How much money you need to live comfortably in the Netherlands | Expat Well (2024)

How much money you need to live comfortably in the Netherlands | Expat Well (1)

Many expats are attracted to the Netherlands, due to the high quality of life, widespread use of English as well as the special tax regimes that have been put in place to make the Netherlands more attractive to expats.

This raises the important question of how much money do you actually need to earn to live “comfortably” in the Netherlands?

Although cost of living varies considerably due to each individual’s personal preferences and situation, according to our estimations a single person would need a net salary of €1,900 to live comfortably in most Dutch cities while a family of four would typically require a net salary of at least €4,800 per month.

Although cost of living varies considerably due to each individual’s personal preferences and situation, according to our estimations a single person would need a net salary of €1,900 to live comfortably in most Dutch cities while a family of four would typically require a net salary of at least €4,800 per month.

*The figures above include rent however, it is worth noting that Amsterdam will typically be a bit more expensive (around 33% more) than some other cities in the Netherlands largely due to higher rent prices. For those who are interested I have included an overview of the cost of living in different cities in the Netherlands at the end of this blog post.

In the sections below I will give you a more detailed breakdown of different living expenses in the Netherlands to give you a better idea of how much you would need to live comfortably in the Netherlands depending on your own unique personal situation.

Table Of Contents

  1. Salaries in the Netherlands
    • Average salary in the Netherlands
  2. Living Expenses
    • Housing/Accommodation
    • Entertainment/Recreation
    • Groceries
    • Utility Costs in the Netherlands
    • TV and Internet Costs in the Netherlands
    • Mobile Phone Costs in the Netherlands
    • Healthcare Costs in the Netherlands
  3. Children
    • Tuition Fees
    • Daycare Costs in the Netherlands
  4. Transportation
    • Public Transportation
    • Biking in the Netherlands
    • Taxi’s
    • Car Ownership
  5. Conclusion
  6. Other frequently asked questions
    • Is 100k euro a good salary in the Netherlands?
    • Is €3,000 a good salary in the Netherlands?
    • Why are Dutch salaries so low?
    • What is considered rich in the Netherlands?
    • Are salaries in the Netherlands high?
    • Is living in the Netherlands expensive?
    • What is a good salary in the Netherlands in 2021?
    • What is the Cost of Living in Amsterdam
    • What is the Cost of Living in Rotterdam
    • What is the Cost of Living in the Hague
    • What is the Cost of Living in Utrecht
    • What is the Cost of Living in Breda
    • What is the Cost of Living in Nijmegen
    • What is the Cost of Living in Eindhoven

Salaries in the Netherlands

Average salary in the Netherlands

The average gross salary in the Netherlands in 2020 was €36,500 ($42,300) per year which equals a gross monthly salary of €2,816 ($3,263) or €2,245 ($2,601) per month after taxes.

But what is considered to be a good salary in the Netherlands?

While the answer to this question is quite subjective, a gross salary of €70,000 ($81,000) per year would put you in the top 5% of income earners in the Netherlands. Which equals to a net monthly salary of €3,832 ($4,440) per month.

Similarly a single person earning net salary below €1,039 ($1,203) per month would be considered “poor” as this is where the Dutch poverty line currently sits.

To get a better idea of what is considered a “good” salary in the Netherlands, here is a list of the average net monthly salary in the Netherlands by age bracket.

Age BracketAverage Net Monthly Salary
16-25 year olds€1,083
25-35 year olds€2,291
35-45 year olds€2,550
45-55 year olds€2,800
55-65 year olds€2,825
65-75 year olds€2,425

To better understand how your salary compares to what Dutch workers earn in different industries I have created the table below which shows the average salaries for some of the most common jobs in the country.

Job TypeAverage Monthly Gross SalaryAverage Monthly Net Salary
Fast Food Employee (minimum wage)≈ €1,684
≈ $1,944
≈ €1,576
≈ $1,824
Taxi/Uber Driver≈ €2,000
≈ $2,310
≈ €1,804
≈ $2,087
Electrician/Plumber≈ €2,785
≈ $3,220
≈ €2,272
≈ $2,623
Administrative Assistant≈ €2,335
≈ $2,700
≈ €2,005
≈ $2,320
Accountant≈ €3,655
≈ $4,235
≈ €2,731
≈ $3,160
Teacher≈ €3,780
≈ $4,370
≈ €2,795
≈ $3,235
Electrical Engineer≈ €3,250
≈ $3,750
≈ €2,525
≈ $2,925
Software Engineer≈ €3,315
≈ $3,830
≈ €2,558
≈ $2,961
Manager≈ €3,905
≈ $4,510
≈ €2,858
≈ $3,308
Lawyer≈ €4,650
≈ $5,370
≈ €3,238
≈ $3,748
Doctor GP≈ €6,500
≈ $7,510
≈ €4,129
≈ $4,780

Some things to note about these salaries are:

  • They are average salaries (i.e. 50% earn above this number and 50% earn below).
  • Variations at the top and bottom of these numbers can differ quite a lot depending on the profession.
  • These are national averages and location will impact these figures slightly.
  • Net salaries vary depending on factors including age, part time vs full time, marital status, children etc. These figures listed in the table were calculated based on a full time, single employee over the age of 21.

