Holding an Option Through the Expiration Date (2024)

A stock option gives the holder the right but not an obligation to buy or sell a stock at a specified price. This stated price is called thestrike price. The option can be exercised any time it expires regardless of how close it is to the strike price. The relationship between an option's strike price and the market price of the underlying shares is a major determinant of the option's value. So what happens when your options expire? This article explores the options available to you with your options contracts as they get close to their expiration dates.

Key Takeaways

  • Call options allow contract holders to buy assets at an agreed-upon price at a later date.
  • Put options are financial contracts that let traders sell assets at a specific price by a certain date.
  • A call option is in the money when the strike price is lower than that of the underlying asset while a put option is in the money when the strike price is higher than the price of the underlying asset.
  • A call option is out of the money when the strike price is higher than that of the underlying asset while a put option is out of the money when the strike price is lower than the price of the underlying asset.
  • Traders must decide whether to sell, exercise, or let their options expire as they get closer to the expiration date.
  • A trader may sell options before expiry if they believe this would be more profitable because they have time value.

What Are Your Choices Before Expiration?

As mentioned above, options are derivatives contracts that give the holder the right but not the obligation to buy or sell an asset (a bond, stock, commodity, or another financial instrument) at an agreed-upon price at a later date. They come in two different forms:

  • Call Options: A call option is a financial contract that allows the holder to buy an asset as noted above. Purchasing a call option requires the trader to pay a premium, which is what grants the option holder the rights they have in the contract.
  • Put Options: A put option gives the holder the right to sell a stock at a specified price, has no value if the underlying security trades above the strike at expiry.

As an option approaches expiry, the contract holder must decide whether to sell, exercise, or let it expire. Options can be in or out of the money. When an option is in the money, it can be exercised or sold. An out-of-the-money option expires worthless.

Check with your broker to see how in-the-money options are handled at expiration. A broker such as Fidelity may automatically exercise in-the-money options on your behalf unless instructed not to do so.

What Happens After Expiration?

There are two possibilities when it comes to options when they expire:

  • The price for the underlying security is lower than the strike price
  • The price for the underlying security is higher than the strike price

Let's take a look at what that means for call and put options.

Call Options

The contract holder profits when the strike price for a call option is lower than the price for the underlying security. To calculate the gains, take the difference in prices then subtract the amount paid for the premium. This figure can be multiplied by the total number of shares. In this case, the option is in the money.

Exercising the call option allows you tobuy shares for less than the prevailing market price. When the option is in the money and approaches expiration, the holder can either sell the option to lock in the value or exercise the option to buy the shares.

If the underlying security trades below the strike price at expiry means the call option is considered out of the money. The maximum amount of money the contract holder loses is the premium. It would make little sense to exercise the call when better prices for the stock are available in the open market. So if the option is out of the money, the option holder would be better off selling it before it expires.

In-the-money and out-of-the-money options depend on the position of the stock price compared to the market value of the underlying asset. When an option is in the money, the current price of the asset is higher than the strike price while the opposite is true when it's out of the money—the price of the asset is lower than the strike price. This means it has no intrinsic value.

Put Options

The opposite is true for put options. So when the strike price for a put option is higher than the price for the underlying security, the trader ends up with a profit. In this case, the option is said to be in the money, making it worth exercising. When a put option is in the money, its strike price is higher than the market price of the overall market value.

The put option has no value and becomes worthless if the underlying security's price is higher than the strike price. When this happens, the put option is considered to be out of the money. Just like an out-of-the-money call option, the holder of this kind of put option would fare better by selling it off before the expiration date.

Options no longer exist once they've expired.

Timing Is Everything

It is important to remember that some options must be exercised at specific times. For instance:

  • An American-style option can be exercised any time between purchase and expiry.
  • European options can only be exercised at expiry.
  • Bermuda options can be exercised on specific dates as well as expiry.

A trader can decide to sell an option before expiry if they believe this would be more profitable. This is because options have time value, which is the portion of an option's premium attributable to the remaining time until the contract expires.

Example of Options

Here's a hypothetical example to show how options work. Let's assume a trader pays $2 for a $90 call option on Company XYZ. Because one options contract represents 100 shares, the trader pays $200 for this investment. Company XYZ trades for $100 in the open market once the option reaches the expiry date. At this time, the call option is priced at its intrinsic value. This means that the trader can:

  • Sell the option for $10 ($100 market price - $90 strike price). The trader's profit is $800, or ($10 x 100 shares = $1,000 - $200 initial investment).
  • The trader can also decide to exercise the option and hold shares in Company XYZ. To do so, they must pay $9,000 ($90 exercise price x 100 shares = $9,000). In this scenario, the trader makes a paper profit of $800 ($10,000 market price - $9,000 cost basis - $200 for the call option).

