How Much Does It Cost To Advertise on Instagram? (2024)

Table of Contents
Are You Spending Your Marketing Budget Wisely? Instagram advertising pricing basics How much do Instagram ads cost? How much do Instagram ads cost per month? How much do Instagram ads cost per click? How much do Instagram ads cost per 1000 impressions? How much do Instagram ads cost per engagement? How much of your overall advertising budget should you allocate to Instagram advertising? What determines Instagram advertising costs? 1. Bid amount 2. Ad relevancy score 3. Estimated action rates 4. Competition Additional factors Are Instagram’s advertising costs worth the price? Instagram ads maintain higher click-through rates (CTRs) Instagram ads offer advanced targeting options Instagram ads generate sales with higher order values Instagram ads earn the highest engagement Instagram ads deliver high conversion rates How do Instagram ads work? How do I lower my Instagram ads cost? 1. Use automatic bidding 2. Use precise targeting 3. Set goals 4. Create more relevant landing pages 5. Test your ad We foster and form long-term partnerships so that your business has long-term results. How do I launch Instagram ads? 1. Within the Instagram app 2. In Ads Manager 3. Instagram partners What kinds of ads can I use on Instagram? 1. Story ads 2. Photo ads 3. Video ads 4. Carousel ads Time to Level Up Your Sales Lower your Instagram advertising costs with WebFX Get started on your Instagram ad campaign today Source data Monthly Instagram advertising costs Instagram advertising costs per click Instagram advertising costs per 1000 impressions Instagram advertising costs per engagement Percentage of advertising budget allocated to Instagram ads ROI satisfaction from Instagram ads

How Much Does It Cost To Advertise on Instagram? (1)


We asked 270 marketers how much their companies spend on Instagram ads. Keep reading to discover their answers!

If you want to learn more about the cost of Instagram ads, keep reading! This guide covers how much Instagram ads cost, what determines Instagram ad pricing, how Instagram ad costs compare to Facebook, and more!

For professional help lowering your Instagram advertising costs, contact WebFX.

With a client recommendation score that beats the industry average by 488%, we’re a trusted choice for social media advertising.Contact us onlineor call us at888-601-5359to supercharge your Instagram ads!

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How Much Does It Cost To Advertise on Instagram? (3)

Instagram advertising pricing basics

In search of a quick overview of Instagram ad costs? You’ve found it. Get a summary of what 270 marketers spend on their Instagram advertising campaign below:

How Much Does It Cost To Advertise on Instagram? (4)

Key takeaways

  • 76% of marketers are satisfied with the ROI they receive from Instagram advertising
  • 65% of businesses spend $0.00 – $6.00 per 1000 impressions on Instagram
  • 59% of businesses $0.00 – $0.75 per click for Instagram ads
  • 54% of businesses spend $0.03 – $0.08 per engagement on Instagram ads
  • 53% of businesses spend between $0.00 – $500.00 per month on Instagram ads
  • 49% of businesses allocate 0% – 20% of their overall advertising budget to Instagram ads

How much do Instagram ads cost?

On average, Instagram advertising costs $0.00 – $0.25 per click, $0.00 – $4.00 per 1000 impressions, and $0.03 – $0.08 per engagement. Lots of factors can influence how much you pay for your Instagram ads, including your ad budget, ad type, industry, and more.

How Much Does It Cost To Advertise on Instagram? (5)

How much do Instagram ads cost per month?

Instagram ads typically cost anywhere from $0.00 – $500.00 per month (53% of respondents). 11% of marketers spend more than $5000.00 each month on Instagram ads. How much you spend on Instagram ads each month will depend on your cost type, ad budget, and competition.

How Much Does It Cost To Advertise on Instagram? (6)

How much do Instagram ads cost per click?

On average, Instagram ads cost $0.00 – $0.75 per click (59% of respondents). However, 19% of marketers spend over $2.00 per click. How much you pay per click can depend on factors like your competition, bid amount, and ad relevancy.

How much do Instagram ads cost per 1000 impressions?

On average, Instagram ads cost $0.00 – $6.00 per 1000 impressions. A smaller percentage of marketers (10% of respondents) spend more than $10.00.

How much do Instagram ads cost per engagement?

On average, Instagram ads cost $0.03 – $0.08 per engagement (54% of respondents). It’s also important to note that 19% of marketers pay more than $0.11 per engagement for their Instagram ads.

How much of your overall advertising budget should you allocate to Instagram advertising?

