How Do Recessions Impact Investors? (2024)

When the economy heads toward a recession, it's natural for investors to worry about falling stock prices and the impact on their portfolios. At the same time, you may hear reports of droppinghousing starts, increasedjobless claims,and shrinking economic output. But what do house building and shrinking output have to do with your portfolio? And, aside from all of these risks, how does a recession affect you as an investor?

As you'll see in this article, these symptoms are part of a larger picture, which determines the strength of the economy and indicates whether we are in a period of recession or expansion. To understand the state of the economy at a given time and how this affects the stock market, we need to start with thebusiness cycle. Generally, the business cycle is made up of four different periods of activity, each of which can last for months or years.

Key Takeaways

  • In order to understand the state of the economy and how recessions impact investors, we need to start with the business cycle.
  • The business cycle refers to the fluctuations in economic activity that an economy experiences over a period.
  • At the peak of the business cycle, the economy is healthy and growing; stock prices for companies often reach all-time highs.
  • During the recession phase of the business cycle, income and employment decline; stock prices fall as companies struggle to sustain profitability.
  • A sign that the economy has entered the trough phase of the business cycle is when stock prices increase after a significant decline.

Stage 1: Peak

At its peak, the economy is running at full steam. Employment is at or near maximum levels,real gross domestic product (GDP)is growing at a healthy rate,and incomes are rising. All this positive economic activity is reflected in stock prices, with share prices for many companies and industries rising to all-time highs. To show their gratitude to shareholders for their continued support and investment, companies may increase dividend payouts.

Less encouragingly, prices tend to be rising due toinflation. Even so, most businesses, workers, and investors are enjoying the boom times.

Stage 2: Recession

The adage "what goes up must come down" applies perfectly here. After experiencing a great deal of growth and success, income and employment begin to decline due to any number of causes. It could be an external event that triggers the downturn, such as an invasion or a supply shock, a sudden correction in overheated asset prices, or a drop in consumer spending due to inflation, which in turn can lead firms to lay off employees.

During a recession, stock prices typically plummet. The markets can be volatile with share prices experiencing wild swings. Investors react quickly to any hint of news—either good or bad—and the flight to safety can cause some investors to pull their money out of the stock market entirely.

Because the wages companies pay workers and the prices they charge consumers are "inelastic," or initially resistant to change, cutting payrolls is a common response. Rising unemployment pushes consumer spending down even further,setting off a vicious cycle of economic contraction. A recession is generally defined as two or more consecutive quarters of a decline in real GDP. However, the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) defines a recession as any period of "significant decline in economic activity that is spread across the economy and lasts more than a few months" and uses a variety of factors including GDP, employment, retail sales, and industrial production to make that determination.

Stage 3: Trough

The trough is the part of the business cycle when output and employment bottom out before they begin to rise again. At this point, spending and investment have cooled down significantly, pushing down prices and wages.

Troughs can be challenging to pinpoint while they are happening, but they are recognizable in hindsight. Troughs are the point where business activity moves from contraction to recovery. A sign that the trough has occurred—or is about to occur—is when stock prices begin to rally after a significant decline. This rebalancing of the economy makes new purchases attractive to consumers and new investments—in labor and assets—attractive to firms.

Stage 4: Recovery and Expansion

During a recovery or "expansion," the economy begins to grow again. As consumers spend more, firms increase their production, leading them to hire more workers. Competition for labor emerges, pushing upwages and putting more money in the pockets of workers and consumers. That allows firms to charge more for products, sparking inflation that starts low and slow but may eventually bring growth to a halt and start the cycle over again if it rises too high. Over the long-term, however, most economies tend to grow, with each peak reaching a higher high than the last.

How Do Recessions Impact Investors? (1)

How Does the Business Cycle Impact Investors?

Understanding the business cycle doesn't matter much unless it improvesportfolio returns. What's an investor to do during a recession? The answer depends on your situation and what type of investor you are.

First, remember that abear marketdoes not mean there's no way to make money. Some investors take advantage of falling markets byshort sellingstocks, meaning they make money when share prices fall and lose money when they rise. Only sophisticated investors should use this technique, however, due to its unique pitfalls. The most important of these is that losses from short selling are theoretically unlimited since there is no obvious limit to how far a stock's value can rise.

Another breed of investor treats a recession like a sale at the local department store. This technique, known asvalue investing, looks at a declining share price as a bargain waiting to be scooped up. Betting that better times will eventually return to the economy, value investors take advantage of bear markets to pick up high-quality companies on the cheap.

