Here Is a List of 10 Reasons Not to Buy a Home. (2024)

Suitability for homeownership depends on many factors. How's your financial situation? Are you ready to settle down? Some red flags should prompt you to ask yourself whether you really want to buy a buy a house right now. It might still make sense if just one of these situations applies, but more than one should definitely give you pause, and some carry more weight than others.

Key Takeaways

  • If you're thinking of buying a house, there are at least 10 good reasons not to buy one.
  • Some of the reasons include: not having a down payment, having bad credit or a high debt ratio, having no job security, and renting being 50% cheaper.
  • Other reasons include: moving frequently, being in an unstable relationship, being in a declining market, traveling a lot, or the fact that everyone else is doing it.

You Have No Down Payment

You'll have to make a down payment to finance a home purchase unless you qualify for a VA loan or one of a few first-time homebuyer programs. It can range from just 3.5% of the sales price for an FHA loan to a minimum of 10% for a conventional loan.


The best interest rates are offered to buyers who can put at least 20% down.

You Have Poor Credit

Bad credit can disqualify you from obtaining any mortgage. Those with credit scores below 620 might be able to find hard-money sources that will lend, but the interest rates and fees will most likely be through the roof. And a higher interest rate means a higher mortgage payment.

FHA loans are more forgiving in this respect as well, however. A score of as low as 580 might be accepted for this type of loan. In fact, indicates that almost 20% of all homebuyers have a credit score of less than 600. Having bad credit might not eliminate you entirely, but it can make the road to a mortgage a good bit rockier.

You Have a High Debt Ratio

Lenders change the rules all the time when it comes to debt ratios—the percentage arrived at when you divide your monthly debt payments by your gross income each month. The magic number in most cases is 43%.

You probably can't afford to add a mortgage payment to your monthly debt if your other bills eat up 50% of your gross income every month. Lender guidelines have changed since the mortgage meltdown of 2007, so your debt ratio will have to be pretty low for you to get through underwriting.


Consider paying down or paying off your credit cards before buying a home.

You Have Little or No Job Security

Now isn't a good time to buy a home if you have reason to believe that your job might be in jeopardy. Many homeowners who go into foreclosure end up in that position because they have lost their jobs.

Unemployed individuals often place priority on buying groceries and putting gas in the car over making a mortgage payment, hoping they can make up the mortgage payments later. Instead, they tend to go deeper into debt.

Renting Might Be 50% Cheaper

Consider whether it makes more sense to rent rather than buy if your main objective is simply to put a roof over your head. It can be a bit of a stretch to meet the financial obligations of homeownership when rents in some real estate markets are 50% lower than average mortgage payments.


You might be better off renting and paying less for that roof if home prices are so high that few buyers can afford to buy their first home.

This isn't always an easy calculation to make, however. Home mortgage interest and property taxes are tax deductible, and the interest portion of your payments can be significant in the early years of a loan's term.

The property taxes deduction is capped at $10,000 by the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act as of 2020, but that's still $10,000 in income that you wouldn't have to pay taxes on, which should be factored in.

You Tend to Move Every Year

Buying a home is generally a long-term commitment. You might find that it's impossible to sell your new home in a relatively short period of time without absorbing a big loss if you're the type who loves the excitement of new digs and you want to frequently change your environment.


Many people buy a home to build equity, and that's very difficult to do if you're buying and selling at the drop of a hat, especially in areas where there is little or no appreciation.

You're in an Unstable Relationship

Single people buy homes, especially single women, but a homebuying purchase is often made with a partner or spouse. What will you do if you're relying on your partner's income and support to make mortgage payments, and that person leaves your life?

You could be facing a short sale or, at the very least, a loan modification, both of which can affect your credit.

You're in a Declining Real Estate Market

People who buy homes in declining markets often watch in horror as their equity disappears when the market continues to fall.

The only way that it makes sense to purchase in a falling market is if you buy below the comparable sales. But your predictions could be wrong if you try to time the real estate market and buy at the bottom, and there's no guarantee that your property will appreciate even under these conditions, although it most likely will over time.

