How to announce a funding round | TechCrunch (2024)

Tiffany SpencerContributor

Tiffany Spencer runs marketing and communications for Bessemer Venture Partners.

Attracting investment is a milestone for any startup – it’s a vote of confidence from a respected outside expert in your space and a signal that your company is positioned for the future, which is important to prospective partners and customers, as well as future investors.

Beyond that, new funding can also increase your visibility, attracting the attention of top talent and potential acquirers. One of the most effective ways to magnify your visibility is through a funding announcement. After helping hundreds of companies understand this process, here are my suggestions for how to get it right.

Drafting the Announcement:

Not every funding announcement is the same, but standard components include:

  • The news + the facts:
    • Who raised? How much? Who are the investors? Which investor led the round? What stage is the company?
    • Mention any investors that invested in earlier rounds. It signals an ongoing relationship and continued confidence.
    • Call out any investors who are joining the board.
  • Background on the company:
    • What does the company do? Who is the founding team? How will the money be used (new hires, development, etc.)?
  • Validation from the investors:
    • A quote from the investor(s) is an expert endorsem*nt. Typically, the investor speaks to the reason for investment. This may include the executive team’s capabilities, why the company is exciting, or momentum in the market. In rounds with multiple investors, the lead investor is given priority and is often the only investor quoted.
  • Quote from the founder or CEO
  • Company boilerplate

New funding announcements benefit from a dedicated audience of interested journalists, so exploit the opportunity to tell your story. This is your chance to explain who you are, what you do and why, underscore momentum and call out recent achievements.

These days, there are so many reporters covering funding news that it’s no longer necessary to “bundle” your funding with other news. In fact, there is likely more benefit to a standalone funding announcement followed shortly by another announcement that indicates momentum.

If you find yourself stumped about how to frame your story, I always suggest reverse-engineering your ideal article. What is your perfect headline? What are the key takeaways readers should have? What kind of images and video might help you tell that story? You might also find inspiration in how others in your sector handle their announcements. You can do this easily by searching a company’s name alongside any of the commonly used wire services (Marketwired, PRNewswire, BusinessWire).

How to announce a funding round | TechCrunch (1)

Securing coverage:

The goal of your announcement is to generate news coverage. Your media list should include reporters with whom you have a relationship, those who follow the companies in your sector and those who cover new financings as part of their beat. Many of the top business and tech outlets make funding coverage a priority and assign reporters to that task.

These include (but aren’t limited to): The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, Forbes, Fortune, TechCrunch, Recode, VentureBeat, Business Insider, Buzzfeed, CNN, and CNBC. Additionally, newsletters like StrictlyVC, Fortune’s TermSheet, Mattermark and Pitchbook include roundup coverage of new financings.

It’s smart to reach out individually to reporters with your news and some context about why their readers will care. (The most successful pitching involves pulling out unique angles that will resonate with specific outlets so that journalists feel that the story is tailor-made for their audience.)

In determining an outreach strategy, you might consider reaching out broadly to offer several reporters the story or promising a single reporter an exclusive. An “exclusive” implies that they will write a more thoughtful and comprehensive article in exchange for being the only reporter provided with information and access.

Opting for an “exclusive” typically reduces broad coverage but is helpful if your business is complex and requires thoughtful explanation, or if you desire a deeper “signature story” which explains your business in detail and might aid in sales and hiring efforts.

These days few journalists rely on newswires to source their stories so you might also forgo sending a formal press release over the wire altogether. Releasing your news through your own channels, pitching reporters directly, and delivering the news to your network (via your website, social channels and direct emails) will do the trick.

Of course, in a world where startups come and go, a release over the wire can offer some legitimacy, as well as a historical record. Newswires typically have relationships with multiple outlets that will automatically post and archive their content. And, releases detailing financial transactions, including funding announcements tend to perform better than more general announcements on the newswire.

Pro-Tip: Lead Time

Regardless of which strategy you choose, the most successful funding PR efforts have one thing in common: They give reporters ample time to write the story. This can be easily achieved by sharing news in advance under “embargo.” To do this: reach out to reporters early with minimal information and an offer to share details and access to spokespeople once they’ve agreed to a specific embargo date and time (often synched to the timing of the newswire release). Not all reporters will agree to an embargo—some outlets have firm policies against agreeing to embargos—so you should work with them to understand how to work around these rules, or decide to share the information when it goes public, knowing that they will be less likely to devote much attention to the story after the news has gone out broadly.

