How Certificates of Deposit (CDs) Work (2024)

Certificates of deposit (CDs) are among the safest investments available from banks and credit unions. They typically pay higher interest rates than savings accounts and money market accounts, but there’s one drawback: You have to lock up your money in the account for a specified period of time. It's possible to get it out early, but you'll most likely pay a penalty.

How Does a CD Work?

How Certificates of Deposit (CDs) Work (1)

A CD is a form of "time deposit." In return for a higher interest rate, you promise to keep your cash in the bank for a pre-determined amount of time. The bank agrees to pay you more interest than you’d get from a savings account in exchange for that agreement. You'll receive a higher annual percentage yield (APY) on the funds you deposit because the bank knows that it can use your money for longer-term investments like loans and you won't come asking for it next week.


It's up to you how long you want to keep your funds locked up when you open a CD. This time period is called the term.

CDs come in a variety of forms, and banks and credit unions continue to offer new options. Historically, CDs came with fixed rates that didn't change, and you always would pay a penalty if you cashed out early. But that's not necessarily the case anymore.

How to Start Using CDs

Contact your bank or credit union if you choose to open a CD with your local financial institution. Most banks will explain your options and allow you to make CD investments online. You also can call customer service or speak with a banker in person.

Explain how much you’d like to invest and ask about early withdrawal penalties and alternative CD products. The bank might have additional CD options that are a better fit for you. They might offer higher rates, more flexibility, or other features.

You’ll see a separate account on your statements or online dashboard after you move your money into a CD.


CDs may be held in almost any type of account, including individual retirement accounts (IRAs), joint accounts, trusts, and custodial accounts.

Just be sure to stick with CDs insured through the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. (FDIC) or the National Credit Union Administration. Don’t be afraid to ask your banker for a better rate, especially if you do significant business with that bank or credit union.

Types of CDs

Liquid or No Penalty CDs

Liquid CDs allow you to withdraw your funds early without paying a penalty. This flexibility enables you to move your funds to a higher-paying CD if the opportunity arises, but it comes at a price.

Liquid CDs may pay lower interest rates than CDs that you’re locked into. This makes sense if you look at it from the bank’s point of view. They’re taking on the risk of rising interest rates. Still, earning less for a short period might be worth it if you can switch to a higher rate later—and if you're confident rates will rise soon.

Make sure you understand any restrictions if you're thinking of investing in a liquid CD. Sometimes you’re limited to when you can withdraw funds and how much you can take at any given time. You also might be required to invest a greater amount upfront than with other types of CDs.

Bump-up CDs

Bump-up CDs provide a benefit similar to liquid CDs. You don’t get stuck with a low return if interest rates rise after you buy one. You get to keep your existing CD account and switch to the new, higher rate your bank is offering.


You might have to inform your bank in advance that you want to exercise your bump-up option. A bank assumes that you’re sticking with the existing rate if you do nothing. Also, you don’t get unlimited bump-ups.

Like liquid CDs, bump-up CDs often start out paying lower interest rates than standard CDs. You can come out ahead if rates rise enough, but if rates stay stagnant or fall, you would have been better off with a standard CD.

Step-up CDs

These come with regularly scheduled interest-rate increases so you're not locked into the rate that was in place at the time you bought your CD. Increases might come every six or seven months. 

Brokered CDs

Brokered CDs are sold in brokerage accounts. You can buy brokered CDs from numerous issuers and keep them all in one place instead of opening an account at a bank and using their selection of CDs. This gives you some ability to pick and choose, but brokered CDs come with additional risks.

Make sure that any issuer you’re considering is insured by the FDIC. Not surprisingly, CDs without insurance are likely to pay more. Getting out of a brokered CD early can be challenging as well.

Jumbo CDs

As the name suggests, jumbo CDs have very high minimum balance requirements, usually in excess of $100,000. It's a safe place to park a large amount of money because as much as $250,000 of it is FDIC-insured and you'll earn a significantly higher interest rate.

Maturity Dates

CDs mature at the end of their terms, and you'll have to decide what to do next. Your bank will notify you as you near this date, and it will give you several options. If you do nothing and your CD was subject to automatic renewal, your money will be reinvested into another CD. If you were in a six-month CD, it would be rolled over into another six-month CD. The interest rate may be higher or lower than the rate you previously were earning.

Let your bank know before the renewal deadline if you want to do something other than roll your money into a new CD. You can transfer the funds to your checking or savings account, or you can switch to a different CD with a longer or shorter term.

