How Much U.S. Debt Does China Own? (2024)

Nations borrowing from each other may be as old as the concept of money. Foreign debt provides the opportunity for countries to secure the financing they ordinarily wouldn't have access to and to stimulate their economy.

However, the concept of foreign debt carries a negative connotation, especially when it concerns large amounts owed to nations embroiled in controversy. For example, the huge amount of debt that the U.S. government owes Chinese lenders has been the subject of countless debates, headline news stories, and political platforms for decades.

Key Takeaways

  • The largest holder of U.S. debt is the United States government.
  • The top two foreign holders of U.S. debt are Japan and China.
  • Whether you're an American retiree or a Chinese bank, American debt is considered a sound investment.
  • The Chinese yuan, like the currencies of many nations, is tied to the U.S. dollar.
  • Because of varying maturities dates, China would be unable to call in all its Treasury holdings at once.

How the Ownership of US Debt Works

By mid-2017, the total amount of official debt owed by the federal, state, and local governments was more than $19.8 trillion. That figure was$30.5trillion as of June 30, 2022. Some experts insist on adding hundreds of trillions in unfunded future liabilities on the federal government balance sheet.

Of the $30.5 trillion in government debts, more than $6 trillion is owned by the federal government in trust funds. These are accounts dedicated to Social Security, Medicare, and other entitlements.

In simpler terms, the government wrote itself a really big IOU and bankrupted one account to finance another activity. IOUs are formed and financed through joint efforts of the U.S. Department of the Treasury and the Federal Reserve.

Much of the rest of the debt is owned by individual investors, corporations, and other public entities. This includes everyone from retirees who purchase individual U.S. Treasurys to the Chinese government.

From May 2021 to May 2022, the debt to Japan and China decreased by 4% and 9%, respectively.

Japancommands the top spot among foreign creditors with $1.2 trillion—4% of total U.S. debt—owed by the U.S. government. China holds the number two position, holding $980.8 billion of U.S. Treasurys—3.2% of the total U.S. debt.

Japanese-owned debt doesn't receive nearly as much negative attention as Chinese-owned debt, ostensibly because Japan is seen as a friendlier nation and the Japanese economy hasn't grown as fast as China's year after year.

The other countries that hold the most U.S. debt include the U.K., with $634 billion owed; Switzerland, holding $294.1 billion in debt securities; and the Cayman Islands, slightly behind Switzerland with $293.2 billion of the United States' debt.

Why China Owns So Much US Debt

There are two main economic reasons Chinese lenders bought up so many U.S. Treasury securities. The first and most important is that China wants its currency, the yuan, pegged to the dollar. This has been common practice for many countries ever since the Bretton Woods Conference in 1944.

A dollar-pegged yuan helps keep down the cost of Chinese exports, which the Chinese government believes makes it stronger in international markets. This also reduces the purchasing power of Chinese earners.

Effects of Dollar-Pegging

Dollar-pegging adds stability to the yuan since the dollar is still seen as one of the safest currencies in the world. This is the second reason the Chinese want Treasurys; they are essentially redeemable in dollars.

China drew some headlines in 2013 and 2014 for buying up a lot of gold to store in its bank vaults, but the real safety net for the yuan is the worldwide belief in the dollar.

Consequences of Owing Debt to the Chinese

It's politically popular to say that the Chinese "own the United States" because they are such a huge creditor. The reality is very different than the rhetoric.

If China called in all of its U.S. holdings, the U.S. dollar would depreciate, whereas the yuan would appreciate, making Chinese goods more expensive.

While around 3.2% of the national debt isn't exactly insignificant, the Treasury Department has had no problems finding buyers for its products even after a rating downgrade.

If the Chinese suddenly decided to call in all of the federal government's obligations (which isn't possible, given the maturities of debt securities), others would likely step in to service the market. This includes the Federal Reserve, which already owns six times as much debt as China.

The Effects on Trade

Second, the Chinese rely on American markets to buy Chinese-produced goods. Artificially suppressing the yuan has made it difficult for a growing Chinese middle class; so, exports are needed to keep businesses running.

Consider what the current arrangement means: The Chinese buy up dollar bills in the form of Treasurys. This helps inflate the value of the dollar. In return, American consumers get cheap Chinese products and incoming investment capital. The average American is made better off by foreigners providing inexpensive services and only demanding pieces of paper in return.

How Much Money Does the U.S. Owe China?

The United States owes China approximately $980.8 billion as of May 2022.

Which Country Owes the Most Money to China?

China does not publish the figures on its international lending. However, there are some countries—such as Niger, Cambodia, and Laos—whose debt to China is more than 20% of their GDP.

Does Any Country Have No National Debt?

According to the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the only nation with no national debt is Macao SAR.

Which Country Has the Most Debt?