You're Constantly Traveling

Some people say condos are a good choice for people who are always on the go, either due to their work or because they just like to travel. Condos are often referred to as a "lock-and-go" lifestyle. Owners feel that others living in the condo complex will watch over their homes in their absence and that nothing bad will happen.

But what about that homeowner association fee that's due and payable every month for services that you're only occasionally using? That could be a huge waste of money if you're rarely at home.

Everybody Else Is Doing It

Buyers often end up in multiple offer situations in seller's markets because inventory is tight and demand is high. You'll have little negotiating power and will often pay more than list price.

You'd be much better off buying a home in a buyer's market, when there are fewer buyers competing for larger amounts of inventory. You don't always have to follow the crowd to make a wise financial decision.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How much money do you need to buy a house?

If you're willing to take out a large mortgage and use a variety of down payment assistance programs, you may not need much money saved up to buy a house. To avoid private mortgage insurance, you usually have to save up at least 20% for a down payment.

When is the best time to buy a house?

The best time to buy a house depends on your goals, region, and financial situation. If you know you're ready to buy, shopping in the fall or winter may save you money, while shopping in the spring or summer may give you more options.

Here Is a List of 10 Reasons Not to Buy a Home. (2024)


What are the 10 reason to not buy a house? ›

Some of the reasons include: not having a down payment, having bad credit or a high debt ratio, having no job security, and renting being 50% cheaper. Other reasons include: moving frequently, being in an unstable relationship, being in a declining market, traveling a lot, or the fact that everyone else is doing it.

What are reasons not to buy a home? ›

5 Reasons Not to Buy a House
  • You Got Preapproved. Getting preapproved for a mortgage is a common part of the process of buying a house. ...
  • Your Income Isn't Stable. ...
  • You're Already Strapped For Cash. ...
  • You Don't Have an Emergency Fund. ...
  • You Have a Lot of Debt.
Mar 8, 2023

What are 3 disadvantages to buying a house? ›

Disadvantages of owning a home
  • Costs for home maintenance and repairs can impact savings quickly.
  • Moving into a home can be costly.
  • A longer commitment will be required vs. ...
  • Mortgage payments can be higher than rental payments.
  • Property taxes will cost you extra — over and above the expense of your mortgage.

What are at least 5 don'ts when buying a home? ›

Don'ts when buying a home
  • Don't start looking at houses before you're preapproved. ...
  • Don't shop at the very top of your preapproval range. ...
  • Don't wait until you save up 20% ...
  • Don't get too emotionally invested. ...
  • Don't forget to do your research. ...
  • Don't ignore the appreciation potential of the property.
Jun 30, 2022

What percentage of people never buy a house? ›

64% of Americans own real estate. 35% of the American population does not own their own homes. Homeownership rates have increased to nearly 65% in the US since the 1940s.

Is it always better to buy a house? ›

There is no definitive answer as to whether renting or owning a home is better. The answer depends on your own personal situation—your finances, lifestyle, and personal goals. You need to weigh out the benefits and the costs of each based on your income, savings, and how you live.

What are the pros and cons of buying a house? ›

Homeownership Pros and Cons At A Glance
Tax deductionsUpfront costs
Can help increase your credit scoreProperty taxes and other recurring fees
Privacy and control over own spaceResponsible for the work and cost of home repairs
Feeling of accomplishmentLess flexibility to move
1 more row
May 22, 2023

Why is buying a house so stressful? ›

One of the most stressful points in buying a home is making the offer (and the follow-up negotiations) . This can be especially true in a seller's market, where eager buyers may find themselves in bidding wars that end up well over the listing price.

Why Millennials don t want to buy houses? ›

One reason millennials aren't buying houses is simply because the money just isn't there and the rates are just too high. According to Daniel Pitner, a real estate agent out of Glendale, Arizona, “The current interest rate environment has made homeownership extremely expensive on a monthly basis.

