How can you tailor your business plan to different investors or lenders? (2024)

Last updated on Mar 26, 2024

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Know your audience


Adjust your format and length


Emphasize your value proposition


Provide evidence and validation


Anticipate and address questions and objections


Here’s what else to consider

A business plan is a document that outlines your vision, goals, strategies, and financial projections for your venture. It is a crucial tool to communicate your value proposition and persuade potential investors or lenders to fund your business. However, not all investors or lenders are the same, and they may have different expectations, preferences, and criteria for evaluating your business plan. Therefore, you need to tailor your business plan to different investors or lenders, depending on who you are pitching to and what they are looking for. Here are some tips on how to do that.

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How can you tailor your business plan to different investors or lenders? (1)

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  • Rui Lopes - XR IMÓVEIS Especialista em Terrenos (áreas, glebas, fazendas) para Incorporação, Construção, Loteamento, Comércio de Grande Porte…

    How can you tailor your business plan to different investors or lenders? (3) How can you tailor your business plan to different investors or lenders? (4) 7

  • How can you tailor your business plan to different investors or lenders? (6) 3

  • Linda Rey Chief Results Officer | Relentless Problem Solver | SBA EIDL Expert | Life-Long Insurance Nerd | Glitch Guru |…

    How can you tailor your business plan to different investors or lenders? (8) 3

How can you tailor your business plan to different investors or lenders? (9) How can you tailor your business plan to different investors or lenders? (10) How can you tailor your business plan to different investors or lenders? (11)

1 Know your audience

Before you write or present your business plan, you need to research and understand your audience. Who are they, what are their backgrounds, what are their interests, what are their goals, what are their pain points, what are their questions, and what are their objections? Knowing your audience will help you customize your business plan to address their specific needs and concerns, and to highlight the aspects of your business that are most relevant and appealing to them.

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    I inherently hate this question as in the startup ecosystem it encourges founders to try to be something they are not in order to align with investors. my strong preference is to be true to your organization andd put in the owrk to ensure you are sourcing and reaching out to the right investors! Ultimately, fit (or lack there of) establishes itself. Founders are better off to put in the early work to find the right investors and save themselves from meetings that will never result in investment. Value your time like it is your most precious asset because it is!


    How can you tailor your business plan to different investors or lenders? (20) 3

  • Rui Lopes - XR IMÓVEIS Especialista em Terrenos (áreas, glebas, fazendas) para Incorporação, Construção, Loteamento, Comércio de Grande Porte e Indústria | Especialista no Mercado Imobiliário e Construção Civil
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    Conhecer o negócio dos stakeholders é essencial para adequar o propósito do seu negócio criar uma proposta de valor que atenda as expectativas dos investidores e credores. Demonstrando conhecimento e dominância, trazendo informações e estudos relevantes que comprovem aquilo que está passando é a maneira mais eficaz de atrair e criar uma boa reputação.



    How can you tailor your business plan to different investors or lenders? (29) How can you tailor your business plan to different investors or lenders? (30) 7

  • Howard Rosen CEO @ Nova Insights - Innovation at a Human Scale | Inventor, Solutions Architect, Thought Leader - Health IT
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    You need to be very careful when tailoring pitch to not be presenting yourself as completely different things to different groups. Particularly as you will learn that it IS a small world and two of these groups may confer and that would only serve to confuse and give the impression you don't have a focus. So the best thing is to have the core presentation the same for all, that is business proposition , service/product etc and tailor to show how you address a specific problem/need of the audience you are speaking to.


    How can you tailor your business plan to different investors or lenders? (39) 4


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2 Adjust your format and length

Depending on the type and stage of your pitch, you may need to adjust the format and length of your business plan. For example, if you are sending a cold email to an angel investor, you may want to use a one-page executive summary that summarizes the key points of your business plan and captures their attention. If you are invited to a meeting with a venture capitalist, you may want to use a pitch deck that showcases your problem, solution, market, traction, team, and ask in a concise and engaging way. If you are applying for a bank loan, you may want to use a detailed business plan that covers your market analysis, financial projections, risk assessment, and repayment plan in a formal and professional way.

