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Home (2024)


What is the home short answer? ›

Home means to or at the place where you live.

What is home for you? ›

“Home is a place blessed, where you and your family can be secure, have all you need, and share your sadness and happiness. Where you can help each other as a family. It does not matter how big or small.

Why do we need home? ›

We all need a house for security from thieves, it will also provide safety from external conditions and also it will be a comfortable space.

What is the main difference between house and home? ›

The main difference between them is that house is concrete. House refers to a building in which someone lives. In contrast, a home can refer either to a building or to any location that a person thinks of as the place where she lives and that belongs to her.

What is the best thing about your home? ›

Home is where your family is and family is where your heart is. It is indeed the best.

What can you say about a home? ›

It's where you enjoy the present and dream about the future. For some people, home might not even have a specific address. Instead, home is wherever they feel most comfortable and cherished. Like the Irish novelist Cecilia Ahern once said, “Home isn't a place, it's a feeling.”

Is home a place or a feeling? ›

Home is often considered a feeling rather than just a physical place because it involves a complex set of psychological, emotional and philosophical aspects that go beyond the mere location of a building or structure.

Why do we love home? ›

Homes provide people with a familiar place where they can feel comfortable, safe and secure surrounded by the things they know and love. Privacy and solitude. Home is where people spend most of their alone time, pursuing hobbies such as gardening, baking or reading, or relaxing with music or television.

What is the full meaning of home? ›

1. : of, relating to, or being a place of residence, place of origin, or base of operations.

How important is a home to a family? ›

A house is “a building that serves as living quarters,” according to Merriam-Webster. But for a family with children, a home often signifies so much more. A home is the place where comfort is found, memories are stored and bonds are strengthened.

Why is home the best place? ›

A place where one can forget the worries of the world for even a brief moment. A place where no matter what happens, they will always have a place to return to. They have the deepest of connections with those that live there; connections that they know will never be severed no matter what happens.

What is a home quotes? ›

“Home is where love resides, memories are created, friends always belong, and laughter never ends.” “A house is made of bricks and beams. A home is made of hopes and dreams.” “Home is not a place…it's a feeling.”

Is a house always a home? ›

Often when one refers to a house, they define it as a specific building that a person and their family reside in. On the other hand, a home is more abstract, as it can be anywhere a person or family resides. A house is concrete. A home is anywhere one can always come back to find comfort.

Why is it called home? ›

“Home” comes from the Proto-Germanic khaim, which differed from the meaning of “house” in those times as it does today. The khaim, or ham, as it traveled into Old English, meant a residence as opposed to simply a shelter.

Is it better to say house or home? ›

The word home is used to talk about the family living in a house, or the familiar space inside a person's house, or the place someone was born or lived as a child. When you want to talk about the place or the building itself, use house: My house is the blue one on Main Street. I own a house in Florida.

What is in a home? ›

Most conventional modern houses in Western cultures will contain one or more bedrooms and bathrooms, a kitchen or cooking area, and a living room. A house may have a separate dining room, or the eating area may be integrated into the kitchen or another room. Some large houses in North America have a recreation room.

What is the home called? ›

Synonyms of home

the place where one lives as we entered his 34-room mansion, our host playfully exclaimed, "Welcome to my humble home!" residence. house. abode. dwelling.

What is home in essay? ›

Home is the place where one lives permanently, especially as a member of a family or household of or relating to the place where one lives. Home can and can't be a physical environment. It can, because you have those connected thoughts, memories, feelings, and so much more to you house.

What is the meaning of home true? ›

/ˌhəʊm ˈtruːθ/ a true but unpleasant fact about yourself that another person tells you: He decided it was time to tell her a few home truths. SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrases.

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Name: Trent Wehner

Birthday: 1993-03-14

Address: 872 Kevin Squares, New Codyville, AK 01785-0416

Phone: +18698800304764

Job: Senior Farming Developer

Hobby: Paintball, Calligraphy, Hunting, Flying disc, Lapidary, Rafting, Inline skating

Introduction: My name is Trent Wehner, I am a talented, brainy, zealous, light, funny, gleaming, attractive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.