Salaries were gathered from the Dutch salary website “werkzoeken”

Living Expenses


Depending on where you live and the type of housing you choose individuals can expect to spend between 25-40% of their net salary on rent or mortgage payments.

Housing costs will also vary by location. For example, rent in Amsterdam is typically around 30% higher than other large cities like Rotterdam, Utrecht or the Hague. Below is a table of average rental prices in the four biggest cities in the Netherlands.

LocationAmsterdamThe HagueRotterdamUtrecht
1 bedroom apartment≈ €1,400
≈ $1,650
≈ €1000
≈ $1,160
≈ €1,100
≈ $1,300
≈ €1,150
≈ $1,350
3 bedroom apartment≈ €2,400
≈ $2,780
≈ €1,700
≈ $1,970
≈ €1,650
≈ $1,900
≈ €1,900
≈ $2,200

It is worth noting that due to generous mortgage interest based tax deductions as well as the availability of high quality subsidized public housing, expats in the Netherlands will often find themselves paying nearly 50% more for their accommodation than most of the local population as they will generally need to rent more expensive accommodation directly from private landlords.


Everyone’s monthly entertainment budget will vary depending on the types of activities you like doing, how often you do them and how many people you are doing these activities with.

Below I have included an overview of the average prices for popular entertainment/recreational activities in the Netherlands.

Standard meal at a fast food restaurant≈ €6.40
≈ $7.40
Simple meal at a “cheap” restaurant≈ €14
≈ $16
3 course meal at a mid-range restaurant for one person≈ €35
≈ $41
1 Beer at a local pub/bar≈ €2.70
≈ $3.15
1 Glass of wine at a local pub/bar≈ €3.70
≈ $4.30
1 co*cktail at a local par/pub≈ €11.00
≈ $12.90
Cup of coffee at a local cafe≈ €2.40
≈ $2.78
Cinema ticket≈ €12.50
≈ $14.50
Concert ticket of internationally renowned musician≈ €70
≈ $81
Monthly gym membership≈ €38
≈ $44


Groceries often make up a significant percentage of your monthly outgoing expenses. However, the Dutch are known for preferring to spend as little as possible on groceries especially when compared to other countries around the world like France or Italy who often seek out higher quality produce and goods which are more artisanal in nature.

According to the Dutch Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS) the average Dutch family spends €492 per month on groceries while the average single person spends €207 per month on their grocery bill.

According to the Dutch Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS) the average Dutch family spends €492 per month on groceries while the average single person spends €207 per month on their grocery bill.

In the Netherlands you are spoiled for choice when it comes to supermarkets with most supermarkets being located within a short walk or bicycle ride of your home. In general Lidl is the cheapest supermarket in the Netherlands, followed closely by Aldi and Hoogvliet. More premium supermarkets in the Netherlands are Jumbo and Albert Heijn with Albert Heijn being slightly more expensive than Jumbo.

Below is an overview of what you can expect to pay for commonly bought grocery items.

Tomatoes (1kg)≈ €2.65
≈ $3.07
Apples (1kg)≈ €2.99
≈ $3.47
Bananas 1(kg)≈ €1.99
≈ $2.31
Oranges (1kg)≈ €1.50
≈ $1.74
Fresh Milk (1L)≈ €1.55
≈ $1.80
Rice (1kg)≈ €0.89
≈ $1.03
Onions (1kg)≈ €0.79
≈ $0.92
Domestic Beer (1L)≈ €2.40
≈ $2.78
Ground Beef (500g)≈ €3.69
≈ $4.28
Chicken Filets (500g)≈ €3.97
≈ $4.60
Eggs (12)≈ €1.63
≈ $1.89

Utility Costs in the Netherlands

While your utility bills will vary depending upon your own usage rates as well as the energy efficiency of your accommodation, according to the Dutch National Institute for Family Finance Information (NIBUD) the average Dutch household will spend the following amounts for their monthly water, electricity and heating bills.

Number of People in HouseholdMonthly Electricity BillMonthlyWater BillMonthlyGas Bill

TV and Internet Costs in the Netherlands

Most people in the Netherlands will get a packaged deal which combines both internet and tv which will cost anywhere between €40 to €100 per month. This will normally get you internet speeds of between 30-40 Mbps and between 50-70 tv channels. Fortunately, the Dutch do not dub their English language tv shows and movies making local tv suitable for expats.

