High Net Worth Investing in Canada 2024 (2024)

With the stock market hitting new all-time highs you may be hearing the term “High Net Worth Individual” a lot recently, and wondering exactly what that means.

The term High Net Worth Individual – or HNWI – is a label used by financial institutions to refer to folks whose liquid assets (funds that can be quickly and easily converted to cash) is between the $500,000 and $1,000,000.

The population of HNWI in Canada is growing, and banks and investment firms are only too happy to offer these investors special services and perks not available to more mainstream investors. Of course, as noted in our best financial advisors in Canada article, the vast majority of these advisors are really pretty bad options.

If you’ve recently obtained high net worth status, make sure and do your homework before handing money over to financial institutions. I can guarantee you that you will be a target for their marketing teams going forward.

Check out my take below on some of the more relevant considerations for folks that are approaching high net worth individual levels of assets, and those that have recently hit that mark.

High Net Worth Investing Strategies

The best high net worth investing strategy, like any investing strategy, depends on your goals. If you’re a HNWI below retirement age, your goal is likely the same as any other investor: to maximize your returns over a long time horizon in order to secure a comfortable (or in your case, possibly luxurious?) retirement.

Being a high net worth individual, your retirement is likely quite secure already – but you don’t become a high net worth individual by squandering the power of your money. Many HNWl’s want to use that money to generate high returns and increase their wealth.

High Net Worth Investing: Longterm, Diversified Investment

The optimal strategy for long term wealth generation is, in principle, the same for everyone: Assemble a basket of diversified investments at low fees and hold them for a long time. So if long term wealth generation is the goal, then my advice for high net worth individuals is the same as for any other passive investor: pursue a disciplined long-term investment strategy such as dividend investing or index investing.

These approaches ignore market noise and avoid short-term speculation, so you can play the long game and grow your assets more safely. Diversify your portfolio across industries, markets, geopolitical boundaries, and asset classes, rebalance once in a while, and hold on for the long haul.

Because HNWI portfolios are so large, it’s even more important to minimize fees. It can be worth thousands to chase after a few basis points in management fee savings. If you want to keep managing your own investments or use a robo-advisor service, pay even more attention to fund management fees. Even the tiniest percentage fee difference can translate into substantial savings.

In our latest Best Canadian Online Brokers Comparison, Qtrade came out on top, both in terms of its rock-bottom fees and its world class customer service. For robo-advisors, WealthSimple is my favourite. You can read the full shoutout for Best Robo Advisors in Canada.

High Net Worth Investing: Maximize Buying Power

Although the fundamental approach is the same for HNWI and everyone else, one small tweak to HNWI could be to keep more cash on the sidelines. This isn’t out of fear of being over invested, but rather to keep the buying power handy to take advantage of opportunities such as sudden market drops or business opportunities.

As an example, I missed a good chunk of the 2020 lockdown market crash because it took time to liquidate some assets and transfer between my accounts. If I’d had more cash on hand, I could have bought more aggressively into the market dip. I didn’t have much cash ready and missed much of the roaring growth after the March 2020 market crash.

While a large portion of your investments should be in equities, I recommend keeping 15% to 30% in cash so you can jump on chances to buy aggressively into a market crash or other opportunities. This is the best approach for building high net worth asset allocation over time.

High Net Worth Investing Strategies for Different Goals

Having a high net worth gives you the financial freedom and security to try different things and have different goals. Say a big part of your portfolio is already dedicated to long term wealth generation, then you can afford to invest the rest of your wealth in fun and creative ways.

If you want more excitement in your portfolio and are willing to take on more risk, you can dedicate a portion to more speculative investments like collectibles or commodities.

Do you have an interest in vintage sports cards, comic books, or art? Maybe those interests can be channeled into a side trading hobby. Have fun and make profit at the same time. See our guide on Collectible Investing In Canada for more ideas.

