How Long Does it Take to Mine 1 Bitcoin & How Much Can You Mine in a Day (2024)

Although we tend to take it for granted, when Satoshi invented Proof of Work (POW) mining he truly created a revolutionary new technology. Thanks to his contribution we can now mine Bitcoin and hopefully earn a nice reward for securing the network.

One question people sometimes ask though is, how long does it take to mine 1 Bitcoin? It’s a good question but as we’ll see, there’s not necessarily a straightforward answer.

In this article

    How Long Does it Take to Mine 1 Bitcoin? Understanding Bitcoin Block Rewards

    How long does it take to mine a Bitcoin?

    Well, it’s not really possible to mine just 1 Bitcoin because each block reward is 6.25 BTC. It used to be 12.5 BTC until May 2020 when there was the halving and the block reward was cut in half.

    So there’s not a way to mine just 1 Bitcoin. You either win the block reward and receive 6.25 Bitcoin or you get nothing. In fact, getting nothing is what happens 99.99999% of the time when you’re a miner.

    There are more than ~1 million ASIC miners (specialized devices built for mining BTC and other cryptos) securing the Bitcoin network, and only one ASIC at a time can win the block reward. So the odds of any single machine winning are one in a million.

    How much Bitcoin can you mine in a day?

    That’s why large Bitcoin mining farms have so many ASICs, to improve those odds. Given that a new block is produced every 10 minutes (equal to 144 blocks per day) a mining farm with ten or twenty thousand miners stands a decent chance of winning a couple of blocks per 24 hour period.

    However, most people don’t have $50 million worth of Bitcoin mining rigs lying around their backyard so winning block rewards are out of the question. That being the case, there is a way to win 1 Bitcoin over time.

    How to Mine 1 Bitcoin Over Time

    A Bitcoin mining pool is a collaborative effort whereby all of the miners in the pool combine their hash power and then split the reward. How this works is that no matter which ASIC miner in the pool actually wins the block reward, that reward is split up and distributed proportionally to all of the miners based on how much hash power (mining “power” from mining devices like ASICs) they’re contributing.

    That’s why joining a mining pool is the best way to mine a Bitcoin. You won’t get a Bitcoin all at once, at least not without a huge number of ASICs, but you can gradually accumulate a Bitcoin over time.

    For example, with five or ten ASICs you may be able to mine 0.01 BTC a day and then in 100 days you would have mined a full Bitcoin. Of course how much time it takes you to mine a Bitcoin will depend on a variety of factors.

    Most notably, how difficult is mining at this moment? You can check Bitcoin’s hash rate to determine difficulty. The higher the hash rate, the more difficult it is to mine (more competition and less profit). However, the hash rate frequently changes as new miners join the network and old ones drop off.

    How long it takes to mine one Bitcoin can also be affected by something as simple as maintenance. ASICs are typically run 24/7 with no downtime, meaning that they’re prone to failure. To maximize profits you’ll need to have a way to fix your machines and get them running again quickly.

    Is Bitcoin Mining Profitable?

    Whether Bitcoin mining is profitable or not depends largely on the cost of electricity where you live. For example, electricity in South Korea is extremely expensive so Bitcoin mining is not a viable option. Russia, on the other hand, has rather cheap electricity and so Bitcoin mining can be profitable there.

    When considering profitability it’s important to realize that Bitcoin mining is dominated by large scale operations. These mining farms have tens of thousands of miners and benefit not only from a discount on ASICs due to their bulk orders, but also a discount on electricity due to their constant demand.

    Competing with these mining farms is difficult unless you live somewhere with very cheap electricity. If you’re interested, we’ve written an entire article about the profitability of mining Bitcoin.

    Bitcoin Mining Rig

    Bitmain is one of the world’s leading Bitcoin mining rig manufacturers and they have a new ASIC coming out called the Antminer S19 Pro. At $2,600 the S19 Pro isn’t cheap but with a hash rate of 110TH/s it’s an absolute powerhouse.

    Buying the latest Bitcoin mining equipment is important because it’s the most efficient. ASIC miners are constantly under development and old equipment quickly becomes inefficient.

    For example, it’s possible to buy an old AntMiner V9 on Amazon for just $100. The V9 however has just 4TH/s compared to the 110TH/s for the S19 Pro. It would take twenty-eight V9 miners to equal the hash rate of just one S19 Pro but you’d be paying for electricity for twenty-eight ASICs versus just one!