Mobile Phone Costs in the Netherlands

It is quite common to be provided with a mobile phone through your work although if you choose to get your own plan you will normally pay between €8 to €12 per month for 2-3GB per month for a 4G connection. A faster 5G connection will cost about €15 for 2GB per month. For plans which provide you with a new high end smartphone like an iPhone you should expect to add an additional €30 to €40 per month to a two year contract.

Healthcare Costs in the Netherlands

Healthcare in the Netherlands is very good and as a result, the Dutch healthcare system is ranked near the top in the world amongst wealthy developed nations. During the six years I spent living in the Netherlands I have always had a good experience using the Dutch healthcare system.

The Dutch government has put in place a mandatory “base insurance” which covers the majority of medical expenses and is the same for all residents/citizens.

If you are wondering what you can expect to pay for your health insurance in the Netherlands you will be pleased to know that:

On average Dutch residents will pay €125 per month for their “base insurance” which includes an annual deductible of €385. However if you increase your annual deductible to €885 your monthly health insurance costs will typically cost between €85 to €91 per month.

On average Dutch residents will pay €125 per month for their “base insurance” which includes an annual deductible of €385. However if you increase your annual deductible to €885 your monthly health insurance costs will typically cost between €85 to €91 per month.

In addition, the Dutch healthcare system also provides residents with the option to purchase supplemental insurance which covers things that are not covered as part of the base insurance package like dental care, glasses/lenses and alternative forms medicine.

What about the cost of medicines in the Netherlands?

In the Netherlands you will need to pay the first €250 of your annual prescription costs before your insurance provider will begin reimbursing the cost of your medicines. This annual €250 prescription deductible is separate from your “regular” health insurance deductible listed above. Like most countries around the world anything which is available over the counter will not be counted towards this deductible.

Below is an overview of what you can expect to pay for common medical treatments/medications in the Netherlands.

TreatmentCostOut of Pocket Cost
Visit to the GP≈ €9.50 – €22
≈ $11 – $25.50
≈ €9.50 – €22
≈ $11 – $25.50
Simple onsite treatment (bandaging, vaccination, blood test etc.)≈ €40 – €80
≈ $46 – $93
≈ €0
≈ $0
Health Screening≈ €1,000 – €1,600
≈ $1,160 – $1,855
≈ €0
≈ $0
Average inpatient treatment≈ €500 – €1,200
≈ $580 – $1,392
≈ €0
≈ $0
Childbirth≈ €3,190
≈ $3,700
≈ €369
≈ $428
Caesarean≈ €4,185
≈ $4,853
≈ €0
≈ $0
1 week dose of over the counter cold medicine≈ €5.90
≈ $6.83
≈ €5.90
≈ $6.83

*The out of pocket costs listed in the table above are only €0 if your deductible has been reached and your doctor has given you a prescription.


Every parent knows that the children can add a significant amount of cost to a family’s living expenses.

How much money you need to live comfortably in the Netherlands | Expat Well (2)

Tuition Fees

As an expat you may wish to send your children to one of the many international schools in the Netherlands in order to make their transition to the Netherlands go as smoothly as possible. International schools in the Netherlands are actually quite affordable when compared to ones located in neighboring countries like Belgium or Germany.

This is because the Dutch government has put in place subsidies and special tax regimes which make running an international school cheaper than in many other countries around the world; in hopes of making the country more attractive to expats with families.

So how much do international schools cost in the Netherlands?

Most international schools in cities like Amsterdam or the Hague will cost between €8,000 to €23,000 per year per child.

Most international schools in cities like Amsterdam or the Hague will cost between €8,000 to €23,000 per year per child.

Daycare Costs in the Netherlands

The price of daycare in the Netherlands can be difficult to estimate as it depends on a variety of factors including the amount of hours your child spends in daycare each week, how many children you have in daycare as well as your household income.

Fortunately, daycare costs can be reduced by between 33% to 96% depending on your household income after you include the generous subsidies provided by the Dutch government. Below is an example of what you would expect to pay based on the average income of around €37,000 as well as a higher salary of €55,000 per year.

Yearly Gross Income€37,000€55,000
Hours Per Month8989
Hourly Daycare Cost€8.46€8.46
Monthly Daycare Cost€752€752
Government Daycare Subsidy€675 (96%)€609 (80.9%)
Net Daycare Cost Per Month€53€144

However, some expats who aren’t subject to income tax like diplomats or international organization staff won’t be able to qualify for these subsidies and will pay between €5 to €10 per hour for their child’s daycare. Which means that they can pay anywhere between €700 to €1,800 per month for their children’s daycare fees.


The final major monthly expense category covered in this post is transportation costs.

