How does US debt rank compared with the rest of the world? (2024)

The United States has the world’s highest national debt at $31.4 trillion.

Global debt currently stands at $305 trillion, $45 trillion higher than before the COVID-19 pandemic, according to the Institute of International Finance (IIF) – a global association of the financial industry.

Global debt is the total amount of money owed by corporations, governments and individuals around the world. Of the $305 trillion of debt, corporations account for $161.7 trillion (53 percent), governments owe $85.7 trillion (28 percent) and individuals comprise $57.6 trillion (19 percent).

The IIF predicts that global debt will continue to rise as government borrowing remains high, affected by factors such as ageing populations, geopolitical tensions, increased costs of healthcare and disparities in climate finance.

Which countries have the most debt?

Government debt represents the outstanding financial liabilities of a country, made up of different categories such as loans and debt securities.

The IIF’s Global Debt Monitor covers 21 mature market economies including the eurozone as well as 30 emerging market countries.

The United States has the world’s highest national debt with $30.1 trillion owed to creditors as of the first quarter of 2023. Washington’s debt now stands at $31.4 trillion, raising further concerns about US government spending and borrowing costs.

To put that in context, the US owes as much money as the next four countries with the highest debt including China ($14 trillion), Japan ($10.2 trillion), France ($3.1 trillion) and Italy ($2.9 trillion).

The chart below ranks government debt around the world.

Which countries have enough money to pay back debts?

Countries with high levels of debt may offset their payments if their gross domestic product (GDP) – a measure of the total value of the goods and services a country produces – is higher than their national debt.

A government’s debt-to-GDP ratio, which compares the size of a country’s debt with its economy, is one indicator of a government’s financial sustainability. Any value greater than 100 percent indicates a country is spending more than it is making.

According to IIF, global governmental debt-to-GDP stands at 95.5 percent.

Japan, the world’s third largest economy, has the highest debt-to-GDP ratio at 239 percent. Tokyo’s high debt-to-GDP ratio can be partly attributed to its ageing population and social welfare costs.

Greece has the second highest debt-to-GDP ratio at 197 percent, followed by Singapore (165 percent), Italy (135 percent), and the US (116 percent).

What is the US debt ceiling?

The debt ceiling is the maximum amount of money the government can borrow. On January 19, the US hit its borrowing limit of $31.4 trillion. Since then, the Treasury has implemented a number of measures to avoid failing to pay back its legal obligations, known as a default.

A US default would likely push the country into a major recession, shake the world economy and lead to a spike in unemployment.

On May 28, after weeks of negotiations, US President Joe Biden and Republican House Speaker Kevin McCarthy, reached a tentative deal to raise the debt ceiling for two years while capping some spending.

After calling for a recorded vote, the House of Representatives voted to advance the bill 314 – 117 in a late night sitting on Wednesday.

How does US debt rank compared with the rest of the world? (1)

How does US debt rank compared with the rest of the world? (2024)


How does US debt rank compared with the rest of the world? ›

The United States has the world's highest national debt at $31.4 trillion. Global debt currently stands at $305 trillion, $45 trillion higher than before the COVID-19 pandemic, according to the Institute of International Finance (IIF) – a global association of the financial industry.

Where does the US rank in debt? ›

As of 2021 (the latest available data), federal debt reached 115 percent of gross domestic product (GDP), ranking 16th highest out of 164 countries for which the IMF has data.

Which country ranks the most debt? ›

Norway is the country with the highest level of household debt based on OECD data followed by Denmark and the Netherlands.

Who does the US owe the biggest debt to? ›

Top 10 territories that own the most U.S. debt

In total, other territories hold about $7.4 trillion in U.S. debt. Japan owns the most at $1.1 trillion, followed by China, with $859 billion, and the United Kingdom at $668 billion.

Which country holds more U.S. debt than any other? ›

According to, as of January 2023, Japan owned $1.1 trillion in US Treasuries, making it the largest foreign holder of the national debt. The second-largest holder is China, which owned $859 billion of US debt.

