High-Net-Worth Individual (HNWI): Criteria and Example (2024)

What Is a High-Net-Worth Individual (HNWI)?

The term high-net-worth individual (HWNI) is a financial industry classification denoting an individual with liquid assets above a certain figure. People who fall into this category generally have at least $1 million in liquid financial assets.

Liquid assets are, by definition, cash or money in investments that can be converted to cash relatively easily at any time. That excludes the person's primary residence as well as possessions like fine art and antiques that are relatively difficult to sell and volatile in value.

High-net-worth individuals have at least $1 million in cash in hand and assets that can be converted to cash such as certificates of deposit and government bonds. Lists of liquid assets often exclude stocks and bonds because they can result in losses if sold at the wrong time. However, high-net-worth individuals tend to have investment portfolios that include stocks and bonds, and these contribute to their wealth.

This is the demographic that most often hires financial professionals to manage their money.

Key Takeaways

  • A high-net-worth individual is a person with at least $1 million in liquid financial assets.
  • The United States had a record number of high-net-worth individuals at 7.46 million people as of 2021.
  • A ultra-high-net-worth individual has a net worth of more than $30 million. In 2021, the wealth of ultra-high-net-worth individuals in the U.S. increased by about 14%.


High Net Worth Individuals

Understanding Net Wealth of High-Net-Worth Individuals (HNWIs)

The financial industry measures people by their net worth. Although there is no precise definition of how wealthy someonemust be to fit into this category, high net worth is generally defined as having liquid assets of a million dollars. The exact amount differs by financial institution and region.

The more money a person has, the more work it takes to maintain and preserve those assets. These individuals generally demand and can justify personalized services in investment management, estate planning, and tax planning.

Ahigh-net-worth individual classificationgenerally qualifiespeople for separately managed investment accounts rather than mutual funds. Most banks require that a customer have a certain amount of liquid assets, a certain amount in depository accounts with the bank, or both, to qualify for special HNWI treatment.

HNWIs usually get more benefits than those whose net worth falls under $1 million. They may qualify for services with reduced fees, special rates, and access to investor events that are closed to most.

Their wealth allows high-net-worth individuals to participate in initial public offerings (IPOs) and invest in startups that demonstrate financial potential.

Benefits Afforded to HNWIs

As a high-net-worth individual (HNWI), you may qualify for banking, investment, and other financial services with reduced fees, discounts, and special rates, along with access to special events and perks.

HNWIs are able to invest in hedge funds, which are generally open only to accredited investors who meet certain criteria, including a minimum net worth. HNWIs may also invest in private equity (PE) and venture capital (VC) funds, which are not available to the general public. They are able to invest in real estate and other alternative assets that are not often accessible to the general public.

These benefits and opportunities vary depending on the financial institution and region.

Special Considerations

Almost 64% of the world's HNWI population resides in the United States, Japan, Germany, and China, according to the Capgemini World Wealth Report. The U.S. had about 7.46 million HNWIs in 2022.

Globally, the HNWI population reached 22.5 million in 2021, with a total of $86 trillion in wealth. North America led the world's HNWI wealth with 7.9 million individuals, followed by the Asia-Pacific region with 7.2 million, Europe with 5.7 million, and Latin America with 600,000. The Middle East had 900,000 HNWIs while Africa had 200,000.

The management consulting firm Capgemini separates the HNWI population into three wealth bands:

  • Millionaires next door, who have $1 million to $5 million in investable wealth
  • Mid-tier millionaires with $5 million to $30 million to invest
  • Ultra-HNWIs, those with more than $30 million

Globally, the ultra-HNWI population numbered 220,000 in 2021. That's an increase of 9.6%. Mid-tier millionaires numbered 2.06 million, while the millionaires next door category made up the largest group at 20.2 million.

Wealth Growth by Region, 2021
CountryHNWI wealthYoY growth
North America$27,675,00013.8%
Latin America$9,004,0001.8%
Middle East$3,365,0006.3%

Source: Capgemini World Wealth Report

Types of High-Net-Worth Individuals

An investor with less than $1 million but more than $100,000 is considered to be a sub-HNWI. The upper end of HNWI is around $5 million, at which point the client is referred to as a very-HNWI. More than $30 million in wealth classifies a person as an ultra-HNWI.

The very-high-net-worth individual (VHNWI) classification can refer to someone with a net worth of at least $5 million. Ultra-high-net-worth individuals (UHNWIs) are defined as people with investable assets of at least $30 million.

This, of course, excludes personal assets and property, collectibles, and consumer durables.

How Are HNWIs Categorized?

The most commonly quoted figure for qualification as a high-net-worth individual is at least $1 million in liquid financial assets, excluding personal assets such as a primary residence. Investors with less than $1 million but more than $100,000 liquid assets are considered sub-HNWIs. Very-high-net-worth individuals have investable assets of at least $5 million, while ultra-high-net-worth individuals have at least $30 million.

What Benefits Do HNWIs Get?

HNWIs are highly sought-after clients for wealth managers. They generally qualify for personalized managed investment accounts instead of regular mutual funds.They also qualify for estate planning and tax planning as well as portfolio management services.

Where Are Most of the High-Net-Worth Individuals?

In sheer numbers of high-net-worth individuals, North America leads the pack with 7.9 million, followed by the Asia-Pacific region with 7.2 million, and Europe with 5.7 million.

