HELOC Or Home Equity Loan Vs. Reverse Mortgage | Bankrate (2024)

If you’ve owned your residence for a while, you’ve probably built up a valuable amount of home equity you can tap into and use as cash. Three popular ways to draw equity from your home include a reverse mortgage, a home equity loan or a home equity line of credit (HELOC).

All three of these financial instruments help homeowners access the equity in their homes, but they do so in different ways. Each allows homeowners to use the funds for any purpose, ranging from paying off their high-interest credit cards to remodeling a bathroom.

However, each financing option works differently and one of these options may be more suitable than the others. Before deciding between a HELOC vs reverse mortgage vs home equity loan, it’s worth comparing how each works and the advantages each one has.

Home equity loans, HELOCs, and reverse mortgages: What’s the difference?

Reverse mortgage

As the name implies, a reverse mortgage is the opposite of a regular mortgage: Instead of the individual borrowing money from a lender, then paying it back until they own the home, the lender pays the borrower — either in a lump sum, line of credit or monthly installments — in return for a stake in the home.

The borrower is not required to make any repayments on the loan while they occupy the home. The loan does accrue interest, which the borrower can choose to pay off monthly or have added to the loan balance. The loan comes due when the borrower chooses to move out, sells the home or dies (in which case the lender either is paid back in cash or takes possession of the home).

Homeowners generally must be 62 or older to qualify for a reverse mortgage.

HELOC Or Home Equity Loan Vs. Reverse Mortgage | Bankrate (1)

Reverse mortgage pros

  • Provides tax-free income to be used for any purpose
  • Allows you to stay in your home and “age in place”
  • No monthly repayments to make

HELOC Or Home Equity Loan Vs. Reverse Mortgage | Bankrate (2)

Reverse mortgage cons

  • Requires a substantial amount of home equity or paid-off mortgage
  • You must continue paying home insurance, property taxes and home maintenance costs
  • Loan interest is usually not tax-deductible
  • Upon borrower’s death, usually has to be repaid in large lump sum or else home goes to lender

Home equity loan

A home equity loan is often called a “second mortgage” because many homeowners take one out in addition to their primary mortgage (though those who own their home in full can also tap their ownership stake in this way). A home equity loan uses your home as collateral. The terms are usually between five and 20 years, and the amount that can be borrowed is typically limited to up to 85 percent of the home’s combined loan-to-value ratio.

Homeowners receive a lump sum that they pay back in equal monthly payments at a fixed interest rate, which means they don’t have to worry about interest rates rising. This can be helpful for people who are looking to budget a specific amount to repay each month.

HELOC Or Home Equity Loan Vs. Reverse Mortgage | Bankrate (3)

Home equity loan pros

  • Fixed interest rates, often lower than personal loans
  • Consistent monthly repayments
  • Long repayment timeline
  • Interest is tax-deductible if money is used for home improvement

HELOC Or Home Equity Loan Vs. Reverse Mortgage | Bankrate (4)

Home equity loan cons

  • Risk of losing your home if you default
  • Imposes strict lending criteria
  • Has closing costs and fees
  • May take a while to obtain, similar to a mortgage

HELOC (home equity line of credit)

A home equity line of credit (HELOC) gives a homeowner the ability to borrow money from the equity in their home and operates like a credit card: A person can tap their credit line if and when they need the funds, up to a specified amount. During the first part of the HELOC (called the draw period), you can draw down money from the loan and make interest-only payments, which helps if you’re facing a tight budget. The draw period usually lasts five or 10 years.

Afterward, you enter the repayment period, which generally lasts 10 to 20 years. During this phase, your payments will include both interest and principal and they may be significantly higher than the payments you made during the draw period. The interest rate on a HELOC is generally variable, which can lead to higher payments during some months if interest rates spike, or lower monthly payments when rates go down.

HELOC Or Home Equity Loan Vs. Reverse Mortgage | Bankrate (5)

HELOC pros

  • Interest may be tax-deductible
  • Borrow money as needed, paying interest only on actual withdrawal
  • Interest-only payments possible during initial, draw period
  • Competitive interest rate, compared to personal loans/credit cards

HELOC Or Home Equity Loan Vs. Reverse Mortgage | Bankrate (6)

HELOC cons

  • Payments may increase significantly during repayment phase
  • Fluctuating rate, so payments vary and vulnerable to increasing interest rate trends
  • Risk of losing your home, as it’s collateral for the loan

What to consider when choosing between a reverse mortgage, home equity loan or a HELOC

As with most financial instruments, each of these options has its pros and cons.

Tax advantages

If you want some tax savings with your financing, the advantage definitely lies with home equity loans and HELOCs.

“HELOCs and home equity loans can be tax-deductible for homeowners, but the rules around their tax deductibility have changed in recent years,” says Irvine, Calif.-based CPA Emily Egkan, a senior manager with the accounting firm Withum.

