How Long Should it Take to Edit a Podcast? - A Helpful Guide (2024)

Editing a podcast can be tricky, especially if you are just starting out. Every recording you edit will be different and the time you spend on editing will vary based on how much you need to edit out and how long the episode is. So, the short answer is: It depends.

The short answer is: Usually a raw recording for an episode is about 70 minutes long, and you’ll need to listen to it all the way through before even starting to edit. Factor in another 60-90 minutes actually editing, and then another 60 minutes to re-listen to the recording to ensure that it is perfect and does not sound too unnatural. So, the total time spent editing an average podcast recording should be about 3 and a half hours.

Editing can take a lot of time, but as you grow and learn it won’t take as long. Over-editing or taking too much time editing can cause burnout and make your podcast sound unnatural. In this post, you will learn what podcast editing involves, the different software you can use, and tips for editing your podcast.

What is Podcast Editing?

Episode production is split up into four steps: planning, recording, editing, and then publishing the masterpiece using a Digital Audio Workstation (DAW). Editing requires you to change the raw audio file from the recording and use different techniques to get the final edit the way you want it.

Editing is the longest part of this process. It includes condensing the recording, improving the audio levels, taking out any background noise, and occasionally adding in an intro or outro, or other music.

How long does this process take? It depends on how long the recording is, what type of podcast it is, and how much audio editing is necessary.

Audio Editing for a Podcast

There are three basic steps to audio editing: stitching, mixing, and mastering. For podcast editing, it is important to follow these steps as you go along because it will make your life 10x easier. Plus, we give some editing tips later in this article as well.


Stitching is adding, removing, or re-ordering the content. If you need to add an intro or outro, that’s part of stitching. If you need to condense a recording to fit your time limit, you can cut out any unnecessary sounds — that’s part of stitching, too. (More on cutting out unnecessary sounds later in the post.)


Audio recordings have numerous audio layers, and mixing a recording allows you to manipulate the different layers to create the best sound. This can include making adjustments when people are speaking at different volumes, compressing, cutting, equalization, arranging, and crossfading.

The most important part of mixing is making sure that whatever needs to be heard is heard and any sounds that override this are reduced or removed.

Each track used is also set to the correct volume in order to achieve the overall output required for mastering.


Mastering is the process of smoothing out the fully-mixed audio and optimizing it for overall sound quality across a multitude of playback devices. It can involve using such tools as a multiband compressor, limiter, harmonic exciter, and stereo imager. This is also the stage in which the overall volume and perceived volume levels are optimized for podcasting platforms such as Apple Podcasts and Spotify.

What You Will Need for Editing a Podcast

  • DAW (Digital Audio Workstation): This is software that you will need to edit the recording. The recording is usually imported from another source, but you can also record right there in the studio.
  • Microphone: Use a microphone that is NOT built in to your phone or computer. It will make your audio sound so much better and clearer. And you don’t need to spent thousands of dollars (unless you want to) to get a good quality mic.
    • Check out our post on The Best Wireless Microphones for Podcasting in 2021 for more information on how to choose the right mic for you.
  • Headphones: It is important to use a good pair of headphones while editing a podcast because you need to be able to hear every. little. thing.
    • For more insight on , check out our recent blog post! It guides you through how to choose the right headphones for you and how you plan to use them.
  • Quiet Place: This will make the editing process so much easier. You won’t have to deal with any interruptions or background noise, which is important when editing a recording.
  • Planning & Research: You don’t want to go in blind. It will make a difference on the edit, and you’ll feel more prepared.

Time Spent Editing

In the editing world, there’s no one-size-fits-all. Every recording will be different, so it may take you more or less time for each audio file you edit. It all depends on the quality of the audio, the type of podcast it is, how lengthy it is or how lengthy you want it to be, and how you plan to edit.

On average, a podcast episode is about 60 minutes. For a 60-minute recording, cleanup and mixing usually takes around 90 minutes, the actual editing takes about 60 minutes, and finalizing the MP3 file takes about 30 minutes. But, again, it all depends on how much you really need to edit and how experienced you are with editing.

If you are just starting out editing, it might take a little longer than if you were more experienced. It takes time to get yourself familiar with the process, so don’t beat yourself up. You can start with the basic editing approach, which includes what to look for and remove.

