How To Avoid Student Loan Debt At A University–From Experience (2024)

How To Avoid Student Loan Debt At A University–From Experience (1)

In college, money is not abundant. In fact, the entire time I was in college, me and everyone around me were penny-pinching and constantly trying to make ends meet. Congratulations, I have amazing news. It is possible to make it through college without going broke AND it’s actually possible to make it through college without a surmountable amount of debt. I was NOT a trust fund kid and if I wanted to head to a university, I had to put in the work. If you’re wondering how to avoid student loan debt at a university, you’re in the right place. Here’s exactly how I did it and had an AMAZING time, too (and graduated without a single dollar of debt)!

Transfer from a community college

How To Avoid Student Loan Debt At A University–From Experience (2)

There is a huge push for kids to go straight to university once they graduate high school. And while this is sometimes obtainable (based on your grades), it isn’t for everyone. If there is a university you have in mind that has a full-ride scholarship for kids with good grades – go for it. But keep in mind that these types of scholarships usually ONLY cover tuition and do not help cover housing, textbooks, living expenses, food and more. So, while these are often a great start, they are not an end all be all. If you didn’t have amazing grades in high school (I’m Little Miss Got A D In Algebra II), then I highly recommend starting at a community college before transferring.

I started at my nearest local community college for one year before transferring to my university. You wouldn’t believe the benefits of doing it this way. First of all – I was able to take all of my boring mandatory classes at way cheaper prices (math, starters English, science labs, etc). This means, that when I got to my university, I could put my money toward my actual degree and not waste any time on taking pre-requisites. Next, I was able to apply for so many different transfer-based scholarships. I didn’t realize how big of a market there was for transfer students but the scholarship pool is vast. If you live in AZ and are transferring to ASU, UA or NAU, Earn To Learn was one of the most amazing resources.

Apply for scholarships & grants

How To Avoid Student Loan Debt At A University–From Experience (3)

On the topic of scholarships and grants… APPLY! Every year, the FAFSA application opens between October 1 and June 30. I’d recommend logging on October 1 and applying right away. Right it down in your calendar and put a reminder on your phone! The FAFSA can really help you when it comes to financial aid. If you have no idea what a FAFSA is, it is the Free Application for Federal Student Aid. Basically, when you fill out this application, it determines whether you are eligible for student aid, such as grants. Personally, I was eligible to receive the Pell Grant the entire time I went to college. Grants and scholarships are money you never have to pay back, unlike loans. This application looks at your family’s joint income to see what kind of help the federal government can provide you. Even if it turns out that you aren’t eligible for much federal student aid, you should still fill out the FAFSA every year, because sometimes it is needed in the application for other scholarships, like private scholarships.

Speaking of scholarships, apply apply apply! While you can apply for scholarships online like using the Common App, I would actually recommend going onto your university’s scholarship page on their website instead. Here, you can find scholarship opportunities for your specific major, for diversity groups, national scholarship programs, transfer students and more! On this page, I was able to apply for FOUR different transfer-specific scholarships and I was awarded all of them.

After my first semester at my university, one of my journalism professors (my major), told my class that they were having a hard time getting people to apply for scholarships. Crazy, right? They had a ton of donors who were wanting to donate money to college students but no one wanted it! That day, I carved out a few hours of my time to apply for all of the scholarships on the list and I was awarded FOUR of them and I was able to renew them for future semesters. These scholarships all ranged from $500 to $2000 dollars a year. Apply for every single scholarship opportunity that comes your way – you never know what you’ll get picked for!

Have a SET class schedule for your time at university

How To Avoid Student Loan Debt At A University–From Experience (4)

If you’re wondering why I know all of this information – I was a transfer mentor on campus for three years. That means that I was the go-to gal for some incoming transfer students. I helped them with their schedules, with any questions they had, with applying for scholarships and so much more. Let me help you! Now that you’ve officially applied, gotten in and have a way to pay for your university (through scholarships and grants, right?), it’s time to plan out your class schedule. You’ll be set up with an academic advisor who will help you understand what classes you need in order to complete your degree. They will set you up with a schedule for your first or first few semesters.

After this meeting, it is often advised that you go back to them each semester to sign up for classes. While this can be nice occasionally, it is not usually necessary. Your university should provide you with a system that you can go through and see what classes you need. You will also be able to sign up for these classes on your own before each semester, and you’ll have deadlines for this. Basically what I’m getting at here is that you should have a SET class schedule from the very beginning.

