How long does it take to transcribe 20 minutes of audio? (2024)

A rule of thumb for transcription work is that if you are a professional transcriber (or transcriptionist as they are known in the US!) then it is likely to take four times as long as the length of the recording to turn an audio recording into a written document.

So the quick answer to how long does it take to transcribe about 20 minutes of audio? 80 minutes of transcriber time would be the rough rule of thumb.

Assumption of a clear recording

This is based on the assumption that the recording is one or two people speaking, and the audio is clear, no-one is speaking quickly, and the accents are not too strong. This rule of thumb applies to any language around the world where the transcription is being done by a professional transcriber who is transcribing in their native language.

Hard to hear and other issues

Where this rule of thumb does not apply is if the recording is hard to hear, has a lot of background noise, the accents are strong, the recording device is placed quite a distance from the speakers, the type of file is not of sufficient quality in order to render accurate transcription (some types of audio file are better than others), the speakers are talking over the top of each other, the speakers are talking extremely quickly or somebody is mumbling.

Most professional transcribers will tell you that the vast majority of work is never straightforward!

Issues are common

The reason that transcription companies exist in the first place is because most recordings have issues like those above, which means that in order to get an accurate written version of an audio file, the actual time will very much depend on the specific recording. Furthermore, quite a few recordings will have subject-specific terminology that in some cases a transcriber may have been working on hundreds of similar recordings for the same client, and so transcribing is a lot easier, but similarly this may be the first time they have come across some of the terminology, which will slow things down.

Most transcription companies pay for work on a set hourly rate, which is not the hourly rate for the time taken to do the work, but the hourly rate based on the length of audio. This gives both the transcribers and the transcription company certainty in terms of the cost, and enables accurate quotes to be given to clients.

Charged extra?

Some transcription companies will charge their clients extra for any recordings that are hard to hear, or they had problems with, or take longer to complete, because of some of the factors affecting the recording as above. Other companies, including ourselves, do not charge any extra for hard-to-hear recordings, or any issues that mean it takes the transcribers longer to complete the recordings. This is because we want to give our clients a set price for all work, so that our prices are set at the start of a project, and they do not change just because some of the recordings are hard to hear. Furthermore we would spend most of our working week informing clients of problems arising and asking for more money, which would of course drive us and all our clients nuts!

How long does it take to transcribe 20 minutes of audio? (2024)


How long does it take to transcribe 20 minutes of audio? ›

then it is likely to take four times as long as the length of the recording to turn an audio recording into a written document. So the quick answer to how long does it take to transcribe about 20 minutes of audio? 80 minutes of transcriber time would be the rough rule of thumb.

How long does it take to transcribe 20 mins of audio? ›

That means you should expect any audio that is less than 15 minutes to be transcribed within an hour. Some experienced transcriptionists can transcribe files much faster. It's not unheard for experienced transcriptionists to transcribe 20 to 30 minutes of audio in one hour.

How long should it take to transcribe 30 minutes of audio? ›

Various factors affect how long it takes. As a very broad rule of thumb, many transcribers say it takes four hours for every one hour of audio. Obviously, if you're wondering how long to transcribe 30 minutes of audio file, around two hours.

How long does it take to transcribe an audio? ›

When it comes to individual transcribers, the average time to transcribe one hour of audio is approximately four hours. But, some transcribers quote four hours as the minimum since it can easily reach 10 hours. Transcription time by audio hour varies so much mostly because each audio file is different.

How many audio minutes can you transcribe in an hour? ›

For professional transcriptionist, the average time to transcribe one audio hour ranges from 2-3 hours. Some of the most qualified transcriptionists can transcribe up to 30 minutes of audio in an hour.

How fast should a transcriber be? ›

While most transcriptionists can type at around 50 words per minute (WPM), make it your goal to type at least 60 WPM. By improving your typing speed, you can get more work done in less time, which seriously increases your earning potential!

How can I transcribe audio faster? ›

Let's have a look at these tips to get a faster transcription.
  1. Make use of an Autocorrect Tool.
  2. Practice Typing to perfection.
  3. Making use of High-Quality and noise cancellation headset.
  4. A comfortable and quiet environment.
  5. Type Smartly.
  6. Get your hands on a good transcribing software.
  7. Take Breaks.
  8. The final word.

How long does it take to transcribe a 15 minute interview? ›

For skilled transcribers, it takes about one hour to transcribe 15 minutes of recorded audio accurately. You need to consider how long it might take you and put aside the right amount of time for yourself, particularly if you have not transcribed anything before.

How hard is it to transcribe audio? ›

Transcription work sounds easy since it only involves listening to audio files and typing. In reality, however, transcription is quite complicated. It takes commitment and full involvement in the job to ensure that you produce excellent work.

How long does it take to transcribe a 20 minute interview? ›

In my experience as a professional professional transcriptionist, clearly recorded audio with slow, clear speakers can be transcribed at a ratio of 3:1 or 2:1 or even lower – that's one hour of transcription time for a 20- or 30-minute file.

Does transcribing get easier? ›

Eventually, the more tunes that you learn by ear and the more solos that you transcribe, the easier it will get because your ears improve each time. The key is to get over that initial barrier and learn that first tune by ear.