On average, businesses allocate 0% – 20% of their total advertising budget to Instagram ads (49% of respondents). How much you allocate towards Instagram ads will depend on your company’s unique needs and goals, along with the return you receive from your Instagram ad campaign.

How Much Does It Cost To Advertise on Instagram? (7)

What determines Instagram advertising costs?

These four core factors determine your Instagram advertising costs:

  1. Bid amount
  2. Ad relevancy cost
  3. Estimated action rates
  4. Competition

1. Bid amount

Your bid amount influences how much you spend on an Instagram advertising campaign. You must determine how much you’re willing to pay to obtain leads. Your bid amount impacts how much you spend, too.

Since Instagram has higher bid amounts, you’ll want to be prepared to pay more for impressions and clicks.

If you only have a budget of $500 and your bid amount is $2 per click, you can only get 250 clicks on your ad. On the other hand, a budget of $1000 with a $2 CPC will allow you to get 500 clicks. In this same scenario, having a bid amount of $0.50 would allow for even more clicks with these two budget amounts.

Your bid amount will influence your budget and your budget will influence how much you can bid. These amounts will influence how much it costs you to advertise on Instagram.

2. Ad relevancy score

Your ad relevancy score will also have an impact on your Instagram ads cost. Your relevancy score is how relevant Instagram considers your ad to be in relation to those who will see your ad.

Instagram wants to show relevant content to their audience in their feed. They will base your score on how people react towards your ad.

If people respond positively to your ad, your relevancy score will increase. It includes actions like clicking, commenting, liking, and more.

On the other hand, actions like hiding the ad cause a negative response. This will give you a lower ad relevancy score, which will hurt your ad’s performance.

Ads with a high relevance score are placed over low relevance scores. Having a more relevant ad means you will pay closer to the minimum amount. You’ll get more clicks on your campaign and drive more leads.

3. Estimated action rates

The estimated action rates will influence your Instagram advertising prices, too. This rate is based on the likelihood of people acting on your ad, according to Instagram. Essentially, they want to garner how likely your audience is to engage with your ad.

These engagements include actions such as clicking and converting. Instagram wants to promote ads they believe will get people to engage and interact with your content.

Your estimated action rate will determine your Instagram ad cost.

If Instagram believes more people are likely to interact with your ad, they will put your ad first. This means you’ll obtain a lower bid amount, which allows you to earn more leads and conversions.

4. Competition

The competition will always influence your Instagram ad price. When you’re trying to reach a certain demographic of people, there will always be competitors that are trying to reach the same group. Your competition can cause a change in the cost of your Instagram ads campaign.

If there are other people bidding to reach the same audience, it can lead to a bidding war. Companies will have to outbid one another to get the top placement. This means your CPC may go up to try to bid against competitors.

Additional factors

There are other factors can shape how much it costs to advertise on Instagram

Here are a few of them:

  • Holidays and events:Competition is higher during holidays, especially Christmas. More companies are competing to reach valuable leads, which drives up the CPC. You’ll need to consider holidays and events that surround the time when you run your ad and budget for it.
  • Gender:It costs more to advertise to females than males. Females are more likely to interact with and engage on the platform, so it will cost you more to reach female audiences.
  • Day of the week:Users engage on Instagram more on the weekdays than the weekends. This means you should expect to pay more to run an ad on a Wednesday than a Sunday.
  • Your market:The market you’re aiming to reach influences your Instagram ad price. For B2B companies, it is more expensive to run ads because there are fewer businesses on Instagram than people. Some industries, like apparel, are more expensive due to high competition.

These are a few additional factors that can influence your Instagram ad prices.

Are Instagram’s advertising costs worth the price?

Yes. In fact, 76% of marketers say they are happy with the return on investment (ROI) they receive from their Instagram ad campaign.

How Much Does It Cost To Advertise on Instagram? (8)

A few of the reasons why Instagram’s advertising costs are well worth the price include:

Instagram ads maintain higher click-through rates (CTRs)

While you can divide your ad spend between networks, Instagram tends to deliver the best performance when it comes to CTRs. Astudy by Fortune, for example, discovered that Instagram ads maintain a CTR that is 2.5 times greater than other social media networks.

Of course, your CTRs will depend on your target audience, as well as your ads.

Instagram ads offer advanced targeting options

Like Facebook, Instagram provides your business with advanced targeting options.

You can use these targeting options, from location to interests, to achieve a higher return from your ads. Instead of targeting everyone interested in sports, for instance, you could narrow that interest to people interested in volleyball.

Instagram ads generate sales with higher order values

Another reason why Instagram advertising costs are worth the price tag? The results.