What to Look for & Remove

After planning and listening to the raw recording first, you will be able to edit out any unwanted noises, help the flow of speech, and adjust the sound levels and quality as needed.

Don’t be afraid to cut out whatever doesn’t flow with the conversation. As an editor, you have control of what the show will sound like and it is important to make sure everything flows nicely.

Flow of Speech

There will be a lot of “um”s, “uh”s, other fillers, stutters, repetition, and crunch words like “kinda” or “like” that you will want to edit out. This will cut down the episode time, but it will also take forever and might make the dialogue sound unnatural.

Instead, let people sound like humans! Of course, you will want to remove any obvious things that mess with the flow of the recording, but make sure it still sounds natural.

Background Noise

No one likes to listen to a podcast show where you can hear heavy breathing, a six-lane freeway in the background, dogs barking, or any pops. Any interruptions in the recording are also undesirable.

Look for anything that is distracting to what the host or guest is saying and edit it out without making it sound unnatural. As you complete the final edits, listen to the final revision all the way through to make sure you didn’t miss anything. Go back and remove anything that sounds weird or unnatural.

Sound Quality & Levels

This is one of the most important parts of editing. Some software does it for you, but while editing, you need to make sure the recording is at its best quality and the sound levels are good to go.

If the sound levels are too low, increasing the gain will result in a lot of background noise like hisses, which are hard to remove. Hopefully your recording is at a good level to start with so you don’t need to worry about it at all.

It is also important to remove any plops. Plops occur when the mic is too close to the person speaking, and plops can totally ruin the flow of conversation. Your listeners will benefit from your removing them.

Editing Tips

As promised, here are a few tips for editing a podcast.

Listen to the Recording Fully Before Editing

If you don’t listen to the full recording before editing, you may cut out something that is important later in the episode. Plus, this gives you a chance to take notes on what should be edited out. It could create more work for you in the end if you just skip through the audio.

Listen at Regular Speed

I know it can be tempting to listen to the recording at 1.50x speed to get through the editing process faster. This can make it difficult to find pauses or any noises that need to be edited out later.

Take Notes

Timestamps. Timestamps. Timestamps. Use them! While taking notes, if you hear any plops, background noises, or anything that doesn’t match the audio levels, write it down! It will save you so much time. Plus, it is good to be organized while editing.

Don’t Over Edit

If you edit out short pauses or light breathing, or even too many “uh”s and “um”s, it will make the episode sound so unnatural. Slices and gaps can allow your audience to take in what they are listening to. Leave some blank space! If you edit out too many slight pauses, it could shorten your recording so much that your previously noted timestamps no longer match the recording. If your timestamps aren’t accurate anymore, they’re not helpful, and you took all those notes for nothing.

Also, spending too much time editing can harm your love for what you are doing and cause burnout. No one wants that!

Give it Another Listen

Ensure that everything is good to go, you have all of your sound levels right, the quality is good, etc.

It is a little annoying and time consuming to re-listen to the recording, but you have to give it another listen to make sure that it is ready to publish. Imagine you’re listening to it for the first time, like your subscribers will be.

Your Digital Audio Workstation: DAW

DAW is the most common editing tool, allowing you to record into it so that you have the audio file already on your computer and ready to edit. There are a kajillion DAW softwares out there, so finding the one that fits you best is most important.

There are two types of editing software: destructive and non-destructive. Destructive editing software can make it difficult because you can lose the clips you edit out, making it impossible to add those clips back in later if you need to reverse your edit. Non-destructive editing software allows you to go back and make changes as needed.

Software for Editing: Pros & Cons

Here are a few popular editing softwares, with pros and cons for each to make it easier for you to choose what works best for you and your podcast.