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  • Shaun Gold Entrepreneur | Best-Selling Author | Keynote Speaker | Super Connector | Former Nightlife Ninja
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    VCs don't want early stage startups with limited traction and metrics. You need to find the right type of investor and research into their thesis and past investments before wasting time contacting them.


    How can you tailor your business plan to different investors or lenders? (48) 1

  • Amitava Guha Entrepreneurship programme management and support for the refugee-led startups in Greater Manchester.
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    A tailored business plan for investors should be concise, targeted, and persuasive. It should include an executive summary, market analysis, value proposition, realistic financial projections, and management team bios. This approach ensures the plan resonates with the investor's interests and increases the likelihood of investment. Adjusting the format and length can also impact the message.


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3 Emphasize your value proposition

Your value proposition is the core of your business plan. It is what makes your business unique, valuable, and desirable to your customers and investors or lenders. You need to emphasize your value proposition in your business plan, and show how it aligns with the goals and interests of your audience. For example, if you are pitching to an impact investor, you may want to focus on how your business creates social or environmental benefits, and how you measure and report your impact. If you are pitching to a strategic partner, you may want to highlight how your business complements or enhances their existing offerings, and how you can create synergies and opportunities for collaboration.

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  • Shaun Gold Entrepreneur | Best-Selling Author | Keynote Speaker | Super Connector | Former Nightlife Ninja
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    Know your value proposition. Most founders can't explain it to their team, let alone possible investors. Focus on how your value proposition makes the lives of your users easier or how it is better than current market offerings.


    How can you tailor your business plan to different investors or lenders? (65) 2

  • Amitava Guha Entrepreneurship programme management and support for the refugee-led startups in Greater Manchester.
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    To create an effective value proposition in a business plan, follow these steps: understand your customer, differentiate your offering, communicate benefits, keep it simple, use evidence, and refine. Understand your customer's needs and how your product or service will solve their problems. Differentiate your offering by offering unique features, better pricing, superior quality, or exceptional service. Focus on the benefits rather than features, use concise language, and support your claims with testimonials, case studies, or data. Test and refine your value proposition based on feedback to ensure it resonates with your target audience.


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4 Provide evidence and validation

Investors or lenders want to see that your business is not just a good idea, but also a viable and scalable opportunity. You need to provide evidence and validation for your business plan, and show that you have done your homework and tested your assumptions. For example, you can use market research, customer feedback, industry trends, competitor analysis, and case studies to demonstrate the size and potential of your market, the demand and satisfaction of your customers, the strengths and weaknesses of your competitors, and the best practices and benchmarks in your industry. You can also use metrics, milestones, achievements, and testimonials to showcase your traction, progress, and results, and to prove that you have the skills, experience, and network to execute your plan.

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  • Dr. Oksana Koryak, CFA MSc Programme Director @ Cranfield School of Management | PhD, CFA
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    Providing credible and relevant evidence to substantiate your claims and assumptions signals your team's commitment to de-risking your venture. This contributes to a positive impression of your team. Metrics that demonstrate a product-market fit such as revenues are of course ideal. At earlier stages of a venture, evidence validating the problem, potential market size, your target audience and your value proposition for them e.g. through pilots and successive MVPs will be expected. Once the problem-solution fit is established, your team would need to showcase your customers' willingness to pay and validate your go-to-market strategy. The key is to gather compelling evidence that can be presented effectively to reinforce your narrative.