Building a CD Ladder

If you're interested in using CDs as a key part of your savings plan, you might consider a ladder, a common CD investing strategy. The process involves first buying several CDs with different terms so they'll mature at regular intervals and then reinvest the money into longer-term CDs as the initial ones mature.

For example, if you are saving $5,000, you can place $1,000 in each of five CDs with maturity dates a year apart. When the 1-year CD matures, you would move that money into a new five-year CD, which would mature the year after your initial five-year CD does. Because a CD would mature each year, you could continue this process indefinitely until you need the cash in any given year.


Ladders help you avoid locking up all your money in a low-paying CD, and they help you avoid cashing out early and paying penalties.

CDs vs. Savings Accounts

If you're sitting on a lump sum of cash in a traditional savings account, and you're reasonably sure you're not going to need that money for a while, putting it in a CD could be just the thing for you. It almost certainly will allow you to earn more interest on that money. Depending on how long you want to tie up your money and the amount of your deposit, you might actually double the amount of interest you earn.


If the money in your savings account is your emergency account set aside as a hedge against job loss or illness, you might want to just leave that money in place. Perhaps you could start a new savings account with the idea of eventually investing that money in a CD.

Be sure the money you are putting into CDs is money you won't need for unexpected expenses. Taking out a loan to address an emergency would almost certainly end up costing you far more in interest than you would ever earn on a CD.

Advantages of CDs

Before deciding whether or not to invest in a CD, consider your specific needs. Some of the reasons to consider a CD include:

  • Your money is insured: The FDIC insures CDs up to $250,000. The federal government guarantees you will never lose your principal. For that reason, they have less risk than bonds, stocks, or other more volatile investments.
  • Better rates than checking and savings: CDs usually offer higher interest rates than interest-bearing checking and savings accounts. They also offer higher interest rates than other safe investments, such as money-market accounts or money market funds.
  • You can comparison shop: You can shop around for the best rates. Small banks will offer better rates because they need funds. Online-only banks will offer higher rates than brick and mortar banks because their costs are lower. In addition, you likely will find higher-than-usual rates if you deposit a sizable amount of cash in the form of jumbo CDs.

Disadvantages of CDs

CDs aren't for everyone, and they might not fit your specific needs. Some of the reasons to steer clear include:

  • Early withdrawal fees: The main disadvantage is that your money is tied up for the life of the certificate. You pay a penalty if you need to withdraw your money before the term is up. However, there are several types of CDs that provide a certain amount of flexibility, so don't forget to ask your bank about options.
  • Interest rates could rise: You run the risk that interest rates will go up on other products during your term. If it looks like interest rates are rising, you can get a no-penalty CD. It allows you to get your money back without charge any time after the first six days. They pay more than a money market but less than a regular CD.
  • APYs lag behind inflation: CDs don't pay enough to keep up with the rate of inflation. If you invest only in CDs, you'll lose your standard of living over time. The best way to keep ahead of inflation is with stock investing, but that is risky. You could lose your total investment. You could get a slightly higher return without risk with Treasury Inflation-Protected Securities or I-Bonds. Their disadvantage is that you'll lose money if there is deflation.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Why do certificates of deposit tend to offer better interest rates than money market accounts?

Money market accounts are more liquid than CDs, so CD investors are paid more for that relative inconvenience. Since money market account holders can transfer funds in and out of an account much more often, there is less opportunity risk and therefore less reward in the form of interest rates.

How safe are certificates of deposit?

Certificates of deposit are completely safe as long as they're FDIC-insured. If a CD is FDIC-insured, then your principal investment is safe, even if the entity that issued the CD defaults. If the CD isn't FDIC-insured, then you won't enjoy those same protections.

How Certificates of Deposit (CDs) Work (2024)


How Certificates of Deposit (CDs) Work? ›

With a CD, you agree to leave your money in the account for a set period of time, which can range from a few months to a number of years. In exchange, the bank or credit union that issues your CD will pay you a guaranteed return on the money, typically higher than you'd get on a regular savings account.

How much does a $1000 CD make in a year? ›

That all said, here's how much a $1,000 CD will make in a year, based on four possible interest rate scenarios: At 6.00%: $60 (for a total of $1,060 total after one year) At 5.75%: $57.50 (for a total of $1,057.50 total after one year)

How much does a $5000 CD make in a year? ›

How much interest would you make on a $5,000 CD? We estimate that a $5,000 CD deposit can make roughly $25 to $275 in interest after one year. In comparison, a $10,000 CD deposit makes around $50 to $550 in interest after a year, depending on the bank.

