How Many Startups Are There? (2024)

If small companies with headquarters in basem*nts and garages are the first thing that comes to your mind when you hear the word “startup,” think again! Even though many people think of startups in this way, the reality is that startups have changed and evolved.

And their numbers grew exponentially over the years.

How Many Startups Are There?

There are currently about 70,762 startups in the US, making it the country with the most startups in the world. India ranks second with 12,556, and the UK is third with 6,155.

(Source: First Site Guide)

More Stats on Startups

Let’s dive deeper into startup stats and find out which industries currently dominate the startup world, how many billion-dollar startups there are, where they’re typically located, and what their success rates are.

In 2017, 7.1% of the world’s startups were fintech startups.

(Source: Statista)

Fintech startups were closely followed by life sciences and healthcare startups (6.8%), artificial intelligence startups (5%), and gaming startups (4.7%).

In 2020, there were about 1.35 million technology startups in the world.

(Source: CB Insights / Get2Growth)

Some of the most successful tech startups in the US include Epic Games, Magic Leap, One Trust, etc.

About 305 million startups are created annually.

(Source: Get2Growth)

Such a high number doesn’t come as a surprise, as there are about 472 million entrepreneurs in the world.

According to 2019 statistics, about 90% of newly created startups fail.

(Source: Investopedia / Yahoo! Finance)

Startup statistics also show that about 21.5% do so very early — in the first year. Quibi, MoviePass, Jawbone, Scalefactor, and Chef’d are only some of the examples of failed startups.

There are over 800 unicorn startups in the world.

(Source: Visual Capitalist)

Unicorn startups are large successful startups with a value of over $1 billion. While some successful unicorn startups are practically anonymous, others are world-renowned (e.g., Elon Musk’s SpaceX or Sweeney’s Epic Games).

Infamous Theranos was once a startup.

(Source: Yahoo! Finance)

This company, which promised a commercial portable blood analyzer that was never developed, cost several high-profile investors (e.g., Walmart founders, Rupert Murdoch, Betsy DeVos, etc.) over $600 million.

There are over 40,000 startups in Silicon Valley.

(Source: Startup Genome)

Though the number of startups in Silicon Valley was affected by the pandemic and incredibly high costs, a large number of startups, venture capital firms, and tech companies remain.

AI and e-commerce startups are currently trending.

(Source: Cloudways)

Other categories of trending startups include EdTech startups, fintech startups, food and beverages startups, blockchain startups, healthcare startups, fashion startups, IoT startups, etc.

Wrapping Up

Since revolutionary startups seem to be running the world, it appears that a good idea can make you a lot of money. With COVID pushing technology to a new level, this may be a great moment to turn your brilliant idea into a startup.

Just make sure to have clear business strategies in place to keep the company afloat and ahead of competitors.

How Many Startups Are There? (2024)


Is it true that 90% of startups fail? ›

According to the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics, the startup failure rate increases over time, and the most significant percentage of businesses that fail are younger than 10 years. Over the long run, 90% of startups fail.

Do 95% of startups fail? ›

Nine out of ten startups will fail. This is a hard and bleak truth, but one that you'd do well to meditate on. Entrepreneurs may even want to write their failure post-mortem before they launch their business.

Why do 99 percent of startups fail? ›

According to business owners, reasons for failure include money running out, being in the wrong market, a lack of research, bad partnerships, ineffective marketing, and not being an expert in the industry.

How many startups actually make it big? ›

However, achieving profitable startups can be harder than it may seem: Startups take 3-4 years to be profitable, on average. Only 40% of startups actually turn a profit.

Why only 1 percent succeed? ›

The 1 percent know people like to buy the best products and services possible. So they make it their goal to be the best and produce the best. You are going to have a hard time producing the best products and services if you, personally, are not the best. So if you're not the best, don't focus so much on your work.

What Percentage of startups succeed? ›

Whether it's bad luck, bad timing or a half-baked business model, there are any number of ways a startup can go wrong. And roughly 20% of new businesses fail within their first year, according to data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.

