how to authenticate Chanel bags (2024)

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how to authenticate Chanel bags (18)

Sep 12 2020

How to authenticate Chanel bags

how to authenticate Chanel bags (19)

with the increasing quality and attention to detail of the counterfeit, black market handbag industry, it has become more critical than ever to learn how to identify small differences and determine whether or not a Chanel bag you’re considering purchasing is real or not.

Especially for pre-owned or vintage Chanel, they have been used and kept so long that it becomes very hard to recognise them via the smell, texture, weight, flexibility.

We have prepared a list of signs that you can used tp check before getting yourself a Chanel handbag in a store other than a Chanel boutique even we always recommend that you should get your bag professionally authenticated, or purchase from a reputable reseller with an authenticity guarantee.

5 Simply ways to authenticate Chanel bags

Date CodeAll Chanel bags after 1984 will comes with a sticker containing their unique serial number as well as a corresponding authenticity card. This is the most important things to authenticate a Chanel Bags. Sometimes, date codes might be detached from bags.

Logo Stamp Chanel “made in” stamps are usually embossed directly into the lining of the bag or on a leather patch. The colour of the logo stamp will always match the colour of the hardware, so a bag with gold hardware should have a gold stamp. All letters must match the characteristics required by CHANEL.

Authentic CardAuthenticity cards were introduced at the same time with serial numbers in 1984 and a number of a card must match the serial number of a handbag. And while many fake bags come with fake authenticity cards, you can spot them pretty easily.

Screws This is the easiest way to spot low quality counterfeits.

Hardwares Hardwares is the most difficulty part for counterfeiters to copy. Even the quality of Chanel has gone off in recent years, the craftsmanship remains the same.

Date Code

All Chanel bags after 1984 will comes with a sticker containing their unique serial number as well as a corresponding authenticity card, which usually can be found inside the bag.

Gold speckles should be scattered over the number. The gold speckles shouldn’t be too big,too evenly or too concentrated.

how to authenticate Chanel bags (20)

how to authenticate Chanel bags (21)

how to authenticate Chanel bags (22)

how to authenticate Chanel bags (23)

Also, there should be a red line(UV line) under the Ultraviolet Lamp

how to authenticate Chanel bags (24)

See our Chanel Date Code Guide for more details and to find the year of your coveted preloved Chanel.

Logo Stamp

The brand stamp is another way to confirm the authenticity of a Chanel bag.

how to authenticate Chanel bags (25)

All characteristic has their own shape. As from above pictures, there are few points needed to be remember:

- They all must have the same size.
- The "C" should in round shape. The open degree of "C" is 30 degree.
- The upper part of "H" is shorter than the bottom part.
- The upper corner of "N" is longer than the bottom corner.
- The lower stripe of "E" shoulder be slightly longer than the upper stripe. The middle stripe should be shortest.

how to authenticate Chanel bags (26)

how to authenticate Chanel bags (27)

how to authenticate Chanel bags (28)

how to authenticate Chanel bags (29)

Authentic Card

Authentic card is one of the most important way to spot fake Chanel.The “card system” was introduced the same time as the serial sticker in 1984. The number on the authentic card mush match the serial number inside the bag.

A real authentic card shoulder never has a hologram, rainbow effect. A card has the rainbow effect is definitely a fake card.

how to authenticate Chanel bags (30)

Bags from 2005 and onwards feature a grey circular symbol at top right. The circular shouldn't be too white, too grey - slightly grey.

how to authenticate Chanel bags (31)

how to authenticate Chanel bags (32)

how to authenticate Chanel bags (33)


The easiest way to spot a low quality counterfeit is the type of screws used on the back of the turn lock.

A real Boy Bag will never use a Phillips head screw (like on this fake.) Chanel typical uses Allen screws (like this real Boy bag) or flathead screws.

how to authenticate Chanel bags (34)


CC Logo

One of the most famous and recognisable features on Chanel bags is the CC lock. Chanel used 24k gold plating on their hardware up until 2008. Hardware on a real Chanel bag will feel heavier and more substantial than on a fake.

The right C should overlap on top, and the left C should overlap on the bottom. Also, the CC lock is centered both vertically and horizontally on its leather flap. Another point is Chanel CC locks usually have a rounded finish on the CC. Authentic Chanel CC locks have a flat edge finish.

how to authenticate Chanel bags (35)


Chanel uses several different brands for their zippers whose names will be marked on the zipper pull, the most notable types are Lampo, the DMC, the YKK, the eclair zipper, the triple 'C' in a circle and an unmarked zipper for very vintage Chanel bags.

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how to authenticate Chanel bags (2024)


How can I authenticate my Chanel handbag? ›

Bags are originally sold with an Authenticity Card, as shown below. The code on the card should always match the serial number inside the bag. Each serial number reflects when the bag was made; if a brand-new code had a serial number or sticker which reflected an older model, this will indicate a fake.

How do I look up a Chanel serial number? ›

Chanel serial numbers are placed on an authentication sticker on the inside of the bag, as well as on a separate corresponding authenticity card. All new Chanel items will have both of these; however, vintage items are often found without the sticker or card.

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For bags, the metal plate is attached to the handbag's interior, whereas for Wallet on Chains, the metal plate can be found inside the zip pocket. The metal plate hardware matches the rest of the bag's hardware and features the classic CC logo engraved with an 8-digit serial code underneath.

Can Chanel store authenticate a bag? ›

There is one way to ensure that articles are genuine: purchase them only in CHANEL boutiques or from retailers authorized by CHANEL. Please click here for more information on our boutiques and authorized points of sale.

How do I authenticate my Chanel online? ›

Serial Numbers/Date Codes - Validate the serial numbers/date codes based on the year produced. Remember, Chanel bags made in 2020 should have the date code 30XXXXXX. Chanel bags made in 2021, 2022 and later use NFC chips instead of hologram stickers.