How about commodities? If you are interested in analyzing economics and predicting global resource supply and demand, you can try your hand at commodities speculation. See our guide on How to Invest in Commodities in Canada for more details.

Everything is best enjoyed in moderation, even fun. Please only use a small portion of your overall wealth for speculative investments like collectibles and commodities.

High Net Worth Investing After Retirement

Congratulations on retiring with a big nest egg! My typical recommendation for retirees is to gradually transition their equity asset allocation to safer investments like bonds, GICs, and high interest saving accounts.

The same recommendation applies to high net worth individuals too, but only up to the point where the safe portion of the portfolio guarantees a comfortable retirement lifestyle. That is, if the low risk bonds in your portfolio already give you enough interest income to sustain the retirement you want, then there is no need to transition more of your equity holdings into safer fixed income investments. Leave the equity assets to grow so you can maximize your estate, which can be left to heirs or to charity.

High Net Worth Investing in Canada 2024 (1)

Are You Saving Enough for Retirement?

Answer your retirement savings questions with 4 Steps to a Worry-Free Retirement. The first online course for Canadian retirement.

High Net Worth Investing in Canada 2024 (2)

High Net Worth Portfolio Management

This article focused mostly on DIY investment styles and strategies, but of course, I know there are plenty of professional money managers out there ready to help you manage your portfolio. After seeing just how many truly bad financial planners there are there in Canada, I recommend Objective Financial Planners out of Toronto.

Jason Heath is the founder and you can Google his name to see how well trusted he is all over Canada. The also have a lot of experience doing online financial planning so you can get help wherever you live and never have to change out of your PJs!

There is also no shortage of hedge funds out there that would be happy to sign up a high net worth client. Their promises of high returns can be very tantalizing. However, I don’t recommend hedge funds to main street investors, nor do I recommend them to high net worth investors. Their high fees simply cannot be justified.

It’s incredible how many hedge funds can get away with outrageous management fees for weak performance not even close to returns from simple index funds. Sure, the very top hedge funds can outperform the overall market index; some funds even do so with some consistency. But hindsight is twenty-twenty.

The chances of finding the lucky fund that consistently outperforms the market is very low. In the meanwhile, it’s not worth the high fees to search for that rare, consistently high-performing hedge fund.

Working with a Financial Planner as a High Net Worth Individual

For high net worth individuals in Canada, the role of a financial planner extends far beyond the realm of basic asset management. These experts offer nuanced, all-encompassing services that address the multifaceted aspects of wealth.

This can include devising sophisticated estate plans that guarantee a seamless transition of assets to future generations, to implementing advanced tax strategies aimed at significantly reducing fiscal burdens.

A financial planner can customize your investment portfolio to align perfectly with your unique risk appetite and financial aspirations, ensuring each investment decision is meticulously calibrated for optimal performance.

Additionally, financial planners provide invaluable guidance on charitable giving, enabling high net worth individuals to support causes dear to them in a manner that is both impactful and tax-efficient. This strategic philanthropy not only furthers social good but also enhances the individual’s legacy, intertwining their wealth with broader societal benefits.

For those with interests and assets that span across borders, the planner’s role becomes even more critical. They offer expert advice on managing international investments and navigating the complex web of global tax laws, ensuring that your wealth is not only safeguarded but also positioned for growth in the international arena.

By tapping into the expertise of a financial planner, high net worth individuals in Canada can unlock the full potential of their wealth, leveraging it not just for personal gain but as a powerful tool for generational wealth transfer, philanthropic endeavors, and global investment opportunities.

A financial planner can help HNWIs ensure that their wealth is not merely preserved, but also serves as a dynamic force for positive impact, both now and in the future.

High Net Worth Investing For Canadians – FAQ

Who are High Net Worth Individuals?

Financial institutions classify investors with $500K to $1 Million liquid investable assets as High Net Worth Individuals. Liquid assets being assets that can be converted into cash quickly and easily, money that is ready to be invested at a moment’s notice.

