How Many Millionaires Actually Inherited Their Wealth? (2024)

When it comes to wealth building, there’s a whole lot of bad information out there! For example, a lot of people think millionaires get their money through a big fat inheritance. They think if you don’t come from a wealthy family, your chances of reaching millionaire status are slim.

But is that fact or fiction? The National Study of Millionaireswhich is the largest study ever done on millionaires—uncovered thetruthabout how these men and women built their wealth. (Spoiler alert: Inheritances aren’t as important as you think.)

Did Millionaires Inherit Their Wealth?

Just how deep does the myth that millionaires’ wealth simply fell into their laps go? We found out that 74% of millennials believe millionaires inherited their money and more than half (52%) of baby boomers think the same thing.1

But our study of millionaires blows that theory out of the water. Here are the facts:

  • Only 21% of millionaires received any inheritanceat all.
  • Just 16% inherited more than $100,000.
  • And get this: Only 3% received an inheritance at or above $1 million!2

Think about that: Most folks believe millionaires simply inherited their wealth, butthe vast majority of millionaires didn’t get any inheritance at all—and those who did certainly didn’t get enough to make them millionaires!

And remember that an inheritance isn’t some automatic golden ticket to wealth. In fact, one study found that one-third of folks who receive an inheritance actually saw no change or a decline in their wealth afterward.3 Whether you get $10,000 or $100,000, what matters most is what you do with that inheritance.

How Many Americans Receive an Inheritance?

If 21% of millionaires inherited their money, how does that measure up against the rest of America? The Federal Reserve asked that question, and guess what their answer was . . . 21%.4

That’s right. Millionaires and the general population receive inheritances at the exact same rate.So, don’t miss this: Millionaires are no more likely to get an inheritance than their neighbor who’s swimming in debt.

And if you do happen to get an inheritance, you’re probably going to have to wait a long time to get one. The average age when Americans get an inheritance is 51, and more than one-fourth of inheritances wind up going to folks over the age of 61.5 And the typical size of an inheritance these days? It’s just around $55,000.6

So if you’re banking on an inheritance to make you a millionaire . . . you’re going to need a new plan!

Where Do Millionaires Get Their Money?

If only a small percentage of millionaires in our survey received an inheritance, then how do millionaires actually build their wealth? Work. Old-fashioned, gritty, roll-up-your-sleeves, get-your-hands-dirty work.

We gave the millionaires in our study a list of items that could contribute to someone becoming a millionaire, and then we asked them to rank them. What ranked number one, beating out everything else?Financial discipline.What ranked number two?Saving consistently.

Discipline and consistency. These two factors working together will beat out a high-paying job, an inheritance and luck every time. And the good news is, we can all choose discipline and consistency. They aren’t reserved for special or “lucky” people. Anyone can commit to being financially disciplined. That’s a choice you can make today!

Baby Steps Millionaires Who Didn’t Get an Inheritance

It’s easy to dismiss the idea of becoming a millionaire. You tell yourself it can’t be done unless you get an inheritance or end up as a contestant on Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? But here’s the true story of two Baby Steps Millionaires that proves otherwise:

Market chaos, inflation, your future—work with a pro to navigate this stuff.

Meet Ben and Courtney. Ben and Courtney met in college and shared similar goals about staying out of debt and working hard toward financial independence. Growing up, Ben’s father and grandfather taught him that if he wanted something, he needed to work and save for it instead of borrowing money to pay for it. Meanwhile, Courtney’s father taught her a great work ethic.

Ben started mowing lawns when he was 14 years old and continued mowing lawns all through high school to save money for college. He went on to graduate with an engineering degree, no debt, and immediately started investing 15% of his $35,000 salary into his company 401(k).

When she was 19 years old, Courtney worked long, hard hours in fast food to pay for her college tuition at a local community college. Eventually, she found a better-paying job at a bank to earn more for tuition—and she also opened a Roth IRA account while contributing to her 401(k) as well. Courtney graduated with an education degree and began her career as a teacher.

Once Ben and Courtney got married, they set up their budget to live off of just one of their incomes so they could save and invest the rest and avoid lifestyle creep—they didn’t want to spend more just because they were making more. At that point, they didn’t have children, so they were focused on maxing out their retirement accounts and paying off their house early.

