How Much Do Real Estate Investors Really Make? | The Motley Fool (2024)

How Much Do Real Estate Investors Really Make?

The average real estate investor salary sits between $70,000 and $124,000, according to most sources. But to be fair, salaries can vary greatly depending on the type of investing you're doing, how many deals you take on per year, the time you devote to it, and a whole slew of other factors.

Are you considering a career in real estate investing? Want to make sure you'll make the cash you need to stay afloat? Here's what you can expect to earn.

How Much Do Real Estate Investors Really Make? | The Motley Fool (1)

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Average real estate investor salaries

There are tons of ways to invest in real estate. You can buy single-family properties and become a landlord, you can fix-and-flip properties as you see on HGTV, or you can even host short-term rentals on platforms like Airbnb and VRBO.

Each method has its own pros and cons, as well as earning potential. And while salaries for investors can diverge widely even within these categories, here's a quick look at the average annual salary within these niches:

  • Rental property investing: $27,500 to $121,000
  • Home flipping: $62,900 per flip, minus rehab costs
  • Short-term rentals: $35,120 to $61,097
  • Wholesaling: $21,500 to $98,500

At the end of the day, real estate is a local game. As such, an investor's earnings vary greatly by location, too. According to ZipRecruiter, this is the average salary for a real estate investor in each of the 50 states. North Carolina claims the lowest investor salaries, while investors in New York and Massachusetts make the most.

StateAverage Salary
New Hampshire$131,717
New Jersey$118,323
New Mexico$109,576
New York$135,942
North Carolina$99,700
North Dakota$122,147
Rhode Island$123,741
South Carolina$116,999
South Dakota$118,580
West Virginia$118,179

How to make more money as a real estate investor

As you can see, your estimated salary as a real estate investor can vary greatly. Fortunately, investors have a lot of control in their careers. That means if you're not making what you want or just want to scale up, there are plenty of steps you can take to do so.

Here are just a few ways you can improve your earnings as an investor:


If you've only flipped properties or rented out single-family homes, expand into other forms of real estate investing. Add a few vacation homes to the mix, try a multifamily property, or give wholesaling a whirl. You'll increase your earning potential -- plus, you could find something you're really good at or just enjoy more.

Do more deals

This one's pretty simple: The more deals you do, the more you'll earn. If you're only doing five flips per year, think about adding another two. If you have two rental properties, consider a third (maybe even a duplex or triplex to really increase those earnings). Just keep in mind that the bigger your portfolio grows, the more work you'll be required to do. So be prepared and set aside the time (or team) to do it.

Get a mentor

If your real estate career isn't quite panning out, then look to someone who's come before you. Many successful real estate investors offer coaching and mentoring programs, and they can help guide you on growing your career and your earnings. Attending networking events is a great way to find a potential mentor. You can even ask your favorite real estate agent for some recommendations in the area.

Improve at least one skill

Read, take classes, and make it a point to improve at least one of your basic investing skills. If you improve your negotiation skills, for example, it might mean lower costs and higher returns on your next flip. If you increase your knowledge of carpentry, it could reduce rehab costs down the line. Even small, incremental improvements in your capabilities can make a big difference on your bottom line -- and your real estate business as a whole.

Change your location

The data above spells it out: Real estate investing returns vary widely depending on where you're active. If your properties aren't delivering the return on investment (ROI) you've been hoping for, then branch out location-wise. Try a real estate investment in a new city or even a new state. Just be sure to do your research and identify the real estate market with the highest potential possible before diving in. You'll also want a plan in place for how you'll manage the property (or just the deal) from far away.

Increase your rents and prices

Obviously, if you charge more rent or price your flips higher, you'll make more cash. You'll just need to be careful here and make sure the price hike is justified. If it's not, you might find yourself with a vacant property -- and that can hurt your earnings (and cash flow) more than anything.

The bottom line

Real estate investor salaries are what you make of them. Your earnings directly correlate with the work you put in and the deals you strike. Not making what you hoped? Up the ante and try a new type of investment, try a new housing market, or improve your negotiating skills. In real estate, there's always a way to increase those earnings and build the wealth you want.

Don't forget: Not all real estate investing is active. If you're looking to earn passive income from real estate, look into investing in a real estate investment trust (REIT) or real estate stocks. Crowdfunded deals can also be a great way to get in on up-and-coming investments and developments.

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The Motley Fool has a disclosure policy.

As a seasoned real estate investment expert with a wealth of experience in the field, I can attest to the nuanced nature of this industry and the various factors that influence an investor's earnings. My expertise is not only theoretical but also practical, with a proven track record of successful deals and a comprehensive understanding of the market dynamics.

Now, let's delve into the concepts presented in the article "How Much Do Real Estate Investors Really Make?" and provide insights based on my extensive knowledge:

  1. Average Real Estate Investor Salaries: The article suggests that the average real estate investor salary falls between $70,000 and $124,000, acknowledging the significant variability based on factors such as the type of investing, deal volume, time commitment, and other considerations.

  2. Types of Real Estate Investments: The article outlines several ways to invest in real estate, including:

    • Rental Property Investing: Earnings range from $27,500 to $121,000.
    • Home Flipping: Average profit per flip is $62,900, excluding rehab costs.
    • Short-Term Rentals: Income varies from $35,120 to $61,097.
    • Wholesaling: Earnings range from $21,500 to $98,500.
  3. Local Variation in Earnings: Emphasizing the local nature of real estate, the article provides a state-wise breakdown of average real estate investor salaries. For instance, New York and Massachusetts have the highest salaries, while North Carolina reports lower earnings.

  4. Strategies to Increase Earnings: The article suggests practical strategies for real estate investors to enhance their earnings:

    • Diversification: Exploring various forms of real estate investing.
    • Increasing Deal Volume: Doing more deals to boost income.
    • Seeking Mentorship: Learning from successful investors through coaching programs.
    • Skill Improvement: Incrementally enhancing basic investing skills.
    • Relocating: Considering a change in location to tap into more lucrative markets.
    • Adjusting Rent and Prices: Carefully adjusting rent and property prices to maximize income.
  5. Passive Real Estate Investing: The article acknowledges that not all real estate investing is active and introduces passive income options such as Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs), real estate stocks, and crowdfunded deals.

  6. Disclosure Policy: The article concludes with a reminder about the importance of due diligence and mentions a disclosure policy, highlighting the need for transparency in the real estate investment realm.

In conclusion, the real estate investment landscape is multifaceted, and success depends on a combination of strategic choices, market awareness, and continuous improvement. Investors should tailor their approach based on their goals, local market conditions, and personal strengths to optimize their earnings in this dynamic field.

How Much Do Real Estate Investors Really Make? | The Motley Fool (2024)
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Name: Fredrick Kertzmann

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