How quickly do most startups fail? ›

About 90% of startups fail. 10% of startups fail within the first year. Across all industries, startup failure rates seem to be close to the same. Failure is most common for startups during years two through five, with 70% falling into this category.

How many businesses survive 25 years? ›

Fewer Than You Think. Data from the Small Business Administration shows that an average of 80% of employer businesses survive the first year, 70% survive at least two years, 50% survive at least five years, 30% survive at least ten years, and 25% survive at least fifteen years.

Why do 80 of businesses fail? ›

82% of small businesses fail due to cash flow problems. And while most small business owners agree cash flow is the #1 risk for small businesses, cash flow is also a blanket term – a symptom, if you will – of several underlying causes.

When should you give up on a startup? ›

5 Signs It's Time to Put Your Startup Out of Its Misery
  1. Missing or diminishing value. ...
  2. Risk that trumps return. ...
  3. It's going nowhere fast. ...
  4. Holes in the business model fabric. ...
  5. The competition beat you to market.
Jun 16, 2015

How many entrepreneurs succeed? ›

Within their first two years, 20% of businesses fail, within five years, 45%, and within 10 years, 65% fail.

What is the biggest killer of startups? ›

Types of startup killers
  • Not Having Enough Money to Run Your Business. Startup entrepreneurs often underestimate costs. ...
  • Lack of Market Need for your Product. ...
  • Ignore Customers Needs / Ignore Feedback. ...
  • Lying to yourself.
Jun 12, 2022

How often do unicorn startups fail? ›

99.9% of unicorn startups fail

Companies become a “unicorn” once they reach a valuation of over $1 billion, without going public on the stock market. Only 0.00006 of startups reach unicorn status.

How long do startups usually last? ›

It's also important to note that about 75 percent of startups survive their first year, 69 percent survive the first two years and only half reach five years, according to Forbes.

How rich do you have to be to be in the top 1% in the world? ›

According to the 2018 Global Wealth Report from Credit Suisse Research Institute, you need a net worth of $871,320 U.S. Credit Suisse defines net worth, or “wealth,” as “the value of financial assets plus real assets (principally housing) owned by households, minus their debts.”

What of wealth do the top 1% own? ›

The report shows that while the richest 1 percent captured 54 percent of new global wealth over the past decade, this has accelerated to 63 percent in the past two years. $42 trillion of new wealth was created between December 2019 and December 2021.

Why success is rare? ›

The fact is, achieving success requires a combination of risk-taking, making sacrifices and putting in an immense amount of effort, among other things. And let's face it: Those risks and sacrifices are scary enough to dissuade many people from the high-stakes world of entrepreneurship.

How many startups make it to Series A? ›

The funding amount at this stage is typically between $50,000 – $200,000 and the target runaway is 3 to 9 months. About 60% of companies that reach pre-series A funding fail to make it to Series A, so the success rate is only 30%-40%. We can name such successful examples of pre-seed funding startups in 2021:

How fast do successful startups grow? ›

It's typical for many startups to grow fast in the early stage, with the ARR growth by 144% on average. As the company matures, the growth rate slows down and falls into the 15% to 45% year-to-year growth range.

What makes a successful startup? ›

For a startup to succeed, there are generally three core components making up that success: a strong product, a well-researched go-to-market strategy, and a strong organizational culture. Each of these components can be a struggle to get right individually—and ensuring each of them works together can be even bigger.

How many startups fail in USA? ›

The reality is that 90% of startups fail. From budgeting apps to legal matchmaking services, businesses across every industry see more closures than billion-dollar success stories. And a whopping 10% of startups fail before they reach their second year.

Do startups make money? ›

Startups can and do operate without venture capital. They also make money. A startup will not start making money until they are active in the market. Creating a startup can be a drawn-out process, and it's highly unlikely (or in other words, slightly impossible) to turn a profit if people can't use it.

Which country has most startups? ›

These are the most startup-friendly countries in the world
  • India – 68 unicorns. ...
  • UK – 49 unicorns. ...
  • Germany – 36 unicorns. ...
  • Israel – 24 unicorns. ...
  • France – 24 unicorns. ...
  • Canada – 23 unicorns. ...
  • South Korea – 18 unicorns. ...
  • Brazil – 17 unicorns.
Apr 20, 2023

What are the hardest years in business? ›

The vast majority of businesses that fail do so within the first two or three years. It's true that the first two years in business are the hardest, especially for someone who is brand new to owning a business, and who has no experience managing staff or dealing with accounting or bookkeeping.