Is it financially smart to buy a house? ›

A home is a long-term investment. If you buy a home as a primary residence, it can increase in value over time and provide a financial windfall when you sell. You gain equity in the home over time, which can provide a source of emergency funding if your financial situation takes a turn for the worse.

Is it smart to rent or buy? ›

Buying a house gives you ownership, privacy and home equity, but the expensive repairs, taxes, interest and insurance can really get you. Renting a home or apartment is lower maintenance and gives you more flexibility to move. But you may have to deal with rent increases, loud neighbors or a grumpy landlord.

What is the hardest part of buying a house? ›

Sometimes the hardest part about buying a home isn't finding it, it's getting it. That means there are too few homes and too many people needing a place to live. That means there are more buyers than sellers. That gives sellers the advantage, meaning it's a Seller's Market.

What are the 4 most important things you need to buy a home? ›

What Do You Need To Buy a House? 7 Requirements for 2023
  • → 1. Qualifying Credit.
  • → 2. Proof of Income and Finances.
  • → 3. Cash Needed to Close On Your Home.
  • → 4. Home Buying Budget.
  • → 5. Mortgage Loan.
  • → 6. Mortgage Pre-Approval.
  • → 7. Real Estate Agent.
  • → Final Thoughts.
Jan 5, 2023

What are 3 of the 6 things you need to buy a house? ›

The process can differ among lenders but in every case, there are six boxes to check off when applying for a home loan: Get your down payment together; pick a lender, check your credit score, check your debt-to-income ratio, set aside closing costs, and apply for pre-approval of a mortgage.

Do 75% people regret buying a house? ›

Zillow's surveyi finds three-quarters of those who successfully purchased a home in the past two years say they have at least one regret about the home they bought (75%). About one-third of new buyers regret buying a home that needs more work or maintenance than expected (32%).

How many people regret buying a home? ›

In spite of that, many people did manage to purchase a home in 2022. But according to a new report by Hippo, 78% of those who did wound up having regrets.

How many Americans Cannot afford a house? ›

Organization updates its 2023 'housing affordability pyramid. ' According to the NAHB, 64.8 million households (48.9%) nationwide are unable to afford a $250,000 home. It said 39 million U.S. households have insufficient income to afford a $150,000 home.

What is the best age to buy a house? ›

When you're in your middle years or older, chances are you'll have a higher, steadier income and a better idea of where you'd like to settle down than when you were first starting out. You'll also leave yourself time to build excellent credit, which may qualify you for the best available mortgage rates and terms.

What are the disadvantages of owning a home? ›

Disadvantages of owning a house
  • Large upfront investment. With the median home price breaking $400,000 for the first time ever in 2021, buying a house is a sizable investment that not everyone can afford. ...
  • Requires a commitment. ...
  • High cost of homeownership. ...
  • More difficulty relocating. ...
  • Chance of decreased home value.
Apr 14, 2023

Why is it better to own than rent? ›

As a renter, you don't build equity over the long term and if you leave, you don't get to take any profits with you. Owning a home can be empowering and emotionally rewarding. The money you spend on your mortgage every month and improving your home yields a long-term investment benefit for you instead of a landlord.

What are the biggest disadvantages are to owning real estate? ›

Disadvantages of Real Estate Investing
  • Real Estate Investing is a Long Grind. ...
  • Real Estate Income Can Be Variable. ...
  • Real Estate Requires Maintenance. ...
  • Real Estate is Impacted by Rent Control. ...
  • Real Estate Requires Your Time. ...
  • Real Estate Transaction Costs are High. ...
  • Real Estate Income is Subject to Taxation.
Jun 4, 2023

What is most important when buying a house? ›

The Location. They say the three most important things to think about when buying a home are location, location, location. You can change almost everything else, but you can't change your home's location.