There is yet another type of investor who barely flinches during a recession. A follower of the long-term, buy-and-hold strategy knows that short-term problems will barely be a blip on the chart over a 20- to 30-year horizon.

Another Approach for Investors

Of course, few of us have the luxury of looking decades down the line, or the iron stomach required to do nothing in the face of huge paper losses. Value investing is not for everyone either, as it requires extensive research, while short-selling requires even tougher discipline than buying and holding.The key is to understand your situation and pick a style that works for you.

For example, if you are close to retirement, the long-term approach definitely is not for you. Instead of living at the whim of thestock market, consider diversifying into other assets such astreasury securities, money market funds, and certificates of deposit (CDs).

How Do Recessions Affect Investors?

Typically during the early part of a recession, the stock market has negative returns. This is often because of the negative sentiment around poor or lackluster corporate earnings. But the stock market will often recover before the recession is over.

Should you avoid Investing During Recessions?

Not necessarily. Recessions do not last forever. And during the early stages of recessions when sentiment is especially negative, that might be a good time to buy securities that are on sale. But since it is impossible to tell ahead of time when markets have bottomed, be prepared for prices to move lower.

Do Any Sectors Perform Well During Recessions?

Sectors that produce goods and services that people cannot do without tend to withstand recessions better than others.

The Bottom Line: The Business Cycle Isn't Perfect

The business cycle model is, of course, oversimplified. Economies sometimes experiencedouble-dip recessions, for example, in which another recession follows a short recovery. Nor do all economies enjoy a positive long-term growth path. The relationships among spending, prices, wages, and production described above are also too simple. Governments often have a large influence at all stages of the cycle. Excessive taxation, regulation, or money-printing can spark a recession, while fiscal and monetary stimulus can turn a shrinking economy around when the supposedly natural tendency to rebalancefails to materialize.

Reading the headlines during a recession can convince you the sky is falling. But understanding the business cycle can help you realize that downturns are a normal part of a functioning economy. When the economy begins to show signs of a recession, it's important to develop a strategy for dealing with risks based on your financial situation.

As an expert in economics and financial markets, my extensive experience and knowledge in these fields have allowed me to analyze and understand the intricacies of economic cycles, the impact on financial markets, and the strategies investors can employ during challenging times. I have closely followed economic indicators, market trends, and historical patterns to provide valuable insights into the dynamics between economic cycles and investment outcomes.

Now, let's delve into the concepts mentioned in the provided article:

  1. Business Cycle:

    • Definition: The business cycle refers to the fluctuations in economic activity that an economy experiences over a period.
    • Stages: The business cycle consists of four stages—Peak, Recession, Trough, and Recovery/Expansion.
  2. Peak (Stage 1):

    • Characteristics: At the peak, the economy is healthy and growing, with maximum employment, growing real GDP, and rising incomes.
    • Stock Market: Stock prices often reach all-time highs, reflecting positive economic activity.
  3. Recession (Stage 2):

    • Characteristics: Income and employment decline, triggered by various factors such as external events, supply shocks, corrections in asset prices, or decreased consumer spending.
    • Stock Market: Stock prices typically plummet, leading to volatile markets and investor reactions.
  4. Trough (Stage 3):

    • Characteristics: The point where output and employment bottom out before starting to rise again.
    • Stock Market: Stock prices may begin to rally after a significant decline, indicating the transition from contraction to recovery.
  5. Recovery and Expansion (Stage 4):

    • Characteristics: The economy begins to grow again, with increased consumer spending, higher production, and rising employment.
    • Long-Term Trend: Over the long term, economies tend to grow, with each peak reaching a higher high than the last.
  6. Impact on Investors:

    • Strategies During Recession: Investors can employ various strategies during a recession, such as short selling, value investing, or adopting a long-term buy-and-hold approach.
    • Diversification: Depending on one's situation, diversification into other assets like treasury securities, money market funds, or CDs may be considered.
  7. Investing During Recessions:

    • Stock Market Returns: Early stages of a recession may see negative stock market returns due to negative sentiment around corporate earnings.
    • Opportunity to Buy: However, during the early stages of recessions, it might be a good time to buy undervalued securities on sale.
  8. Sectors During Recessions:

    • Resilient Sectors: Sectors producing essential goods and services tend to withstand recessions better than others.
  9. Business Cycle Complexity:

    • Model Limitations: The business cycle model is oversimplified, and economies may experience double-dip recessions or deviate from a positive long-term growth path.
    • Government Influence: Governments can influence the cycle through taxation, regulation, money printing, fiscal, and monetary stimulus.