Once you could deduct an almost unlimited amount on loans used for any reason. But currently, single and joint filers who take out a home equity loan after Dec. 15, 2017, are allowed to deduct interest on up to $750,000 worth of qualified loans; those married filing separately can deduct interest on up to $375,000 worth of loans.

Also, the loan has to be for a specific type of purpose. The tapped equity money must be used to “construct, or substantially improve an existing house” — the house or home that was used to secure the loan. Substantial improvements are those that add value to the home, prolong its useful life or adapt it to new use. Lastly, to be eligible, you’ll need to itemize your deductions when you file your taxes.

You might be able to take a deduction on reverse mortgage interest, in the same way you can on traditional mortgage interest. “However, it’s important to note that the amount of interest on a reverse mortgage that is tax-deductible may be limited,” Egkan says. Reverse mortgage borrowers can opt not to pay interest during the loan’s term, but just add it to the balance. If they do, the mortgage’s accrued interest (including the original issuance discount) is not tax-deductible until the loan is paid in full, according to Egkan. (You can’t deduct interest you didn’t pay.)

The reverse mortgage is also likely to be subject to the same debt limits and home-use rules. So, no tax break for an elderly couple who took one out just to make daily ends meet or help a grandchild with college tuition.

Credit score and income

You’ll likely need a credit score of 680 or higher to be eligible for a home equity loan or HELOC. But a credit score of between 620 and 679 may also be enough to qualify, depending on the lender.

“The credit score and income requirements will vary for reverse mortgages,” says Brad Baker, vice president of Underwriting and Capital Markets for Equity Now, a mortgage lending and servicing company in Mamaroneck, New York. “In general, HELOCs and home equity loans have more stringent credit and income requirements compared to reverse mortgages and home equity loans.”

Eligibility requirements

To get any of these financing options, you’ll need to meet certain criteria.

To be eligible for a reverse mortgage — either a federally-backed home equity conversion mortgage (HECM) or a private reverse mortgage — you usually must be a homeowner age 62 or older. (A small number of lenders offer private reverse mortgage options to those as young as age 55.) Additionally, the home you are borrowing against must be your primary residence. You have to own the home outright or have a very low balance due on it when applying for a HECM reverse mortgage; a 50 percent equity stake is typically the minimum.

If you still have a mortgage balance, be prepared to pay it off when closing on the reverse mortgage. Also, you can’t be delinquent on any federal debt or use reverse mortgage funds to pay off federal debt. Your home must be in good shape, too, and you have to agree to receive counseling from a HUD-approved reverse mortgage counseling agency.

To qualify for a home equity loan or HELOC, you’ll usually need a debt-to-income (DTI) ratio of no more than 43 percent, a credit score of 680 or higher (possibly as low as 620), a history of punctual debt repayments, a minimum of 15 percent to 20 percent equity earned in your home and a reliable and sufficient income source. Your home will generally be appraised by the lender, and the value set on it will determine the worth of your ownership stake and how much of it you can actually tap.


Wondering when you’ll get your money? The answer will vary depending on which of the three financing options you choose.

“Home equity loans disperse the full loan amount in a lump sum at closing. HELOCs allow the borrower to draw the funds as needed over time, as you would a credit card. Reverse mortgages usually disperse a fixed amount every month to the borrower, similar to an income stream,” says Baker.

However, Christina McCollum, producing market leader for Churchill Mortgage, notes that your reverse mortgage lender may offer several disbursem*nt options. “You can take a one-time lump sum, a lump sum and deferred payments, or just deferred payments,” she says.

Repayment terms

The terms and timeline for paying back what you borrow will depend on the loan or line of credit.

“Home equity loans begin collecting payments immediately, just like a regular first mortgage, via a fixed amount every month,” Baker continues, noting that repayments cover both principal and interest. “HELOC payments will become due once money is actually drawn on the line, and the payment will be based on the total amount drawn thus far. During the HELOC repayment period, you can no longer access funds and you are required to make both interest and principal repayment over a 10- to 20-year period.”

According to Baker, a reverse mortgage does not require any payments monthly, “but your debt comes due at the end of the loan term. Reverse mortgage debt is typically repaid using proceeds from selling the home.”

Closing process

No matter which of the three financing options you choose, you must go through the closing process (similar to when you took out a mortgage) and there are closing fees to be paid. With a home equity loan or HELOC, closing costs typically range between 2–5 percent of the total loan amount — though in some cases, they can be as little as 1 percent. Closing costs typically cover such expenses as origination fees, appraisal fees, credit report fees, title search fees and legal fees.

Reverse mortgage closing costs tend to be pricier than other financing options, but the exact costs vary by the lender and loan program you select.

Which option is best for you?

When choosing between a HELOC vs. reverse mortgage vs. home equity loan, your best option will depend on many factors.