Public Transportation

If you live in the city center of cities like Amsterdam, Rotterdam or the Hague you can generally get around using the well established public transportation systems.

A 60 minute public transportation ticket in Amsterdam would set you back €3.80. Similarly a monthly transportation pass in the main urban areas of Amsterdam, the Hague and Rotterdam would cost €50 per month when taken as part of a yearly subscription. For €306 per month you can get a monthly pass which covers all of the Netherlands and includes the Bus, Tram and Metro.

Biking in the Netherlands

The Netherlands is arguably the best country in the world when it comes to traveling by bike. The flat topography of the country, compact size of cities and excellent bike infrastructure means that most of your daily trips can easily be handled using a bike. Most Dutch people will choose to buy a cheap second hand bike on platforms like Markt Plaats (Dutch version of craigslist/gumtree) or buy a new bike at one of the many bike stores in the country.


The prices of taxis in the Netherlands are heavily regulated with the government putting in place caps for how much a taxi can charge to initiate a ride as well as how much can be charged per minute of travel as well as per kilometer travelled.

Type of CarMax Ride FeeMax Fee (per KM)Max Time Fee(per minute)
Passenger Car(max 4 passengers)€3.29€2.42€0.40
Minivan(max 5 to 8 people)€6,69€3.05€0.46

This means that a 20 minute 10km ride would cost you around €35.50 while an Uber for the same route would normally cost around €29 which is equal to a savings of around 20%.

Car Ownership

Car ownership can be quite expensive in any country. However, in the Netherlands the price of a car can vary quite a bit depending on the size (weight of the vehicle) as well as how eco-friendly the vehicle is.

As a result, you will see that the diesel and performance versions of car models can be quite a bit more expensive than if you buy the electric/plugin hybrid version of the same car. Similarly the amount of road tax you need to pay each quarter can increase the overall ownership costs of the vehicle you own with bigger/higher emitting vehicles having significantly higher road tax fees than smaller or electric vehicles.

Petrol costs are also quite expensive in the Netherlands particularly when compared to the United States with Dutch fuel prices being a whopping 88% more expensive than fuel bought in the United States. The table below shows the price of petrol and diesel in the Netherlands as of October 2021.

Type Of GasPrice Per LiterPrice Per Gallon

Below is an overview of the average price of five of the most popular car models sold in the Netherlands.

Car ModelPrice NewPrice Used (3 years old)Monthly Road Tax
Skoda Octavia≈ €30,700 – €34,800
≈ $35,600 – $40,400
≈ €14,000 – €21,000
≈ $16,200 – $24,300
€59 per month
Volkswagen Golf≈ €27,000 – €34,000
≈ $31,300 – $39,400
≈ €14,800 – €19,000
≈ $17,200 – $22,000
€55 per month
Volvo XC40≈ €38,000 – €48,000
≈ $44,100 – $55,600
≈ €29,000 – €37,000
≈ $33,600 – $42,900
€73 per month
BMW 3 Series≈ €43,800 – €47,500
≈ $50,800 – $55,100
≈ €21,000 – €32,000
≈ $24,400 – $37,100
€67 per month
Toyota Aygo≈ €14,800 – €15,600
≈ $17,150 – $18,100
≈ €7,800 – €10,900
≈ $9,100 – $12,600
€18 per month


In conclusion, while living expenses in the Netherlands have gone up in recent years, the overall high quality of life you will experience living in the Netherlands as well as the relatively high salaries for expats means that most expats should be able to live comfortably in the Netherlands.

It is really important to try and calculate what you would expect to spend to live the type of lifestyle you want before accepting a job in the Netherlands. You should also make sure to ask your employer if you will be eligible for the Netherlands 30% tax ruling for expats which allows you to receive 30% of your salary tax free.

To put my estimations of €1,900 per month for single individuals and €4,800 per month for families of four (rent included) in perspective these salaries should give you a comparable lifestyle to the salaries listed in the cities below.

CitySingle monthly netFamily of Four monthly net
New York€4,200

Other frequently asked questions

Is 100k euro a good salary in the Netherlands?

Yes a salary of €100,000 per year is considered to be an excellent salary in the Netherlands. A salary of this amount would easily put you in the top 1% of all income earners in the Netherlands and equate to a net monthly salary of €4,945.

Is €3,000 a good salary in the Netherlands?

A gross salary of €3,000 is considered to be a pretty good salary in the Netherlands as it puts you in the top 30% of all income earners in the Netherlands and equates to a net monthly salary of €2,398. However a €3,000 per month net salary would be much better and mean you earn around €50,000 per year which would put you in the top 15% of all income earners in the Netherlands.

Why are Dutch salaries so low?