When I started at my university, I mapped out my next three and a half years (I would be graduating early because I already took all my prerequisites at community college). I wrote down every class I needed onto a semester-based schedule and did the research too. When mapping out your schedule, make sure you know what order you’re supposed to take these classes. Sometimes classes are prerequisites for others or even co-requisites for others, meaning that they have to be taken at the same time.

As a mentor, I saw so many students waste time and money by not knowing what they were supposed to take next, or taking their classes in the wrong order. Hell, sometimes they enrolled in classes they didn’t even need for their degrees. By filling your schedule with classes you don’t need or messing up your schedule by taking classes in the wrong order, you will be wasting a lot of money. That’s another semester you’ll need to be there, and another… and another. Consolidate your schedule as much as you can. Take as many classes (or credits) as you can handle (I usually took 15-18 credits a semester, but one time I had to have a waiver signed because I was taking 21). Cram it in and don’t waste time, graduate early if you can.

Find a real apartment/not student living

How To Avoid Student Loan Debt At A University–From Experience (5)

Now, where do you live? If you’re able to stay with your family during college so you can save up money, do that. If that’s not an option, there are more, don’t worry! If you have the choice and are not being required to live on campus, don’t. I have more information on this in this article, but dorms aren’t always the way to go. And if you do want to live in the dorms for the “college experience,” only do it for one year. NEVER MORE. Dorms are expensive and gross! Moving on, if you are looking for an apartment, I’d highly recommend looking for one that IS NOT being marketed as “student housing.” These apartments will be leased out per room, meaning that you will be assigned random roommates, they will be overpriced and it will basically be just like a dorm, but at least you’ll have your own bathroom. Or will you have to share that with a rando too? If you have someone, or even a few people, that you already want to room with, find a normal apartment split a normal lease. If you don’t, I’d recommend looking on Craigslist, Facebook Marketplace, and in Facebook Groups for leases that people are trying to get rid of. You’ll usually get a way better deal when you take over someone’s lease, instead of signing your own.

Free bus routes

How To Avoid Student Loan Debt At A University–From Experience (6)

Your university probably has its own bus system that runs throughout the campus. But beyond that, sometimes there is also a free bus route for students on the city bus. This route might be able to take you to the grocery store and even to your apartment. Check on this and see if there’s a free route for students and where it can get you, and then if there’s not, see if you can get a bus pass at a discounted price.

On campus health appointments

How To Avoid Student Loan Debt At A University–From Experience (7)

When I was in university, I didn’t have health care. And that was pretty much fine… until I broke my elbow. What’s a girl to do now? Luckily, most universities have health services on campus. And even better than that, they also have health care plans for students! For only $135 a semester, I was able to get really cheap ($25-$50) doctor appointments, X-Rays and castings done. This is an insane deal that I feel like a ton of students have no idea about! They also have a pharmacy, so you can get your medication on campus too. They also have mental health services, so I know you can schedule cheap therapy, too! Definitely check out these options before you go anywhere else.

Dental care on campus

How To Avoid Student Loan Debt At A University–From Experience (8)

Obviously, if I didn’t have health insurance, I didn’t have dental insurance. Luckily, my university had a dental hygiene program in which students NEEDED experience. For only $60 (and the same price for alumni, so I can still go!), I was able to get a cleaning, exam, x-rays and fluoride. They also provide sealants, too, if needed. These students have to take a board exam to graduate and they constantly need patients to work on, so I was actually able to get a FULL MOUTH deep cleaning done for free as a board patient. If you are in need of dental care, see what your university has to offer!

Beauty school on campus

How To Avoid Student Loan Debt At A University–From Experience (9)

Similar to dental care, if your university has a beauty school, you are bound to be able to get discounts. If you ever need your hair, makeup or nails done, always check there before looking elsewhere! Students need practice, and you’ll get your appointment done at a way better price than usual.