  • Free to use
  • Recording & editing
  • Supports most audio files
  • Features like Sync-Lock, saveable EQ, Silence Finder, and Truncate Silence


  • No multitrack recording or live listening option
  • Destructive (you can lose the clips you edit out)
  • No advanced editing features
  • Can be laggy



  • Web-based
  • Automates converting and cleaning up
  • Free theme music and effects
  • Non-destructive (it won’t delete clips you edit out)
  • Easy to use
  • Made for podcasters


  • Limited tools
  • Not much control over quality and file formats
  • Not reliable for full episodes since it is web-based



  • Supports all types of audio files
  • Automatically sets audio levels
  • Extracts the best audio quality
  • Non-destructive


  • Expensive
  • Learning curve for beginners
  • Pro version has better features

Garage Band


  • Easy to use
  • Not time consuming
  • Can manipulate multiple tracks
  • Free


  • Only available for Mac
  • No podcast options
  • Files are large

Hiring a Podcast Editor

Hiring a podcast editor will cost money, but this money is often well spent depending on your skillset and experience.

Hiring a podcast editor also allows you to focus on creating great content as a host and everything else that comes with podcasting.

How much do Podcast Editors Cost?

How much a podcast editor costs varies greatly depending on a number of factors, including how experienced an editor is and the equipment they use for editing. Many editors charge per podcast episode, ranging from $50-$1,000 per episode, depending on how much editing is needed and the quality of their equipment.

Below are some of the factors that affect how much you will end up paying to have your podcast edited.

Experience and Reputation of the Editor

The old adage “you get what you pay for” is often true when it comes to podcast editing and creative services in general. While you may be able to find extremely affordable podcast editors on freelancing websites, you’re often getting a discount because of an added risk of working with an unproven worker that lacks the experience and reputation that will guarantee a good job done.

Type of Podcast

Is your podcast a finely crafted narrative with multiple interviews and great sound design, or just a simple, one-take interview?

Obviously, most listeners would prefer the former, and producing this kind of podcast has some major benefits in terms of audience engagement. However, finely crafted narratives require much more work in terms of writing, planning, recording, and editing. This means that at every stage of the process, your podcast production cost will be higher, and this will be especially true of the editing process, where a 30-minute job can easily become a 30-hour job.

Editor’s Local Cost of Living

Living in a globalized economy means that you can hire from almost anywhere in the world. This is generally good for the pocketbooks of those living in higher cost-of-living countries, but keep in mind that hiring from across borders often comes with many additional liabilities and challenges. Working hours, communication challenges, cultural differences, and workplace expectations should all be considered. Additionally, if you’re looking to hire an employee (as opposed to paying a freelancer), then you will need to take into account a whole host of legal and tax considerations as well.

Production Equipment

If you’re also hiring your editor to help you record your podcast, the equipment of the editor can greatly affect the price as well. This includes whether the editor provides a recording studio in addition to the production of the audio.

Average Podcast Editor Salary

Are you a podcast editor or someone looking into providing editing services to others? You may be interested in learning what the average salary of a podcast editor is.

Unfortunately, while there are many who make a decent living providing podcast editing services, it can often be difficult to land clients who are willing to pay rates that mean you will make a decent living.

If you’re working as a full-time employee of a media company, you can expect an entry-level salary of around $33,000 USD per year, with adequate education and proof of editing knowledge and capability. As you gain more experience, the average salary is about $55,000 USD per year. The highest-earning employed podcast editors, often employed by well-known and extremely successful podcast production companies like Gimlet and Corkscrew Media make close to $110,000 USD per year.


Editing a podcast can be time consuming, but with experience and knowledge, anyone is capable of editing a podcast. Time spent on podcast editing varies based on how long the recording is, how much you need to edit, and how experienced you are.

Podcast episodes are typically 60 minutes long. When budgeting your editing time, you need to account for the time needed to listen to the FULL recording before editing, the actual editing process, and finally re-listening to your edited recording to ensure that it sounds natural and that you didn’t miss anything while editing.

Overall, editing requires at least a few hours of work for each episode. As you gain more experience editing, it may not take as long, but it all depends on the recording. It is not a one-size-fits-all situation.

How Long Should it Take to Edit a Podcast? - A Helpful Guide (2024)


How long does it usually take to edit a podcast? ›

Time Spent Editing

On average, a podcast episode is about 60 minutes. For a 60-minute recording, cleanup and mixing usually takes around 90 minutes, the actual editing takes about 60 minutes, and finalizing the MP3 file takes about 30 minutes.

How long should it take to edit a 1 hour podcast? ›

Thorough Podcast Editing & Production

Later on, this long interview will need a full listen-through, which can take double its time. As a ballpark, a one-hour recording will need two hours of editing.

