How Much Does Jeff Bezos Make Per Second? (2024)

Bezos has the kind of money that most people can only dream of, but how much does he actually earn? If we break it down a little further, how much does Jeff Bezos make per second?

This article will answer all of these questions, so keep reading if you want to find out more about Jeff Bezos and his wealth!

Who Is Jeff Bezos?

Jeff Bezos was born in 1964 in Albuquerque, USA. He was not born into money and worked very hard to achieve everything he has now. According to sources close to him, he always displayed an interest in science and technology, which isn’t surprising considering what he has achieved.

Surprisingly, Bezos worked in McDonald’s to make some money when he was in high school. In addition, Bezos was valedictorian, a National Merit Scholar, and a Silver Knight Award winner, showcasing his many talents. Graduating summa cum laude from Princeton University with a 4.2 GPA, Bezos has always been dedicated and hard working.

On the business side of things, Bezos is the founder of Amazon, one of the largest eCommerce platforms in the world. It began as an online bookstore but has expanded into a wide variety of services, including a streaming service, cloud computing, and, more recently, artificial intelligence.

As of this article, Amazon is the world’s largest online sales company, and several other titles, including the largest internet company by revenue. Therefore, it's no surprise Jeff Bezos’ net worth is very high.

However, Amazon was founded in early 1994, so Bezos did have to work before this, which helped him build up his knowledge. He worked at Fitel first before moving to Bankers Trust in 1988.

In 1990 he moved to D. E. Shaw & Co, a new hedge fund at the time, having a strong emphasis on mathematical modeling, ideal for Bezos. From there, he started building up Amazon, which has now become one of the most recognized brands in the world.

Breaking Down Jeff Bezos’s Income and Wealth

The former Wall Street computer engineer gets most of his income from Amazon. It’s interesting to know that if you look at Bezos’ annual salary, it’s not actually as high as you’d expect.

From Amazon, he pays himself $81,840, which is not what you would expect one of the wealthiest people on Earth to earn. In 2020, it was reported that Bezos didn’t take any bonuses, stocks, or options but did earn $1.6 million from other types of compensation. What they are though, is unknown.

What is known is that the majority of Bezos’ net worth and fortune comes from Amazon stock. The prices for this are stable, if not rising, so it’s a fairly hefty income for Bezos, who happens to own 10.3% of Amazon shares. As of the writing of this article, Jeff Bezos’ net worth was sitting at $181.1 billion.

However, although we’re only two months in, it’s been reported that Bezos has lost about $25 billion this year. Although, the net worth of individuals is always changing rapidly, so it’s important to keep your eye on this and stay up to date if this is information you are interested in.

What Is Jeff Bezos’ Annual Income?

From 1998 until 2021, Bezos’ base salary of $81,840 has remained the same. He also has an additional $1.6 million coming in from other methods of compensation. Therefore, Bezos’ annual income is about $1,681,840.

While looking at his annual income, you might not truly understand just how massive this amount is. To put it into perspective, let’s look at it this way:

Average Person:

  • $51,000–$70,000 annually
  • $4,250–$5,830 monthly
  • $100–$300 per day

If we compare this to what Bezos earns, it looks like this:


  • $1,681,840 annually
  • $140,153 monthly
  • $32,343 weekly
  • $4,608 daily
  • $192 hourly

As you can see, Bezos earns in a day what the average person with a decent-paying job earns in an entire month. So, if you have ever found yourself wondering how much Jeff Bezos makes a day, now you know the answer is over $4,000.

However, it’s important to note that this is only based on his earnings from paying himself from Amazon. We are not counting any of his other ventures. As such, it’s a fair deduction to make that he actually earns a lot more than this.

How Much Does Jeff Bezos Make per Second

Now that we have taken a closer look at Jeff Bezos’ finances and broken them down a little, we can look at the question that probably piqued your interest in the first place: how much money does Jeff Bezos make a second?

