How much of America do foreigners really own? (2024)

The Commerce Department released its latest data on foreign ownership of U.S. assets on Tuesday. And its findings may be surprising to some.

According to the data, the value of foreign-owned American assets climbed to $32.5 trillion in the second quarter, while total foreign assets held by Americans reached $24.5 trillion, leaving the U.S. with an investment deficit of $8 trillion.

But though the percentage of U.S. assets owned by foreigners has ballooned over the past few decades, the perception that American assets are largely owned by foreign interests is inaccurate, according to an analysis of available data by Jay Bryson, a global economist at Wells Fargo, and Harry Pershing, an economic analyst at the San Francisco-based bank.

To start, it helps to explore what types of assets are owned by foreigners.

The largest category, by far, is portfolio assets. This includes tradable securities like bonds and stocks. They account for roughly half of the assets owned by foreigners.

Next comes foreign direct investment, the outright ownership of a company by a foreign entity, which amounts to 20%. This is followed by “other assets” at 16%, and derivatives at 10%. The breakdown can be seen in the charts below:

How much of America do foreigners really own? (1)

Foreigners own about $17 trillion worth of American portfolio assets—representing shares of funds like mutual funds, exchange-traded funds, etc. Foreign holdings of American portfolio assets are concentrated in bonds, worth about $11 trillion. Of this, Treasurys constitute the largest share, worth about $6.3 trillion, according to Bryson and Pershing.

There was $77 trillion worth of long-term securities outstanding in U.S. financial markets during 2015. Of this, foreigners owned $16.2 trillion, or 21%.

“These ownership ratios have generally trended higher over time, but the perception that foreign investors own the majority of U.S. securities is simply not supported by the data,” Bryson and Pershing said.

How much of America do foreigners really own? (2)

Of all U.S. assets, foreigners own the largest share of outstanding Treasury securities. According to the latest available data, foreigners owned 48% of all Treasury debt. Although it’s still high, the Wells Fargo economists note that it is down from 60% in 2008.

Foreign ownership of other assets is far less pervasive. Foreigners currently own about 25% of outstanding corporate bonds, 15% of American stocks and 12% of agency securities (a category that includes mortgage-backed debt).

In terms of country of ownership, Japan holds the largest amount of U.S. portfolio assets, followed by China. However, China is the largest foreign holder of U.S. Treasury bonds, with about 10% of outstanding debt sitting in accounts controlled by the Chinese government.

The three countries rounding out the top five are the Cayman Islands, the United Kingdom, and Luxembourg. Bryson and Pershing note that the levels for the Cayman Islands and Luxembourg are likely inflated because custodial banks may own these assets on behalf of investors based elsewhere. Unfortunately, this makes it difficult to ascertain who actually owns many of these securities.

Foreign direct investment, the outright ownership of American assets by foreigners, totaled $6.9 trillion at the end of the second quarter, with the largest share of this concentrated in the manufacturing sector, followed by the finance and insurance industry and the wholesale trade industry.

The value of directly invested capital by businesses based in Western Europe was $2.2 trillion in 2015, representing about 70% of the total. The Asia-Pacific region is a distant second, with about 18% of the FDI total. The amount attributable to Japan amounted to $400 billion, much larger than the $15 billion contributed by China.

How much of America do foreigners really own? (3)

So next time you see a headline about the purchase of a U.S. company by a foreign buyer, take it with a grain of salt. Americans still own the vast majority of American assets.

How much of America do foreigners really own? (2024)


How much of America do foreigners really own? ›

Of the 1.3 billion acres of private agricultural land in the United States, foreign entities fully or partially owned roughly 40 million acres valued at $74 billion in 2021.

Do foreigners own most of the assets in the United States? ›

If the Federal Reserve's holdings are excluded, foreigners own nearly 60 percent of outstanding marketable treasuries. Foreigners own less-significant portions of other asset markets. Their holdings of equities, though large in dollar terms, are small relative to the size of the equity market.

Who is the largest foreign owner of US real estate? ›

Despite what you may have heard about China's specific influence in purchasing property and agricultural land in the U.S., Canada is still the largest investor, accounting for 8% of foreign investments in U.S. real estate, according to the National Association of Realtors.

What percent of homes are owned by foreign investors? ›

Foreign buyers purchase 1.6% of all homes sold in the U.S., according to the report. In California, that number has hovered around 3% in recent years.

Can a foreign country buy land in USA? ›

With no hidden fees, a stable market, tax benefits, and flexible financing alternatives, many people wonder, “Can Foreigners Buy Land in USA” The answer is 'YES'. Anyone, regardless of their citizenship status, can buy real estate in the United States.