How much does a 20000 CD make in a year? ›

That said, here's how much you could expect to make by depositing $20,000 into a one-year CD now, broken down by four readily available interest rates (interest compounding annually): At 6.00%: $1,200 (for a total of $21,200 after one year) At 5.75%: $1,150 (for a total of $21,150 after one year)

What is the biggest negative of putting your money in a CD? ›

Banks and credit unions often charge an early withdrawal penalty for taking funds from a CD ahead of its maturity date. This penalty can be a flat fee or a percentage of the interest earned. In some cases, it could even be all the interest earned, negating your efforts to use a CD for savings.

How much does a $10000 CD make in 6 months? ›

High-yield 6-month CDs
End balance$10,227.12$10,265.39
Total interest$227.12$265.39
Jan 23, 2024

Why you should put $15,000 into a 1 year CD now? ›

Unlike traditional or high-yield savings accounts, which have variable APYs, most CDs lock your money into a fixed interest rate the day you open the account. That's why if you suspect that interest rates will soon drop, it can be a good idea to put money in a CD to preserve the high APY you would earn.

What if I put $20,000 in a CD for 5 years? ›

How much interest would you earn? If you put $20,000 into a 5-year CD with an interest rate of 4.60%, you'd end the 5-year CD term with $5,043.12 in interest, for a total balance of $25,043.12.

Why you should put $5,000 in a 6 month CD now? ›

While longer-term CDs may tie up your funds for years, a 6-month CD allows you to access your money relatively quickly. If you suddenly need your $5,000 for an emergency or a more lucrative investment opportunity arises, you won't have to wait years to access your funds without incurring hefty penalties.

Do you pay taxes on CDs? ›

CD interest is subject to ordinary income tax, like other money that you earn. The IRS requires investors to pay taxes on CD interest income. The bank or financial institution that holds the CD is required to send you a Form 1099-INT by January 31.

Can you live off CD interest? ›

There are a few different ways to invest your money to earn interest and live off of that income. The most popular investments are bonds, certificates of deposit (CDs) and annuities. The interest that you'll earn will depend on the amount of money you have in your account when you go to live off of that interest.

Should I put a million dollars in a CD? ›

However, federally insured banks and credit unions only insure up to $250,000 per depositor per account ownership category. If you put more than this amount in a single CD, some of your money will be at risk. You can still safely invest more than $250,000 in CDs by opening accounts at multiple financial institutions.

How much money should I put in a CD? ›

While that amount will be different for everyone, you should keep a few things in mind. First, a minimum amount is usually required. Most CDs have a minimum deposit between $500 and $2,500, though some can be lower or higher than this range.

Can you ever lose money in a CD? ›

Standard CDs are insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. (FDIC) for up to $250,000, so they cannot lose money. However, some CDs that are not FDIC-insured may carry greater risk, and there may be risks that come from rising inflation or interest rates.

Why am I losing money on a CD? ›

Many CDs have early withdrawal penalties equal to several months of interest. You could lose money in a CD if you withdraw before you've earned enough interest to cover the penalty.

Are money CDs safe if the market crashes? ›

Are CDs safe if the market crashes? Putting your money in a CD doesn't involve putting your money in the stock market. Instead, it's in a financial institution, like a bank or credit union. So, in the event of a market crash, your CD account will not be impacted or lose value.

Is it worth putting $1000 in a CD? ›

So, if you were to put $1,000 into the highest-yielding 5-year CD on our top CDs list, you'd earn a total of $234.31 of interest over the five-year term. At the end of the term, you can either withdraw the balance of $1,234.31, or you could allow your CD to be renewed for another 5-year term at the then-current rate.

How much does a 1000 CD make in 3 months? ›

Today's top CDs offer interest rates up to 5.38% APY. For a strictly apples-to-apples comparison, here's how much a $1,000 CD would be worth at varying term lengths, all at 5% APY: 1-month CD: $1,004.07. 3-month CD: $1,012.27.

How much does a 12 month CD pay? ›

For instance, the one-year CD national average is 1.76 percent APY. Currently, the highest-yielding rate among one-year CDs that are widely available at banks and credit unions is 5.36% APY .

Is it better to get CD interest monthly or yearly? ›

That's up to each issuer. In practice, however, most CDs compound either daily or monthly. The more frequent the compounding, the more interest your interest will earn. The frequency with which your CD compounds is reflected in the annual percentage yield (APY) that the CD's issuer promises you when you buy a CD.

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