How do I not regret buying a house? ›

Here, we offer eight options to help you overcome any regret you might experience.
  1. Know you're not alone. ...
  2. Contact your lender. ...
  3. Rent out unused square footage. ...
  4. Rework your budget. ...
  5. Sell it. ...
  6. Remind yourself why you bought the home. ...
  7. Make it your own. ...
  8. Start making memories.
Jan 4, 2023

Does a house make you happier? ›

Having an clean house can make you feel happier – yes, really. A study by psychologists Saxbe and Repetti found that people who describe their home as 'cluttered' and filled with 'unfinished projects' were more depressed, fatigued and stressed than those who describe their home as 'restful' and 'restorative'.

Is it normal to cry after buying a house? ›

Excited, nervous, stressed, maybe even a little sad. These are all emotions you might feel when you're buying a home, even if you've planned to make the jump to homeownership for months. All of these feelings are totally normal.

Do millennials prefer to rent or buy? ›

The number of millionaire renters has tripled in the past five years. More and more millionaires are stepping on the everyman's corner and renting apartments rather than putting down roots and money to become homeowners.

How is anyone supposed to afford a house? ›

Stick to the 28/36 Rule

No matter how you finance your home purchase, most experts agree that people should not spend more than 28% of their gross income on housing expenses, and no more than 36% on debt. For example, if you earn $5,000 each month, your ideal mortgage payment should be no more than $1,400 per month.

Which generation owns the most homes? ›

WASHINGTON (March 28, 2023) – The share of baby boomers has surpassed millennials and now makes up the largest generation of home buyers, according to the latest study from the National Association of Realtors®.

Will 2023 be a good time to buy a house? › data analysis indicates that, for first-time home buyers, June 2023 is a good time to buy a house relative to later in the year. This article provides an unbiased look at current mortgage rates, housing market conditions, and market sentiment.

Will mortgage rates go down in 2024? ›

Chief Economist at First American Financial Corp, Mark Fleming, says an interest rate drop may not happen for several months. "Possibly in 2024, but it will depend on the Fed's decisions about raising rates in the second half of the year," says Fleming.

Is it worth living at home to save money? ›

Living at home is a great way to cut back on expenses. That doesn't necessarily mean those expenses will go away entirely—mom and dad might not want you mooching off them until you're in your 30s—but it does mean that you'll likely be paying a lot less than you would for your own place.

Do you save more money renting or buying? ›

Renting may be a better choice if you can't see yourself living in the same place for more than just a few years. Although renting does not build equity, it can save you a considerable amount of money when you consider the cost of buying and then selling a home within a one - three year period.

Does it make sense to buy a house for 5 years? ›

In general, it's best to buy when you have your eye on the horizon and you're thinking long-term. Experts largely agree that you shouldn't own unless you plan on staying in the home for at least five years. That's because, thanks to their high start-up costs, houses don't usually make great short-term investments.

Why owning a home is important? ›

The Importance of Homeownership

Real estate is considered by many to be a sound investment that offers unique wealth-building opportunities. Buying a home expands options for the future, whether you plan to sell and make a profit or leverage the equity in your home to pay for other major expenses.

What style of house sells the most? ›

Colonial. Colonial-style homes have the highest resale factor when all other elements are equal. These two-story homes that often have a boxlike appearance are popular because of the amount of functional living space that they often have. Many homeowners also prefer their minimalistic design.

What is the lowest score to buy a house? ›

Generally speaking, you'll need a credit score of at least 620 in order to secure a loan to buy a house. That's the minimum credit score requirement most lenders have for a conventional loan. With that said, it's still possible to get a loan with a lower credit score, including a score in the 500s.

What state is the highest to buy a house? ›

1. Hawaii. Hawaii is known for its beautiful beaches, warm climate, and breathtaking scenery. However, it is also the most expensive state to buy a house, with a Zillow Home Value Index of $834,582.

What is most often the reason a property does not sell? ›

The price is too high. When it comes to reasons a home isn't selling, “If it's not condition, it's always price,” says Simpkins. “And in fact, it's usually always price.”