Here's another scenario. Let's say the $90 call options fetch $12 each, with one week left until expiry. Of this, $10 is intrinsic value ($100 market price - $90 exercise price). The remaining $2 is time value, which is the market's way of saying it believes Company XYZ can climb another $2 in the time left before the option expires. If the trader exercises the option, the paper profit is $800 (same as above). But if the trader sells the option, the profit is $1,000 (or $1,200 - $200).

What Happens When Options Expire in the Money?

When a call option expires in the money, it means the strike price is lower than that of the underlying security, resulting in a profit for the trader who holds the contract. The opposite is true for put options, which means the strike price is higher than the price for the underlying security. This means the holder of the contract loses money.

Is It Better to Let Options Expire?

Traders should make decisions about their options contracts before they expire. That's because they decrease in value as they approach the expiration date. Closing out options before they expire can help protect capital and avoid major losses.

What Is a Call Option?

A call option is a financial contract that gives the holder the right but not the obligation to buy an asset at a specified price by a set date. The asset can be a stock, bond, commodity, or another financial security.

What Time Do Options Expire?

Options technically expire at 11:59 a.m. on the date of expiration. But the latest that public holders can exercise their options contracts is 5:30 p.m. on the day before the expiry date.

Holding an Option Through the Expiration Date (2024)


What happens if you hold an option until expiration? ›

As an option approaches expiry, the contract holder must decide whether to sell, exercise, or let it expire. Options can be in or out of the money. When an option is in the money, it can be exercised or sold. An out-of-the-money option expires worthless.

What happens if you don t have enough money to exercise option TD Ameritrade? ›

If your long option is ITM at expiration, but your account doesn't have enough money to support the stock position, your broker may, at its discretion, choose not to exercise the option. This is known as DNE (do not exercise), and any gain you may have realized by exercising the option will be wiped out.

What happens if you don't sell an option before expiration? ›

An option contract, in contrast to stock, has an end date. It will lose much of its value if you can't buy, sell, or exercise your option before its expiration date. An option contract ceases trading at its expiration and is either exercised or worthless.

Can you exercise an option on the expiration date? ›

Exercising an Option on the Expiry Date

American options can be exercised at any time up to and including the expiration date of the option. However, European options can only be exercised on the date of expiration. Options can expire either in the money (ITM) or out of the money (OTM).

How long should I hold an option for? ›

Typically, an option buyer should not hold the position for more than 3 days, because the time decay will eat into the premium. Kar also recommended retail traders to avoid buying options ahead of a weekend or a long weekend. So, as an option buyer, the timing and position sizing becomes extremely important.

Will my option expire worthless? ›

Options expire at what's known as the “closing bell”. That's when the stock market closes and all trades are finalized. After that time, no more options contracts can be traded and any remaining positions will become worthless – they'll simply disappear from your account.

What happens if you don t have enough money to exercise a call option? ›

If you don't have enough buying power or underlying shares to exercise your option, we may attempt to sell the contract in the market for you within the last thirty minutes before the market closes on the options' expiration date.

Do you lose money if you don't exercise an option? ›

Options contracts are valid for a certain amount of time. So if the owner doesn't exercise their right to buy or sell within that period, the contract expires worthless, and the owner loses the right to buy or sell the underlying security at the strike price.

What happens if you don t have enough money to call a workout option? ›

If your call is exercised at expiration and you don't have enough money to covered assignment, you have incurred a freeriding violation and your account will be restricted. Some brokers will automatically close such options just before the close on the day of expiration.

What happens if there are no buyers for an option on expiry day? ›

Contracts expiring OTM - OTM option contracts expire worthlessly. The entire amount paid as a premium will be lost. Brokerage will only be charged on one side, which is when the options are purchased, and not when they expire worthless on the expiry day. To learn more, see What is the brokerage for Futures and Options?

What happens if you sell put option and it expires out of the money? ›

If the stock price is above the strike price at expiration, the put is out of the money and expires worthless. The put seller keeps any premium received for the option.

What happens when an option hits the strike price before expiration? ›

When the stock price equals the strike price, the option contract has zero intrinsic value and is at the money. Therefore, there is really no reason to exercise the contract when it can be bought in the market for the same price. The option contract is not exercised and expires worthless.

How often do options get exercised before expiration? ›

Only about 7% of options positions are typically exercised, but that does not imply that investors can expect to be assigned on only 7% of their short positions.

Is it risky to hold options overnight? ›

Overnight positions can expose an investor to the risk that new events may occur while the markets are closed. Day traders typically try to avoid holding overnight positions.

What is the most profitable option strategy? ›

A Bull Call Spread is made by purchasing one call option and concurrently selling another call option with a lower cost and a higher strike price, both of which have the same expiration date. Furthermore, this is considered the best option selling strategy.

What is the 30 day hold rule? ›

30-Day Holding Period Employees in Categories A and B, and their Family Members, who purchase a Reportable Security in a direct- control account, must hold that Security for at least 30 consecutive calendar days after the most recent purchase of the Security.