Student events on campus

How To Avoid Student Loan Debt At A University–From Experience (10)

As a student, there are at least 15 free events a week. And most of these events offer free food and free fun. On my campus, they had a theatre that played free movies every week. They also had so many different types of events throughout the weeks like sports games, tailgates, bonfires, cookouts, activities and crafts, learning sessions, concerts, carnivals, open swim or swim movie nights, ice skating, hiking trips and more. There’s always something free to do on campus, and most of the time you’ll get free lunch or dinner out of it, too. A great way to save money is to be on the lookout for these events and to sign up for every single one that interests you! Especially if you don’t have a car with you, you can be bussed over to the bowling alley, the ice rink, to a beautiful hiking destination, or to town!

Campus gym/free fitness classes

How To Avoid Student Loan Debt At A University–From Experience (11)

If I could go back in time, I would utilize my university’s gym so much more. There were free fitness classes every single day, and the gym itself was gigantic. And it was all free to students. Check out your university’s health center (or gym) and don’t be nervous to try out new things! I should’ve bussed over to take yoga classes every morning! I should have gone to the gym when I got off work. I’m telling you now, this is one of the best benefits of a university that you will never get again. I wish there was a gym like this free for me to use now.

Used textbooks only/free online PDFs/share PDFs

How To Avoid Student Loan Debt At A University–From Experience (12)

Why the hell are textbooks sometimes up to $500?! It’s ridiculous. Is it not enough that we have to pay thousands of dollars to go to the university, but we have to keep dishing out money to take the classes we are already paying for?! Even at your university bookstore, always looked for used copies of the books you need. These will be marked and will be so much cheaper. If they are available elsewhere for cheaper, buy them for there instead! It might take a lot more work but if you gather a group of people in your class and all buy one book together (and split the price), it will be so much more manageable. I did this a few times. Five of us from the class headed over to the bookstore together, bought one book and then assigned one person to have it. This person would snap pictures of the chapters we needed each week so could all read them. Obviously, this is a lot of work but saving hundreds of dollars is worth it. You can also do this if you are able to find a PDF version of the book online. These can easily be sent out to a group of people. But before purchasing, make sure it is an actual PDF and not through a website in which you have to log in to read (like Chegg).

Websites like Chegg have a limit of how many people can be using the account at one time, so if you’re planning on sharing a book with a group of people – it will not let you. These types of websites usually also have protocols in place to make sure you can’t screenshot or copy/paste anything. You can take pictures with your phone, but it’s probably not the best option.

Either way, splitting the cost of books with other people in the class can be one of the best options, besides finding the cheapest possible used options.

Sell textbooks to your university, Amazon or Bookdrop

How To Avoid Student Loan Debt At A University–From Experience (13)

And then, when you’re done with them, sell them! Sometimes, your university will take them back, or Amazon, or even Bookdrop (if you have this near you). What I do each semester is load all of my books into each of their websites to see who will pay the most for each one. If Bookdrop will pay $50 for one, and then Amazon will pay $27 for another, I often split them up and send them to whoever will give me the best price. Again, this is a lot more work than just taking them all back to your university but it can be worth the money.

This isn’t everything but it’s a good start! I hope this helps you understand how to avoid student loan debt while attending a university! If all else fails, give your university’s financial aid office a call! Also, check out this student discount list! Let us know if you have any other advice in the comments below!

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How To Avoid Student Loan Debt At A University–From Experience (2024)


How can students avoid student loan debt? ›

6 ways to minimize student debt
  1. Talk about how much college costs. High school students don't always think about money when considering a school. ...
  2. Choose the right school. Tuition and fees vary widely. ...
  3. Start at a community college. ...
  4. Test out of classes. ...
  5. Skip room and board. ...
  6. Take advantage of scholarships and financial aid.

How can you lessen the burden of college debt while in college? ›

Tips to avoid or reduce student loan debt
  1. Enroll at a community college.
  2. Consider attending a no-loan school.
  3. Estimate college costs.
  4. Maximize other funding sources.
  5. Start a side hustle or get a part-time job.
  6. Limit living expenses.
  7. Borrow only the amount needed.
  8. Understand the payments.

How can we solve student debt problem? ›

Some ways to manage student loan debt include paying more than your minimum monthly payment, sticking to a budget, consolidating or refinancing your loans, looking into loan forgiveness, and exploring different payment programs.

How can I go to college without student debt? ›

17 Ways to Go to College Debt-Free
  1. Attend a Public School as an In-State Student. ...
  2. Attend Community College. ...
  3. Attend Online College. ...
  4. Attend a No-Loan College. ...
  5. Save With a 529 Plan. ...
  6. Earn Scholarships. ...
  7. Earn Grants. ...
  8. Participate in a Work-Study Program.