Well, in October 2021, Business Insider reported that Jeff Bezos earns approximately $2,537 per second in total. That is over half of what the average USA full-time worker makes in a month, in a single second.

The majority of the money that Bezos has accumulated comes from Amazon and his numerous other profitable adventures. Bezos ensures that his fortune stays current by pursuing multiple other avenues such as newspapers, real estate investments, technology, media, charitable trusts, and many more.

Interesting Facts About Jeff Bezos

Something that not many people might know about Bezos is that he has always been passionate about space. He spends approximately $1 billion each year on Blue Origin, an aerospace company. He founded this company with the goal that millions of people will be working and living in space to benefit the Earth in the future.

Another interesting fact about Bezos is that he founded Amazon from his garage, as there was nowhere else for him to work. He launched a website prototype and asked around 300 of his friends to beta test it.

Additionally, in 2013 Bezos acquired The Washington Post for $250 million. At the time, Bezos was estimated to be worth around $25 billion, and as soon as the purchase went through, shares rose by 5.5% in the after-hours trading. When Bezos took over the Washington Post, it was a struggling newspaper that was barely making it, but under the ownership of Bezos, it started to turn a profit in 2016 and has been able to continue since.

Bezos became a self-made billionaire in 1999 when he was only 35 years old. He has certainly come a long way since first making the list back in 1999 with his first billion. Another interesting fact is that in August 2020, Bezos became the first person in modern history to have a fortune over $200 billion. However, not long after the announcement that he had made this achievement, Bezos stepped down as CEO of Amazon.

While he is one of the richest men on the planet now, he did not always have it easy in life. In 2003, Bezos survived a helicopter crash without any major injuries but said he now avoids helicopters as much as possible.

Additionally, he didn’t come from money. His mother was still in high school when she had Bezos, with his father being only 19 at the time. His mother then married another man, who adopted Jeff, giving him the surname Bezos. Hard work has always been a large part of Bezos’ life, with his intelligence being a huge part of the reason he is where he is today, proving that it is what you know and not just who you know.

A final interesting fact that you might not know is that the Bezos Day One Fund aims to establish a network of nonprofit preschools and aid organizations working with homeless people. As of 2021, he has given over $300 million of the $2 billion he has pledged. He also launched the Earth Fund, a climate change charity that aims to help Earth. He has promised $10 billion to the initiative.


In conclusion, Jeff Bezos, the second richest person globally, earns an insane amount of money. When combining all of his ventures, earning approximately $2,537 per second is more than anyone can dream of.

It’s tough to swallow just how much the richest people in the world are earning. But, Bezos has worked hard for what he has, and he is an intelligent man who allowed his drive to push him to achieve great things.

Let’s face it, where would we all be without Amazon? Creating the most successful e-commerce platform is incredibly impressive. Bezos may earn more money than we can wrap our heads around, but he has also given us a service that we can’t live without.

So, there you have it, now you know the answer to the question: how much does Jeff Bezos make a second? A LOT.


What is Jeff’s ranking in terms of money in the world?

Jeff Bezos is currently the second richest man globally, second only to Elon Musk, who has a net worth of $238.5 billion, which is even more insane than Bezos’. Of course, this changes all the time when stocks, shares, and so much more change, so it’s not something that will remain the same forever.

What is the story behind the name Amazon?

Bezos was determined to create the best and largest online bookstore that ever existed. While website listings are now done through an algorithm depending on what sites are most relevant for the search query, back in 1993/1994, when Bezos started Amazon, the listings were alphabetized. Instantly, Bezos knew that he wanted to have a name that started with A to be towards the top of the list, even giving up the name he originally wanted, which was ‘Cadabra.’

He eventually came across the word Amazon when he looked through the dictionary. Not only is the Amazon a place that is exotic and different from what we are used to, which was one of Bezos’ goals, but it’s also the largest river in the world. Seeing as Bezos already knew that he wanted to grow this online bookstore into a giant and that it would be different from that which had come before it, Amazon seemed like a fitting name!