    That’s why buying the latest gear is worth it.

    Bitcoin Mining Calculator

    The NiceHash calculator won’t tell you directly how long it will take to mine 1 Bitcoin but there is an easy way to find out. Go to the calculator, select which mining rig you’re going to use and then increase the number of devices until you can see that you’re earning 1 Bitcoin per month.

    For example, based on the current hash rate it would take fourteen S19 Pros to mine 1 Bitcoin per month. Or, put differently, one S19 Pro could mine 1 Bitcoin in 14 months (not accounting for a rise in hash rate over time).

    This calculator is the easiest way to figure out how long it will take you to mine 1 Bitcoin.

    How to Safely Store Your Mining Profits

    Once you’ve begun mining and earning Bitcoin it’s very important to safely store your profits. One of the best ways to store your Bitcoin, as well as any other cryptocurrencies that you’re invested in, is with the Exodus Bitcoin wallet.

    The Exodus wallet is one of the most well reviewed wallets in the cryptocurrency ecosystem thanks to some important features:

    How Long Does it Take to Mine 1 Bitcoin & How Much Can You Mine in a Day (2024)


    How Long Does it Take to Mine 1 Bitcoin & How Much Can You Mine in a Day? ›

    It takes around 10 minutes to mine just one Bitcoin, though this is with ideal hardware and software, which isn't always affordable and only a few users can boast the luxury of. More commonly and reasonably, most users can mine a Bitcoin in 30 days.

    How much Bitcoin can I mine in a day? ›

    How many Bitcoin can you mine a day? Based the mining hardware inputs provided, 0.00035524 Bitcoin can be mined per day with a Bitcoin mining hashrate of 140.00 TH/s, a block reward of 6.25 BTC, and a Bitcoin difficulty of 49,549,703,178,593.00.

    Is it possible to mine 1 Bitcoin a day? ›

    Moreover, not only is it extremely expensive to mine 1 BTC per day —you're also competing against a network of miners. We're talking about tens of thousands of computers discovering a block every ten minutes. This is where BTC mining pools come into play.

    How long does it take to farm 1 Bitcoin? ›

    How Bitcoin Mining Works. Bitcoin is mined in blocks, rather than in a consistent stream. Roughly every ten minutes, a block is produced by a miner, earning that miner new bitcoin.

    How much do Bitcoin miners make a day? ›

    Most Bitcoin mining rigs make at least 2000 USD every day on average. Some can make up to as high as 5000 USD daily. We recommend buying more efficient and robust mining equipment to maximize your daily income from Bitcoin mining.

    How much does 1 Bitcoin miner make? ›

    Each time a miner adds a new block of transactions to the blockchain, they earn 6.25 BTC. The dollar value of that amount fluctuates with the value of bitcoin.

    How much does 1 Bitcoin miner make a year? ›

    As of May 19, 2023, the average annual pay for a Crypto Mining in the United States is $64,161 a year. Just in case you need a simple salary calculator, that works out to be approximately $30.85 an hour. This is the equivalent of $1,233/week or $5,346/month.

    Is it hard to mine Bitcoin? ›

    Although mining is a competitive business, starting is still relatively easy. In the early years of Bitcoin, hobbyists could simply boot up some software on their computer and get started right away. Those days are long gone, but setting up a dedicated Bitcoin miner is not as hard as it may seem at first.

    What is the fastest Bitcoin miner? ›

    The MicroBT Whatsminer M56S has a hash rate of 212 terahashes per second, making it one of the most powerful Bitcoin miners on the market. Like with the Antminer S19 XP Hyd though, that hash rate will cost you.

    How many computers needed to mine 1 Bitcoin? ›

    The resources required for mining Bitcoin include: At least one specialized computer (called an Application-specific Integrated Circuit or ASIC miner), which is specifically designed to compete for and support a particular cryptocurrency. A reliable and inexpensive energy supply. A dependable internet connection.

    How many people own 1 Bitcoin? ›

    However, some estimates can be made based on blockchain data and surveys of Bitcoin holders. According to data from Bitinfocharts, as of March 2023, there are approximately 827,000 addresses that hold 1 bitcoin or more, representing around 4.5% of all addresses on the Bitcoin network.