Which 5 countries own the most U.S. debt? ›

Top Foreign Holders of U.S. Debt
RankCountryShare of Total
1🇯🇵 Japan14.7%
2🇨🇳 China11.9%
3🇬🇧 United Kingdom8.9%
4🇧🇪 Belgium4.8%
6 more rows
Mar 24, 2023

Is the US debt bigger than the economy? ›

For several years, the nation's debt has been bigger than its gross domestic product, which was $26.13 trillion in the fourth quarter of 2022. Debt-to-GDP is a useful metric for analyzing the debt over long time spans, as it puts the debt into relative terms by comparing it against the size of the national economy.

What country is #1 in debt? ›

Japan has the highest percentage of national debt in the world at 259.43% of its annual GDP.

Could the US ever get out of debt? ›

Eliminating the U.S. government's debt is a Herculean task that could take decades. In addition to obvious steps, such as hiking taxes and slashing spending, the government could take a number of other approaches, some of them unorthodox and even controversial. Below are some of these options.

Why is U.S. debt so high? ›

Flashpoints that greatly contributed to the debt over the past 50 years include the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, the 2008 financial crisis and the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic -- the latter two prompting sweeping stimulus measures from Congress that cost trillions of dollars.

Who does the US pay its debt too? ›

Investors in Japan and China hold significant shares of U.S. public debt. Together, as of September 2022, they accounted for nearly $2 trillion, or about 8 percent of DHBP. While China's holdings of U.S. debt have declined over the past decade, Japan has slightly increased their purchases of U.S. Treasury securities.

Does China owe the US money? ›

As of January 2023, the five countries owning the most US debt are Japan ($1.1 trillion), China ($859 billion), the United Kingdom ($668 billion), Belgium ($331 billion), and Luxembourg ($318 billion).

Why does China buy U.S. debt? ›

Key Takeaways. China invests heavily in U.S. Treasury bonds to keep its export prices lower. China focuses on export-led growth to help generate jobs. To keep its export prices low, China must keep its currency—the renminbi (RMB)—low compared to the U.S. dollar.

Do any countries owe the US money? ›

How about Ireland, the Cayman Islands, and Brazil? Did you expect them to be substantial holders of U.S. debt? Then there are the countries that owe America money. Even though Japan holds the biggest amount of U.S. debt, the U.S. is also owed a lot of money by them too.

Is there a country that has no debt? ›

Learning about Countries and Their Debt

The best example can be taken from Hong Kong (it is a one of the debt free countries), whose economy has the least debt to GDP ratio. It is an almost debt free country. It has a well-regulated financial system and large foreign reserves.

Does the US have more debt than China? ›

China's economy has experienced remarkable growth in the last few decades, making it one of the world's largest and most influential economies.

What happens if the US defaults on its debt? ›

U.S. debt, long viewed as ultra-safe

Its debt, long viewed as an ultra-safe asset, is a foundation of global commerce, built on decades of trust in the United States. A default could shatter the $24 trillion market for Treasury debt, cause financial markets to freeze up and ignite an international crisis.

Is the US debt the highest in the world? ›

The United States has the world's highest national debt at $31.4 trillion. Global debt currently stands at $305 trillion, $45 trillion higher than before the COVID-19 pandemic, according to the Institute of International Finance (IIF) – a global association of the financial industry.

Do countries still owe the US money from ww2? ›

The case of debts arising from World War II is somewhat less complicated. At this time only four countries, discussed below, owe the U.S. government debts of any size arising from World War II programs to aid our allies. Other countries have paid their debts in full.

Does the US owe most of its debt to itself? ›

Many people believe that much of the U.S. national debt is owed to foreign countries like China and Japan, but the truth is that most of it is owed to Social Security and pension funds right here in the U.S. This means that U.S. citizens own most of the national debt.

How is the US the richest country with so much debt? ›

It's high because the U.S. continues to spend more than it receives in revenue. Therefore, it must issue more debt to cover the difference. The national debt is an accumulation of federal budget deficits. Every spending program and tax cut adds to the debt unless paid for by new appropriations.