How much do freelance transcriptionists charge per audio hour? ›

Standard rates for professional transcriptionists (especially those professionals from North America) range from $1.5 to $3 per audio minute or $90 to $180 per audio hour. If your project has extra requirements, such as a quick turnaround time, you may be forced to pay more to have the job done.

How many lines can you transcribe per hour? ›

Manual Transcription Earning Potential

Manual transcriptionists are expected to average 150 lines per hour, as almost every national service vendor requires staff to deliver 1,200 lines per eight-hour shift to be considered a full-time employee.

How much do transcribers make per audio minute? ›

Transcription rates per audio minute vary. The pay that someone would receive for transcribing one minute of audio can range anywhere from $0.50 - $3. The best way to figure out what rate you should pay is by looking at the type of transcription you will need.

What are the four major skills needed for transcription? ›

In order to transcribe audio or a conversation accurately, you need these skills:
  • Active listening. Active listening is the ability to focus on a speaker and hear everything they say. ...
  • Typing skills. ...
  • Communication. ...
  • Computer skills. ...
  • Research.
Mar 10, 2023

How do you transcribe poor quality audio? ›

When you cannot understand the audio at all, instead of guessing, you can mention [inaudible] or [unintelligible] in the transcriptions to indicate that part of the recording wasn't clear to transcribe. You could use symbols like '-' or '....' or write [several inaudible words] to indicate unclear sounds.

How much can you realistically make transcribing? ›

Transcription is a well-paying career with many opportunities. A transcriptionist's salary is generally around $19.02, while an advanced transcriptionist earns around $25 to $30 per hour. With this rate, you can easily earn an average of $1141.2 every month if you work 2.5 hours per day for 24 days.

Can you make decent money transcribing? ›

Transcription jobs are lucrative ways to make extra money, especially if you speak and write in more than one language. Here are the best work-from-home transcription jobs. Transcriptionists are in high demand.

How do you pass a transcription test? ›

The 8 Simple Hacks to Pass Transcription Tests Online
  1. Listen Carefully. ...
  2. Understand Proper Punctuation. ...
  3. Brush Up on Grammar and Spelling. ...
  4. Learn Transcription Formatting. ...
  5. Use Critical Thinking. ...
  6. Invest in Transcription Tools. ...
  7. Free Resources and Practice Files to Polish Your Transcription Skills.
May 22, 2019

How long does it take to transcribe and translate 1 minute of audio? ›

Transcription speed for an average person

An amateur transcriber typically types between 40 and 60 words per minute. As a result, it takes the average person about four hours to transcribe one hour of audio.

What is the most efficient way to transcribe speech? ›

First, manual transcription is more accurate than automatic transcription. This is because human transcribers can catch any errors that the speech recognition software may miss. In addition, manual transcription is more reliable if the audio quality is poor or if there is a lot of background noise.

Is 20 minutes a long interview? ›

In-person job interviews last between 45 and 90 minutes on average. If an interview lasts 15 minutes or less, it's probably not a good one. If it's 30 minutes long, it's just not long enough. That said, 45 to 90 minutes is the golden number - and that's not just one of the random interview facts.

What if my interview was only 20 minutes? ›

Interviews don't have a set length. If this was a screening interview to establish if you have the basic qualifications to go to the next level, then twenty minutes is a good length. If there is a next interview it will be more in depth.

Is 30 minutes a long interview? ›

In-person interviews can take anywhere from 30 to 60 minutes because the hiring manager is assessing not only if you can do the job but how well you might perform in it. The questions are often more in-depth and require longer, more thoughtful answers from you, which takes more time.

Is audio transcription a good side hustle? ›

This side hustle is well-suited for students, teachers, or anyone looking for a part-time or full-time gig. One trend is transcription services-which primarily consists of turning voice recordings into written format.

Why is transcribing difficult? ›

Transcription is one of the most demanding and labor-intensive among all translation services. It requires high-skills from the transcriptionist, from listening to the audio or video file, researching the subject matter, understanding the context of the recording and typing the audio into readable text.

Is audio transcription a good job? ›

Working from home as a transcriptionist is a great way to earn a steady income with flexible hours . If you're an experienced typist with strong grammar skills , this may be a rewarding career for you.

How long do zoom audio transcripts take? ›

Zoom typically takes twice the duration of your meeting to process the transcript. For a 30-minute meeting, it can take up to 60 minutes to get the transcript. In some cases, Zoom might take additional time to process the transcript.

What are the basic rules a worker should follow while transcribing the audio? ›

Never paraphrase or reconstruct the speech in the audio you are transcribing. Do not correct grammatical errors made by the speakers. Always use the correct spelling for misspoken words. Example: If a speaker pronounces "niche" [neesh] as nitche.

What are the three biggest challenges of being a transcriber? ›

Here are a few challenges that a transcriptionist needs to know in order to properly breeze through them whenever they occur.
  • Dealing with deadlines. ...
  • Adjusting to the latest technology. ...
  • Credibility. ...
  • Faulty audio. ...
  • Motivation.