“If you are a senior who needs to supplement your income to live comfortably, don’t intend to move, and don’t have heirs who want to receive the property free and clear, a reverse more may be your best choice,” says Lyle Solomon, a personal finance expert and attorney with Oak View Law Group in Rocklin, Calif. “In this situation, a reverse mortgage could relieve your financial burden and provide thousands of dollars to aid with living expenses, healthcare costs and other bills.”

On the other hand, if you need to pay for a high-cost home improvement/repair project or want to consolidate and pay off high-interest debt, a home equity loan could be the ideal selection.

“A home equity loan provides an affordable solution for a home renovation project or to eliminate high-interest debt,” Solomon adds. “The lump sum payment you get from a home equity loan could also come in handy to make one large transaction, and home equity loans offer lower interest rates than credit cards and personal loans.”

And remember, if the expense has anything to do with your home, using the home equity loan or credit line can also reap you some tax deductions.

When a reverse mortgage is best

For those who expect to stay in their home a long time, a reverse mortgage can be a good choice and justify the expense of the associated closing costs. For instance, if you are 65 and hope to stay in your home forever, aging in place, a reverse mortgage could make sense.

Yet another case in which a reverse mortgage may make sense is if you need extra cash to cover your everyday living costs. If you didn’t save enough money for retirement, a reverse mortgage can help you put cash in your pocket to get by. Bear in mind, though, that it’s not free money — the payments you receive, and the interest they accrue, all get added to the amount that must be repaid when the borrower permanently vacates the house, sells it, or dies.

When a home equity loan is best

In cases where you have a fixed or specific sum of money that you require to cover the cost of a significant expense, such as a single large purchase, renovations that have a set price tag, or a specific amount in credit card debt, then a home equity loan can be a good choice.

In addition, if you have a significant amount of high interest credit card debt or personal loans that you want to pay off, a home equity loan may be the right option. Home equity loans typically offer more competitive interest rates than unsecured loans.

When a HELOC is best

If you have ongoing renovation expenses and are unsure of the final price tag, a HELOC that you can continue to access as you need it can make sense. “For instance, a HELOC can help you use your home equity for each project in turn if you have three home improvement jobs you’d like to finish over five years,” says Solomon. A HELOC might also work to cover several large bills over a prolonged period, like college tuition.

HELOC interest rates are slightly higher than home equity loan rates now (although they fluctuate, remember). In addition, if you like the idea of being able to spend as you go and only pay back (and pay interest on) what you’ve actually borrowed, a HELOC can be a good choice.

Next steps

If you’re considering tapping into some of your home equity, you’ll first want to decide which of these products is right for you. But no matter which one you choose – a HELOC, reverse mortgage or home equity loan – you’ll need to gather your important documents like your home’s title, tax returns and proof of income. Having those documents handy will help expedite the loan process.

Comparing loan offers — at least three, preferably from different sorts of lenders — is always a good strategy. Lastly, if you are considering a reverse mortgage, consult with a nonprofit agency that does reverse mortgage counseling before entering into a loan agreement. The National Foundation for Credit Counseling (NFCC) offers access to NFCC-certified Home Equity Conversion Mortgage (HECM) counselors who can help seniors make the best choice for their circ*mstances.


  • The total loan costs of a reverse mortgage vs. home equity loan vs. HELOC will depend on many factors, including your interest rate, loan/borrowing term and closing costs. Currently, a reverse mortgage loan charges a lower interest rate than a home equity loan; the average rate of the latter today is also slightly less than that of a HELOC, for which the interest rate can go up after the initial fixed-rate period ends.

    While each option includes closing costs, these charges for a home equity loan or HELOC can equate to 2 to 5 percent of the total loan. With a home equity conversion mortgage (HECM), a lender is restricted from imposing fees exceeding $2,500 or 2 percent of the initial $200,000 of the home’s value, plus an additional 1 percent on amounts exceeding $200,000; there’s also a maximum cap of $6,000 for the entire origination fee for HECMs.

  • Truth is, you may not qualify for a home equity loan, HELOC or reverse mortgage if you have a bad credit score, generally considered a FICO score below 670. That’s because a home equity loan or HELOC often requires a credit score of 680 or higher.

    The good news is that some lenders may consider applicants with a credit score ranging from 620 to 679. The credit and income requirements may not be as strict for a reverse mortgage than a HELOC or home equity loan, according to Equity Now’s Brad Baker.

    Another option: a home equity sharing agreement. It’s an arrangement between a homeowner and a professional investor: The latter gives the former a lump sum — technically, an investment, not a loan — in exchange for a piece of the home’s (presumably appreciated) future value. Faster and easier to obtain than traditional equity financing, these agreements do cut into proceeds from selling the home.