Sudan has the most debt in the world, accounting for approximately 284% of its gross domestic product (GDP).

How Much U.S. Debt Does China Own? (2024)


How Much U.S. Debt Does China Own? ›

However, this has declined over time, and as of 2022 they controlled approximately 25% of foreign-owned debt. As of January 2023, the five countries owning the most US debt are Japan ($1.1 trillion), China ($859 billion), the United Kingdom ($668 billion), Belgium ($331 billion), and Luxembourg ($318 billion).

How much U.S. debt does China control? ›

China and Japan are the largest foreign investors in American government debt. Together they own $2 trillion — more than a quarter — of the $7.6 trillion in US Treasury securities held by foreign countries.

Who owns most of U.S. debt? ›

Domestic Holders of Federal Debt

The Federal Reserve, which purchases and sells Treasury securities as a means to influence federal interest rates and the nation's money supply, is the largest holder of such debt.

Does the US have more debt than China? ›

China's economy has experienced remarkable growth in the last few decades, making it one of the world's largest and most influential economies.

Which country owes the most money to China? ›

At the end of 2021, of the 98 countries for whom data was available, Pakistan ($27.4 billion of external debt to China), Angola (22.0 billion), Ethiopia (7.4 billion), Kenya (7.4 billion) and Sri Lanka (7.2 billion) held the biggest debts to China.

Who owes the United States the most money? ›

Over the past 20 years, Japan and China have owned more US Treasuries than any other foreign nation. Between 2000 and 2022, Japan grew from owning $534 billion to just over $1 trillion, while China's ownership grew from $101 billion to $855 billion.

Who owes the United States money? ›

Many people believe that much of the U.S. national debt is owed to foreign countries like China and Japan, but the truth is that most of it is owed to Social Security and pension funds right here in the U.S. This means that U.S. citizens own most of the national debt.

Why does China buy U.S. debt? ›

Key Takeaways. China invests heavily in U.S. Treasury bonds to keep its export prices lower. China focuses on export-led growth to help generate jobs. To keep its export prices low, China must keep its currency—the renminbi (RMB)—low compared to the U.S. dollar.

Why does the US owe so much money? ›

Since the government almost always spends more than it takes in via taxes and other revenue, the national debt continues to rise. To finance federal budget deficits, the U.S. government issues government bonds, known as Treasuries.

Which country has highest debt? ›

Here are the 25 countries with the highest debt-to-GDP ratios:
  • Sri Lanka. ...
  • Portugal. Debt to GDP Ratio: 114% ...
  • Cuba. Debt to GDP Ratio: 117% ...
  • Bahrain. Debt to GDP Ratio: 120% ...
  • Zambia. Debt to GDP Ratio: 123% ...
  • Suriname. Debt to GDP Ratio: 124% ...
  • Bhutan. Debt to GDP Ratio: 125% ...
  • United States. Debt to GDP Ratio: 129%
May 18, 2023

Do any countries have no debt? ›

The best example can be taken from Hong Kong (it is a one of the debt free countries), whose economy has the least debt to GDP ratio. It is an almost debt free country. It has a well-regulated financial system and large foreign reserves.

What country is not in debt? ›

The 20 countries with the lowest national debt in 2022 in relation to gross domestic product (GDP)
CharacteristicNational debt in relation to GDP
Macao SAR0%
Brunei Darussalam2.06%
Hong Kong SAR4.26%
9 more rows
May 11, 2023

Can China call in U.S. debt? ›

Key Takeaways. Whether you're an American retiree or a Chinese bank, American debt is considered a sound investment. The Chinese yuan, like the currencies of many nations, is tied to the U.S. dollar. Because of varying maturities dates, China would be unable to call in all its Treasury holdings at once.

Is China in a debt crisis? ›

China's $23 Trillion Local Debt Crisis Threatens Xi's Economy - Bloomberg.

What countries are trapped in debt to China? ›

China loaned a total of $143 billion to African governments and state-owned enterprises between 2000 and 2017. In 2020, the African countries with the largest Chinese debt were Angola ($25 billion), Ethiopia ($13.5 billion), Zambia ($7.4 billion), the Republic of the Congo ($7.3 billion), and Sudan ($6.4 billion).

Who is China's biggest debtors? ›

At the end of 2021, of the 98 countries for whom data was available, Pakistan ($27.4bn of external debt to China), Angola (22.0bn), Ethiopia (7.4bn), Kenya (7.4bn) and Sri Lanka (7.2bn) held the biggest debts to China.

What happens if the US defaults on its debt? ›

U.S. debt, long viewed as ultra-safe

Its debt, long viewed as an ultra-safe asset, is a foundation of global commerce, built on decades of trust in the United States. A default could shatter the $24 trillion market for Treasury debt, cause financial markets to freeze up and ignite an international crisis.