How much do beginner transcriptionists make? ›

Most transcriptionists can make between $15 and $25 an hour when they're just starting out and don't have a specialization or expertise. Some fields pay more for transcription services, like legal or medical companies.

How much should I charge for transcribing audio? ›

Average transcription rates are around $25 to $40, with the highest cost for transcribing interviews (which are priced at $50 per hour on average). So, what are some typical transcription costs? The standard transcription cost per hour of audio in the U.S. and Canada is around $90, or $1.5 per audio minute.

How much does Zoom transcription cost? ›

The average price for automatic Zoom captions is approximately $0.25 per audio minute (approximately £0.20), although you find some tools that are slightly higher or lower. If you have a lot of recordings to transcribe, you may prefer to opt for a monthly subscription plan.

How many hours a day do transcriptionists work? ›

I typically transcribed for 2-3 hours a day. Rev allows you to work when you want; however, the work takes quite a long time. My work hours varied depending on how much time I had. Usually, I'd spend a minimum of six hours, two or three times a week transcribing.

How long does it take to transcribe 60 minutes? ›

A 60-minute high-quality audio file could possibly be transcribed in three hours or even two! This works out to about one hour needed to transcribe 20-30 minutes for an hour of audio by a transcriber.

How long does it take to transcribe 100 pages? ›

Writing 100 pages will take about 20.8 hours for the average writer typing on a keyboard and 41.7 hours for handwriting.

How much do remote transcriptionists make? ›

A Work From Home Transcriptionist in your area makes on average $18 per hour, or $0.72 (4%) more than the national average hourly salary of $17.43. ranks number 1 out of 50 states nationwide for Work From Home Transcriptionist salaries.

How do you get clients for transcription? ›

How To Get Transcription Clients Easily
  1. Use Free Advertising. Businesses have several ways to advertise, and many of them are free! ...
  2. Offer Discounts. There are many different discounts you can offer to first-time clients. ...
  3. Give Referral Bonuses.
Oct 28, 2018

How do you introduce yourself as a transcriber? ›

[In the introduction, express your interest in the transcriptionist position, mentioning the exact title of the position and the name of the employer. Then mention any relevant credentials, experience and skills and why you think you're the ideal candidate for the job.

How can I improve my transcription skills? ›

Tips to Improve Transcription Skills
  1. Focus On Speed Typing Skills: Transcription could not be done properly if your typing skills are not good. ...
  2. Communication. ...
  3. Listen To The Entire Audio & then Transcribe. ...
  4. Work on your Proofreading Skills. ...
  5. Focus on Editing Skills. ...
  6. Understand The Terminologies.
Apr 16, 2022

What are the two types of transcribing? ›

How Many Types of Transcription Are There? There are two primary transcription types: Verbatim and non-verbatim transcription. Each of these types of transcription serves a unique purpose and suits a specific kind of project.

Why does it take so long to transcribe audio? ›

Transcription time by audio hour varies so much mostly because each audio file is different. If the audio quality is great, there is only one speaker, the speaker's accent is familiar to the transcriber, and there are no new professional terms or obscure book titles to research, it can go smoothly and quickly.

How do you transcribe audio to text accurately? ›

How to Transcribe Audio to Text
  1. Upload Your Audio File. ...
  2. Choose Custom Transcription Options. ...
  3. Receive & Download Your Text File. ...
  4. Set Up. ...
  5. Find Your Shorthand. ...
  6. Write What You Hear. ...
  7. Edit Your Text File. ...
  8. Export the Correct File.

What app can transcribe audio to text? ›

Transkriptor is speech to text app that transcribes meeting, class, audio, and voice to text! Use automatic transcription app to take meeting note and dictate interview. It supports all file formats so, you can convert audio and video to text easily! The speech to text app offers 90 minutes of free transcription.

How long does it take to transcribe 1 minute of audio? ›

Transcription speed for an average person

An amateur transcriber typically types between 40 and 60 words per minute. As a result, it takes the average person about four hours to transcribe one hour of audio.

How long does it take to transcribe 60 minutes of audio? ›

A 60-minute high-quality audio file could possibly be transcribed in three hours or even two! This works out to about one hour needed to transcribe 20-30 minutes for an hour of audio by a transcriber.

Do transcriptionists make good money? ›

Transcription is a well-paying career with many opportunities. A transcriptionist's salary is generally around $19.02, while an advanced transcriptionist earns around $25 to $30 per hour. With this rate, you can easily earn an average of $1141.2 every month if you work 2.5 hours per day for 24 days.

Is a 20 minute interview short? ›

Is having a 20 minute interview a bad sign? In most cases, with good interviews generally running 45 minutes to one and a half hours, a 20 minute interview is a bad sign. That's barely enough time for the interviewer to get to know a candidate, especially if it's not an entry level position.

Is TranscribeMe worth it? ›

Overall, TranscribeMe is legit and can be a great addition to your existing income as a part-time job where you have a flexible work at home job. You probably would not be able to use TranscribeMe as a full-time job, though.

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Name: Fredrick Kertzmann

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Introduction: My name is Fredrick Kertzmann, I am a gleaming, encouraging, inexpensive, thankful, tender, quaint, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.