    How many bitcoins are left? ›

    How Many Bitcoins Are There Now in Circulation?
    Total BTC in Existence19,383,062.5
    Bitcoins Left to Be Mined1,616,937.5
    % of Bitcoins Issued92.300%
    New Bitcoins per Day900
    Mined Bitcoin Blocks791,290

    How long do BTC miners last? ›

    Every mined block brings 6.25 new bitcoins into circulation. If there are no changes to the protocol and no new bitcoins are minted, then experts project that the last bitcoin will be mined sometime in 2140 since the next halving will occur on 26 March 2024 and then every four years until 2140.

    How often do Bitcoin miners get paid? ›

    If a miner is able to successfully add a block to the blockchain, they will receive 6.25 bitcoins as a reward. The reward amount is cut in half roughly every four years, or every 210,000 blocks. As of March 2023, Bitcoin traded at around $24,300, making 6.25 bitcoins worth $152,000.

    How much can you make mining for one day? ›

    According to WhatToMine, a website that keeps track of cryptocurrency mining profitability, you can expect to earn as much as $7 per day with an RTX 3080. However, you must also remember to account for the electricity used to power the card.

    How much electricity does it take to mine a Bitcoin? ›

    How much energy does mining take? The Digiconomist's Bitcoin Energy Consumption Index estimated that one bitcoin transaction takes 1,449 kWh to complete, or the equivalent of approximately 50 days of power for the average US household.

    How much can a beginner make mining Bitcoin? ›

    Generally speaking, if you're mining Bitcoin at home, you can make anywhere from $30 to $450 per mining machine each month.

    Is crypto Mining worth it? ›

    Bitcoin mining began as a well paid hobby for early adopters who had the chance to earn 50 BTC every 10 minutes, mining from their bedrooms. Successfully mining just one Bitcoin block, and holding onto it since 2010 would mean you have around $1.3 million US dollars worth of bitcoin in your wallet in 2023.

    Is Bitcoin mining worth it 2023? ›

    Cryptocurrency mining is still profitable in 2023, but it may not be as rewarding as in the past. That's accurate for a variety of factors, including the fact that cryptocurrency prices were significantly lower than their peaks for the majority of 2022 and into early 2023.

    How many miners to mine 1 Bitcoin a month? ›

    For example, based on the current hash rate it would take fourteen S19 Pros to mine 1 Bitcoin per month. Or, put differently, one S19 Pro could mine 1 Bitcoin in 14 months (not accounting for a rise in hash rate over time). This calculator is the easiest way to figure out how long it will take you to mine 1 Bitcoin.

    Can you mine Bitcoin with a phone? ›

    The well-known cryptocurrency mining program MobileMiner enables users to mine different cryptocurrencies on their mobile devices. The program is simple to use and has a wide range of customization possibilities, making it a fantastic alternative for both novice and seasoned miners.

    Can I mine Bitcoin on my PC? ›

    Bitcoin mining software lets you use computer hardware to help administer the blockchain technology that runs Bitcoin (BTC). As a reward, you can earn newly created Bitcoins. Most Bitcoin mining software is free, and runs on all of the leading operating systems.

    What is the easiest Bitcoin to mine? ›

    8 Cryptos You Can Mine at Home in 2023
    1. Monero (XMR) Monero (XMR) is one of the easiest cryptocurrencies to mine using a home computer. ...
    2. Litecoin (LTC) ...
    3. Ethereum Classic (ETC) ...
    4. Dogecoin (DOGE) ...
    5. Zcash (ZEC) ...
    6. Bitcoin Gold (BTG) ...
    7. Vertcoin (VTC) ...
    8. Ravencoin (RVN)
    Feb 22, 2023

    Is crypto mining illegal? ›

    Currently, Bitcoin mining is legal in the United States and the majority of other countries. However, you may want to research local laws where you live.

    What is the easiest way to mine Bitcoin? ›

    Cloud mining is one of the easiest ways of earning Bitcoin passively without investing in expensive mining equipment.
    Once running, customers can easily see the status of their hardware and monitor stats, including;
    1. Hash rate.
    2. Online time.
    3. Temperature.
    4. Cooling efficiency.
    Sep 22, 2022

    Can I mine Bitcoin for free? ›

    Yes. Libertex provides free Bitcoin mining to its users via a virtual miner. There are no hidden charges or fees to start earning with our virtual Bitcoin miner.