What is Jeff’s net worth?

Jeff Bezos’ net worth as of 2022 is $181.1 billion. This was $150 billion in July 2018, and despite the pandemic shaking other people’s finances, Bezos’ has only grown. He is in one of the best positions he has ever been in, only seeing growth upon growth over the last couple of years. This doesn’t seem to be slowing down either, so it won’t be a shock if this number increases.

How Much Does Jeff Bezos Make Per Second? (2024)


How much does Jeff Bezos earn per day? ›

Based on his average earnings over the last 10 years, Jeff Bezos makes $26,611,111 a day. (Sorry, had to clear my throat there. That's 26 million dollars a day.)

How much does Jeff Bezos make per hour? ›

Every minute, Jeff Bezos earns about $150,000 through Amazon's revenue. That's $9 million per hour or $216 million per day. To put this into perspective, this is three times the median wage of most American workers.

How much does Jeff Bezos make in a year? ›

From 1998 until 2021, Bezos' base salary of $81,840 has remained the same. He also has an additional $1.6 million coming in from other methods of compensation. Therefore, Bezos' annual income is about $1,681,840.

What is the per second income of Amazon? ›

If you do the math, Amazon makes an average of $14,900 every second. Are you curious about how much money Amazon makes in a day? The retail giant generated a revenue of more than $469.82 billion in 2021.

How much does a billionaire make an hour? ›

Earnings per hour for the richest people in America
Jeff BezosAmazon$4,474,885
Alice WaltonWalmart$1,392,694
Warren BuffettBerkshire Hathaway$958,904
Larry PageAlphabet$924,657
Elon MuskTesla/SpaceX$684,931
4 more rows
Aug 27, 2018

Who is the No 1 richest person in world? ›

1. Bernard Arnault & family. Bernard Arnault is the CEO and Chair of LVMH (Moët Hennessy Louis Vuitton) and his net worth is $215.7 billion, he overtook Elon Musk as the world's richest man in 2022.

Who earns the most money an hour? ›

With salaried professions, a rate can be determined by dividing their earnings by the amount of time they spend working. In that case if you're wondering what job makes the most money per hour, anesthesiologists top the list with a mean hourly wage of over $125.

Who makes the most money per day? ›

Which Company Makes the Most Per Day?
RankCompanyProfit per Day
#1Saudi Aramco$304,039,726
#3Industrial & Commercial Bank of China$123,293,973
#4Samsung Electronics$109,301,918
6 more rows
Oct 21, 2019

What does Elon Musk make per hour? ›

Elon Musk makes $485.50 per second, $29,200 per minute, and an unbelievable $1.75 million per hour! Unlike most CEO's, Elon Musk does NOT have a fixed salary. Instead, he makes all of his money as a stockholder for Tesla, SpaceX, and other companies.

What is Elon Musk's annual salary? ›

$2400 Million

How much does Bill Gates make an hour? ›

Bill Gates: He earned $11.5 billion this year which works out to be ~$33.3 million per day; $1.38 million per hour; or ~$23,148 per minute.
Here's How Much 10 Of The Richest People In The World Made Per Minute In 2013.
NameBill Gates
2013 Gain*11.5
Net Worth December 2013*72.6
Net Worth January 2013*61.1
9 more columns
Dec 19, 2013

How rich is Elon Musk? ›

With an estimated net worth of around $175 billion as of February 3, 2023, primarily from his ownership stakes in Tesla and SpaceX, Musk is the second-wealthiest person in the world, according to both the Bloomberg Billionaires Index and Forbes's real-time billionaires list.

What is the highest paid Amazon job? ›

The highest-paid job at Amazon is an information technology project manager. These professionals earn an average salary of $147,856, which works out to about $ 71.08 per hour. The top 10 highest-paid jobs at Amazon are: Information Technology Project Manager – $147,856.