    How can you tailor your business plan to different investors or lenders? (82) 2

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    Encore plus qu'avant, les investisseurs et prêteurs attendent du concret. Dans les structures innovantes, nous regardions beaucoup (dans les dernières années) le futur, mais aujourd'hui il est moins regardé. Les analyses sont revenus sur des choses plus terre à terre, étant donné que l'avenir économique est devenu plus incertain. En conséquence, c'est un équilibre à trouver entre "montrer vos ambitions" (qui doivent être étayés d'un plan d'action concret) et également "prouver vos chiffres présents". Tout est bon à prendre : des factures, des devis, des mails clients, des témoignages clients.. tout ce qui peut prouver la réalité business de votre entreprise



    How can you tailor your business plan to different investors or lenders? (91) 1


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5 Anticipate and address questions and objections

No matter how well you prepare and present your business plan, you are likely to face some questions and objections from your audience. You need to anticipate and address them in your business plan, and show that you are confident and prepared to handle them. For example, you can use a SWOT analysis to identify and mitigate the internal and external risks and challenges that your business may face, and to highlight the opportunities and advantages that you can leverage. You can also use a contingency plan to outline the alternative scenarios and actions that you have considered and planned for, and to show that you are flexible and adaptable to changing circ*mstances.

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  • David Berg Strategic Partnerships | Commercialization | Technology Licensing | Board Advisory
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    Address potential investor questions and objections by incorporating a SWOT analysis in your business plan, highlighting strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. Also, include a contingency plan to show your readiness to adapt to unforeseen changes. This demonstrates strategic foresight and flexibility, making your plan more robust and appealing to investors by showcasing your ability to effectively handle challenges and leverage opportunities.


    How can you tailor your business plan to different investors or lenders? (100) 1

  • Sean K. Shahkarami Increasing Provider Profits by 12+%
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    Probably the best way to showcase your strategic skills is not only to understand your audience, but to showcase your understanding. You showcase this understanding by anticipating their specific questions and objections and tailoring your presentation to answer as many of their questions before they can even ask them.If this is executed correctly you will have investors leaving the pitch feeling as if you read their mind, and in some case that is true. That is the feeling you want them to have because it magnify your ability right before their eyes!Good luck!


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6 Here’s what else to consider

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  • Linda Rey Chief Results Officer | Relentless Problem Solver | SBA EIDL Expert | Life-Long Insurance Nerd | Glitch Guru | Blockchain Enthusiast
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    I kinda love and hate this question. I think a business owners is ahead of the game in just writing a business plan in the first place.To tailor it to an investor can be risky and tricky. Have all other methods of raising capital been exhausted? We've seen business owners lose their passion because investors start telling them "how to make the pizza."


    How can you tailor your business plan to different investors or lenders? (117) 3

  • Nnaemeka Uzoma Umunna Chief Executive Officer at Miriegondu Table Water Company.
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    Show them the numbers, not just words. Use Microsoft Excel instead of PowerPoint and clearly show realistic numbers that will lead to a profitable investment. Make it a one page document that is concise and precise.


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Entrepreneurship How can you tailor your business plan to different investors or lenders? (126)


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How can you tailor your business plan to different investors or lenders? (2024)


How do potential lenders and investors evaluate the plan? ›

Investors and lenders want to see a clear and realistic vision of your market, product, strategy, operations, finances, and goals. They also want to see how you will handle challenges and uncertainties. Your business plan should be well-researched, well-written, and well-presented.

What do lenders and investors look for in a business plan? ›

Lenders want to know who you serve, how large the population is, and how viable the market is (e.g. affluence, room for growth, etc.). Lenders also want to know who you are competing with in this space and how you are setting yourself apart.

How do you pitch your business to investors? ›

Here's how to make that quick pitch successful.
  1. Create a presentation. ...
  2. Practice your pitch. ...
  3. Outline the problem with a story. ...
  4. Your solution. ...
  5. Your target market. ...
  6. Your revenue or business model. ...
  7. Your successes: Early traction and milestones. ...
  8. Customer acquisition: Marketing and sales strategy.

How do you present your team to investors? ›

Introduce Your Team: Highlight the individuals running the company. Showcase their relevant skills and experience, ensuring investors have confidence in the team behind the venture. Prioritise Good Design: Ensure the presentation slides are visually appealing and free from distractions.