What foreign country owns the most land in US? ›

In a study of USDA reports, Pew found the foreign country that owns the most U.S. land is not China or Russia, but rather, our neighbors north: Canada. Investors from the Great White North, according to the USDA, own about 12.8 million acres of U.S. land, most of it forest land.

Why does the US allow foreigners to buy property? ›

Because the US has no citizenship requirement for real estate sales, non-US citizens can buy property in the US. In fact, foreigners can even qualify for a mortgage if they meet certain requirements. However, foreign property owners do face a more challenging tax situation than US citizens.

Who owns most of the properties in America? ›

Who owns the most land in the U.S.? While not private landowners, the U.S. federal government owns about 640 million acres of land, which is 28% of the land in the country. Out of all of the states, Nevada has the highest percentage of federally owned land.

Who owns most homes in America? ›

Homeowner rates by race and ethnicity

Homeownership statistics by race show that the highest rates of homeownership are held by White households. Although homeownership rates for both Asian and Hispanic homeowners are above or around 50%, respectively, the rate for Black homeownership remains lower at just above 43%.

How much American real estate is owned by China? ›

Chinese buyers comprise one of the largest groups of foreign buyers of residential property in the United States. Historically, between 20,000 and 40,000 residential properties were bought by Chinese nationals, but in 2022, both the sales volume and percentage of all foreign-bought properties declined.

Are the Chinese buying American homes? ›

Chinese buyers are returning to the U.S. housing market after a long lull, but recent efforts by several states to restrict certain foreign purchases could make homebuying harder for them. Why it matters: Chinese buyers spent $6.1 billion on existing U.S. homes last year, more than any other international homebuyers.

What country is the world's largest foreign investor? ›

United States Is World's Top Destination for Foreign Direct Investment. The United States recorded the largest increase of inward foreign direct investment of all economies in 2021.

Do foreign real estate investors pay US taxes? ›

Upon sale of real property, the foreign investor will be subject to FIRPTA withholding tax at the rate of 15% of the total sale price (not on gain realized from sale) subject to certain exceptions. FIRPTA tax must be withheld from the purchase price by the buyer and is treated as an advance payment of U.S. taxes.

Do Americans own land in China? ›

Foreign investors are not allowed to buy land in China. The land in China belongs to the state and the collectives.

Can a foreigner buy a ranch in USA? ›

There are no citizenship requirement for real estate sales in the USA, any non-US citizens can buy any property. Anyone may purchase and own property in the United States, regardless of citizenship. There are no laws restricting a person from buying a property in the USA.

Can I get green card if I buy land in USA? ›

Yes, you can obtain a green card through real estate investment in the United States. Although buying a real estate property will not directly help get a green card in the U.S., there are some ways to get a green card by investing in real estate. One of the preferable ways is through the EB-5 Investor Program.

What family owns the most land in the US? ›

1. EMMERSON FAMILY. The nation's largest private landowners, California's Emmerson family, are a prime example of this trend. Through their Sierra Pacific Industries, the Emmersons increased their landholdings by more than 100 square miles to over 2.4 million acres.

How much U.S. farmland is owned by foreigners? ›

In 2011, 25.7 million acres of U.S. agricultural land was wholly or partly owned by foreign entities. In 2018, the number of foreign-owned acres crested 30 million and in 2021 foreign entities owned just over 40 million acres of U.S. agricultural land.

How much land does Canada own in the United States? ›

According to data from the U.S. Department of Agriculture's Foreign Holdings of U.S. Agricultural Land through December 31, 2021 report, Canadian entities own 12.8 million acres of U.S. land.

Can a Mexican buy a house in the US? ›

Anyone may buy and own property in the United States, regardless of citizenship. There are no laws or restrictions that prevent an individual of any foreign citizenship from owning or buying a home in the U.S.

Can Americans own land in Mexico? ›

So can Americans own land in Mexico? Yes they can! Land for sale in Mexico is available for purchase by Americans, Canadians, and anyone around the world considered a “foreigner.”

Can I get US citizenship if I buy a house? ›

Does buying a property in the USA give you residency? Purchasing American homes doesn't automatically put you on your path to citizenship. But there are other ways to earn permanent residency in the United States if you are a foreign national or an immigrant.

How much land does McDonald's own in the US? ›

Once all the math is done, calculations show that McDonald's owns around 47,037 acres of land. McDonald's only owns and operates about 15% of locations directly. The remainder is run by franchisees. McDonald's real business is acting as the landlord of its franchisees.

