How Are Personal Values Formed? Learn to Live Better With Alignment (2024)

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How Are Personal Values Formed? Learn to Live Better With Alignment (1)

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What are personal values, anyway?

Why values are important

How are values formed?

Your values grow with you

Your values in action

Living your best life

When was the last time you thought about your values? It's normal if they don’t cross your mind until they clash with someone else's, expressed as passionate beliefs. Maybe you're vegan and arguing over the ethics of meat consumption, or you want more bike lanes in your city while others want car parking instead. In these moments, your personal values become abundantly clear.

But the rest of the time, not so much. We’re distracted by the grind of day-to-day life. Our attention is on surviving, and we forget to make time to get to know ourselves. It turns out we all operate off of a broader set of values

It's worth identifying where your values come from. It can provide a deeper understanding of who you are, leading to better life choices.

If you care about spending time with friends, you might look for a job with a better work-life balance. Valuing helping others might mean you’ll volunteer more often at your local shelter or look for a career that has a clear positive impact on people. If you value financial security above all else, you might do whatever you can to maximize your income and prioritize your financial wellness.

We don't tend to be happy when our work or life choices don't align with our values. But you can’t make choices that align with your values without knowing what matters to you. It's in your best interest to become aware of what you value. Otherwise, you could spend years in the wrong job, wondering why it never feels right.

There are many ways to know yourself and identify your needs. A good start is to understand how personal values are formed and how they influence your beliefs, attitudes, and behaviors.

Let’s dive in.

What are personal values, anyway?

Put simply, values are something your care about deeply. They’re central to your identity because they’re what matters most to you in life. When you value your family, you care about making time for them in your life. The same is true if you value your hobbies or career.

But you might not realize how your values influence your day-to-day life. They can affect your decisions, interactions with other people, and how you relate to the rest of the world.

Your values, along with your beliefs and attitudes, create the moral, guiding principles you follow. Here’s how they interact with each other:

  • Beliefs are the ideas you accept as true, whether supported by facts or not. For example, you may believe in the importance of honesty above all other qualities, or that stealing is wrong, regardless of the circ*mstances. Your faith, culture, education, mentors, and personal experiences heavily influence your beliefs, and they can change over time.
  • Your belief system then impacts your personal values. These are the things you identify as important to your personal well-being. If your parents raised you under a certain religion, spirituality may become a core value in your life.
  • From your values system comes your attitudes. This is how you treat others and approach situations. If you believe money is the key to human welfare, and you might approach your job solely as a means to earn a living.
  • Attitudes then translate into behaviors. Theoretically, your behaviors should act in accordance with your beliefs, values, and attitudes. If environmental conservation is important to you, you might devote your life to studying marine biology.
    At the very least, you’ll incorporate “green” habits into your life, like recycling or composting. These behaviors reflect what matters most to you.

Here are some examples of personal values, which can influence their attitudes and behaviors:

  • Dependability
  • Honesty
  • Human rights
  • Professional development
  • Human life
  • Climate activism
  • Generosity
  • Integrity

BetterUp can help you start making choices that align to your values so you can live by your values. Together with a coach, you can paint a picture of what a more aligned life would look like and make a plan to get there.

How Are Personal Values Formed? Learn to Live Better With Alignment (3)

Why values are important

Your individual beliefs, values, attitudes, and behaviors can change as you grow older, meet new people, and experience new things.

You might have grown up valuing wealth above all else. But after seeing how it impacted your relationships, you chose to temper your professional ambitions to better prioritize the people in your life.

That’s why it’s important to regularly check in with yourself. You might find inconsistencies between your behaviors and what you actually value in life. External influences can interfere with your sense of self, leading to actions that don’t align with who you are.

Gender stereotypes might influence your behaviors. If you were born male, you might have felt pressure to be strong, hide your emotions, and be the sole provider for your family.

So, to meet these expectations, you took on a stressful but high-paying job — despite really wanting to be a stay-at-home dad. In this scenario, you’re succumbing to society’s expectations for men to be the breadwinner and sacrificing your well-being in the process.

How Are Personal Values Formed? Learn to Live Better With Alignment (4)

This example highlights the importance of identifying your personal beliefs and values and where they come from. This will improve your self-awareness, help you find your purpose, and promote healthier decisions long-term.

How are values formed?