    How do I start Bitcoin mining for beginners? ›

    The first step to mining Bitcoin at home is to build or purchase a mining rig. A mining rig is a computer specifically designed for mining cryptocurrencies. It will typically consist of multiple GPUs that are capable of performing complex mathematical calculations at high speeds.

    How much does a mining machine cost? ›

    Comparing the Best Bitcoin Miner Hardware
    Bitcoin Mining HardwareHashpowerPrice
    AvalonMiner A1166 Pro81TH/s$1,550
    AvalonMiner 124690Th/s$3,890
    WhatsMiner M30S++112TH/s±5%$3,890
    WhatsMiner M32-62T62TH/s +/- 5$1,100
    1 more row
    Apr 24, 2023

    What happens when all Bitcoins are mined? ›

    What Happens to Mining Fees When Bitcoin's Supply Limit Is Reached? Bitcoin mining fees will disappear when the Bitcoin supply reaches 21 million. After that, miners will likely earn income only from transaction processing fees rather than a combination of block rewards and transaction fees.

    How many bitcoins can be mined in 10 minutes? ›

    It takes around 10 minutes to mine just one Bitcoin, though this is with ideal hardware and software, which isn't always affordable and only a few users can boast the luxury of. More commonly and reasonably, most users can mine a Bitcoin in 30 days.

    Can anyone become a Bitcoin miner? ›

    Almost anyone can participate using a computer capable of bitcoin mining. Even if you don't plan on mining, it's good for bitcoin users to understand the basics behind how bitcoin mining works.

    How many millionaires own Bitcoin? ›

    There are over 140,000 wallet addresses containing between 10 and 100 BTC, according to the “Bitcoin Rich List”. However, not each of these portfolios will belong to a millionaire. There are roughly 24,233 wallets worth more than $1 million among people who are unquestionably Bitcoin millionaires.

    How many Americans own at least 1 Bitcoin? ›

    Research from July 2021 shows that 89% of American adults have heard of Bitcoin. An estimated 1 billion people around the world use cryptocurrencies. About 46 million Americans (roughly 22% of the adult population) own a share of Bitcoin.

    Who owns most Bitcoin? ›

    Nakamoto is estimated to own approximately 1,000,000 BTC, worth around $27.13 billion. Other notable Bitcoin billionaires include individuals like the Winklevoss twins, institutional investors like MicroStrategy and governments such as those of the U.S. and China.

    Why are there 21 million Bitcoins? ›

    It has a stipulation built into its source code that it must have a finite supply, which means both Bitcoin and gold are limited resources. For this reason, only 21 million Bitcoin can ever be in circulation. Also, like gold, Bitcoin cannot be created out of the blue.

    How much Bitcoin does Elon Musk own? ›

    revealed on Twitter that he owns only a tiny fraction of one bitcoin token. "I literally own zero cryptocurrency, apart from . 25 BTC that a friend sent me many years ago," Musk confessed. Using today's bitcoin price of about $10,000 a coin, that translates to $2,500.

    Will Bitcoin mining end? ›

    This has continued over time as intended. In 2024, it is forecasted that miners will only earn 1.56 BTC for their role in verifying a block of transactions. This is the process that will continue until the very last Bitcoin is mined. This process means by definition that Bitcoin mining is coming to an inevitable end.

    Why Bitcoin mining is not profitable? ›

    Bitcoin mining profitability is affected by the costs of equipment and electricity, the difficulty associated with mining, and the market value of bitcoin.

    How long do miners work for? ›

    Miners work consecutive shifts that last between 10 to 14 hours. Their mining responsibilities may require them to remain underground for months at a time.

    Can you mine Bitcoin with a laptop? ›

    So, can you mine cryptocurrency on a laptop? Yes, you can, but you have to keep a couple of things in mind. Firstly, don't expect any noticeable income from mining on a laptop. Secondly, laptops, by design, are not suitable for crypto mining, and prolonged mining will cause damage to the device.

    Who pays a Bitcoin miner? ›

    The Bitcoin blockchain pays for Bitcoin mining. You can consider blockchain as an employer of the miners. As such, the 'employer' pays the rewards for Bitcoin mining itself. No person or organisation owns Bitcoin mining.

