve Goals ( 7 Proven Methods) | FamLee of Four (9)
How to Be Consistent While Achieve Goals ( 7 Proven Methods) | FamLee of Four (2024)


How do you maintain consistency in achieving goals? ›

  1. 6 Tips to Become More Consistent.
  2. Set Your Goals. In order to become more consistent, you have to set clear goals that you want to work towards. ...
  3. Learn How to Prioritize. ...
  4. Always Record Your Progress. ...
  5. Limit Distractions. ...
  6. Track Time. ...
  7. Be Patient and Forgive Failures.
Nov 4, 2023

How do I motivate myself to be consistent? ›

Here, we'll break down these self-motivation techniques, detailing what they are and the science behind them.
  1. Put your goal on the calendar. ...
  2. Make working toward your goal a habit. ...
  3. Plan for imperfection. ...
  4. Set small goals to build momentum. ...
  5. Track your progress. ...
  6. Reward yourself for the little wins as well as the big ones.
Dec 1, 2023

Why do I have trouble with consistency? ›

Lack of clarity: Often, people struggle to be consistent because they don't have a clear vision of what they want to achieve. Without a specific goal or objective in mind, it's hard to stay motivated and focused. Fear of failure: Fear of failure can paralyze even the most dedicated individuals.

What are the 7 ways to improve your consistency? ›

  1. Consistent Morning. ...
  2. Write it Down to F.O.C.U.S. ...
  3. Consistent Thinking. ...
  4. Don't Let Self-Doubt Creep in Until After You've Accomplished Your Process Goals. ...
  5. Do it even if you don't feel like it (short-term) ...
  6. Identity: You Are What You Do Daily. ...
  7. Improve Your Consistency to Consistently Improve.
May 31, 2018

What is the key to consistency? ›

The key to consistency is setting and achieving specific goals. Start by determining how you want to be more consistent in your life, and aim for these small goals. Over time, as you become more consistent, keep yourself motivated and accountable.

How do you stay consistent with performance? ›

This may be achieved by creating a schedule, maintaining a to-do list, and keeping your work area clean and tidy. Being organized can also help you avoid missing deadlines or losing track of important tasks. Manage your time effectively: Time management is key to maintaining a consistent level of performance at work.

How do you stay consistent when unmotivated? ›


It's always easy to stay consistent when I change my goal from something like 'I'm going to try to workout three times per week' to 'I'm committed to going to the gym on Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 4pm to do a full body strength workout'. You can already tell which is more likely to happen!

How do you stay consistent with no motivation? ›

Design Goals, Not Chores

As a first general rule, then, any objectives you set for yourself or agree to should be specific. Goals should also, whenever possible, trigger intrinsic, rather than extrinsic, motivation.

How can I be disciplined and consistent in life? ›

How to Develop Self-Discipline
  1. Choose a Goal. Begin by choosing just one goal that you want to focus on to develop your self-discipline. ...
  2. Find Your Motivation. Once you've chosen a goal, list the reasons why you want to achieve it. ...
  3. Identify Obstacles. ...
  4. Replace Old Habits. ...
  5. Monitor Your Progress.

Why is consistency so powerful? ›

Consistency helps us build momentum, develop good habits, and stay focused on our objectives. By consistently taking small steps towards our goals, we increase our chances of success. Whether it's learning a new skill, adopting healthy habits, or overcoming challenges, consistency allows us to make progress.

What is the psychology of consistency? ›

The consistency principle states that people are motivated toward cognitive consistency and will change their attitudes, beliefs, perceptions and actions to achieve it. Robert Cialdini and his research team have conducted extensive research into what Cialdini refers to as the 'Consistency Principle of Persuasion'.

What is the role of consistency in achieving goals? ›

Consistency is the cornerstone of success. It is the commitment to show up day in and day out, putting in the work, and pursuing your goals, even when motivation wanes and challenges arise (“challenge” — going to the party is more important and work can wait).

Why is consistency important in achieving goals? ›

Having consistent effort and progress, no matter how challenging it may be, will pave the way for incredible achievement and success. Achieving goals is all about envisioning and taking action toward the steps we need to take. The more we stay consistent, the easier it will be to reach our goals.

What is consistency in achieving success? ›

Consistency keeps your long-term vision in focus. It prevents distraction and helps you stay on the path toward your ultimate career goals. By consistently working toward your objectives, you're more likely to achieve them and create a lasting impact.

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Author: Wyatt Volkman LLD

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Author information

Name: Wyatt Volkman LLD

Birthday: 1992-02-16

Address: Suite 851 78549 Lubowitz Well, Wardside, TX 98080-8615

Phone: +67618977178100

Job: Manufacturing Director

Hobby: Running, Mountaineering, Inline skating, Writing, Baton twirling, Computer programming, Stone skipping

Introduction: My name is Wyatt Volkman LLD, I am a handsome, rich, comfortable, lively, zealous, graceful, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.