Some people might consider Dutch salaries to be quite low, especially after you have deducted the relatively high income taxes. However, salaries in the Netherlands are in line with most other countries in Western Europe and include generous social benefits like childcare subsidies, mortgage rebates, 13th month salary, paid leave, maternity leave, pension and sick leave.

What is considered rich in the Netherlands?

While what is considered “rich” is subjective, according to the Dutch Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS) there are currently over 200,000 households in the Netherlands which have a net worth over 1 million euros which represents about 2.8% of all Dutch households. Similarly if you earn over €80,000 per year you would earn more than 97.5% of the Dutch population.

Are salaries in the Netherlands high?

Yes, salaries in the Netherlands are very high compared to most other countries around the world, in fact, the Netherlands has the sixth highest average income in the entire world with the average salary currently sitting at €36,500 per year which equates to a net monthly salary of €2,245 per month.

Is living in the Netherlands expensive?

Broadly speaking the total cost of living in the Netherlands is only 2% higher than the overall cost of living in the United States. However, the Netherlands is less expensive than Denmark (by 6%), Norway (by 27%) and Sweden (by 8%) while being more expensive than France (by 10%), Belgium (by 12%) and Germany (by 19%).

In general, the cost of living in the Netherlands is comparable to its European neighbors however, when you factor in the price of rent the cost of living in the Netherlands generally works out to be a bit higher than its neighbors.

What is a good salary in the Netherlands in 2021?

If you want to be in the top 15% of income earners in the Country you would need to earn a pre-tax salary of over €50,000 per year which equals a net monthly salary of €2,992 per month.

To get a better idea of what the top earners, earn in the Netherlands checkout the table below:

Income BracketGross Yearly SalaryNet Monthly Salary
Top 41.1% of earners€30,000+€2,102+
Top 26.2% of earners€40,000+€2,567+
Top 15.4% of earners€50,000+€2,992+
Top 9% of earners€60,000+€3,416+
Top 5% of earners€70,000+€3,832+
Top 2.6% of earners€80,000+€4,203+
Top 1.1% of earners€90,000+€4,574+

What is the Cost of Living in Amsterdam

Although cost of living varies considerably due to each individual’s personal preferences and situation, according to our estimations a single person would need a net salary of €2,100 ($2,433) to live comfortably in Amsterdam while a family of four would typically require a net salary of at least €5,200 ($6,025) per month.

What is the Cost of Living in Rotterdam

Although cost of living varies considerably due to each individual’s personal preferences and situation, according to our estimations a single person would need a net salary of €1,700 ($1,968) to live comfortably in Rotterdam while a family of four would typically require a net salary of at least €4,500 ($5,214) per month.

What is the Cost of Living in the Hague

Although cost of living varies considerably due to each individual’s personal preferences and situation, according to our estimations a single person would need a net salary of €1,700 ($1,968) to live comfortably in the Hague while a family of four would typically require a net salary of at least €4,450 ($5,156) per month.

What is the Cost of Living in Utrecht

Although cost of living varies considerably due to each individual’s personal preferences and situation, according to our estimations a single person would need a net salary of €1,800 ($2,085) to live comfortably in Utrecht while a family of four would typically require a net salary of at least €4,700 ($5,446) per month.

What is the Cost of Living in Breda

Although cost of living varies considerably due to each individual’s personal preferences and situation, according to our estimations a single person would need a net salary of €1,600 ($1,854) to live comfortably in Breda while a family of four would typically require a net salary of at least €4,400 ($5,098) per month.

What is the Cost of Living in Nijmegen

Although cost of living varies considerably due to each individual’s personal preferences and situation, according to our estimations a single person would need a net salary of €1,550 ($1,796) to live comfortably in Nijmegen while a family of four would typically require a net salary of at least €4,300 ($4,982) per month.

What is the Cost of Living in Eindhoven

Although cost of living varies considerably due to each individual’s personal preferences and situation, according to our estimations a single person would need a net salary of €1,750 ($2,027) to live comfortably in Eindhoven while a family of four would typically require a net salary of at least €4,350 ($5,040) per month.

Maurits Beltgens

Hi there! I am the founder of Expat Well. I am originally from the Netherlands but have spent the last 30 years living as an expat in different countries including: Australia, Belgium, Bulgaria, Burkina Faso, Canada, India, Malaysia, Morocco, Poland, United Kingdom and United States. I created Expat Well with the aim of providing fellow expats with the information they need to successfully navigate their life abroad.

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How much money you need to live comfortably in the Netherlands | Expat Well (2024)


How much do you need to earn to live comfortably in Netherlands? ›

Average income in the Netherlands

According to the Centraal Planbureau (CPB), in 2023, the median gross income for a person working in the Netherlands is 38.500 euros gross per year. A salary can vary greatly from the median income as it is influenced by age, sector, professional experience and hours worked.