The Bottom Line

A high-net-worth individual (HNWI) is someone with liquid assets of at least $1 million. These individuals often seek the assistance of financial professionals to manage their money, and their high net worth qualifies them for additional benefits and investing opportunities that are closed to most.

HNWIs are in high demand by private wealth managers because it takes more work to maintain and preserve their assets. The United States boasts the most HNWIs in the world.

Correction—April 30, 2023: A previous version of this article stated that liquid assets might include a primary residence or works of art. Neither can quickly and easily be converted into cash and therefore are not liquid assets.

Article Sources

Investopedia requires writers to use primary sources to support their work. These include white papers, government data, original reporting, and interviews with industry experts. We also reference original research from other reputable publishers where appropriate. You can learn more about the standards we follow in producing accurate, unbiased content in oureditorial policy.

  1. Capgemini. "World Wealth Report 2022," Page 38.

  2. Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System. "What is the Difference Between a Bank’s Liquidity and Its Capital?"

  3. Capgemini. "World Wealth Report 2022," Page 10.

  4. Capgemini. "World Wealth Report 2022," Pages 7, 38.

  5. Harvard Law School Forum on Corporate Governance. "SEC’s Recent Decision Regarding “Qualified Client” Status."

  6. AdvisoryHQ. "Average Financial Advisor Fees in 2021."

  7. Capgemini. "World Wealth Report 2022," Pages 6-7.

  8. Capgemini. "North America Retains Top Spot for High-Net-Worth Population and Wealth: World Wealth Report 2022," Page 1.

  9. Capgemini. "World Wealth Report 2022," Page 11.

  10. Capgemini. "World Wealth Report 2022 Key Highlights," Select "Highlight 1: HNWI financial wealth by region."

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High-Net-Worth Individual (HNWI): Criteria and Example (2024)


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While the exact threshold may vary, an HNI in India is typically defined as someone with investable assets exceeding INR 5 crore. These individuals are usually entrepreneurs, business owners, corporate executives, successful professionals, or inheritors of substantial wealth.

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Types of High-Net-Worth Individuals

Individuals with a net worth between $1 million and $5 million, excluding personal assets, property, collectibles, and consumer durables, are referred to as high-net-worth individuals (HNWIs).

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The biggest difference between mass affluent and high net worth individuals is the amount of assets they've amassed. High net worth individuals have even more assets than the mass affluent. A high net worth individual has over $1 million in liquid assets.

What is a high-net-worth individual bank? ›

1. J.P. MORGAN PRIVATE BANK. JP Morgan's is one of the best private banking options for those with at least $10 million in assets. Clients are given a team of specialized advisers who help them with banking, investing, wealth management, and more.

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For example, if you have a mortgage on a house with a market value of $200,000 and the balance on your loan is $150,000, you can add $50,000 to your net worth. And by the way, your income is not included in a net worth calculation.

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New York City

The Big Apple is home to 340,000 millionaires, 724 centi-millionaires, and 58 billionaires. It is the financial center of the USA and the wealthiest city in the world by several measures. It is also home to the world's two largest stock exchanges by market cap (the NYSE and the Nasdaq).

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Your net worth is the value of all of your assets, minus the total of all of your liabilities. Put another way, it is what you own minus what you owe. If you owe more than you own, you have a negative net worth.

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Fortunately, $5 million is indeed a lot of money. In early 2023, a five-year Treasury note paid an annual 3.5% coupon rate. Even if you poured all of your money into these safe and conservative assets, you would still generate $175,000 per year in active income.

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The Wealthy Are Absurdly Wealthy

In the 2019 data, there were 222 households that made over $50 million. In 2020, it was 358. In 2020, there were 184,631 households with wages over $1 million. 117,713 households hit that number in 2021.

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Based on that figure, an annual income of $500,000 or more would make you rich. The Economic Policy Institute uses a different baseline to determine who constitutes the top 1% and the top 5%. For 2021, you're in the top 1% if you earn $819,324 or more each year.

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The 95th percentile is considered wealthy, with $3.2 million household net worth, so even more spending power, which means estate planning and possibly more than one home. And the 99th percentile is very wealthy, with $16.7 million in net household worth, Schmidt says.

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The median net worth is $12,000 for the lower class, $145,200 for the middle class, and $805,400 for the upper class. Income ranges are $28,007 or less for the lower class, $55,001 to $89,744 for the middle class, and $149,132 or more for the upper class.

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Net Worth in Personal Finance

An individual's assets, meanwhile, include checking and savings account balances, the value of securities such as stocks or bonds, real property value, the market value of an automobile, et al. Whatever is left after selling all assets and paying off personal debt is the net worth.

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You don't need to open all five accounts at once, says Pierce, especially if you don't have the financial means. You can start with the three most important ones — bills, lifestyle and emergency fund — and then work your way up as you're able to contribute to different savings goals.

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To figure out your net worth add up your assets (the cash you've got in bank accounts, investments, retirement accounts, etc. as well as the value of any properties you own) and then subtract any liabilities (debt, including student loans, credit card, your mortgage, etc.) that you owe.

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You might need $5 million to $10 million to qualify as having a very high net worth while it may take $30 million or more to be considered ultra-high net worth. That's how financial advisors typically view wealth.

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People with the top 1% of net worth in the U.S. in 2022 had $10,815,000 in net worth. The top 2% had a net worth of $2,472,000. The top 5% had $1,030,000. The top 10% had $854,900.

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