Does Britain still owe America money? ›

The debt was to be paid off in 50 annual repayments commencing in 1950. Some of these loans were only paid off in the early 21st century. On 31 December 2006, Britain made a final payment of about $83m (£45.5m) and thereby discharged the last of its war loans from the US.

Does France owe the US money? ›

The French “Commercial” Debt

The total “commercial” debt owed by France to the United States was given by M. Clémentel as $609,357,000.

How much debt can the US handle? ›

The debt limit caps the total amount of allowable outstanding U.S. federal debt. The U.S. hit that limit—$31.4 trillion—on January 19, 2023, but the Department of the Treasury has been undertaking a set of “extraordinary measures” so that the debt limit does not yet bind.

What states are not in debt? ›

States With the Least Debt in 2020

Mountain states, such as Idaho, Montana, Utah and Wyoming made the top-10 list, as did upper Midwest states like Nebraska, North Dakota and South Dakota. Alaska takes the No. 1 spot, with a tiny debt ratio of only 14.2%.

How much money does America have? ›

As of September 30, 2022: More than three-fourths of the federal government's total assets ($5.0 trillion) consist of: 1) $877.8 billion in cash and monetary assets; 2) $406.9 billion in inventory and related property; 3) $1.4 trillion in net loans receivable (primarily student loans); and 4) $1.2 trillion in net PP&E.

Who owns TikTok? ›

Fact: TikTok's parent company ByteDance Ltd. was founded by Chinese entrepreneurs, but today, roughly sixty percent of the company is beneficially owned by global institutional investors such as Carlyle Group, General Atlantic, and Susquehanna International Group.

How much U.S. debt does Russia hold? ›

The value of U.S. Treasury securities held by residents of Russia amounted to 67 million U.S. dollars in January 2023, having declined by 89 percent from the previous month. Furthermore, in March 2020, the figure decreased sharply to 3.85 billion U.S. dollars, down from 12.6 billion U.S. dollars one month prior.

How can the US reduce its debt? ›

Of course, just as with an individual or family, cutting spending and increasing revenue are smart first steps. Beyond that, the government considers things like new taxes, a higher retirement age, removing loopholes from the tax code, and more to reduce annual deficits and the national debt.

When was the last time the US did not have a deficit? ›

According to the Congressional Budget Office, the United States last had a budget surplus during fiscal year 2001, though the national debt still increased.

What does the US spend the most money on? ›

Spending Categories
  • 19 % Social Security.
  • 15 % Health.
  • 14 % Income Security.
  • 12 % National Defense.
  • 12 % Medicare.
  • 11 % Education, Training, Employment, and Social Services.
  • 8 % Net Interest.
  • 4 % Veterans Benefits and Services.

What happens if a country refuses to pay its debt? ›

Trade Embargo

Foreign creditors are often influential in their home country. Hence after default, they convince their countries to impose trade embargos on the defaulting nations. These embargos block the inflow and outflow of essential commodities into a nation thereby choking its economy.

When a country is in debt who do they owe? ›

The national debt of a country represents the sum of past annual deficits and the total that it owes creditors. Economists use the ratio of debt to a nation's gross domestic product as an indicator of a country's financial sustainability.

Which 5 countries own the most US debt? ›

Top Foreign Holders of U.S. Debt
RankCountryShare of Total
1🇯🇵 Japan14.7%
2🇨🇳 China11.9%
3🇬🇧 United Kingdom8.9%
4🇧🇪 Belgium4.8%
6 more rows
Mar 24, 2023

Has the US ever not been in debt? ›

As a result, the U.S. actually did become debt free, for the first and only time, at the beginning of 1835 and stayed that way until 1837. It remains the only time that a major country was without debt.

Has the US never been in debt? ›

The U.S. has had debt since its inception. Our records show that debts incurred during the American Revolutionary War amounted to $75,463,476.52 by January 1, 1791. Over the following 45 years, the debt grew. Notably, the public debt actually shrank to zero by January 1835, under President Andrew Jackson.

What happens if a country has too much debt? ›

Excessive debt can undermine economic performance when it is followed by transfers that are economically suboptimal. More importantly, these transfers can set off financial distress behavior that undermines subsequent growth, in many cases substantially.

What countries have more debt than the US? ›

Japan tops the ranking with central government debt of 221 percent of GDP, followed by Greece, Sudan, Eritrea, and Singapore. Not long ago, the U.S. was among the least indebted countries.

How much debt is America in? ›

The U.S. has run a deficit for the last 20 years, substantially increasing the national debt. In fact, according to the Department of the Treasury, the current debt is $31.4 trillion.

Which countries have worst household debt? ›

  • Canada. 107.49.
  • United Kingdom. 86.11.
  • United States. 78.03.
  • Germany. 56.68.
  • Italy. 43.58.
  • France. 66.61.
  • Japan. 68.84.
  • Vietnam. no data.