What business has the highest failure rate? ›

What industry has the highest failure rate? Transportation, construction, and warehousing have the worst failure rates with 30%-40% of these businesses surviving five years, while approximately 50% of all businesses make it to their fifth year.

How long do most entrepreneurs last? ›

According to data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, as reported by Fundera, approximately 20 percent of small businesses fail within the first year. By the end of the second year, 30 percent of businesses will have failed. By the end of the fifth year, about half will have failed.

What is the #1 reason that businesses fail? ›

The most common reasons small businesses fail include a lack of capital or funding, retaining an inadequate management team, a faulty infrastructure or business model, and unsuccessful marketing initiatives.

What percentage of businesses last 30 years? ›

Only 5% survived longer than 30 years. 81.7% of our small business owners opened their business to be their own boss.

Why do most entrepreneurs fail? ›

Insufficient marketing, a lackluster business plan or even the wrong legal structure can prevent your business from thriving. The reasons why many entrepreneurs fail early are endless, some being unique to the business owner.

What to do when startup runs out of cash? ›

The best thing to do when you run out of money while running a startup is to raise more money. This can be done by either finding more investors or by generating more revenue. If you're running out of money, it's likely that your business isn't generating enough revenue to sustain itself.

How do you know a startup is failing? ›

Here are some surefire signs that your startup is in trouble: Your cash flow is negative and has been for a long time. Your startup spends money on the wrong things (like foosball tables) and not the right things (such as salaries and marketing). Your product is outdated or has zero demand in the market.

What is the average age of a startup? ›

HBR found that the average startup founder who fits the aforementioned data set was 45 when they started their company. Among the factors that might explain why older entrepreneurs could have an advantage over younger founders is work experience, which HBR noted plays a crucial role in success.

Is having a startup stressful? ›

A substantial workload

Others may experience work-related stress because of the increased effort and obligation put on them. Startups that offer their employees enormous duties and responsibilities beyond their skill set are more likely to experience burnout and stress.

Is 30 too late to start a startup? ›

There's no timeline or expiration date on becoming a successful entrepreneur. In fact, people starting businesses later in life may actually have some advantages over people that are still early in their careers. It's never too late to start your entrepreneurial journey.

Do many entrepreneurs make it over 5 years? ›

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), this isn't necessarily true. Data from the BLS shows that approximately 20% of new businesses fail during the first two years of being open, 45% during the first five years, and 65% during the first 10 years. Only 25% of new businesses make it to 15 years or more.

What percent of entrepreneurs are rich? ›

88% of millionaires are entrepreneurs.

At the end of the day, though, in order to earn their money, many millionaires had to work hard and run their own finances, whether that was through a company they started, investments they made, or both.

Who are the 5 successful entrepreneurs? ›

Andrew Carnegie, Henry Ford, Oprah Winfrey, Bill Gates, and Larry Page are among the most celebrated American entrepreneurs in history.

What is the #1 mistake startups can make? ›

Scaling too quickly without the proper team in place

The biggest mistake that startups make is scaling without having the proper growth strategy and allotted resources in place. “The biggest mistake a startup can make is not properly managing the growth,” explains Daniel Javor of Step By Step Business.

What do startups fear? ›

The fear of failure is a common issue among entrepreneurs. It can prevent them from making decisions, take risks, and try new things. In the early days of a startup, its easy to become overwhelmed by the uncertainty of the future. This fear can lead to doubt, hesitation, and a fear of making mistakes.

What is the rarest unicorn? ›

The Saola is so elusive that no biologist has seen one in the wild. Now they are racing to find it, so they can save it.

What is the average lifespan of a unicorn? ›

The life span of unicorns has never been recorded but is known to surpass 1,000 years. They are believed to maintain their youth until death is only weeks away. The secret to this longevity is the strong magical nature of the horn.