How much is China in debt? ›

China: National debt from 2018 to 2028 (in billion U.S. dollars)
CharacteristicNational debt in billion U.S. dollars
7 more rows
Apr 14, 2023

Is China in a debt crisis? ›

China's $23 Trillion Local Debt Crisis Threatens Xi's Economy - Bloomberg.

What country has the best economy? ›

United States

What happens if U.S. hits debt ceiling? ›

Potential repercussions of reaching the ceiling include a downgrade by credit rating agencies, increased borrowing costs for businesses and homeowners alike, and a dropoff in consumer confidence that could shock the United States' financial market and tip its economy—and the world's—into immediate recession.

How long would it take for the US to pay off its debt? ›

To pay back one million dollars, at a rate of one dollar per second, would take you 11.5 days. To pay back one billion dollars, at a rate of one dollar per second, would take you 32 years. To pay back one trillion dollars, at a rate of one dollar per second, would take you 31,688 years.

What happens if America doesn't pay its debt? ›

A default on U.S. debt could trigger a worldwide recession and upend stock markets in addition to wreaking havoc in Americans' financial lives.

How much is the United States worth? ›

For the fourth quarter of 2019, total wealth in the U.S. was $111.04 trillion.

Where does the US borrow money from? ›

The federal government borrows money from the public by issuing securities—bills, notes, and bonds—through the Treasury. Treasury securities are attractive to investors because they are: Backed by the full faith and credit of the United States government. Offered in a wide range of maturities.

How much debt can the US handle? ›

The debt limit caps the total amount of allowable outstanding U.S. federal debt. The U.S. hit that limit—$31.4 trillion—on January 19, 2023, but the Department of the Treasury has been undertaking a set of “extraordinary measures” so that the debt limit does not yet bind.

How much does Russia owe the US? ›

How much does Russia owe? About $40 billion US in foreign bonds, about half of that to foreigners. Before the start of the war, Russia had around $640 billion US in foreign currency and gold reserves, much of which was held overseas and is now frozen.

What happens if China dumps US bonds? ›

If the China bloc disposes of net foreign assets amounting to more than 20% of GDP by offloading US bloc bonds over 10 years, the IMF finds that the China bloc's domestic interest rates would fall by four basis points.

What does China own in the US? ›

China owns and controls almost 192,000 acres of farmland right here in the United States. To be clear, it's not a huge percentage of our total farm acreage by any stretch. According to the FDA, there are more than 35 million acres of farmland in the U.S. which are owned by foreign investors.

How likely is the US to default? ›

There's just a 2% possibility the U.S. government will default on its loans, according to analysts at Deutsche Bank, despite days of stalled-out negotiations.

Who owes China the most money? ›

At the end of 2021, of the 98 countries for whom data was available, Pakistan ($27.4 billion of external debt to China), Angola (22.0 billion), Ethiopia (7.4 billion), Kenya (7.4 billion) and Sri Lanka (7.2 billion) held the biggest debts to China.

Can I buy U.S. debt? ›

Treasury bonds, notes and bills are low-risk investments issued by the U.S. government. You can buy them from the government directly, and many buy them through a brokerage, retirement or bank account.

How much money does Mexico owe the US? ›

Mexico External Debt 1970-2023
Mexico External Debt - Historical Data
YearCurrent US $Annual % Change
49 more rows

When was the last time the United States was debt free? ›

As a result, the U.S. actually did become debt free, for the first and only time, at the beginning of 1835 and stayed that way until 1837. It remains the only time that a major country was without debt. Jackson and his followers believed that freedom from debt was the linchpin in establishing a free republic.

Does France owe the US money? ›

The French “Commercial” Debt

The total “commercial” debt owed by France to the United States was given by M. Clémentel as $609,357,000.

Has the US never been in debt? ›

The U.S. has had debt since its inception. Our records show that debts incurred during the American Revolutionary War amounted to $75,463,476.52 by January 1, 1791. Over the following 45 years, the debt grew. Notably, the public debt actually shrank to zero by January 1835, under President Andrew Jackson.

Which country has the worst household debt? ›

Given that Denmark is ranked the country with the highest household debt,¹ it comes as no surprise that Denmark's capital, Copenhagen, was listed as the 25th most expensive city to live in, in 2020.³ Switzerland's capital, Zurich, ranks as the fourth-most expensive city to live in against 209 others,³ and it's also ...