Following the Baby Steps principles from a young age and growing their income from $50,000 to $185,000 in less than 20 years made it possible for Ben and Courtney to become millionaires before they turned 40 years old. As a 39-year-old supply chain manager and a 36-year-old teacher, their $1.7 million net worth looked like this:

  • $620,000 in 401(k) accounts
  • $450,000 in Roth IRAs
  • $230,000 in a taxable account
  • $50,000 in a 529 account
  • $350,000 in a paid-for house

And here’s the kicker: Neither Ben nor Courtney received any money through inheritance to get to this point. What they did inherit from their parents was something much more valuable: the value of hard work and discipline.

Ben and Courtney’s story proves that you don’t need an inheritance to build wealth. Hard work and financial discipline created the foundation that helped them become millionaires before they were 40 years old!

Want to learn more? Dave's new book,Baby Steps Millionaires, will show you the proven path that millions of Americans have taken to become millionaires—and how you can become one too! Grab your copy today to learn how to bust through the barriers preventing you from becoming a millionaire.

How Can You Become a Millionaire?

If you read Ben and Courtney’s story carefully, you can clearly see the steps you should take on your own path to building wealth. They stayed out of debt. They lived on less than they made. They invested. They didn’t get distracted by what others were buying and doing. And they did those things month after month, year after year . . . until one day they were millionaires. Slow and steady wins the race every time.

So, what about you? Are you willing to put in the work? Will you live below your means? Do you want to develop the patience and determination to invest month after month, year after year? If so, then youcanreach your financial goals. You can live the lifeyouwant onyourterms. It’s all up to you.

And the good news is that you don’t have to do it alone. Our SmartVestor program can connect you with aninvestment professionalwho can help you come up with a game plan for your financial future. Your dreams are too important to go it alone!

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Ramsey Solutions

Ramsey Solutions has been committed to helping people regain control of their money, build wealth, grow their leadership skills, and enhance their lives through personal development since 1992. Millions of people have used our financial advice through 22 books (including 12 national bestsellers) published by Ramsey Press, as well as two syndicated radio shows and 10 podcasts, which have over 17 million weekly listeners. Learn More.

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As an investment enthusiast with a demonstrated depth of knowledge in personal finance and wealth building, let me dive into the concepts presented in the article "Retirement Investing Investing Basics" by Ramsey.

The article challenges a common misconception that millionaires primarily inherit their wealth, presenting evidence from the National Study of Millionaires. The study, considered the largest ever conducted on millionaires, reveals that only 21% of millionaires received any inheritance, with a mere 3% inheriting amounts at or above $1 million. This starkly contradicts the belief held by 74% of millennials and 52% of baby boomers that millionaires inherit their money.

The article emphasizes the importance of dispelling the myth surrounding inheritances as a golden ticket to wealth. It points out that receiving an inheritance doesn't guarantee financial success, citing a study showing that one-third of inheritance recipients experience no change or a decline in their wealth.

Addressing the broader population, the article compares the inheritance rates of millionaires (21%) with the general population, revealing that both groups receive inheritances at the same rate. It further provides insights into the average age of receiving an inheritance (51), with more than one-fourth going to individuals over the age of 61, and the typical size of an inheritance, averaging around $55,000.

The article shifts focus to the question of how millionaires actually build their wealth, countering the notion of windfalls by highlighting the importance of hard work, financial discipline, and consistent savings. The author presents survey results indicating that financial discipline and consistent saving rank higher than factors like high-paying jobs, inheritances, and luck in contributing to millionaire status.

To reinforce these principles, the article shares the inspiring story of Ben and Courtney, referred to as "Baby Steps Millionaires." Through disciplined financial habits, hard work, and adhering to the Baby Steps principles, Ben and Courtney achieved a $1.7 million net worth before turning 40, with none of their wealth attributed to inheritance.

In conclusion, the article stresses that becoming a millionaire doesn't require an inheritance. Instead, it advocates for hard work, financial discipline, and consistent saving as the key components of wealth building. The author invites readers to follow the proven path outlined in Dave's new book, "Baby Steps Millionaires," and highlights the SmartVestor program to connect individuals with investment professionals for personalized financial planning.

How Many Millionaires Actually Inherited Their Wealth? (2024)


How Many Millionaires Actually Inherited Their Wealth? ›

Here are the facts: Only 21% of millionaires received any inheritance at all. Just 16% inherited more than $100,000.