What percentage of startups get funded? ›

4. Only 0.05% of startups raise venture capital. Although about 100% of headlines on startup funding cover venture capital, only about 0.05% of small businesses raise startup venture capital [4].

Do most startups lose money? ›

In their lifetime, only 40% of startups are actually profitable. 30% of startups will break and fail, and the last 30% will continue to lose money.

Are startups worth it? ›

The environment of a startup is a great place to grow — as a business and as a professional. Because of the innovative and agile nature aimed at growing the business, there is usually a lot of flexibility to provide your expertise across multiple disciplines.

What is the average return for a startup? ›

In the early stages of a startups life, investors expect to see a return of 3 to 5 times their initial investment within 5 to 7 years. However, this is only a rough guideline, and actual returns will vary depending on the company, the stage of the company, and the amount of risk the investor is willing to take.

What is the average failure rate for startups for start up businesses 60% 70% 80% 90%? ›

Startup Failure Rates

About 90% of startups fail. 10% of startups fail within the first year. Across all industries, startup failure rates seem to be close to the same. Failure is most common for startups during years two through five, with 70% falling into this category.

Do startup statistics show that about 90% of startups fail Failory? ›

What's The Startup Success Rate? As we have seen, 90% of startups fail, which means the startup success rate is around 10%. This rate is much higher if we also consider other more traditional businesses and not only innovative tech startups.

What is the probability of failure startups? ›

Approximately 30% of new small businesses fail by the end of year two, while half will fail before year five. That means roughly 70% of startups fail within their first five years of operations.

Is it true that many small businesses fail every year? ›

According to data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, as reported by Fundera, approximately 20 percent of small businesses fail within the first year. By the end of the second year, 30 percent of businesses will have failed. By the end of the fifth year, about half will have failed.

How many startups make it to Series B? ›

About 65% of the Series A startups get series B, while 35% of the companies that get series A fail. We can name such successful business examples of series A startups in 2021: Noissue.

What Percentage of Y Combinator startups fail? ›

A 20% failure rate sounds amazing for the industry, however: The majority of YC investments have happened in the last few years (over 1500 in the last 5).

What Percentage of startups become unicorns? ›

While it's not impossible, attaining unicorn status can be incredibly difficult. In fact, a business only has a 0.00006% chance of becoming a unicorn, and it takes an average of seven years for nascent startups to grow into unicorns. That being said, there are startups that beat the odds. How do they do it?

How many entrepreneurs become millionaires? ›

How many millionaires are entrepreneurs? 88% of millionaires are entrepreneurs. More specifically, 88% of millionaires are self-made, which means they inherited none of their wealth and instead earned it through businesses, investments, and their own salaries.

How not to fail in startups? ›

Carry out market research

Many assume that lack of funding or the wrong team are the main reasons behind business failure. However, planning and research are crucial when it comes to ensuring your business idea is feasible, your pricing is competitive and you will receive an adequate return on investment.

What percentage of small business startups fail? ›

All these reasons bring up one question: How many startups fail? The reality is that 90% of startups fail. From budgeting apps to legal matchmaking services, businesses across every industry see more closures than billion-dollar success stories. And a whopping 10% of startups fail before they reach their second year.

What is the most common business to fail? ›

Industries with the worst survival rates

The information industry — which includes processes like producing and distributing information and cultural products and processing data — has the highest percentage of businesses that fail in the first year (26.4%).

What is the success rate of entrepreneurs? ›

Within their first 10 years, 65% of businesses fail, according to the BLS. So 35% of businesses are still in business after 10 years. According to the same source, just 25% of businesses survive 15 or more years. In order to succeed, 38% of entrepreneurs stat that being self-disciplined is the most important factor.

What percentage of small businesses survive 30 years? ›

Only 5% survived longer than 30 years. 81.7% of our small business owners opened their business to be their own boss.

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Name: Roderick King

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Hobby: Gunsmithing, Embroidery, Parkour, Kitesurfing, Rock climbing, Sand art, Beekeeping

Introduction: My name is Roderick King, I am a cute, splendid, excited, perfect, gentle, funny, vivacious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.