Your personal values stem primarily from your social environmental factors while you were growing up. It’s impossible to categorize every possible determinant of your values, let alone all the complex ways they interact. But we can largely break them down into four key elements:

  • Family. You’re most impressionable as a child. As a result, your early familial experiences with your caregivers and relatives inform your sense of self.
  • Education system. Your teachers play an important role in reinforcing certain beliefs, attitudes, and behaviors. According to this study, the moral influence of teachers makes the education system one of the “most efficient institutions to teach human values to the next generations in the community.”
  • Community. As you interact with your local community, you’ll notice positive and negative reactions to your behaviors, like altruism or selfishness. This will teach you certain lessons about right and wrong, informing your values later in life.
  • Culture/society. Your culture and society have their own set of dominant beliefs and values that they impose on their members. You don’t have to accept them, but they do set the groundwork for your own moral development.

How Are Personal Values Formed? Learn to Live Better With Alignment (5)

Your values grow with you

Psychologists are far from united on how children individuate and form their personal values. But according to the ontogenetic (or study of maturation) perspective, you likely had a budding sense of morality as early as five years old. Some evidence suggests that kids this age:

  • Can identify which values are important in their environment
  • Understand the potential contradictions between their values and those of other people

By the time you’re a teenager, you’re picking up lessons and experiences from other areas of your life. Your increased independence allows you to pick your friends, choose hobbies, and participate in extra-curricular activities.

These interactions with your environment influence how you develop your values. And it's around this point that your values form your core sense of identity.

Once you hit adulthood, it’s more difficult to change your values. It’s not impossible, but the problem is that changing your values usually involves questioning core parts of your identity. Learning to put family before your career would require an examination and adjustment of your personal ambitions and sense of self.

This is why value changes often occur during major life events. Perhaps you were fired from a job, moved to a new country, or lost someone you loved. Personal growth can launch you into a new life stage where you can easier re-consider what’s important to you.

How Are Personal Values Formed? Learn to Live Better With Alignment (6)

Your values in action

Living in accordance with your own values will help you live more authentically. But what does this look like in action? Let’s have a look.

1. Setting goals

One of the first things you can do is look at the big picture. Close your eyes and imagine what your dream life would be if you lived by your values. Don’t worry about practical considerations here. The sky is the limit.

How does your current situation compare to your dream life? What are the differences between both, and how could you make that a reality?

Your goals should help bring you closer to living your dreams.

2. Making decisions

Your life is made up of big and small choices, and it’s not always easy to make them align with your individual values. Whether it’s the fear of judgment from others or your own limiting beliefs holding you back, it’s easy for life to pull you off course.

Whether you’re choosing a career or what to eat for breakfast, here are some tips that can help:

  • Read your list of values every morning
  • Visualize the day ahead and plan how you’ll live your values
  • Print your values and post them somewhere visible

Keeping your values top of mind will help your decision-making throughout the day. If sustainability tops your values list, you might think twice about driving to work when you can easily commute by bicycle or public transit.

How Are Personal Values Formed? Learn to Live Better With Alignment (7)

3. Facing challenges

There's no greater test for your values than when they conflict with the real world. You may value honesty but don't want to harm your relationships with a hard truth. You may value making music but don’t want to leave your family to go on tour.

But there are multiple ways to live your values. You don't have to be a rockstar to work in your local music scene; honesty doesn't have to involve harming others. Small compromises can help you until you find a more long-term solution.

And if your values conflict with society’s, become an agent for change. History is rife with heroes who refused to compromise on what they felt was right, and the world is better for it. If someone pushes back on what you feel is important — like giving back to your community — you can still choose to live by your values. Making choices and taking actions that align with your values is the heart of integrity.

Living your best life

If you truly want to live your best life, focus on living in accordance with your values. When you are aware of your core values and your actions and behaviors are in harmony with them, you will be able to show up as the best version of yourself. You will feel the peace and joy of a good life.

Your values are the core of who you are. Knowing how personal values are formed will help you improve all aspects of your life.

It won’t always be easy. You can navigate these challenges and conflicts through strategic compromises. The decision to know yourself and stay aligned to your values doesn't depend on anyone else. You choose, and you may influence others to see the importance of a value through the example of your integrity to it. They might see where you’re coming from and why it matters, and they might not.

Values also change over time. As you go through major life experiences, you may decide some things are more important to you than others, and that’s okay. As long you’re self-aware and adjust your actions accordingly, you’ll set yourself up for a fruitful life.