How do you prepare for a US default? ›

Experts share how to prepare for possible US debt default
  1. Build an emergency fund. ...
  2. Reduce debt. ...
  3. Wait to buy a home. ...
  4. Diversify your investments but don't overdo it. ...
  5. Review and adjust financial plans.
May 25, 2023

Does U.S. debt follow you to another country? ›

There's no law saying you can't move to another country if you have debt—even if it's in collections. But if you've taken on debt in the U.S., you're contractually obligated to pay it, regardless of where you choose to live. Living abroad can make it more difficult for creditors to find you and collect on your debt.

What did Yellen say about China? ›

A full separation of our economies would be disastrous for both countries. It would be destabilizing for the rest of the world. Rather, we know that the health of the Chinese and U.S. economies is closely linked. A growing China that plays by the rules can be beneficial for the United States.

Why does China have so little debt? ›

China has little overseas debt, and a high national savings rate. In addition, most of the debt is state owned – state-controlled banks loaned funds to state-controlled firms – giving the government the ability to manage the situation.

Where does China borrow money from? ›

China's emergency lending has gone almost entirely to middle-income countries that owe a lot of money to state-controlled Chinese banks. More than 90 percent of China's emergency loans in 2021 were in its own currency, the renminbi.

How did the US become indebted to China? ›

The US owes so much money to China because of the large trade and investment deficit the US currently has with China. This deficit is the result of a combination of factors, including rising wages and technology costs in the US, slow growth in the US economy, and US policies that favor the import of goods from China.

Who does Mexico owe money to? ›

dynamic and g rowing Mexico will be able THE CURRENT DILEMMA Of Mexico's $98 billion foreign debt, nearly $75 billion is owed to commercial banks, with U.S. banks holding about one-third of the IOUs. The rest is owed to other banks worldwide.

How much does China owe the world? ›

When adding portfolio debts (including the $1 trillion of U.S. Treasury debt purchased by China's central bank) and trade credits (to buy goods and services), the Chinese government's aggregate claims to the rest of the world exceed $5 trillion in total.

Who is the US largest debtor? ›

The Federal Reserve, which purchases and sells Treasury securities as a means to influence federal interest rates and the nation's money supply, is the largest holder of such debt.

Does China own $1 trillion U.S. debt? ›

China and Japan are the largest foreign investors in American government debt. Together they own $2 trillion — more than a quarter — of the $7.6 trillion in US Treasury securities held by foreign countries.

Is the US the largest debtor nation? ›

The U.S. status as the world's largest debtor nation is due to the central position that the U.S. plays in the world's monetary and financial systems. The U.S. dollar is the world's primary reserve currency and medium of exchange for settling international trade.

Why does China own so much U.S. debt? ›

China's demand for Treasurys helps keep U.S. interest rates low. It allows the U.S. Treasury to borrow more at low rates. Congress can then increase the federal spending that spurs U.S. economic growth. Owning U.S. Treasury notes helps China's economy grow.

How much is Chinese debt vs U.S. debt? ›

As recently as 2020, total debt in the United States relative to GDP exceeded China's. But as of mid-2022, China's relative debt burden stood 40 percent higher than America's.

Why is the US in so much debt to China? ›

The US owes so much money to China because of the large trade and investment deficit the US currently has with China. This deficit is the result of a combination of factors, including rising wages and technology costs in the US, slow growth in the US economy, and US policies that favor the import of goods from China.

What if China sold all U.S. debt? ›

If China (or any other nation having a trade surplus with the U.S.) stops buying U.S. Treasuries or even starts dumping its U.S. forex reserves, its trade surplus would become a trade deficit—something which no export-oriented economy would want, as they would be worse off as a result.

Which countries owe the most debt to China? ›

An Associated Press analysis of a dozen countries most indebted to China — including Pakistan, Kenya, Zambia, Laos and Mongolia — found paying back that debt is consuming an ever-greater amount of the tax revenue needed to keep schools open, provide electricity and pay for food and fuel.

How much money does America owe? ›

The $31 trillion gross federal debt equals debt held by the public plus debt held by federal trust funds and other government accounts. In very basic terms, this can be thought of as debt that the government owes to others plus debt that it owes to itself. Learn more about different ways to measure our national debt.

What happens if U.S. debt gets too high? ›

Rising debt means fewer economic opportunities for Americans. Rising debt reduces business investment and slows economic growth. It also increases expectations of higher rates of inflation and erosion of confidence in the U.S. dollar.

When did the United States start borrowing money from China? ›

Even so, in April 1938, the Nationalist government of China began to issue U.S.-dollar denominated bonds to finance the war against Japan's brutal invasion. Locked in a pitched battle for survival, the government issued these bonds into 1940.

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