How much does Walmart make per day? ›

Walmart makes $1.56 billion in a day.

Walmart achieves these incredible profits by serving nearly 36 million global customers daily. In addition to regular Walmart shopping locations, the retail giant also boasts these high-earning stores: Walmart Super Stores. Walmart Grocery Stores.

How much Elon Musk earns in a second? ›

Elon Musk Income Per Second

Elon Musk makes about $500 dollars per second, $30,000 dollars per minute, $2 million dollars per hour, $40 million dollars per day, $300 million dollars per week, $1 billion dollars per month, and $15 billion dollars per year! You might be wondering how much taxes Elon Musk has to pay.

Do billionaires pay taxes? ›

According to a 2021 White House study, the wealthiest 400 billionaire families in the US paid an average federal individual tax rate of just 8.2 percent. For comparison, the average American taxpayer in the same year paid 13 percent.

How many hours do rich work? ›

According to data from the U.S. Census, the top 10% of Americans work 46.6 hours per week, compared to 42.2 hours for the bottom 10%. The difference is just 4.4 hours. The top 10% in the U.S. make at least $132,676 a year, more than double the average salary in the U.S. (which is $66,755).

How long would it take to make $1 billion? ›

By dividing $1 billion by the average U.S. annual income, the results show that it would take most Americans about 14,810.21 years to earn $1 billion.

Who is the richest man on earth 2023? ›

According to World Richest Man 2023 Today, Elon Musk's SpaceX-owned rocket company is estimated to be worth around $100 billion. Accordingly, he has got his first position in the World Richest Man 2023 list.

Which is the richest country in the world? ›

The USA is the only country with a large surface area and population among the highest-ranking nations, ranking eleventh. The richest country in the world is Luxembourg.
The 50 richest countries in the world.
RankCountryAdjusted GDP/capita
1Luxembourg132,675 $
2Singapore116,486 $
3Ireland107,551 $
4Qatar102,018 $
46 more rows

Who makes over $100 an hour? ›

The top three jobs that pay $100 an hour are anesthesiologist, life coach, and simultaneous interpreter. The median hourly wage in the United States is $16 an hour. Most of these jobs require a college degree, certifications, and training.

What is the #1 highest paid position? ›

Highest-Paying Careers
RankOccupationTypical Education
1Obstetricians and GynecologistsDoctoral or professional degree
1Ophthalmologists, Except PediatricDoctoral or professional degree
1Oral and Maxillofacial SurgeonsDoctoral or professional degree
8 more rows

What is the biggest paycheck in the world? ›

The annual salary of a data scientist can go as high as $150,000. For this reason, it is the most paid job in the world and will continue to pay high in the near future as well.

How much do the 1% richest people get paid? ›

According to the Economic Policy Institute, the average annual wage of the top 1% was $823,763 as of 2020.

Who makes $100 000 a year? ›

For example, according to the Occupational Employment and Wage Statistics (OEWS) program, physicians, surgeons, chief executives, lawyers, pharmacists, and dentists in the U.S. all earn more than $100,000 per year, on average. So do some types of engineers and scientists, including astronomers and physicists.

What job makes the most money? ›

Healthcare professions top the list of highest-paid jobs with projected growth of 13% by 2031. Twenty-two of the 25 highest-paying occupations are healthcare positions. Corporate chief executives are in the highest-paid profession outside of the healthcare field.

Is Elon Musk self made? ›

Elon Musk, a South African entrepreneur is the richest person in the world. He is the Founder of PayPal (1999), SpaceX (2002), Tesla Motors (2003), and many other companies. He also founded The Boring Company and co-founded OpenAL and Neutralink.

How much does Bill Gates make a day? ›

His estimated net worth is $91.3 billion – but how does this work out per day? Forbes reported a $4 billion increase in Gates' net worth across 2017 to 2018. Working off a yearly wage of $4 billion, this means Gates would earn $10,959,000 per day – that's $456,625 an hour, $7,160 a minute and $127 per second!