What are three reasons why you should avoid student loans? ›

Key Takeaways
  • Carrying student debt can affect your ability to buy a home if your debt-to-income ratio is too high.
  • If you have too much student loan debt, you won't be able to save as much for retirement.
  • Student loan debt can lower your credit score, especially if you fail to make on-time payments.

What is the main cause of student debt? ›

Soaring college costs and pressure to compete in the job marketplace are big factors for student loan debt. Student loans are the most common form of educational debt, followed by credit cards and other types of credit. Borrowers who don't complete their degrees are more likely to default.

How do college students survive financially? ›

Budgeting is key to saving and growing money in college. First, you need to create a budget — this is simply a list of all your expenses and income. Second, you need to successfully live on that budget throughout each month. Many free or cheap apps can help you do this, such as Mint and You Need a Budget.

How do college students pay off debt? ›

Pay More than Your Minimum Payment

Paying a little extra each month can reduce the interest you pay and reduce your total cost of your loan over time. Continue to make monthly payments even if you've satisfied future payments, and you'll pay off your loan faster.

Can student debt be reduced? ›

If you need a lower payment, consider applying for an income-driven repayment (IDR) plan, like the SAVE Plan. Under the SAVE Plan, making even periodic or partial payments may lower the amount of interest you accrue each month.

What is one of the easiest ways to reduce your student loan debt in the long run? ›

Pay more than the minimum. Committing a small amount on top of your regular student loan payment can go a long way in helping you bring down your total debt. For example, let's say you have $30,000 in student loans at a 5% interest rate. With a 10-year repayment term, you can expect payments of $318 per month.

How do you handle crippling student loan debt? ›

Here are eight tactics to help manage student loans:
  1. Be strategic about payments. ...
  2. Make sure you can afford the monthly payment. ...
  3. Make on-time payments. ...
  4. Pay interest while in school. ...
  5. Enroll in automatic payments. ...
  6. Understand interest. ...
  7. Look into tax deductions and credits. ...
  8. Understand where payments go.
Dec 8, 2023

How do I get my student loans written off? ›

If you work full time for a government or nonprofit organization, you may qualify for forgiveness of the entire remaining balance of your Direct Loans after you've made 120 qualifying payments—i.e., 10 years of payments. To benefit from PSLF, you need to repay your federal student loans under an IDR plan.

What is the debt Free college Act? ›

Introduced in Senate (04/21/2021) To establish State-Federal partnerships to provide students the opportunity to attain higher education at in-State public institutions of higher education without debt, to provide Federal Pell Grant eligibility to DREAMer students, and for other purposes.

Do all college students go into debt? ›

Today, more than half of students leave school with debt. Here's a snapshot of how much the average student borrows, what types of loans are most common and how those loans are repaid.

What happens if you never pay college debt? ›

Eventually, your student loans will be put into default and you may lose federal loan benefits, have your wages garnished, get barred from federal student aid among other consequences. Your loan holder may sue you, as well. If you ignore the court date or the court's orders — that could land you in jail.

How can the government help with student debt? ›

Public Service Loan Forgiveness (PSLF) PSLF allows qualifying federal student loans to be forgiven after 120 qualifying payments (10 years), while working for a qualifying public service employer.

Why student debt is a problem? ›

More debt and less support have undeniably led to long-term debt burden and severe financial consequences. Although more students of color are attending college and pursuing the “American Dream,” student debt has delayed them from purchasing homes, starting businesses, and building generational wealth.

What are some problems with student debt? ›

Defaulting on federal student loans can trigger other major financial consequences for borrowers, including a lower credit score and wage garnishment. A new Department of Education program gives those who've fallen behind on their student debt a limited chance to get into current standing.

What problems does student debt cause? ›

Loan Debt Is an Economic Drag

According to a CNBC report, “85 percent of student loan borrowers say difficulty in saving has delayed their ability to buy a house,” and other research indicates that “Those with student loan debt also are less likely to have taken out car loans. They have worse credit scores.

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Name: Jeremiah Abshire

Birthday: 1993-09-14

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Introduction: My name is Jeremiah Abshire, I am a outstanding, kind, clever, hilarious, curious, hilarious, outstanding person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.