What is a very high net worth?

Very High Net Worth Individuals are investors with over $5 Million investable assets. And Ultra High Net Worth Individuals are those with over $30 Million investable assets.

How many High Net Worth Individuals are in Canada?

As of January 2023, there are over 760,000 high net worth individuals in Canada with a net worth of at least $1 million. Over 91,000 have a net worth between $5 million and $30 million.

What are the benefits of being a High Net Worth Individual?

High Net Worth Individuals can enjoy special services and perks like separately managed investment accounts instead of mutual funds, personalized tax and estate planning, reduced fees, special rates, and VIP access to special events. The special services and perks differ from institution to institution.

What is the best investment strategy for High Net Worth Individuals?

The best strategy depends on the goal. For long term wealth generation the best investment strategy is to assemble a basket of diversified stocks at low fees and hold them for a long time. This strategy can be implemented through a robo-advisor or by buying low fee index linked mutual funds and ETFs through an online discount brokerage.

What’s the difference between High Net Worth Individual investment strategy and main street investor strategy?

In principle, there is no difference. The fundamental strategy is the same, but a High Net Worth Individual can keep more cash on hand to take advantage of rare opportunities like sudden market drops or interesting business propositions.

Are there more exciting investment options for a High Net Worth Individual?

We prefer the boring but reliable passive investment strategies but understand those already in very secure financial positions can afford to have some fun. If that’s you, you can add exciting (i.e. risky) investments like collectibles, commodities, and crypto currencies (but limit them to a small percentage of your total assets).

High Net Worth Investing in Canada: Conclusion

Achieving HNWI status doesn’t flip the investing script – fundamentals don’t change just because you hit a certain number – whether your net worth is a cool grand or a hefty million. Sticking to a diversified spread, think ETF portfolios, for the long haul remains your best bet for building wealth.

There are, however, a few ways for high net worth individuals to fine-tune their approach for that extra edge: Before you hit those golden retirement years, make sure you have an RRSP and TFSA withdrawal plan ready to minimize taxes and max out your OAS.

Once again, it bears repeating that banks and insurance companies really love to soak Canadian high net worth individuals for as much as they can. By charging seemingly small fees (2.5% doesn’t sound like a lot right?) they can wreak havoc on long-term returns.

Finding a wealth management company that doesn’t charge a commission percentage – but rather a set transparent fee – is even more for HNWIs because 2%+ of their portfolio can be a pretty massive chunk of money to give up each year!

High Net Worth Investing in Canada 2024 (2024)


What is considered very high net worth in Canada? ›

Types of High-Net-Worth Individuals (HNWIs)

An investor with less than $1 million but more than $100,000 is considered to be a sub-HNWI. The upper end of HNWI is around $5 million, at which point the client is referred to as a very-HNWI.

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You must have a personal net worth of CDN $10 million or more. Your net worth must have been acquired through lawful, private sector business or investment activities. Personal net worth acquired by inheritance or in the value of your primary residence will not count towards the personal net worth requirement.

What salary is considered wealthy in Canada? ›

The top 1% of Canadian earners have an annual income of $512,000. The annual income of the top 1% can vary significantly by province or territory and even cities. Approximately 11% of Canadians bring in an annual income of more than $100,000. Of these top earners, about 75% are men and 25% are women.

What should your net worth be at 50 in Canada? ›

50s: Catch up on your savings goals.

Aim to accumulate six times your annual employment income by age 50, and seven times by age 55. As your nest egg will grow faster on its own because of compounding investment returns, reaching those goals may not be as hard as you think.

What is upper class net worth in Canada? ›

In general, to be rich, you have to have a high net worth, not a high income. You'd have to define the level of wealth that means rich to you. But $107,000 CAD gets you into the lower levels of the upper middle class. $316,000 CAD gets you into the 1%, which most would consider Canadian upper class.