Amplifying the news:

You can also amplify your news through social media and other “owned” channels. Sharing links via Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn drive awareness of the news. It’s also smart to provide the information directly to internal employees, partners, and customers in a way that underscores key messages and arms them to share the story. Finally, writing your own blog post to be posted on your company site, LinkedIn, and Medium, allows you more opportunity to frame the news. In addition to providing more content to link to and share, media will sometimes mine blog posts for additional background, context or quotes.

Your investors’ PR team(s) may also help. Some investors will complement your news with a blog post of their own, promote your funding via social media, aid in outreach to the media and make themselves available to do press interviews. It’s not an imposition! Your investors want your company to succeed.

How to announce a funding round | TechCrunch (2)

Filing a Form D and Timing Your Announcement: (AKA: How to Avoid the Biggest Mistake Startups Make when Announcing Funding)

In compliance with SEC regulations, most US-based startups are required to file a Form D electronically. The Form D contains the basic details of a financing and must be filed within 15 days (real days vs. business days) of closing the round. Unfortunately, once filed, these details become public which leads to a common PR headache for startups. Savvy journalists often monitor Form D filings looking for news scoops related to new financings. For companies filing a Form D, we recommend filing late in the day on day 15 and working to get your news out prior to filing. This way the start-up can control the narrative around their financing and work strategically with reporters who might cover the news. There are alternatives to filing a Form D. Start-ups that wish to operate in “stealth” mode or have otherwise made no public announcement of their financings must speak to their legal team about alternatives.

Do we need a PR agency to do this?

Obviously, having PR professionals at your service is helpful. But for many early stage companies, committing to an agency on retainer is too much too soon. (In the early stages, when company news is likely to be sporadic, the hefty price tag for ongoing agency support may not be cost-effective.)

If so, you might consider working with a consultant or agency on a “project basis.” It’s a reasonable request given that funding announcements are very straightforward. And, it’s helpful to publicists looking to build their business pipeline. You may also be able to tap your VC firm for help. My team sometimes pitches in when BVP’s early stage companies need help executing a funding announcement. When those companies need heavier lifting, we guide them to external experts who can step in and own the effort as if they were internal, ensuring that the exec team is in synch and prepped for the push, and making sure that results are reported.

How to announce a funding round | TechCrunch (2024)


How do I announce a funding round? ›

Five Critical Steps for A Successful Funding Announcement
  1. Delve into the story. Funding announcements can seem rather transactional. ...
  2. Create a comprehensive timeline. ...
  3. Devise the right strategy. ...
  4. Amplify across multiple channels. ...
  5. Look beyond funding to advance your narrative.

How do you reach out for funding? ›

11 Ways to Raise Funds for Startups in India
  1. Investments from Close Network. ...
  2. Government Schemes. ...
  3. Find an Angel Investor. ...
  4. Venture Capitalists. ...
  5. Bank Loans. ...
  6. Startup Incubators and Accelerators. ...
  7. Crowdfunding. ...
  8. Bootstrapping (Self-Financing)
May 15, 2024

How long does it take to complete a funding round? ›

The average time it takes for startups to close their initial seed rounds of funding is 3-6 months. However, this can vary depending on a number of factors, such as the stage of the startup, the amount of funding being raised, and the experience of the founders.

What is the average round a funding? ›

The typical valuation for a company raising series A funding rounds is $10 million to $15 million. Series A funding rounds (and all subsequent rounds) are usually led by one investor, who anchors the round.

How do you run a funding round? ›

Steps involved in fundraising rounds:
  1. Gather your data.
  2. Research investors.
  3. Create a winning pitch deck and hone presentation.
  4. Attend investor meetings and pitch.
  5. Relationship building.
  6. Field term sheets and offers.
  7. Survive due diligence.
  8. Close the round with wire transfers and executing the paperwork.
Dec 26, 2018

What are three words funding rounds? ›

Funding and Investors of What3words

What3words has raised a total funding of $223M over 15 rounds. It's first funding round was on Mar 14, 2013. It's latest funding round was a Series C round on Oct 25, 2022 for $65.8M.