In arecent study, Shopify discovered that the average order value for Instagram users is $65. Even though Facebook generates a significant amount of social media sales, its average order value is $55 — $10 less than Instagram.

Keep in mind, however, that Facebook ads tend to cost more than Instagram ads.

Instagram ads earn the highest engagement

A study by Forrester also found that Instagram earns impressive engagement rates compared to other networks. Instagram leads when it comes to engagement rates, offering ten times the engagement rates of Facebook.

When you have peoplethatengaged with a network, it allows for your business to benefit from advertising. If you can create ads that target the right users, you can get them to click on your ad, like your page, or buy your product.

Instagram ads deliver high conversion rates

Besides generating higher order values, Instagram ads also maintain higher conversion rates than other networks. Theaverage conversion rate for Instagram ads is 1.08%. In comparison, the average conversion rate for Pinterest ads is 0.54% and 0.77% for Twitter ads.

While the cost of Instagram ads is worth it, it’s important to remember that earning great results from Instagram requires a great ad campaign. You need to develop and optimize your strategy continuously to get the kind of results you want from Instagram ads.

How do Instagram ads work?

Instagram ads are paid content that appears in newsfeeds and stories. Instagram ads are targeted towards people most likely to be interested in your products or services.

People see Instagram ads based on their demographic data, as well as their interests. These ads are meant to blend in seamlessly to the point where users barely recognize them as ads.

There are two indications of content being a paid advertisem*nt. The first sign is the word “sponsored” written under the company’s name.

The second sign is thecall-to-action (CTA)that appears at the bottom of the picture. These typically have phrases like “shop now” or “learn more” depending upon the campaign’s goal.

How do I lower my Instagram ads cost?

When it comes to advertising on social media, you want to do whatever you can to lower the cost for advertising on these platforms. Here are a few best practices that will help you lower the cost of your Instagram ads and maximize your return on them.

1. Use automatic bidding

If you’re new to Instagram advertising, it’s beneficial to use automatic bidding for your campaign. It’s an easy way for you to get a bid that is the best for your campaign.

Automatic bidding is beneficial to your business if you don’t have any previous data telling you about a good CPC to set for your campaign. It will help you set the bid amount that’s right for your campaign.

How Much Does It Cost To Advertise on Instagram? (9)

When you use automatic bidding, you prevent your business from overbidding to run an ad. The lack of previous data can make it difficult for you to know the best bid amount. You may think you need to bid more than you actually do.

Using automatic bidding helps you set the right bid amount until you obtain data that helps you guide your campaign. It’s a great way to reduce your Instagram advertising costs.

2. Use precise targeting

When you set up your Instagram ads, the goal is to reach people that will be interested in your products or services. To drive the best results for your campaign, use precise targeting to reach your ideal audience.

Instagram allows you to target people through:

  • Location:You can target people based on where they live. This can be as broad as a country or as specific as a postal code.
  • Demographics:Demographic information is the most common way to target leads. It includes information such as gender, age, and race.
  • Interests:When people interact on social media, you can see where their interests lie. Whether it’s crafting or technology, you can target people based on what they like.
  • Behaviors:If someone takes certain steps to browse your site, you can target them based on those behaviors.
  • Custom audiences:Custom audiences are audiences unique to your business. With custom audiences, you can import information, like email addresses, into your targeting options. These are generally people you know are already interested in your products or services.
  • Lookalike audiences:When you know the type of people that are interested in your business, you can target people who share similar characteristics to them. This means that you can target people who haven’t found your products or services yet but will be the most interested in them.

When you use precise targeting, you reach more people interested in your products and services. This means your ad copy will be more relevant to them, which will allow you to get a higher ad rank and lower CPC. It will also lead to an increase in conversions, which helps offset the cost of running the campaign.

3. Set goals

Whenever you run a marketing campaign, it’s crucial that you set goals for your campaign. Setting goals will help keep you focused on what you want to achieve with your ad.

How Much Does It Cost To Advertise on Instagram? (10)

There are three main goals you’ll want to focus on achieving with your Instagram ads:

  • Awareness:With an awareness campaign, you’ll focus on increasing awareness surrounding your business, brand, product, app, or service. You want to expose people to it and help them become familiar with it. With this campaign goal, you’ll focus on running a CPM campaign.
  • Consideration:If your goal is a consideration, you’ll focus on educating your audience more. You’ll want to provide your audience with more compelling information that gets them to convert. For this goal, you’ll focus on earning website clicks, views, and reaching leads.
  • Conversion:Many companies set the goal of getting their audience to buy their products, download their app, or use their services. When you focus on conversions for your campaign goal, you want to provide compelling copy that immediately gets your audience to purchase your products or use your services.