What percentage of Canadians have a net worth of over $1000000? ›

What percentage of Canadians have a net worth over 1 million? A recent study estimates the total number of millionaires in Canada is 1,681,969, which represents about 4.3% of the population.

What is the top 2 percent net worth in Canada? ›

More Canadian Net Worth Statistics 2021
  • The top 1% of net worth in Canada in 2021 = $9,737,000.
  • The top 2% of net worth in Canada in 2021 = $2,500,000.
  • The top 5% of net worth in Canada in 2021 = $980,000.
  • The top 10% of net worth in Canada in 2021 = $840,000.
  • The top 50% of net worth in Canada in 2021 = $482,000.

What is the golden visa for Canada? ›

Sometimes referred to as a “Canada Golden Visa,” this increasingly popular program attracts entrepreneurs from around the world, allowing them to invest in Canadian businesses and secure a path to permanent residence and potential citizenship.

What is the average net worth of the average Canadian? ›

On average, regardless of a household's demographic or economic characteristic, gains in household wealth acquired over the previous year have been erased. Average household net worth was $940,558 as of the second quarter of 2022, down $65,400 (-6.

What is considered rich in 2024? ›

For example, individuals with $1 million in liquid assets are generally classified as having a high net worth. To be considered very high net worth, one might need assets ranging from $5 million to $10 million, while an ultra-high net worth status could require $30 million or more.

What incomes are considered top 1% in Canada? ›

Incomes of the top 1% of tax filers rose 9.4% to $579,100 in 2021.

How many people make over 100k in Canada? ›

In 2021, 21.2 percent of the Canadian population had an annual income of 100,000 Canadian dollars or more. Moreover, some 19 percent had an annual income between 60,000 and 79,999 Canadian dollars, representing the second largest group.

What is ultra high net worth in Canada? ›

What is a very high net worth? Very High Net Worth Individuals are investors with over $5 Million investable assets. And Ultra High Net Worth Individuals are those with over $30 Million investable assets.

What is a good net worth to retire on in Canada? ›

The “4% rule” is another popular method for working out how much you need to retire in Canada comfortably. The idea is that you take out 4% of your savings for every year of retirement. For example, to be able to spend $40,000 a year in retirement, using the 4% rule, you would need to save $1,000,000.

What is a respectable net worth? ›

Net worth is the difference between the values of your assets and liabilities. The average American net worth is $1,063,700, as of 2022. Net worth averages increase with age from $183,500 for those 35 and under to $1,794,600 for those 65 to 74. Net worth, however, tends to drop for those 75 and older.

What net worth is considered extremely wealthy? ›

While having a net worth of about $2.2 million is seen as the benchmark for being rich in America, it's essential to remember that wealth is a subjective concept. Healthy financial habits and personal perspectives on money are crucial in defining and achieving wealth.

What is the top 10 percent net worth in Canada? ›

More Canadian Net Worth Statistics 2021
  • The top 1% of net worth in Canada in 2021 = $9,737,000.
  • The top 2% of net worth in Canada in 2021 = $2,500,000.
  • The top 5% of net worth in Canada in 2021 = $980,000.
  • The top 10% of net worth in Canada in 2021 = $840,000.
  • The top 50% of net worth in Canada in 2021 = $482,000.

What is extremely high net worth? ›

What Constitutes Being an Ultra-High-Net-Worth Individual? While there's no legal standard when it comes to defining who is an ultra-high-net-worth individual (UHNWI), they're often defined as those who have $30 million or more in assets.

Is $5 million rich in Canada? ›

Net Worth and Being Wealthy

In order to be considered wealthy in Canada, you should have a net worth of at least $1 million dollars. That being said, a lot of Canadians that are considered wealthy live a relatively normal life.

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Name: Patricia Veum II

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Introduction: My name is Patricia Veum II, I am a vast, combative, smiling, famous, inexpensive, zealous, sparkling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.