How do I find investors for my business plan? ›

Here are eight options to get the financial boost you need:
  1. Friends and family. ...
  2. Equity financing. ...
  3. Venture capitalists. ...
  4. Angel investors. ...
  5. Incubator. ...
  6. Accelerator programs. ...
  7. Crowdfunding platforms. ...
  8. Traditional business loans.

What do potential investors look for in a business plan? ›

Investors will want to see information that indicates the current financial status of the business. Usually, they will expect to see current reports such as a profit and loss statement, a balance sheet and a cash flow statement as well as projections for the next two or three years.

What is the difference between investors and lenders? ›

An investor wants to buy into a company with soaring growth potential, hungry founders and an inspiring story and pitch. These are the elements that founders sometimes develop with the help of accelerators and incubators. Lenders have a different priority. They want to get their money back.

What is the role of lenders and investors? ›

A lender does exactly what the word says-they lend you money that you must pay back, usually with interest. An investor puts money into a business, projects, schemes, ideas and so on, with the expectation of having a stake in the profits.

How do I attract investors to my business? ›

  1. A Market They Know And Understand. By choosing an industry they comprehend, investors reduce the risk of squandering their investment. ...
  2. Powerful Leadership Team. ...
  3. Investment Diversity. ...
  4. Scalability. ...
  5. Promising Financial Projections. ...
  6. Demonstrations Of Consumer Interest. ...
  7. Clear, Detailed Marketing Plan. ...
  8. Transparency.

What does an investor want to see? ›

Investors want to know the size of the overall market and the total number of potential clients. The investor would hesitate to invest if the planned market size is insufficient since they might not receive sufficient profits. It must be remembered that the company should be sustained over the long term.

Do investors need to see a business plan? ›

Ultimately, a business plan mitigates risk. It summarizes all business areas and details how those areas (marketing, operations) impact growth. And there's no way around it; if you want to fund from an investor, especially if you're just starting your business, you need a business plan.

How do I market my business to investors? ›

Investor branding checklist
  1. Clearly articulate your company's vision and brand story. ...
  2. Know the size of the opportunity. ...
  3. Know why you will win. ...
  4. Know your competition. ...
  5. Know your target audience. ...
  6. Build a strong management team. ...
  7. Know how you will spend your investors' money. ...
  8. Know your product.

What do you say when presenting a business plan? ›

  1. Tell 'Em What You're Going to Tell 'Em. Introduce yourself. Grab their attention! Ask a question. Use a quote. ...
  2. Tell 'Em What You Want Them to Know. Be organized. Use pointer words. For example: "I will discuss three of the financial statements that are most important to investors. ...
  3. Tell 'Em What You Told 'Em.

Who do I present my business plan to? ›

As you seek to finance your business, your audience can be broken down into two groups: Potential investors and potential lenders. You should tailor your presentation to the differing interests and goals of these two groups and be ready to answer their questions.

Do investors want to see a business plan? ›

So they're going to want to know exactly why you need the cash and exactly what you plan to do with it. They'll also want to know when they can expect a return; that should be a part of your business plan. Investors will also be looking for an exit strategy, and you need to think about that in advance.

How do you present to an investor? ›

How to make a pitch to investors
  1. Deliver your elevator pitch. ...
  2. Tell your story. ...
  3. Show your market research. ...
  4. Introduce and demonstrate your product or service. ...
  5. Explain the revenue and business model. ...
  6. Clarify how you will attract business. ...
  7. Pitch your team. ...
  8. Explain your financial projections.

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Author: Edmund Hettinger DC

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Reviews: 81% of readers found this page helpful

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Name: Edmund Hettinger DC

Birthday: 1994-08-17

Address: 2033 Gerhold Pine, Port Jocelyn, VA 12101-5654

Phone: +8524399971620

Job: Central Manufacturing Supervisor

Hobby: Jogging, Metalworking, Tai chi, Shopping, Puzzles, Rock climbing, Crocheting

Introduction: My name is Edmund Hettinger DC, I am a adventurous, colorful, gifted, determined, precious, open, colorful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.