By setting goals, you’ll have a more cohesive campaign. You’ll know what you want to achieve, which will allow you to create more cohesive ad copy. Better ad copy leads to more engagement and more conversions.

4. Create more relevant landing pages

Creating more relevant landing pages is another great way to reduce your Instagram ad costs. Many companies make the mistake of directing leads to their home page after clicking on their Instagram ad. It doesn’t encourage engagement because people aren’t directed to a landing page that is relevant to the ad.

When you create an Instagram ad, the creative and ad link should be cohesive.

If you’re advertising your stylish boot collection, your ad link should direct people to a page filled with your boots. Directing them to your homepage isn’t relevant to the ad you created because it’s focused on your entire store instead of specifically focusing on boots!

This is where landing pages help. You can direct leads to a page that is created and tailored to your ad content.

Relevant landing pages result in more conversions. When people are directed straight to the product they see in the ad, they are more likely to convert. This helps you recoup the costs you pay to run your campaign.

If you want to create a truly effective campaign and lower how much it costs to advertise on Instagram, you must build dedicated landing pages that encourage conversion.

5. Test your ad

If you want to lower your Instagram ad price, you must test your ad. Whenever you create ad copy, it’s never going to be the best or most effective version of your ad. It’s crucial that you test to your ad to ensure that you’re putting out the best possible version.

How Much Does It Cost To Advertise on Instagram? (11)

Testing your ad helps you create more relevant ad copy. Relevant ad copy means you’ll get a higher ad position, which leads to a lower CPC. It’s an easy and efficient way to lower your Instagram advertising costs.

We foster and form long-term partnerships so that your business has long-term results.

Over 90% of WebFX clients continue partnering with us into year 2 of their campaign.

Hear from Our Happy Customers How Much Does It Cost To Advertise on Instagram? (12)

How Much Does It Cost To Advertise on Instagram? (13)

How do I launch Instagram ads?

If you’re ready to start running Instagram ads, there are three different ways to start running ads:

1. Within the Instagram app

When you access ads in the Instagram app, you can share posts you’ve already created on Instagram. You’ll go into the app and select the post you want to promote. Once you select the post, you can launch it as an ad.

Once you launch your promoted post, you can start tracking how many people see your post and interact with it.

2. In Ads Manager

Instagram ads use the same Ad Manager tool as Facebook. If you want to run ads through this program, it’s easy and efficient.

When you use Ads Manager, you can set up your campaign, make alterations to your campaign, and monitor the results. It’s a great way to run your Instagram advertising campaign.

3. Instagram partners

If you’re short on time or need extra help with your campaign, you have the option to use Instagram partners. Instagram partners can help you run your campaign if you don’t have time or don’t know how to run a campaign.

With Instagram partners, you’re working with proven experts that are vetted by Instagram. They will help you buy ads and deliver valuable creative. It’s a great alternative for businesses that don’t have experience.

What kinds of ads can I use on Instagram?

When you run an Instagram ad campaign, you’ll have your choice of advertising formats. There are four main types of ads:

1. Story ads

Story ads are the newest option foradvertisers to reach interested users. Considering thatover 500 million Instagram accountsuse stories every day, it’s a great opportunity to connect with people.

People take a look at business’s Instagram stories, too. In fact,33 percentof the most viewed Instagram stories are from businesses. People want to hear from businesses through the stories function, so having a paid ad wouldn’t seem out of place.

These Instagram stories make full use of the screen. If someone sees your Instagram story ad, they will only see that on their screen. It helps you get your audience to focus fully on your ad.

Story ads are very effective for your audience. They engage with them and check out your products. Although it’s a newer feature, it has the power to drive valuable results for your business.

How Much Does It Cost To Advertise on Instagram? (14)

2. Photo ads

Photo ads are the most common ads on Instagram. These are pictures that appear in your audience’s Instagram feed. Instagram photo ads appear in a square frame or portrait frame.

As mentioned previously, these ads have a CTA button at the bottom of the photo and a sponsored tag.

With these ads, it’s crucial that you choose the right photo. You want your photo to fit in with Instagram’s style. Having a photo that looks too stock photo-like will stand out and could deter people from interacting with your ad campaign.

To have an effective campaign, you must choose a photo that balances looking like a regular Instagram post with choosing a photo that embodies your brand image.

3. Video ads

Video ads are another option for your Instagram ad campaign. These operate similar to photos, except the content contains a video. These videos can be up to 60 seconds long.