How difficult is it to edit a podcast? ›

For that reason, editing audio is one of the most critical processes in podcasting. It's also one of the most challenging. Luckily, with some podcast editing tips, you can make your life a lot easier and create great audio. If you've ever wondered how to edit a podcast, you're in the right place.

What is the average rate for podcast editing? ›

Mid-level freelancers usually bill their clients around $30 to $50 per audio hour. Top editors are the most experienced and expensive in the field since they ensure top-quality services. Their services usually fall from $50 to $200 per hour of audio.

How long to edit a 40 minute podcast? ›

The length of your podcast

As a general rule, after personally overseeing the production of over 50 podcasts, I'd say a good average edit time for a 30-40 minute podcast is about 4-5 hours.

How much does it cost to have someone edit an hour long podcast? ›

So How Much Does Podcast Editing Cost? For a one-hour episode, your podcast might need around two-and-a-half hours for a full edit with a freelancer and will cost you upwards of $80 but probably not more than $500, especially if your recording is of a reasonable standard.

How long should a podcast be best practice? ›

Respect Your Listeners' Time

A significant podcast best practice is to consider how long your episodes are. While the average podcast episode length is around 42 minutes, the time spent listening to podcasts is only 22 minutes (and that's for those listeners who commit beyond the first five minutes). Be organized.

How long does it take to edit a 20 minute podcast? ›

For example, a 20-minute podcast may take about 40–45 minutes. Of course, if the episode is heavy with mistakes and needs a lot of cuts/edits, then it'll take longer. When I edit my podcast episodes, I always listen to the edited version after to ensure I didn't miss anything, which, of course, takes more time.

What percentage of podcasts fail? ›

There is a 50 percent chance that your podcast is going to podfade. With more than half a million podcasts churned out yearly, only 20 percent survives, the question of why podcasts fail deserves answers.

What is the hardest part of starting a podcast? ›

Getting Started. One of the most difficult common challenges podcasters face is getting started. The distance between your initial inspired idea and recording your first episode seems too far and too long to travel. You may be overwhelmed by the many steps involved in making your podcast a success.

Are podcast editors in demand? ›

Podcasts are becoming more and more popular, and podcast editors are in high demand.

How much do freelance podcast editors make? ›

How Much Do Podcast Editor Jobs Pay per Year? $35,000 is the 25th percentile. Salaries below this are outliers. $70,500 is the 75th percentile.

How much should I charge for editing work? ›

Rates for Professional Editing Services. As a guideline, you should expect to pay at least $12 per 1,000 words for proofreading, $25 per 1,000 words for copy editing, and $70 per 1,000 words for content editing or rewriting. As the word count increases, many editing services will charge a lower rate per word.

What is the most popular length of podcast? ›

If your podcast episodes are too long, it could cause you to turn off listeners. Data shows that the most common podcast episode length is somewhere between 20-40 minutes, so aim for that area.

How much do podcast editors charge per episode? ›

Expect to pay between $30 and $50 per hour of audio. Top Sellers: These are the most experienced podcast editors on a given platform. They have a track-record of satisfied clients, so be prepared to spend a bit more. Prices generally fall between $50 and $200 per hour of audio.

How many ads in a 1 hour podcast? ›

Longform. Ad load doesn't change dramatically for 60-minute podcasts. Four seems to be the minimum number of ad breaks that many networks will include, while the maximum stretches closer to eight.

What is the hourly freelance editing rate? ›

The average hourly wage for a Freelance Editor in the United States is $31 as of May 25, 2023, but the salary range typically falls between $27 and $35.

What is the average hourly rate for a podcast producer? ›

How much does a Podcast Producer make? As of Jun 6, 2023, the average hourly pay for a Podcast Producer in the United States is $30.90 an hour.

How much should you pay a podcast producer? ›

The hourly rate for a podcast producer can range anywhere from $35 to $250 or more per hour.

What is the average life of a podcast? ›

The average podcast lifespan of 174 days is based on shows that were indexable in November 2018.

How many listeners does a podcast need to be successful? ›

5,000 listeners per episode almost guarantees a successful monetization. This is where a lot of interesting things start happening. Having more than 5,000 listeners per episode makes a podcast over 29 times more likely to be monetized successfully.