Who owns largest land in world? ›

The Biggest Landowners in the World
1King Charles III and the British Royal FamilyUnited Kingdom, Canada
2Catholic ChurchWorldwide
3Inuit People of NunavutCanada
4Gina RinehartAustralia, United States
21 more rows

Does McDonald's own more land than The Catholic Church? ›

They are both real estate empires rarely framed as such, though McDonald's estimated 42,000-acre holding is paltry compared to the Catholic Church's 200-million-acre footprint.

What percentage of Americans own their home with no mortgage? ›

Yet no-mortgage owners in California are only 33% of all homeowners – and only four places have a smaller share: D.C. at 24%, Maryland at 28% and Colorado and Utah at 30%.

What percentage of Americans have a mortgage? ›

Accounting for 70% of all American debt, mortgage debt carries the highest total at $10.44 trillion. Forty-two percent of households have mortgages. (That's over 51.5 million total American households). And the average mortgage debt in our country is $202,454.

What percentage of American homes are paid off? ›

According to Census Bureau data, over 38 percent of owner-occupied housing units are owned free and clear. For homeowners under age 65, the share of paid-off homes is 26.4 percent.

How much of Manhattan is owned by China? ›

According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture's (USDA) latest report on foreign ownership of American land, from 2021, 146 Chinese investors held 383,935 acres—nearly double the 193,700 acres that comprise New York City.

Does China store 70% of its wealth in real estate? ›

In play now in China, where around 70% of household wealth is in property, this phenomenon is weighing on the post-pandemic recovery of household consumption, which Chinese policymakers have vowed to make a more prominent driver of economic growth.

What American companies has China bought? ›

Keep reading to see which U.S. giants are backed by foreign conglomerates.
  • AMC. Popular cinema company AMC, short for American Multi-Cinema, has been around for over a century and is headquartered in Leawood, KS. ...
  • General Motors. ...
  • Spotify. ...
  • Snapchat. ...
  • Hilton Hotels. ...
  • General Electric Appliance Division. ...
Jan 12, 2021

Do you actually own your home in China? ›

Because China is a socialist country, all land is either subject to government ownership or collective ownership. In principle, municipal land is subject to government ownership and land outside cities is subject to collective ownership. However, one can obtain the right to use the land.

Is it easy for an American to live in China? ›

Living in China as an American can be a wonderful, beautiful thing, but it isn't without its trials. The food might be a little intimidating, since norms are quite different from the US. The cultural nuances might seem endearing at first, but you might find yourself frustrated at the cultural disconnect at other times.

Why are Chinese investors buying US real estate? ›

Many Chinese and Hong Kong nationals may find this an intriguing option because of the relatively cheaper housing prices in the United States (compared to metro areas of other western countries) and the availability of coastal area properties in many country locations.

Which country invests most in USA? ›

The main investing countries in the U.S. are Japan, Germany, Canada, the United Kingdom, Ireland and France. Most of these investments are in manufacturing, financial and insurance activities, and trade and maintenance. In 2021, California received the most investment, followed by Massachusetts and New York (BEA).

Where does the US invest most of its money? ›

Foreign direct investment in the United States was concentrated in the U.S. manufacturing sector, which accounted for 42.4 percent of the position. There was also sizable investment in finance and insurance (12.5 percent) and wholesale trade (9.7 percent).

What country has the most investment in the US? ›

In 2021, no country had a higher foreign direct investment (FDI) position in the United States than Japan, followed by the Netherlands and Canada. At that time, Japan had over 690 billion U.S. dollars invested in the United States.

Do I have to declare foreign property to IRS? ›

Yes, you must report foreign properties on your U.S. tax return just like you would report any owned U.S. property. To do that, you first need to know what type of ownership you have because it affects what tax forms you must file.

Do I have to report sale of foreign property to IRS? ›

You have to report the sale of foreign property to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) when you sell it, just as you would any other sale of property in the U.S.

Can foreigners sell property in USA? ›

To both buy and sell property in the U.S. as a Resident Alien, you'll follow the same process and tax laws as U.S. citizens. You'll have to pay capital gains tax to the U.S. government, and probably similar taxes to your own home government as well.

Can Americans own land in Russia? ›

According to Russian law, foreigners are usually allowed to purchase or rent property in Russia, but certain exceptions apply. Also, in order to be allowed to buy a property, the foreign citizen must hold a valid Russian resident permit.

How much is a house in China? ›

An average 80 square meter apartment within Shanghai's Inner Ring Road goes for upwards $886,000; while in the city's hinterlands it sells for around US$200,000. In Beijing, the average cost of a home of this size is roughly US$310,000.

Can citizens of Russia own property? ›

Both the Constitution of the Russian Federation and the Civil Code of the Russian Federation uphold the right to own private property.

What countries can you buy land in as an American? ›

Countries Where U.S. Citizens Can Buy Property 2023
  • Anguilla.
  • Barbados.
  • Bermuda.
  • Cayman Islands.
  • Mexico.
  • Turks and Caicos.