Videos are great for capturing your audience’s attention. When they scroll through their feed and get to your ad, the ad will immediately start playing. It’s a great way to catch your audience’s attention and get them interested in your ad.

It’s important to note, however, that the videos automatically play without sound. This is important to think about when you create your video ad because you don’t want your audience to miss important information. If you put your most important information in the first few seconds, your audience is likely to miss it.

Instagram video ads are an effective way to engage your audience and get them to check out your business.

4. Carousel ads

Carousel ads are a great option to get your audience to interact with your ad. These ads allow you to post multiple photos or videos in one post. It’s a great way to provide your audience with many options for your products.

Let’s say you’re promoting a new fashion line. Showcasing one piece wouldn’t do justice to the line. While it does represent the new line, it doesn’t show people the variety in your clothing line.

By using a carousel ad, you could use multiple photos and videos to showcase your product line. It enables you to show your audience variety, which engages more people. One outfit may spark interest in your audience over another outfit.

Using carousel ads is a great way to garner engagement and interest in your ads. You’ll give your audience multiple visuals to look at and get them interested in your products or services.

Time to Level Up Your Sales

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How Much Does It Cost To Advertise on Instagram? (15)

Lower your Instagram advertising costs with WebFX

Instagram advertising is a great way for your business to reach valuable leads that are looking for products or services you offer. When you know the cost to advertise on Instagram, you can create a better advertising campaign that drives results. If you’re looking to get started with your Instagram ad campaign, WebFX can help.

WebFX is an industry-leading digital marketing and advertising agency. We specialize in custom Instagram marketing services. We have a team of over 500 experts that will bring their knowledge of the Instagram algorithmand expertise to your campaign. When you partner with us, we’ll help you create a campaign that works for your business. Plus, as a full-service online marketing company, we also offer a full suite of otherdigital marketing services.

If you’re looking for adigital marketing agency that drives results, look no further than WebFX. In the past five years, we’ve driven over $6 billion in revenue for clients and over 7.8 million leads for our clients. When you partner with us, you’ll get a team that’s dedicated to helping your business grow.

Don’t believe us? Just ask our clients! Check out our 1000+ client testimonialsthat attest to the awesome work we do for them!

Get started on your Instagram ad campaign today

If you’re ready to start earning more valuable leads with your Instagram advertising campaign and optimizing your Instagram ad costs,contact us onlineor call us today at888-601-5359to speak with a strategist.

We look forward to helping your business reach new heights!

Source data

Monthly Instagram advertising costs

$0.00 – $100.0023.03%
$101.00 – $500.0030.26%
$501.00 – $1000.0021.05%
$1001.00 – $5000.0014.47%
$5001.00 – $10,000.006.58%
More than $10,000.004.61%

Instagram advertising costs per click

$0.00 – $0.2530.34%
$0.26 – $0.5019.10%
$0.51% – $0.75%10.11%
$0.76% – $1.008.99%
$1.01 – $1.505.62%
$1.51 – $2.006.74%
$2.01 – $2.504.49%
$2.51 – $3.007.87%
More than $3.006.74%

Instagram advertising costs per 1000 impressions

$0.00 – $2.0023.40%
$2.01 – $4.0023.40%
$4.01 – $6.0019.15%
$6.01 – $8.0018.09%
$8.01 – $10.005.32%
More than $10.0010.64%

Instagram advertising costs per engagement

$0.00 – $0.0210.61%
$0.03 – $0.0527.27%
$0.06 – $0.0827.27%
$0.09 – $0.1115.15%
More than $0.1119.70%

Percentage of advertising budget allocated to Instagram ads

0% – 5%15.13%
6% – 10%16.45%
11% – 20%18.42%
21% – 30%14.47%
31% – 40%9.87%
41% – 50%5.92%
51% – 60%7.89%
61% – 70%3.29%
71% – 80%5.26%
More than 80%3.29%

ROI satisfaction from Instagram ads

How Much Does It Cost To Advertise on Instagram? (2024)
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Author: Twana Towne Ret

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Author information

Name: Twana Towne Ret

Birthday: 1994-03-19

Address: Apt. 990 97439 Corwin Motorway, Port Eliseoburgh, NM 99144-2618

Phone: +5958753152963

Job: National Specialist

Hobby: Kayaking, Photography, Skydiving, Embroidery, Leather crafting, Orienteering, Cooking

Introduction: My name is Twana Towne Ret, I am a famous, talented, joyous, perfect, powerful, inquisitive, lovely person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.