What are the disadvantages of a house? ›

Disadvantages of owning a house
  • Liabilities. To acquire a house costs big money even in credit. ...
  • Repairs and maintenance. Even with good maintenance in some years property will lose its appearance and requires additional investment into it. ...
  • Utility bills. ...
  • Flexibility. ...
  • Risks. ...
  • Place.

What is the number one reason why a property does not sell? ›

Your price is too high

No doubt about it, the most common reason for a home not selling is that the asking price has been set too high. The reasons for setting your price too high, to begin with, are many. Ranging from over-enthusiastic listing agents to unrealistic seller expectations.

Which one is a reason to own a home? ›

The pride of ownership, home value appreciation, mortgage interest deductions, and potential property tax deductions are a few of the best reasons.

What is currently one of the most common reasons a home sale falls apart? ›

One of the most common reasons a pending sale falls through is that the buyer isn't able to qualify for financing.

Why isn't my house selling fast? ›

The most common reason a home isn't selling is that it's priced too high. Many home sellers are advised by their Realtor to enter at close to the market rate, but they decide to take their chances - figuring they can always lower the price later. The problem here is two-fold.

What happens if a seller decides not to sell? ›

And in many cases, a home seller who reneges on a purchase contract can be sued for breach of contract. A judge could order the seller to sign over a deed and complete the sale anyway. “The buyer could sue for damages, but usually, they sue for the property,” Schorr says.

What makes a house weak? ›

Here are the top 13 weak points that Sealed finds in homes: Cracks and holes from recessed lighting fixtures, plumbing chases, electrical wiring, the chimney, and wall frames add up to unwanted airflow equivalent to leaving a window open in your house year-round.

What makes house poor condition? ›

For some homes, poor condition can mean the house has one or more serious defects, such as structural issues, weather damage, black mold, or an active pest infestation.

What is the biggest disadvantage of real estate? ›

High Cost: The biggest disadvantage with real estate investment is the high capital requirement. To get started, you need to provide for down payments, EMIs, insurance, property taxes, stamp duty and so on.

What month do most houses sell? ›

Late spring — specifically, the month of May — is the best time to sell a house. Homes sold in May net a 12.6 percent seller premium (the amount above the home's market value), based on ATTOM's analysis of single-family home and condo sales over the past 10 years.

What is a good reason to sell a house? ›

Whatever you choose, it can provide much-needed support once you're no longer earning an income. Selling your home can also make it easier to travel (no more bills or maintenance to tie you down), and if you downsize to a smaller property, it can also cut down on your physical stress as well.

Why do some homes sell faster than others? ›

Move-In Condition

Your home will likely sell more quickly if it is move-in ready. This covers small repairs, from leaky faucets or chipped paint, to major eyesores. Overlooked minor repairs don't look enticing to potential buyers, leading them to wonder if more important areas have been neglected.

Is it smart to own a home? ›

In the long run, owning a home is a good investment. When you rent, your money goes to your landlord, whereas when you put your money toward a home, you can see a return on your investment over time.

Are home owners happier? ›

Many studies over the years have shown that homeowners are, on average, happier than non-homeowners. In my own calculations, using the General Social Survey, 21 percent of people who own their home are “very happy,” compared with 16 percent of those who pay rent.

What are 5 benefits of owning a home? ›

Top 5 Advantages of Homeownership
  • 1) Financial stability. In terms of both lifestyle and monetary stability, buying a home provides a new sense of reliability to first-time homeowners. ...
  • 2) Financial strength. ...
  • 3) Tax benefits. ...
  • 4) Permanent residence. ...
  • 5) Sense of community.

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Author: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

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Author information

Name: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

Birthday: 1992-08-21

Address: Apt. 237 662 Haag Mills, East Verenaport, MO 57071-5493

Phone: +331850833384

Job: District Real-Estate Architect

Hobby: Skateboarding, Taxidermy, Air sports, Painting, Knife making, Letterboxing, Inline skating

Introduction: My name is Saturnina Altenwerth DVM, I am a witty, perfect, combative, beautiful, determined, fancy, determined person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.