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According to the Dutch Centraal Planbureau (CPB), the median gross annual salary for 2018-2021 in the Netherlands was €37,000. For the period 2022-2025 it is projected to be €41,000. There is a national minimum wage in the Netherlands which is updated twice a year.

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Moving to the Netherlands is hard for foreigners as they must undergo a specific process of obtaining residency or citizenship.

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Housing costs in the Netherlands
CostAmsterdamThe Hague
Renting 1 bedroom (per month)$1,513 (USD)$915 (USD)
Renting 3 bedrooms (per month)$2,465 (USD)$1,568 (USD)
Buying (per square foot)$628 (USD)$307 (USD)

What is considered rich in the Netherlands? ›

Four out of every 10 people considered rich in the Netherlands have inherited their wealth, according to a survey commissioned by ABN Amro MeesPierson, the Telegraaf reported on Friday. The rich are defined as those with with a minimum of €500,000 of disposable assets.

What is a high salary in the Netherlands? ›

The salary range of employees working in Netherlands is, by default, in the range of 2,187.00 EUR (low salaries, employees' actual wages may be even lower) to 7,014.00 EUR (high salaries, actual salaries can be even higher). This is the total monthly salary including bonuses.

How much tax do you pay in Netherlands? ›

2020 national income tax rates
Taxable income band EURTax rates for box 1 income
1 to 34,7129.7%
34,713 to 68,50737.35%

How much does it cost to buy a house in the Netherlands? ›

Average price of single-family homes in the Netherlands 2021-2022, by province. What is the average price of residential property in the Netherlands? In the third quarter of 2022, a single-family home cost approximately 489,000 euros.

Does the Netherlands have free healthcare? ›

In short, no, healthcare in the Netherlands is not free. Everyone who lives or works in the country must take out private health insurance.

Is the Netherlands friendly to Americans? ›

Their directness might feel inconsiderate at first, but in Dutch society there's simply no beating around the bush. Once you get used to the cultural differences, the country is welcoming and relatively easy to transition to, another reason that makes it a hotspot for foreigners.

How long can a US citizen live in the Netherlands? ›

If you want to stay in the Netherlands for longer than 90 days and you are not a national of an EU country, Liechtenstein, Norway, Iceland or Switzerland, you will need a residence permit. Often, you will also need an authorisation for temporary stay (MVV) to enter the Netherlands.

Can US citizen retire to Netherlands? ›

If you are not an EU citizen (or a citizen of the EEA or Switzerland) you will need to think much further ahead. After five years of legal residence in the Netherlands you can apply for a permanent residence permit which will also allow you to retire here.

Do US citizens pay taxes in the Netherlands? ›

This means that you will be subject to tax in the Netherlands on your worldwide income. You will also be liable for social security contributions and healthcare insurance contributions. A taxpayer identification number will be assigned to you by the tax authorities once you have registered as a resident.

Is it worth moving to Netherlands? ›

The Netherlands is an attractive country to relocate to. It is ranked 11th on the global quality of life index, with a very good health service, high employment rates, good public safety and high life satisfaction levels.

Is it cheaper to live in Germany or the Netherlands? ›

Compared to the Netherlands, the living costs in Germany are cheaper. Furthermore, it is easier to find reasonably priced and quality accommodation in Germany.

Is the Netherlands richer than the US? ›

Both Netherlands and USA rank in the top for wealth. The USA ranks first in disposable income and household wealth, which is around $176,000 USD. Taxes are generally lower in a capitalistic society as well. The USA however ranks near the bottom in social inequality of wealth, between the rich and the poor.

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The Netherlands

In 2021, the average net worth was $377,090 for this nation. In 2019, the Dutch people had approximately 223,000 millionaire households.

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Overall, your income must be equal to, or higher than, the Dutch minimum wage. As of January 2022, the Dutch minimum wage is €1,725 per month. However, if your income is below this level, you'll need to provide evidence that you'll have enough cash to live on.

Which jobs are in demand in Netherlands? ›

These are the jobs in demand in the Netherlands
  • Top three cities for digital careers. Amsterdam. ...
  • Technology. LinkedIn's report shows that there has been huge growth in the areas of artificial intelligence and technology in general. ...
  • Data. ...
  • Cyber Security. ...
  • Growth Specialists. ...
  • Customer Success Specialists. ...
  • Something to watch:

What jobs are good in Netherlands? ›

Popular graduate jobs
  • Agriculture.
  • Energy.
  • Engineering.
  • Finance.
  • Healthcare.

What is the average rent in the Netherlands? ›

Rental costs in the Netherlands

For example, a one-bedroom apartment to rent in Amsterdam can range from €1,000–€1,900 a month depending on which neighborhood you live in. Meanwhile, three-bedroom apartments in central Amsterdam start from around €2,100.