What is the ideal number of episodes for a podcast? ›

There is no correct answer, but most podcasters release between six and thirteen episodes per season. This gives you enough content to keep listeners engaged without overwhelming them or burning out your creative ideas.

What is the best computer to edit a podcast? ›

10 Best Laptops for Podcasting 🤩
  • MacBook Air – M2, 2022 🍏
  • Dell XPS 13.
  • LG Ultra PC.
  • Lenovo IdeaPad 5.
  • HP Envy.
  • Acer Aspire 5.
  • ASUS Vivobook.
  • MSI Modern 15.
Feb 9, 2023

How do I make my podcast not boring? ›

What are some tactics we can use to make our podcast “not boring?” Activate the listeners' mirror neurons, so they feel like they're there as it's happening. Create a layered sound environment like the places that your topic explores. Humanize your topic, with characters, goals, and conflict.

How long is a script for a 30 minute podcast? ›

Perhaps you've decided that while writing your script and planning your show's format, a 30-Minute podcast may be more natural. In general, this is a standard length for many podcasts. Therefore, you should be able to speak 4,500 words.

Is 2000 downloads good for a podcast? ›

If your episodes get more than 124 downloads in 30 days, you're in the top 50% of podcasts. If your episodes get more than 1,000 downloads, you're in the top 20%. If your episodes get more than 2,900 downloads, you're in the top 10%.

Is a 10 minute podcast too short? ›

No, it can't be too short. There is no definitive time which a podcast has to reach. Shorter podcasts leave you less time to deliver information, engage and entertain, but can work well if you have a lot of useful tips to share.

What percentage of podcasts succeed? ›

Tracking the duration of a listen is the most accurate way to find out how many people finish an episode. The average completion rate is 60%. It means that if you have 100 listeners, only 60 of them will finish the episode. The number can be lower for some shows and higher for others.

What makes a podcast bad? ›

Some podcasts are poorly produced, uninteresting, or just plain wrong. If you want to avoid these podcasts, read on for our tips! If you're thinking about starting your podcast, here are some of the mistakes to avoid: bad hosting, copyright violations, self-deprecating comments, sloppy editing, bad audio.

What are the weaknesses of a podcast? ›

Disadvantages of using podcasts in education
  • Can be quite time consuming to produce and edit.
  • Not easily searchable online.
  • Accessibility for some learners can be an issue. ...
  • Finding and reaching your audience can be challenge due to the wide number of podcasts available.
  • IP and content protection can be difficult.
Oct 5, 2022

Why do people quit podcasting? ›

One of the biggest reasons why people quit their podcasts is because they don't see results immediately. It takes time to build an audience for your podcast. If you're just starting out, it's important to be patient and keep at it.

How do I know if my podcast is doing well? ›

8 methods for how to measure podcast success
  • Number of listeners. ...
  • Number of downloads per episode. ...
  • Sponsors and advertisem*nts. ...
  • Audience and critic reviews. ...
  • Website and social media traffic. ...
  • Engagement with promotional materials. ...
  • Networking and referrals. ...
  • Recycled content.
Jun 24, 2022

Are podcasts declining in popularity? ›

Monthly listenership to podcasts seems to be declining among the younger generations. Statista data shows that 50% of those ages 12 to 34 listened to podcasts monthly in 2022, which is a decline from 56% in 2021.

Can a nobody start a podcast? ›

You can start a podcast with no pre-existing audience, but you need to formulate a marketing plan on how to build that audience. Proven ways include SEO optimization, podcasting website, transcripts, and presence into multiple directories. Consider also appearing as a guest on shows in your niche.

Is the podcast industry too saturated? ›

The podcast market is already saturated with 1.5 million podcasts featuring 34 million episodes. That's too many podcasts chasing a finite number of listeners. People can listen to music all day in the background while they work. A podcast requires your attention, plus it's a time commitment.

Is the podcast industry oversaturated? ›

5, 2022. The average podcaster surveyed covers 3 industries. Interestingly, 55 percent of podcasters believe the space is oversaturated with too many podcast options.