Which country owes the least? ›

On the other end of the spectrum, Brunei has the lowest debt to GDP ratio at 1.90%, followed by the Cayman Islands at 4.50%, Kuwait at 7.10%, and Afghanistan at 7.40%.

Does China own $1 trillion U.S. debt? ›

China and Japan are the largest foreign investors in American government debt. Together they own $2 trillion — more than a quarter — of the $7.6 trillion in US Treasury securities held by foreign countries.

What is the US total debt level? ›

The $31 trillion gross federal debt equals debt held by the public plus debt held by federal trust funds and other government accounts. In very basic terms, this can be thought of as debt that the government owes to others plus debt that it owes to itself.

Is U.S. debt at an all time high? ›

Nearly every year, the government spends more than it collects in taxes and other revenue, resulting in a deficit. (The debt ceiling, set by Congress, caps how much the U.S. can borrow to pay for its remaining bills.) The national debt, now at a historic high, is the buildup of its deficits over time.

Does the US own most of its debt? ›

Many people believe that much of the U.S. national debt is owed to foreign countries like China and Japan, but the truth is that most of it is owed to Social Security and pension funds right here in the U.S. This means that U.S. citizens own most of the national debt.

What percentage of the US is in debt vs GDP? ›

Government Debt to GDP in the United States averaged 65.20 percent of GDP from 1940 until 2022, reaching an all time high of 129.00 percent of GDP in 2022 and a record low of 31.80 percent of GDP in 1981.

Who does the US borrow money from? ›

The federal government borrows money from the public by issuing securities—bills, notes, and bonds—through the Treasury. Treasury securities are attractive to investors because they are: Backed by the full faith and credit of the United States government.

What percentage of America is debt free? ›

What percentage of America is debt-free? According to that same Experian study, less than 25% of American households are debt-free. This figure may be small for a variety of reasons, particularly because of the high number of home mortgages and auto loans many Americans have.

When was the US debt the highest? ›

Between 1980 and 1990, the debt more than tripled. The debt shrank briefly after the end of the Cold War, but by the end of FY 2008, the gross national debt had reached $10.3 trillion, about 10 times its 1980 level.

What happens if U.S. debt gets too high? ›

Rising debt means fewer economic opportunities for Americans. Rising debt reduces business investment and slows economic growth. It also increases expectations of higher rates of inflation and erosion of confidence in the U.S. dollar.

What countries owe the US money? ›

As of January 2023, the five countries owning the most US debt are Japan ($1.1 trillion), China ($859 billion), the United Kingdom ($668 billion), Belgium ($331 billion), and Luxembourg ($318 billion).

Why does the US owe Japan so much money? ›

Because Japan exports so many goods to the U.S. and other nations, the country frequently develops an account surplus in dollars - the currency the U.S. and other countries give Japan in exchange for their products.

How can the US pay off its debt? ›

Raising taxes can generate revenue that the government can use to pay down debt as well as invest in programs that support the economy. But it can cut into tax revenue and hurt the economy if the government raises taxes too high. Finding the correct balance is expressed by a concept known as the "Laffer Curve."

Why does the US have so much debt? ›

America's debt has risen massively since the beginning of the 21st century, as "politicians from both parties have made a habit of borrowing money to finance wars, tax cuts, expanded federal spending, care for baby boomers, and emergency measures to help the nation endure two debilitating recessions," writes Jim ...

Which country has lowest debt to GDP ratio? ›

  • Ethiopia. Debt to GDP ratio: 31.4. ...
  • Denmark. Debt to GDP ratio: 30.1. ...
  • Saudi Arabia. Debt to GDP ratio: 30. ...
  • Guatemala. Debt to GDP ratio: 30. ...
  • Equatorial Guinea. Debt to GDP ratio: 27.1. ...
  • Botswana. Debt to GDP ratio: 26.1. ...
  • Luxembourg. Debt to GDP ratio: 24.5. ...
  • Kazakhstan. Debt to GDP ratio: 24.4.
May 24, 2023

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