Does Elon Musk work 22 hours a day? ›

Musk claims he regularly works 80 to 100-hour workweeks, with most of his skillset being focused on design and engineering work.

How much does Mark Zuckerberg make a day? ›

How much does Mark Zuckerberg make in an hour? Mark Zuckerberg earnings per hour is $375,000, with the assumption that he makes a mid-range of $9,000,000 a day. But, of course, this figure is all based on stock. Even though the market is changing daily, it's reported that Zuckerberg earns around $3 billion yearly.

How much does Elon Musk earn a day? ›

How fast is Elon Musk making money? His net worth in 2022 was calculated to be about $273 billion. This means he makes an average of $432 million per day!

What is the daily income of Elon Musk? ›

This would mean he's paid for a 6.5-hour workday. This makes it easier to answer the question, how much does Elon Musk make an hour? Since his daily earnings for the first quarter of 2022 are an estimated $333.33 million per day, his hourly rate would be $51.30 million.

What is the monthly salary of Jeff Bezos? ›

Jeff Bezos Net Worth
NameJeff Bezos
Monthly Income And Salary$16,000 +
Yearly Income$185,000 +
Last Updated2023
3 more rows
Feb 1, 2023

How much does a billionaire earn a day? ›

As per the list, Chaudhry's Daily Wealth Creation Velocity since the 2020 List is Rs 153 Crore.

Who makes the most money a day? ›

Which Company Makes the Most Per Day?
RankCompanyProfit per Day
#1Saudi Aramco$304,039,726
#3Industrial & Commercial Bank of China$123,293,973
#4Samsung Electronics$109,301,918
6 more rows
Oct 21, 2019

Who Is Highest paid in Facebook? ›

What is the highest salary in Facebook? The highest-paying job at Facebook is a Senior Executive with a salary of ₹591.0 Lakhs per year. The top 10% of employees earn more than ₹144 lakhs per year. The top 1% earn more than a whopping ₹699 lakhs per year.

What IQ is Elon Musk? ›

Elon Musk IQ is close to this starting point, with an estimated score of 155. The typical genius has an IQ of around 140.

Does Elon Musk work 20 hours a day? ›

My workload went up from about 70 to 80 hours a week to probably 120. Go to sleep, I wake up, work, go to sleep, work, do that seven days a week,”he said during the interview.

How many billionaires in the world? ›

The world's billionaires—only 3,311 individuals—represent almost $11.8 trillion in wealth. The global billionaire population continued to grow in 2021, increasing by 3%.
Billionaires by Region.
Number of billionaires954
Collective Billionaire Wealth$3.1 trillion
6 more columns
Sep 15, 2022

What is the salary of Bill Gates? ›

Bill Gates Net Worth 2022 Overview
Article CaptionBill Gates Net Worth
Total Net Worth in 202210,420 crore USD
Member ofBerkshire hathaway and Microsoft
NameBill Gates
Salary1 million dollar
2 more rows
1 day ago

How is the richest man in the world 2023? ›

Elon Musk has done the work of providing technology to the world. Paypal is operated by Elon Musk, recently he has also taken over Twitter. In fact, let us tell you that Elon Musk, who has received the title of World Richest Man 2023 Today, is an American, he is the founder of the electric car Tesla Company.

How much does Elon Musk earn per month? ›

Elon Musk Net Worth 2023
Net Worth:$146.30 Billion
Salary:$2400 Million +
Monthly Income:$200 Million +
Date of Birth:June 28, 1971
5 more rows
Jan 5, 2023

How much does Bill Gates make a month? ›

Bill Gates Net Worth 2023: Business Income Assets Net Wealth
Net Worth:$105.1 Billion
Name:Bill Gates
Salary:$4 Billion +
Monthly Income:$330 Million +
Date of Birth:October 28, 1955
5 more rows

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