How much does it cost to authenticate a purse? ›

$30 Basic Authentication

Includes an official Authentic or Counterfeit determination.

Did Chanel stop making authentication cards? ›

As authentication practices advance and outsmart the counterfeiters, Chanel has upped their game by replacing all stickers and authenticity cards with metal plates, or microchips. Effective since 2021, these plates are now the new designer ID.

How do I read my Chanel serial code? ›

The serial number corresponds to certain time periods of manufacturing at Chanel. For example, beginning in 1986, the serial numbers of bags produced then began with “0######” with the beginning number increasing every one year or two; finally in 2020, the serial numbers on Chanel's bags were “30######”.

Can a Chanel bag not have serial number? ›

In fact, Chanel handbags didn't always have serial numbers or authentication cards, because of the increase of counterfeit handbags and accessories, Chanel implemented serial numbers in 1984.

How do you verify a designer bag? ›

How to spot a fake designer handbag
  1. Check the quality of the material the bag is made from. ...
  2. Take a close look at the hardware. ...
  3. The stitch work is another area to pay careful attention to. ...
  4. A cheap lining is another clue to look out for. ...
  5. The logo is another easy slip-up area for counterfeiters. ...
  6. Check the pockets.
Sep 1, 2021

Can two Chanel bags have the same serial number? ›

2021 onward- Microchip

Serial numbers should not be repeated, so the same number should never be repeated for multiple bags. If you find 2 bags with the same serial number, chances are both bags will be fake. The serial sticker is only one of many checkpoints for authenticating a Chanel bag.

Where can I authenticate my Chanel? ›

All Chanel bags after 1984 will comes with a sticker containing their unique serial number as well as a corresponding authenticity card, which usually can be found inside the bag. Gold speckles should be scattered over the number.

How do you authenticate a Chanel bag before 1984? ›

Verify the Authenticity Cards / Dates

It is, however, possible that a handbag is missing its number as either the sticker has been peeled off and lost, or the item was made before 1984. From 1984 to 1986 the sticker must feature 6 digits. From 1987 to 2004 the authentic serial number consists of 7 digits.

Does Ebay authenticate Chanel bags? ›

The eligible brands for Authenticity Guarantee are Louis Vuitton, Chanel, Gucci, Hermès, Saint Laurent, Celine, Dior, Prada, Fendi, Goyard, Burberry, Chloé , Valentino, Givenchy, Balenciaga, Loewe, Judith Leiber, Salvatore Ferragamo, MCM, Bottega Veneta, Christian Louboutin, Tom Ford and Bvlgari.

How do you verify authenticity? ›

Simple Tricks to Verify Website Authenticity
  1. Check the connection type. You don't have to be a pro to understand the website's connection type. ...
  2. Check the site's security. ...
  3. Check the URL. ...
  4. Check website content. ...
  5. Check the website's social proof. ...
  6. Google Safe Browsing Transparency Report.

Can I scan my Chanel microchip? ›

The microchip data can only be scanned with proprietary machines by Chanel sales associates and managers at the boutiques.

Does Chanel stamp their buttons? ›

Real authentic Chanel buttons

New Chanel buttons do not have stamping on the back. Vintage authentic Chanel buttons have stamping on the back. New Chanel buttons are often copied in China and very similar to the real (new) Chanel buttons. Real Chanel buttons (especially the Vintage) are looking like little jewels.

How do you prove proof of authenticity? ›

What should you include on a Certificate of Authenticity?
  1. Signature (preferably of the artist, hand signed, not photocopied)
  2. Name of piece/subject featured.
  3. Date it of creation.
  4. Dimensions.
  5. Details of the medium used.
  6. Number of prints made (if the piece is a limited edition)
  7. Any extra details you see fit.

Can anyone make a certificate of authenticity? ›

Certificates of authenticity are usually created by the artist themselves, but in some cases they can also be handled by a publisher, agent, or art dealer who represents the artist.

Can you trust a certificate of authenticity? ›

The only valid COA is one hand signed by an established respected expert on the artist stating conclusively that the art is by the artist whose signature it bears. * A valid certificate of authenticity should contain verifiable documented proof, references, explanations or evidence of why the art is genuine.

Is there an app to identify bags? ›

What is Clair AI? Clair AI is the world's first image recognition technology for luxury resale. This new technology developed by Rebag instantly recognizes and delivers the resale value of handbags across a list of over 50 brands and 15,000 Clair Codes, backed by six years of data and millions of image references.

Is there a website to check serial numbers? ›

Have it Back incorporates nearly all freely available serial numbers. Utilizing this database, you can verify before or after purchasing an item if said object has been marked as missing or stolen.

What can a serial number tell you? ›

Serial Numbers. A serial number (SN) is a number assigned to each individual product in order to distinguish that product from all others. The serial number is sometimes used only for warranty control and sometimes used for both warranty control and for version control.

What does Chanel 21a mean? ›

For those who are wondering what the first 2 numbers and letter means in your Chanel bag tags, read on! The first two numbers identifies the year the bag was made. While the letter stands for the Collection that the bag came from. There are four different collection for every Chanel bag. A is the Autumn Collection.

Are all Chanel bags stamped? ›

Every Chanel bag has the brand stamped onto the lining. Sometimes the brand name Chanel is stamped on an attached pouch of the same leather. The color of the brand stamp should perfectly match the color of your bag's hardware.

Do all authentic Chanel bags have serial numbers? ›

For those considering purchasing a used Chanel bag, here are the important features to look for in terms of authentication: Date Codes: Chanel started using date codes in 1984. Since then, every bag comes with a sticker containing a serial number as well as a corresponding authenticity card.

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