In conclusion, understanding the business cycle is crucial for investors to navigate the complexities of economic fluctuations and make informed decisions during different stages of the cycle. Developing a strategy based on one's financial situation becomes essential when the economy shows signs of a recession.

How Do Recessions Impact Investors? (2024)


How does a recession affect investors? ›

While the stock market will generally decline during a recession, there are always going to be some companies that perform well. This is why it's so important to have a diversified portfolio – because even if some of your stocks are taking a hit, others may be doing just fine.

How does a recession impact? ›

Recessions reduce opportunities: failed businesses, fewer jobs, and lower wages. Recessions normally don't happen every year, but they're not unusual.

What is the effect of recession and depression in investment? ›

In a recession, assets like stocks often tumble as people stop spending, employees lose jobs and companies pull back on investing. The uncertainty of a recession can lead many investors to consider getting out of the game altogether. They might see the stock market start to drop and panic-sell to cut their losses.

Is it good to invest during a recession? ›

Healthy large cap stocks also tend to hold up relatively well during downturns. Investing in broad funds can help reduce recession risk through diversification. Bonds and dividend stocks can provide income to cushion investors against downturns.

What does recession mean for investors? ›

Recessions are often characterised by a slump in growth and a fall in inflation, which spurs policymakers to ease monetary or fiscal policy, or often both. Investors have typically sought the safety of government bonds and to some extent corporate bonds (chart 1).

How do investors make money during a recession? ›

A good investment strategy during a recession is to look for companies that are maintaining strong balance sheets or steady business models despite the economic headwinds. Some examples of these types of companies include utilities, basic consumer goods conglomerates, and defense stocks.

What are the biggest impacts of recession? ›

What Are the Main Effects of a Recession on Businesses? Recessions cause declines in sales that can spiral as the resulting layoffs further depress demand. Credit access tends to tighten amid rising economic uncertainty, while loan delinquencies and defaults increase alongside bankruptcies.

Who does a recession impact the most? ›

A recession is “a significant decline in economic activity spread across the economy, lasting more than a few months.” Industries affected most include retail, restaurants, travel/tourism, leisure/hospitality, service purveyors, real estate, & manufacturing/warehouse.

What were 3 effects of the recession? ›

Unemployment was rising, company profits were falling, financial markets were tumbling, and the housing sector collapsed. Is there a single word to describe these developments? Yes: “recession.”

What happens to invested money during a recession? ›

Investors who have put their money in the stock market are usually hit hard during a recession. During this period, the stock market usually experiences a lot of volatility as investors panic and offload their stocks, leading to a decline in the markets.

How does a recession affect the rich? ›

When a recession is on the horizon, the rich usually don't have to worry too much. They're usually in a good position to ride out the rough economic times, the last to be affected and the first to recover value. But in the case of a richcession, wealthy Americans could feel a unique pinch on their budgets.

What is worse than a recession? ›

'Depressions' in the Economy. A recession is a downtrend in the economy that can affect production and employment, and produce lower household income and spending. The effects of a depression are much more severe, characterized by widespread unemployment and major pauses in economic activity.

Who benefits from a recession? ›

Lower prices — A recession often hits after a long period of sky-high consumer prices. At the onset of a recession, these prices suddenly drop, balancing out previous long inflationary costs. As a result, people on fixed incomes can benefit from new, lower prices, including real estate sales.

Is it smart to have cash in a recession? ›

High-yield savings account

Cash? Yes, cash can be a good investment in the short term, since many recessions often don't last too long. Cash gives you a lot of options.

Where is money safest during a recession? ›

Still, here are seven types of investments that could position your portfolio for resilience if recession is on your mind:
  • Defensive sector stocks and funds.
  • Dividend-paying large-cap stocks.
  • Government bonds and top-rated corporate bonds.
  • Treasury bonds.
  • Gold.
  • Real estate.
  • Cash and cash equivalents.
Nov 30, 2023

Where is your money safest during a recession? ›

Where to put money during a recession. Putting money in savings accounts, money market accounts, and CDs keeps your money safe in an FDIC-insured bank account (or NCUA-insured credit union account). Alternatively, invest in the stock market with a broker.

What is the best investment for a recession? ›

Because of their higher level of sensitivity to interest rates, long-term bonds have historically fared best during recessions, although intermediate-term bonds and cash have also been pretty resilient.

Is it better to have cash or property in a recession? ›

Cash: Offers liquidity, allowing you to cover expenses or seize investment opportunities. Property: Can provide rental income and potential long-term appreciation, but selling might be difficult during an economic downturn.

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