What is the 30 rule in the Netherlands? ›

The 30% facility is available to employees who are recruited from outside the Netherlands to work here temporarily. If they satisfy conditions for the 30% facility, they are exempt from paying tax on up to 30% of their salary.

Do foreigners pay tax in Netherlands? ›

If you live in the Netherlands, you must state your worldwide income in a Dutch tax return. Your worldwide income is your Dutch and non-Dutch income combined. You declare both incomes in the Netherlands, but this does not mean that you always have to pay income tax on both in the Netherlands.

Is college in the Netherlands free? ›

No, Bachelor's Degree is not free in the Netherlands as the public universities in the Netherlands for international students charge tuition fees regardless of their country of origin. However, students coming from the EU/EEA, Switzerland, and Surinam often pay lower tuition fees than non-EU/EEA students.

Can a US citizen buy a house in the Netherlands? ›

There are no restrictions placed on foreigners and non-Dutch residents buying property.

Can I buy a house in the Netherlands as a foreigner? ›

Foreigners can purchase property in the Netherlands, whether they remain residents or live remotely. This means you do not have to sell your house if you return home or have to leave the country. You can rent it out for extra income instead.

Is it hard to get a house in the Netherlands? ›

The Netherlands does not place any restrictions on the purchase of property by foreigners, whether resident or non-resident. However, to get a mortgage you must live and be registered in the Netherlands. If you are from a country in the EU, EEA or Switzerland you do not need a visa to live or work in the Netherlands.

Do you pay for hospital in Netherlands? ›

Payment hospital

The insurer will pay for your hospital visit or admittance. If you don't have any insurance, then you'll have to pay everything yourself - remember that the costs of treatment by a specialist or a hospital admittance can be very high.

Where is the cheapest place to live in the Netherlands? ›

Where to live in the Netherlands on a budget. Amstelveen, Hilversum, and Zaandam are good options for people who want to save on living expenses while remaining close to Amsterdam. Those looking for more affordable housing closer to The Hague or Rotterdam can look into living in smaller cities like Delft or Gouda.

Who has best healthcare in the world? ›

The Top 10 Healthcare Systems in the World 2022
  • South Korea. South Korea tops the list of best healthcare systems in the world. ...
  • Taiwan. Taiwan is second in the best healthcare systems in the world. ...
  • Denmark. ...
  • Austria. ...
  • Japan. ...
  • Australia. ...
  • France. ...
  • Spain.
Jul 21, 2022

What are the negatives of the Netherlands? ›

You'll pay high taxes

Income tax is especially high in comparison to other places in Europe, and it's also expensive to own a car. You may also find that electronic items are more expensive in the Netherlands (tip: go on the German Amazon), and some food can be a bit pricey too.

What is the easiest country to move to from the US? ›

Which are the easiest countries to immigrate to from the US? Portugal, Malta and Spain are some of the easiest countries to relocate to from the United States. American citizens can either gain permanent residency or apply for citizenships via each country's Citizenship by Invest programs.

What is the Dutch attitude to foreigners? ›

While there may at times be some amount of antipathy towards outsiders, most Dutch people are actually extremely humble, welcoming, and friendly towards outsiders. It's just that their way of being friendly is a little different from what most people are used to.

How many Americans live in Netherlands? ›

There are an estimated 35,000 Americans living in the Netherlands. The Netherlands is an exhilarating destination for Americans living abroad.

Does the US allow dual citizenship with the Netherlands? ›

Dual citizenship

those who acquire another citizenship at the time of birth (for example, a child born to Dutch parents in the United States would hold both US and Dutch citizenship). persons who acquire Dutch citizenship through the option procedure (including former Dutch citizens resuming citizenship)

Does Netherlands allow dual citizenship? ›

In addition to your citizenship of the Netherlands you might hold citizenship of 1 or more other countries. Depending on the situation you might have to choose between your Dutch and other citizenship.

Is US Social Security taxed in the Netherlands? ›

While you work — If your work is covered by both the U.S. and Dutch social security systems, you (and your employer, if you are employed) normally would have to pay social security taxes to both countries for the same work.

Can I move to Netherlands without a job? ›

You are required to find a job before moving to the Netherlands. Stable income. Usually a monthly income of at least €1,200 is required.

Is the Netherlands good for American expats? ›

The Netherlands offers many benefits for American expats. It's especially attractive thanks to the 30% tax ruling commonly known as the “30% facility.” This special tax break is applicable to certain qualified persons relocating to the Netherlands for work.

Is the Netherlands still a tax haven? ›

Effectively, the Netherlands is a conduit country that helps to funnel profits from high-tax countries to tax havens. Particularly the Dutch Special Purpose Entities attract income, often as interest and royalty payments, and pass it on, effectively untaxed, to tax havens.