What percentage of options get exercised? ›

Though the options market is active, the number of options contracts that are actually exercised is quite small – approximately seven percent. However, option sellers should not assume that only seven percent of their contracts will be assigned.

Can you sell an option on the day it expires? ›

Once an option or futures contract has passed the expiration date, the contract is invalid. The last day to trade stock options is the Friday before expiration. We especially like to sell options – with charts as always – when volatility is high due to news, earnings, sales or other market/stock fears.

Does an option expiring count as a day trade? ›

"Day trading" is not synonymous with a short period between opening and closing a position. Similarly, buying one stock or entering a position and selling a different stock or exiting a different position on the same day is not a day trade. To be clear, options trading can count as a day trade.

Can I lose more than I paid for a call option? ›

You pay a fee to purchase a call option, called the premium. It is the price paid for the rights that the call option provides. If at expiration the underlying asset is below the strike price, the call buyer loses the premium paid. This is the maximum loss.

Do options in-the-money always get exercised? ›

Stock options that are in-the-money at the time of expiration will be automatically exercised. For puts, your options are considered in-the-money if the stock price is trading below the strike price. Conversely, call options are considered in-the-money when the stock price is trading above the strike price.

When should you sell a call option? ›

If you think the market price of the underlying stock will rise, you can consider buying a call option compared to buying the stock outright. If you think the market price of the underlying stock will stay flat, trade sideways, or go down, you can consider selling or “writing” a call option.

How do you never lose in option trading? ›

The option sellers stand a greater risk of losses when there is heavy movement in the market. So, if you have sold options, then always try to hedge your position to avoid such losses. For example, if you have sold at the money calls/puts, then try to buy far out of the money calls/puts to hedge your position.

Should I exercise options as soon as they vest? ›

You don't need to exercise your options as soon as they vest. There are some legitimate reasons for waiting a bit longer to exercise. For example, you may have a ton of faith that the market price of the company stock will continue to increase over time.

What happens if nobody buys my option contract? ›

While OTM option will expire worthless. If an Stock option position expires ITM, you will have to give or take delivery of underlying shares depending on your position (Take delivery: Long Call, Short Put. Give delivery: Short Call, Long Put). If the option is OTM, it will expire worthless.

Can a seller back out of an option? ›

Can a seller pull out after accepting an offer? If there is an available contingency in the contract, the buyer can't secure funding, or there is fraud on the part of the buyer, the seller may usually cancel the contract. You may also cancel the sale during the attorney review period.

Why do people buy options on expiry days? ›

Option buying at expiry date – Considered one of the most common expiry strategies, this approach involves buying options with multiple strike prices. Traders who choose this strategy benefit from the increased likelihood of the price moving in their favor and exercise the option before expiry.

Can you sell a option if it doesnt hit strike price? ›

Question To Be Answered: Can You Sell A Call Option Before It Hits The Strike Price? The short answer is, yes, you can. Options are tradeable and you can sell them anytime.

Why option selling is better than option buying? ›

Probability of profit: Selling options provides traders with a higher probability of profit as compared to buying options. The odds favor options sellers since the seller receives a premium upfront and retains it if the option expires worthless. The odds are stacked against options buyers.

Why are options not generally exercised before expiration? ›

Majority of option contracts are not exercised on or before the expiry date because options are allowed to be bought/sold on an exchange before the expiry date and can expire worthless or closed by the holder/other party.

Why would someone exercise an option early? ›

Early exercise makes sense when an option is close to its strike price and close to expiration. Employees of startups and companies can also choose to exercise their options early to avoid the alternative minimum tax (AMT).

Can you hold options long term? ›

Long term options typically have an expiry date of 6 months or more. People play long term call options in order to get more leverage in a stock, instead of buying 100 shares, which requires more capital.

How long do you have to hold stock options before selling? ›

To qualify for long-term capital gains treatment, you must hold ISO shares for at least one year and a day from the date of exercise. If you sell the shares in less than 12 months you will have taxable ordinary income, which is subject to federal, state, local and social security taxes.

Is it better to exercise an option or sell it? ›

Often it is more profitable to sell the option than to exercise it if it still has time value. If an option is in the money and close to expiring, it may be a good idea to exercise it. Options that are out-of-the-money don't have any intrinsic value, they only have time value.

Should I exercise my options as they vest? ›

You don't need to exercise your options as soon as they vest. There are some legitimate reasons for waiting a bit longer to exercise. For example, you may have a ton of faith that the market price of the company stock will continue to increase over time.

How do I avoid taxes on stock options? ›

How Do I Avoid Paying Taxes On Stock Options?
  1. Move to a state with lower tax rates.
  2. File an 83(i) election to defer taxes on NSO for up to 5 years.
  3. File an 83(b) election after exercising options early.
  4. Transfer your options into an IRA and use the income for long term wealth.
Feb 7, 2023

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