How Are Personal Values Formed? Learn to Live Better With Alignment (8)

Published September 26, 2022

How Are Personal Values Formed? Learn to Live Better With Alignment (2024)


How are personal values formed? ›

Your faith, culture, education, mentors, and personal experiences heavily influence your beliefs, and they can change over time. Your belief system then impacts your personal values. These are the things you identify as important to your personal well-being.

How can your values contribute to yourself to make our lives better? ›

Values help us live with direction and purpose – like a guiding compass. Whatever is going on in our lives, our values can show us a path forward, and help us make better choices. Values are also intimately linked to our sense of self, and they're essential for our mental health.

Why is it important to align your life with your core values? ›

Your values are your core, fundamental beliefs that help you decide what is important and what is not. They are the driving force behind your attitudes, behaviors and actions. Living your life in accord with your values will also likely enable you to live life more freely and without self-doubt.

What is alignment of values? ›

Values alignment is an emergent property in organisations that have a critical mass of people with a common language of values and clarity about how their personal values, personal vision/mission and goals align with the desired values, mission/vision and goals of the organisation.

What does it mean to live in alignment? ›

Okay, congruence living in alignment, meaning it's consistently living into your best self, consistently coming from your best place, consistently showing up as the person you know you are. It means speaking your truth, it means living your values. It means being a person of integrity.

How are personal values learned? ›

You can learn personal values from the people around you or develop them on your own through personal growth. Children often adopt most of their values from the family members in their lives, but they start to build their own value systems as they age.

Why are personal values important? ›

Our personal values help us be our authentic selves and have a greater sense of purpose. They drive our personalities, goal setting, and how we take action in life. Our values also give us a better understanding of who we are. They'll lead us to set goals that work towards our dreams instead of against them.

What are the benefits of living in alignment? ›

Greater satisfaction and well-being: When you live in alignment with your personal values, you're more likely to experience a sense of satisfaction and well-being in your life. You're living a life that is true to who you are and what you believe in, which can lead to greater happiness and fulfillment.

What is personal alignment? ›

What is alignment? Alignment is when our thoughts, life-choices, and direction all honour our core values. Alignment is when we listen to our intuition and move through the world embodying our true selves. Alignment is function and action with ease.

How do I start living in alignment? ›

To get you started on this process here are 8 practical ways you can begin to re-align your life's balance today.
  1. Count your blessings. ...
  2. Give yourself space. ...
  3. Identify your core values. ...
  4. Set healthy boundaries. ...
  5. Meditate. ...
  6. Seek support. ...
  7. Get in touch with your inner child. ...
  8. Cultivate your best life.
Jan 17, 2021

What is one example of alignment? ›

He aligned the two holes so he could put the screw through them. The two parts of the machine are not properly aligned. The text aligns with the bottom of the picture. The schools had to align their programs with state requirements.

What is alignment with example? ›

Alignment has to do with adjusting something so it's in the right place. If you take your car in for a wheel alignment, the mechanic will make sure the wheels are on straight. Alignment can also mean following directions or being in agreement. Your school has to act in alignment with state education rules.

What does it mean to have good alignment? ›

Alignment refers to how the head, shoulders, spine, hips, knees and ankles relate and line up with each other. Proper alignment of the body puts less stress on the spine and helps you have good posture. To keep proper alignment, avoid the following positions or movements: Having a slumped, head-forward posture.

What does it mean to achieve alignment? ›

Alignment is “a state of agreement or cooperation among persons or groups with a common cause or viewpoint.” When your organization nails it, all employees—from entry-level to your leadership team—share and act on your vision.

How do you know if you're living in alignment? ›

These are some of the signs you're in alignment with your true self.
  • You've just experienced a dark night of the soul. ...
  • You're getting clarity on what you want from your life. ...
  • You're beginning to trust your intuition. ...
  • You feel grateful for everything — even the painful experiences. ...
  • You feel safe and secure.

What is personal values in your own words? ›

Personal Values are “broad desirable goals that motivate people's actions and serve as guiding principles in their lives". Examples of personal values include donating to charity or spending time with family. Everyone has values, but each person has a different value set.

How do you practice your personal values? ›

7 Ways to Apply Your Personal Core Values in Daily Life
  1. Put them where you can see them. ...
  2. Discuss them with close family and friends. ...
  3. Put the right people in your life (and eliminate the wrong ones). ...
  4. Assess your daily tasks each morning. ...
  5. Integrate them into your regular conversations. ...
  6. Apply them as key motivators.
Oct 5, 2015

How can personal values change? ›

People's personal values tend to change over time. What was important to you in high school is likely different from what you value most in retirement. And since these morphing values change based on your experiences, each person's personal values are unique to their journey.