Why is Netherlands a tax haven? ›

The Netherlands has a large network of tax treaties, a low corporate income tax rate and a full participation exemption for capital gains and profits. These characteristics, in addition to a favorable tax environment, make Netherlands one of the most open economies in the world for multinational corporations (MNCs).

Do I have to pay US taxes if I live in Europe? ›

Yes, if you are a U.S. citizen or a resident alien living outside the United States, your worldwide income is subject to U.S. income tax, regardless of where you live.

Is it easy for an American to move to the Netherlands? ›

You do not need a visa, residence permit or work permit. You do, however, need a valid passport or identity document. You may also work in the Netherlands if you have a valid residence permit subject to temporary or non-temporary humanitarian grounds.

Is Netherlands immigrant friendly? ›

The Dutch welcome people of all races and cultural backgrounds, which is yet another reason that international young people and even tourists feel right at home in this friendly country.

Can I live in Netherlands without speaking Dutch? ›

To sum up, you don't need to speak Dutch to live and study in the Netherlands, but it sure could be a cool skill to have whether you stay in the Netherlands, head back to your home country or head off to a new country on a new adventure!

How much money do you need to live in Netherlands? ›

Family of four estimated monthly costs are 3,328.4$ (3,145.5€) without rent. A single person estimated monthly costs are 957.0$ (904.4€) without rent. Cost of living in Netherlands is, on average, 8.2% lower than in United States. Rent in Netherlands is, on average, 30.0% lower than in United States.

Is life better in the Netherlands? ›

The Netherlands outperforms the average in jobs, work-life balance, education, environmental quality, social networks, civic engagement, safety and life satisfaction.. These assessments are based on available selected data.

What salary is good in Netherlands? ›

According to the Centraal Planbureau (CPB), in 2023, the median gross income for a person working in the Netherlands is 38.500 euros gross per year. A salary can vary greatly from the median income as it is influenced by age, sector, professional experience and hours worked.

Is 60 000 euros a good salary in Netherlands? ›

On the flip-side, €60k is a good salary. Ballpark budget figure used to be that you should spend no more than about 30–35% of your net salary on rent. Is €4,500 net monthly a good salary in the Netherlands? Yes this is considered a very good salary.

What is the top 10 percent income in Netherlands? ›

Average yearly income Netherlands 2022, by income group

The highest ten percent of earners in the Netherlands earned on average 142.6 thousand euros per year, around 125.1 thousand euros higher than the lowest 50 percent.

How much is low income in Netherlands? ›

In 2019, the threshold for a single person was 1,090 euros net per month.
Low-income threshold.
Type huishoudenHouseholds below the low-income threshold, 2019
Single people361.2
Single-parent families70.8
Couples without children62.7
Couples with children72.8
1 more row

What are the requirements to live in Netherlands? ›

To move to the Netherlands, you must have the following:
  • Valid work contract. You are required to find a job before moving to the Netherlands.
  • Stable income. Usually a monthly income of at least €1,200 is required.
  • Accommodation. ...
  • Valid health insurance.

How much tax do foreigners pay in Netherlands? ›

In 2022, earnings up to €69,398 are taxed at 37.07%, while earnings over the limit are taxed at 49.5%. In 2023, you will pay a reduced rate of 36.93% on income up to €73,031.

Does Netherlands have free healthcare? ›

In short, no, healthcare in the Netherlands is not free. Everyone who lives or works in the country must take out private health insurance.

Are Netherlands taxes high? ›

The Netherlands ranked 9th¹ out of 38 OECD countries in terms of the tax-to-GDP ratio in 2021. In 2021, the Netherlands had a tax-to-GDP ratio of 39.7% compared with the OECD average of 34.1%. In 2020, the Netherlands was ranked 8th out of the 38 OECD countries in terms of the tax-to-GDP ratio.

What is considered poor in the Netherlands? ›

The Netherlands has the fifth lowest at-risk-of-poverty rate: 13.2 percent. This is well below the EU average of 16.9 percent.
Risk of poverty or social exclusion17.0
Severe financial constraints2.6
In households with low work intensity9.5
28 more columns

What is middle income in Netherlands? ›

The average median household income (PPP) was $40,094 in 2021. Netherlands Median Household Income Highlights in 2021. The Netherlands' median household income (PPP) hit $50,502 in 2021, an increase of 1.5% over the previous year.

What benefits do you get in Netherlands? ›

[Updated Jan. 26, 2023] Mandatory employee benefits in the Netherlands include general old-age pension, surviving dependent's pension, long-term care, child support, unemployment, work, and income protection, sick leave, and health insurance.

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Name: Aron Pacocha

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Introduction: My name is Aron Pacocha, I am a happy, tasty, innocent, proud, talented, courageous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.