Does it take long to edit a podcast? ›

On average, a podcast episode is about 60 minutes. For a 60-minute recording, cleanup and mixing usually takes around 90 minutes, the actual editing takes about 60 minutes, and finalizing the MP3 file takes about 30 minutes.

What kind of editor makes the most money? ›

High Paying Copy Editor Jobs
  • Senior Technical Editor. Salary range: $89,000-$129,500 per year. ...
  • Offline Editor. Salary range: $90,000-$110,000 per year. ...
  • Digital Editor. Salary range: $51,000-$92,500 per year. ...
  • Senior Editor. Salary range: $70,000-$90,000 per year. ...
  • Managing Editor. ...
  • Content Editor. ...
  • Book Editor. ...
  • Avid Editor.

How much does the average podcast pay? ›

Podcast Host Salary
Annual SalaryMonthly Pay
Top Earners$156,000$13,000
75th Percentile$130,000$10,833
25th Percentile$35,000$2,916

What are the duties of a podcast editor? ›

You are responsible for the planning, recording, editing, and publishing of the podcast. You will also condense episode content, create a cohesive narrative throughout an episode, improve audio quality and occasionally create supplementary materials for the podcast.

How much do small podcasters make? ›

“Typically, a podcaster with around 10,000 downloads per episode can expect to earn somewhere between $500 to $900. Very successful podcasts can earn much more, reaching up to $30 million in annual income.”

How much does a Spotify podcast editor get paid? ›

The estimated total pay for a Editor at Spotify is $142,611 per year.

How much should I charge as a beginner editor? ›

Video editor hourly rate
Beginner video editorIntermediate video editorAdvanced video editor
$20-45 / hour$45-70 / hour$60-120 / hour
1 more row

What is the average hourly rate for a proofreader? ›

The average hourly wage for a Proofreader in the United States is $27 as of May 25, 2023, but the range typically falls between $24 and $31. Hourly rate can vary widely depending on many important factors, including education, certifications, additional skills, the number of years you have spent in your profession.

Why do editors charge so much? ›

Editing is expensive because businesses take time and cost money to run. It's crucial to remember that what an editor charges does not go straight into their pocket. (This is why we don't roll around on beds of bank notes.) Freelance editors are business owners – and businesses cost money to run.

How long does it take to edit a 15 minute documentary? ›

As a rule of thumb, expect 30 minutes to an hour of editing time for each minute of finished video.

How long does it take for a podcast to be successful? ›

You could start making money in six to 12 months. But you'll need to dig in and work hard. Here's how: Deliver consistent, quality content (to become the go-to authority)

How long does it take to learn editing? ›

Learning the basics can be done in a week or even a day if you are a quick learner and highly motivated, but in order to master the craft you will need to likely spend a year or even several to do so.

What is the rate for a documentary editor? ›

Documentaries: Documentaries pay rates vary greatly. Some editors may work at a much lower rate for documentaries they see as passion projects or that focus on topics they value deeply. The BCPC shows documentary video editing rates as: Hourly rate: $55–$150; average hourly rate: $87.

How much does a decent podcast make per episode? ›

Typically, a podcaster with around 10,000 downloads per episode can expect to earn somewhere between $500 to $900. Very successful podcasts can earn much more, reaching up to $30 million in annual income. How much money you can make podcasting depends on a few factors.

What is the average income for a podcast? ›

As of Jun 2, 2023, the average annual pay for a Podcast Host in the United States is $73,300 a year.

How many listeners does a podcast need to be profitable? ›

To put harder numbers on it, many sponsorship agencies look for 3000 to 5000 listeners, per episode, before they'll take you on. But, if you're doing it yourself, it's perfectly possible to earn a decent sponsorship income once you pass the 200 to 300 mark, especially if you have a particularly niche audience.

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Author: Kareem Mueller DO

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Author information

Name: Kareem Mueller DO

Birthday: 1997-01-04

Address: Apt. 156 12935 Runolfsdottir Mission, Greenfort, MN 74384-6749

Phone: +16704982844747

Job: Corporate Administration Planner

Hobby: Mountain biking, Jewelry making, Stone skipping, Lacemaking, Knife making, Scrapbooking, Letterboxing

Introduction: My name is Kareem Mueller DO, I am a vivacious, super, thoughtful, excited, handsome, beautiful, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.