    How many ethereum are left? ›

    Basic Info. Ethereum Supply is at a current level of 120.26M, down from 120.26M yesterday and up from 119.15M one year ago. This is a change of -0.00% from yesterday and 0.93% from one year ago.

    Where do Bitcoin miners get money from? ›

    High-powered computers compete to be the first to validate a series of transactions called a block, and add the block to the blockchain. Miners are paid transaction fees and 6.25 BTC per block for their efforts (if they solve the block correctly). That's around $147,000 at today's prices.

    How much did an average miner make each day? ›

    Many arrived in California hoping to strike it rich, but they quickly learned it was hard work to find gold. Most miners only found $10 to $15 worth of gold dust a day. Merchants quickly realized they could get rich by selling supplies at high prices to miners.

    How many hours a day does a miner work? ›

    Down in a coal mine, there's no such thing as a "nine to five." Miners usually work shifts, and they can be on for 10 days in a row. Some head down before sunrise and return anywhere from seven to 12 hours later.

    How much can 1 GPU make mining? ›

    Top-ranked GPUs can each generate up to $7.75 profit in mining cryptocurrency at an electricity cost of 0.1 $/kWh. Combining multiple GPUs in a rig multiplies the profits significantly.

    How much is $1 Bitcoin in US dollars? ›

    26,485.8 USD

    How much is $100 Bitcoin worth right now? ›

    The current 100 Bitcoin price in USD is 2.68M USD. The price is calculated based on rates on 162 exchanges and is continuously updated every few seconds.

    How many Bitcoins can you mine daily? ›

    How many bitcoins can be mined per day? On average, 144 blocks of new BTC are mined per day. And each block contains 6.25 BTC.

    How much Bitcoin can you mine in 1 hour? ›

    There are currently 6.25 bitcoins produced in each block, and a block is produced every 10 minutes. This means that there are 6.25 (Bitcoins per block) x 6 (blocks per hour) x 24 (hours per day) = 900 bitcoins produced each day.

    How much Bitcoin is mined every 10 minutes? ›

    As of the first-half 2022, approximately 900 bitcoins were mined each day globally. Every 10 minutes, miners verify one block of bitcoin transactions. The current reward for verifying one block of bitcoin is 6.25 bitcoins. So, approximately 900 bitcoins are released into the market every day.

    How many bitcoins are mined in 10 minutes? ›

    The time it takes to mine one bitcoin depends on the amount of the block reward or how many new bitcoins are paid to crypto miners for generating a new block. The current block reward is 6.25 bitcoins, and a new block is produced approximately every 10 minutes. Thus, a new bitcoin is mined about every 0.625 minutes.

    Is it worth it to mine Bitcoins? ›

    Cryptocurrency mining is still profitable in 2023, but it may not be as rewarding as in the past. That's accurate for a variety of factors, including the fact that cryptocurrency prices were significantly lower than their peaks for the majority of 2022 and into early 2023.

    How much does it cost to start Bitcoin mining? ›

    You'll first need to acquire an ASIC miner optimized for Bitcoin, such as one produced by Bitmain or Whatsminer. New ASICs start at about $11,000, though older models can be purchased secondhand for less.

    How many BTC is left? ›

    How Many Bitcoins Are There Now in Circulation?
    Total BTC in Existence19,382,106.25
    Bitcoins Left to Be Mined1,617,893.8
    % of Bitcoins Issued92.296%
    New Bitcoins per Day900
    Mined Bitcoin Blocks791,137

    Is there only 2 million Bitcoin left to be mined? ›

    The supply of bitcoins is replenished at a set rate of one block every ten minutes. The system design reduces the number of new bitcoins in each block by half every four years. There are only about 2 million bitcoins left. Experts predict that the last bitcoins will be mined by 2140.

    What will happen when 100% of Bitcoin is mined? ›

    But however Bitcoin evolves, no new bitcoins will be released after the 21-million coin limit is reached. Reaching this supply limit is likely to have the most significant impact on Bitcoin miners, but it's possible that Bitcoin investors could also experience adverse effects.

    How many Bitcoins are lost forever? ›

    Six Million BTC Are Out Of Circulation Forever

    The investment manager further went on to state that another one million coins are expected to be lost by the time the remaining 1.7 million BTC are mined, which would take over 100 years with a halving happening every four years.

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