HELOC Or Home Equity Loan Vs. Reverse Mortgage | Bankrate (2024)


Is it better to take a home equity loan or a reverse mortgage? ›

Even if you don't get as much money from a home equity loan as you would with a reverse mortgage, they're a much safer option. They set up immediate monthly payments and don't include the danger of rapidly increasing debt. That alone makes them a better choice for most people.

How is a $50000 home equity loan different from a $50000 home equity line of credit? ›

While a home equity loan would give you $50,000 upfront in the above example, a HELOC would give you access to a $50,000 line of credit. You might never borrow the full $50,000, and you'll only pay interest on the amounts you actually borrow.

What is the biggest problem reverse mortgage? ›

A reverse mortgage increases your debt and can use up your equity. While the amount is based on your equity, you're still borrowing the money and paying the lender a fee and interest.

Is there a downside to having a HELOC? ›

HELOCs can be more affordable than some other types of credit, but keep in mind you'll pay more than just interest. HELOCs also have a variety of fees that can quickly drive up the cost of borrowing. These can include appraisal fees, application fees, closing costs, annual fees, early termination fees and more.

Why do banks not recommend reverse mortgages? ›

A reverse mortgage isn't free money: The borrowing costs can be high, and you'll still need to pay for homeowners insurance and property taxes. Reverse mortgages can also complicate life for your heirs, especially if they don't want the home or the home's value isn't enough to cover what's owed.

What is the downside to a reverse mortgage? ›

Like any mortgage or financial product, there are advantages and disadvantages. The downside to a reverse mortgage loan is that you use your home's equity while alive. After you pass, your heirs will receive an inheritance based on whatever money you use and interest that accrues on the money you borrow.

What is the monthly payment on a $100000 home equity line of credit? ›

If you took out a 10-year, $100,000 home equity loan at a rate of 8.75%, you could expect to pay just over $1,253 per month for the next decade. Most home equity loans come with fixed rates, so your rate and payment would remain steady for the entire term of your loan.

What is the monthly payment on a $50000 home equity line of credit? ›


What's the average payment on a $50000 home equity loan? ›

Calculating the monthly cost for a $50,000 loan at an interest rate of 8.75%, which is the average rate for a 10-year fixed home equity loan as of September 25, 2023, the monthly payment would be $626.63. And because the rate is fixed, this monthly payment would stay the same throughout the life of the loan.

What Suze Orman says about reverse mortgages? ›

Taking a loan too early

The earliest a homeowner is eligible to take out a reverse mortgage is age 62, but Orman considers it risky to do so. "If you tap all your home equity through a reverse at 62 and then at 72 you realize you can't really afford the home, you will have to sell the home," she said.

What is the 60% rule for reverse mortgage? ›

Called the initial principal limit, you can only withdraw 60 percent of your available equity during the first 12 months, with the remaining equity becoming available after the first 12 months. The only exception is if your mandatory obligations exceed 60 percent of your available equity.

How many people lost their homes to reverse mortgages? ›

A USA TODAY review of government foreclosure data between 2013 and 2017 found that nearly 100,000 reverse mortgage loans have failed, burdening elderly borrowers and their families and causing property values in their neighborhoods to crater.

Do you need an appraisal for a HELOC? ›

When you apply for a HELOC, lenders typically require an appraisal to get an accurate property valuation. That's because your home's value—along with your mortgage balance and creditworthiness—determines whether you qualify for a HELOC, and if so, the amount you can borrow against your home.

What happens to HELOC if market crashes? ›

If the market has taken a downturn and the value of your house has diminished, your equity is affected as well. When this happens, your lender can enforce a HELOC reduction so that your borrowing limit is based on just the equity that remains.

Does a HELOC damage your credit? ›

In this regard, your HELOC has a lot in common with a credit card. It can have a small impact on your credit score when you apply for one, but a larger one if payments are late or missed. As additional debt, it can ding it — but can also boost it as an enhancement of your total available credit.

What is the current reverse mortgage interest rate? ›

What is the current interest rate for a reverse mortgage? Presently, the lowest fixed interest rate on a fixed reverse mortgage is 7.310% (8.671% APR), and variable rates are as low as 6.870% with a 1.750 margin. Disclaimer: interest rates are subject to change without notice.

Is it good or bad to take equity out of your home? ›

A home equity loan could be a good idea if you use the funds to make home improvements or consolidate debt with a lower interest rate. However, a home equity loan is a bad idea if it will overburden your finances or only serves to shift debt around.

How much equity do you have to have to get a reverse mortgage? ›

One standard rule of thumb is that you need 50% equity in your home to qualify for a reverse mortgage. The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) offers general guidance for equity requirements.

How much equity can you get out of a reverse mortgage? ›

Generally speaking, you can usually get somewhere between 40% to 60% of your home's appraised value. And the higher your home value is, the more money you can potentially access.

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