How do I announce the seed round? ›

How To Announce Your Seed Round
  1. Define your audience and goals. ...
  2. Develop a sense of the story. ...
  3. Create your target list. ...
  4. Create your pitch. ...
  5. Time your pitches. ...
  6. If the pitch isn't working.

What to do if round oversubscribed? ›

If you do decide to roll with oversubscribed financing rounds, the easiest way to deal with this is to just make your funding round bigger. Of course, getting more investors on board can mean more dilution for you as a founder. So you'll need to think carefully about whether or not it's worth it.

Is funding Circle closing? ›

After two years of the platform being paused for new investment from retail investors as we navigated and adapted to the Covid pandemic, we have taken the decision to permanently close the retail platform for new investments. This includes buying and selling loans through the Secondary Market.

Do you have to pay a VC back? ›

You don't have to pay back the money.

Unlike bank loans, the money you receive as venture capital is a risk on the part of the investor, not the entity receiving the loan. So, if the startup fails– as many do– the investors won't get any funds back.

Is series B considered early stage? ›

Series B financing is the second round of funding for a company that has met certain milestones and is past the initial startup stage. Series B investors usually pay a higher share price for investing in the company than Series A investors.

Is Series A considered early stage? ›

After the pre-seed and seed round, series A financing is one of the funding rounds an early stage startup will encounter. By this point, the startup is showing promising growth potential and has achieved great milestones in the process of becoming a well-established business.

How many rounds of funding before a company goes public? ›

The typical number of seed rounds a company goes through before completing an initial public offering (IPO) is three. However, no set number of rounds must be used to raise funds.

How long should a funding round last? ›

As a general rule of thumb, funding should last somewhere between 12 and 18 months. It should be enough capital to allow you to comfortably hit your goals and the forecast you laid out during your pitching and fundraising process.

What is a safe funding round? ›

A simple agreement for future equity (SAFE) is a financing contract that may be used by a startup company to raise capital in its seed financing rounds. The instrument is viewed by some as a more founder-friendly alternative to convertible notes.

What does leading a funding round mean? ›

When raising a priced round, founders need to find an investor willing to lead the round. ​Definition​ A lead investor (or lead) is the first investor to commit to a given round of funding and agrees to set the terms for any other investors who participate in the financing.

How do you announce a funding round? ›


Discuss announcement plans with your investors and get their feedback. As well as key information about your business and the investment secured, include a quote from the founder and lead investor. Build a media list. Decide on your approach.

Do founders make money in Series A? ›

Typical founder compensation by stage

As startups mature, founders tend to take home more in cash compensation; this makes sense, given that the later-stage a company becomes, the more capital it likely has to pay the team. Here is average founder pay by stage for 2024: Seed: $133,000. Series A: $183,000.

Is funding circle profitable? ›

The gold standard of business intelligence. Funding Circle's total income increased by 7% to £162.2m from £151m in the previous year. This growth was supported by a profitable performance in the UK Loans division, which achieved an adjusted earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortisation of £21.3m.

How do you present a funding request? ›

General guidelines for writing funding applications
  1. Always keep your project plan in mind. ...
  2. Write in plain English. ...
  3. Be specific about what you plan to do. ...
  4. Focus your application on the funder's priorities. ...
  5. Provide evidence that your work is needed.

What is funding round descriptions? ›

A funding round is money you get to grow your business from different types of investors - usually accelerators, business angels and VC funds. Depending on the development stage of your startup, you can raise pre-seed, seed, series A, B, C, etc.

How to write a funding press release? ›

Lists investors leading the funding round, followed by others who participated in the round. Provides an investor quote (if you have more than one, put each into its own paragraph). Include specifics on the momentum your company has created in the market so far. Consider describing how you will use the funding.

What do you say when looking for funding? ›

What to say when you're asking for money: 5 tips to help you secure business funding | CFIB
  • Describe yourself in their words. ...
  • Tell them how you will advance their agenda. ...
  • Find the perfect length for your application. ...
  • Get your numbers right. ...
  • Take feedback with open arms.
Oct 21, 2015

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Name: Nathanael Baumbach

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