Why are personal values and ethics especially important? ›

Ethics & values make an individual aware that their choices have consequences, both for themselves and others. Thus, ethics & values build credibility, Leadership skills, improves decision making, and provides long term gains. Ethics and values help in satisfying basic human needs.

What is the most important part of alignment? ›

Alignment refers to an adjustment of a vehicle's suspension – the system that connects a vehicle to its wheels. It is not an adjustment of the tires or wheels themselves. The key to proper alignment is adjusting the angles of the tires which affects how they make contact with the road.

What is the impact of alignment? ›

The Enlightenment brought secular thought to Europe and reshaped the ways people understood issues such as liberty, equality, and individual rights. Today those ideas serve as the cornerstone of the world's strongest democracies.

How do you achieve alignment? ›

5 Tips on How to Create Team Alignment
  1. Communicate your purpose and strategy from the top down. ...
  2. Tie people's individual contributions to the overall business objectives. ...
  3. Encourage peer-to-peer collaboration over competition. ...
  4. Celebrate team wins. ...
  5. Use a collaborative planning process.
Jul 7, 2021

How do you align real self and ideal self? ›

Here Are 10 Ways To Realign With Your True Self
  1. Ask For What You Need. This is so important. ...
  2. Stand Up For Yourself. How many times have you let a relative walk away after saying something nasty to you, and you didn't respond? ...
  3. Follow Your Joy. ...
  4. Adjust Home. ...
  5. Follow Your Curiosity. ...
  6. Journal. ...
  7. Accept Your "Good" ...
  8. Follow Your Heart.
Oct 15, 2016

How do you align your inner self? ›

Connecting With Your Inner Self
  1. Ways to reconnect with yourself:
  2. Realize you are not in a good place and accept it. ...
  3. Tune out the noise of daily life. ...
  4. Create systems. ...
  5. Meditate. ...
  6. Do restorative yoga. ...
  7. Spend time in nature. ...
  8. Journal and release your emotions.
May 28, 2020

Is living a life aligned with your values? ›

When we live by our values, they are the compasses that guide everything we do. They ground our decision-making and root our actions in a purpose greater than ourselves. In short, they give our lives both direction and meaning — which is why having a very clear understanding of what your values are is so important.

How do you answer how do your values align with ours? ›

User-Submitted Answer

"I am drawn to the organization because the core values align with my personal values. People, Integrity, Accountability, Performance are top priorities in my personal life and are an important part of what I'm looking for in an organization that I hope to be with long term.

How do values shape your life? ›

Our personal values help us be our authentic selves and have a greater sense of purpose. They drive our personalities, goal setting, and how we take action in life. Our values also give us a better understanding of who we are. They'll lead us to set goals that work towards our dreams instead of against them.

How do you align personal goals? ›

How to Align Your Personal Goals With Organizational Goals and Excel at Work
  1. Get clear on the company's goals.
  2. Align your goals with your manager.
  3. Establish the baseline for each personal goal.
  4. Be open to change when your goals no longer align with the company's goals.
Jun 12, 2019

How do you align personal and professional goals? ›

Here are a few tips on Aligning Personal and Professional Goals:
  1. Leverage Your Interests. Use your interests to compliment workplace skills. ...
  2. Stay True to Your Boundaries. There is power in knowing your limits and when to stop. ...
  3. Embrace Imperfection.
Oct 29, 2019

How can leaders align actions with values? ›

  1. Allocate Daily Time For Reflection. ...
  2. Reflect In The Present Moment. ...
  3. Hold Each Other Accountable. ...
  4. Know What Your Core Values Are. ...
  5. Solicit Feedback And Be Present. ...
  6. Create Open Formats For Anonymous Feedback. ...
  7. Look To Your Conscience. ...
  8. Remind Yourself Of Your Principles.
Apr 21, 2022

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Author: Sen. Emmett Berge

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Name: Sen. Emmett Berge

Birthday: 1993-06-17

Address: 787 Elvis Divide, Port Brice, OH 24507-6802

Phone: +9779049645255

Job: Senior Healthcare Specialist

Hobby: Cycling, Model building, Kitesurfing, Origami, Lapidary, Dance, Basketball

Introduction: My name is Sen. Emmett Berge, I am a funny, vast, charming, courageous, enthusiastic, jolly, famous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.