How many millionaires inherited their wealth? ›

Dave Ramsey, personal finance expert and founder of Ramsey Solutions, says this myth of primarily inherited riches is “flat wrong.” When Ramsey's National Study of Millionaires asked where the riches came from, they found that a whopping 79% didn't receive any inheritance from parents or other family members.

What percentage of millionaires did not receive any inheritance at all? ›

79% of U.S. millionaires did not receive an inheritance from their parents or other family members. The majority of millionaires really did work for their wealth (and made their wealth work for them). They didn't wait for a rich uncle to come along with a check for $1 million.

How many millionaires are actually self-made? ›

A study published by Wealth-X found that around 68 percent of those with a net worth of $30 million or more made it themselves. Further, a second study by Fidelity Investments found that 88 percent of all millionaires are self-made, meaning they did not inherit their wealth.

Do 90% of millionaires make over 100000 a year? ›

Here are the cold, hard facts: Almost 7 out of 10 millionaires (69%) did not average $100,000 or more in household income per year—and (get this) one-third of millionaires never had a six-figure household income in their careers.

Do most millionaires inherited their money from their parents? ›

from their parents or other family members.

How many millionaires come from poor families? ›

Depending on whose survey and how they measure it, between 70% and 92% of millionaires in the United States came from families that were not considered rich or wealthy.

Are there any billionaires who grew up poor? ›

But there are a small minority of billionaires who started from genuine poverty. Oprah Winfrey grew up in a home without power or running water, and Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz grew up in government-subsidized housing. What's for more common, though, is for billionaires to come from modest wealth.

Are most rich people from inheritance? ›

Of the 137 people in the global study who achieved billionaire status in the 12-month study period, 53 of them inherited $150.8 billion collectively, more than the $140.7 billion that was earned by the 84 new self-made billionaires in the same time period, the UBS study says.

What percent of millionaires had rich parents? ›

Answer: a quick google search suggests that 13% or so of billionaires inherited their wealth. So the other 86+% are Self-made. President Trump's father gave him a Million dollars in seed money to start up his real estate investment company.

Is it true 80% of millionaires are self-made? ›

In my thirty-plus years of surveying and studying millionaires, I have consistently found that 80 to 86% are self-made. That also applies to decamillionaires. In 1982 according to Forbes about 38% of America's wealthiest people were self-made.

What is the average IQ of self-made millionaires? ›

The average IQ of self-made deca-millionaires (over $10M net worth) is 118. The average IQ of self-made* billionaires is 133. The average IQ of self-made deca-billionaires (over $10B net worth) is 151. Of note, average incomes correlate well with IQ, however there is a much lower correlation between IQ and net wealth.

Is a million dollar inheritance a lot? ›

Inheriting a million dollars or more can be a life-changing event and will come with its own set of stipulations. Whether you're already well-off or you find you've achieved millionaire status overnight, there will be some things you'll need to consider when receiving a large sum of money.

Is 100k a year considered wealthy? ›

The median salary for Americans is around $70,000 a year, according to the most recent census data from 2021. A salary of $100,000 a year, with the assumption that you are an individual without dependents, would classify an individual as upper-class — but many of these people don't feel rich.

What degree do most millionaires have? ›

Top 7 degrees that make the most millionaires
  • Engineering.
  • Economics/Finance.
  • Politics.
  • Mathematics.
  • Computer Science.
  • Law.
  • MBA.
Apr 4, 2024

What is a millionaire's best friend? ›

One awesome thing that you can take advantage of is compound interest. It may sound like an intimidating term, but it really isn't once you know what it means. Here's a little secret: compound interest is a millionaire's best friend. It's really free money.

What percentage of all wealth is inherited? ›

Of the total wealth of the population, Kessler and Masson estimated that 35 percent originated from inheritances or gifts.

How common is inherited wealth? ›

Very few actually do. While less than a third of all households inherit any money, between 70% and 80% of households receive no inheritance at all. What Is the Average Inheritance? A consistent reality with inheritance is that almost all households who receive an inheritance expect more than they get.

What percentage of people inherit a million dollars? ›

But a small segment of the country passes down a disproportionately large amount of money. While only about 2 percent of inheritances from 1995 to 2016 were larger than $1 million, that 2 percent accounted for roughly 40 percent of the money inherited during that period of time.

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