How do I withdraw funds from my GIC? (2024)

To withdraw funds, write to us using this secure form or fill out the form on the Help and Contact page in the left menu of your online bank.

If you have a redeemable GIC, you can cash in your investment before maturity, subject to certain conditions.

If you have a non-redeemable GIC, you'll have to wait until the investment matures.

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Sure thing! From the details provided, it seems we're delving into the world of savings and investments, particularly focusing on investment products like Funds, GICs (Guaranteed Investment Certificates), and the processes related to them.

Let's break down the concepts mentioned in the article:


These are pooled investments where individuals invest in a portfolio of stocks, bonds, or other assets managed by professionals. Mutual funds, exchange-traded funds (ETFs), and index funds fall under this category. Investors buy shares of the fund, which represent their portion of ownership in the assets.

GICs (Guaranteed Investment Certificates)

These are low-risk, fixed-income investments offered by banks or credit unions. They guarantee the initial investment along with a fixed rate of return over a specified period. Redeemable GICs can be cashed in before maturity, subject to conditions, while non-redeemable ones must be held until maturity.

Withdrawals and Renewals

The process of withdrawing funds from investment accounts or renewing GICs typically involves contacting the financial institution. For withdrawing funds, secure forms or online submission through the bank's Help and Contact page are common methods. Renewing a GIC often involves reaching out to a financial advisor or using online tools provided by the institution.

Buying Shares on the Stock Market

Investors can purchase shares through brokerage services offered by financial institutions. They can manage their own portfolio through online brokerage tools or seek advice from financial advisors for a more guided approach.

Wealth Management Services

For individuals with substantial wealth (over $250,000), options like NBI Private Wealth Management or Private Banking 1859 offer tailored services. Private wealth management provides personalized portfolio management and guidance by professionals to optimize wealth growth.

Selling Investment Funds

The sale of investment funds from NBI accounts can be done from non-registered and Tax-Free Savings Account (TFSA) accounts through online banking.

The information provided seems to guide individuals through the processes of managing investments, exploring various financial products, and seeking personalized support based on their financial goals and portfolio size.

How do I withdraw funds from my GIC? (2024)
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