Where is the cheapest place to own a farm in the US? ›

Texas. Texas tops the list of states offering cheap farmland. With its lengthy hot seasons and mild winters, the Lone Star State is especially ideal for growing cotton. The state is also a big beef cattle producer, so the price per acre may be lower due to the high demand for grazing land.

Can US citizens own property in Canada? ›

For real estate investors, looking to Canada can diversify one's portfolio of properties and generate an alternative source of rental income. U.S. residents can own property in Canada without becoming a resident of Canada, but must report income or proceeds from a sale to both country's taxing authorities.

How much money do you need to invest in the US to get a green card? ›

Invest $ 1,050,000 To Get An EB-5 U.S. Green Card

Most Direct EB-5 investments are in franchises, hotels, restaurants, IT companies, retail chain stores, etc.

Can you permanently live in the US with a green card? ›

A green card provides many advantages, primarily that it allows the green card holder to permanently live and work in the United States, and after a number of years, become a U.S. citizen.

Who are the largest foreign investors in the US? ›

The main investing countries in the U.S. are Japan, Germany, Canada, the United Kingdom, Ireland and France. Most of these investments are in manufacturing, financial and insurance activities, and trade and maintenance. In 2021, California received the most investment, followed by Massachusetts and New York (BEA).

Which country has the most foreign assets? ›

The top 10 nations in terms of foreign currency reserves had combined reserve assets of $8.8 trillion as of December 2021, more than 40% of which was accounted for by China and Hong Kong. International Monetary Fund.

Do US citizens pay taxes on foreign assets? ›

In general, yes — Americans must pay U.S. taxes on foreign income. The U.S. is one of only two countries in the world where taxes are based on citizenship, not place of residency. If you're considered a U.S. citizen or U.S. permanent resident, you pay income tax regardless where the income was earned.

What is Americans largest asset? ›

Real estate, for either personal use or rental purposes, is the most highly valued asset owned by households.

Which country invests the most in the US? ›

In 2021, no country had a higher foreign direct investment (FDI) position in the United States than Japan, followed by the Netherlands and Canada. At that time, Japan had over 690 billion U.S. dollars invested in the United States.

Which country has most US investment? ›

U.S. direct investment abroad (tables 1 – 6)

The U.S. direct investment abroad position was largest in the United Kingdom ($1.0 trillion), followed by the Netherlands ($885.3 billion) and Luxembourg ($715.6 billion). Ireland ($556.6 billion) and Canada ($406.4 billion) rounded out the top five.

Which country has no debt? ›

The 20 countries with the lowest national debt in 2022 in relation to gross domestic product (GDP)
CharacteristicNational debt in relation to GDP
Macao SAR0%
Brunei Darussalam2.06%
Hong Kong SAR4.26%
9 more rows
May 11, 2023

Which countries are not in debt? ›

Countries with the Lowest National Debt
  • Brunei. 3.2%
  • Afghanistan. 7.8%
  • Kuwait. 11.5%
  • Democratic Republic of Congo. 15.2%
  • Eswatini. 15.5%
  • Palestine. 16.4%
  • Russia. 17.8%

Which country is financially best in the world? ›

Biggest economies in 2021 by gross domestic product
RankCountryGDP in $ per capita
1United States70,249
46 more rows

Can the IRS see my foreign bank account? ›

Yes, eventually the IRS will find your foreign bank account. When they do, hopefully your foreign bank accounts with balances over $10,000 have been reported annually to the IRS on a FBAR “foreign bank account report” (Form 114).

What happens if I have more than $10000 in a foreign bank account? ›

A United States person that has a financial interest in or signature authority over foreign financial accounts must file an FBAR if the aggregate value of the foreign financial accounts exceeds $10,000 at any time during the calendar year. The full line item instructions are located at FBAR Line Item Instructions.

What countries don't report to the IRS? ›

Key Takeaways. Bermuda, Monaco, the Bahamas, and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) are four countries that do not have personal income taxes. If you renounce your U.S. citizenship, you may end up paying a tax penalty called an expatriation tax.

What is the No 1 asset of USA? ›

Jill Mislinski of Advisor Perspectives looked at the Federal Reserve's financial accounts data and found that student loans make up the largest financial asset held by the federal government – by a huge margin.

How many Americans have $10 million in assets? ›

Around 1,456,336 households in America have $10 million or more in net worth. That's 1.13% of American households. So, no, $10 million in net worth is not the one percent.

How does the US have so much money? ›

The American economy is fueled by high productivity, transportation infrastructure, and extensive natural resources. Americans have the highest average household and employee income among OECD member states.

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