GTA Online: 5 best businesses to buy in November 2020 (2024)

GTA Online can be an extremely daunting challenge as players are thrown into the world with little to no direction as to how to go about making money. However, it doesn't take long to figure out that players must own a business to move up.

Each business in GTA Online requires some investment in a property, after which players can start managing inventory and selling off products and cargo. There are many businesses to pick from, and here are some that can earn gamers the most amount of money.

1) Import/Export (Vehicle/Cargo Warehouse)

GTA Online: 5 best businesses to buy in November 2020 (1)

Import/Export remains the most profitable business in GTA Online, and the grinder's favorite, since players can start with a decently-sized investment and get back the money and make a profit soon.

Ever since the business first became available in GTA Online, it has been highly-sought-after amongst the players. To get started, they must first own a Cargo Warehouse or a Vehicle Warehouse, or both.

It has the highest amount of money that a gamer can make per hour in GTA Online, making it one of the most attractive businesses in the game.

2) Bunker

GTA Online: 5 best businesses to buy in November 2020 (2)

The Bunker business is especially attractive to GTA Online players as they can choose to steal all their supplies, for selling, without ever completing a single supply mission. While they can still do supply missions as they aren't particularly difficult, stealing supplies makes for a higher profit margin.

The Bunker business is a lot of work but definitely rewarding, as it can net the player a decent profit. Also, there are many customization options in the Bunker, and it provides a lot of other services that are useful to the player in GTA Online.

3) Nightclubs

GTA Online: 5 best businesses to buy in November 2020 (3)

Owning a nightclub, in addition to being everyone's fantasy, is also a great source of money in GTA Online. Players can even have a resident DJ to spin out those hip-and-happening tracks each night at their club and rake in massive amounts every night from the regular nightclub income.

However, most profit gets generated through the basem*nt, where the player can run several illegal activities in GTA Online. The nightclub provides good support for other businesses, such as counterfeiting, weed, and meth from the MC Businesses.

4) MC Businesses

GTA Online: 5 best businesses to buy in November 2020 (4)

This is by far the easiest business to get into, as it doesn't require too much money to get into, for a clubhouse can be bought for relatively cheap amounts. Keeping up decent numbers through the various businesses available, such as weed and meth, results in the player raking in loads of money by the hour.

It is also pretty cool to have an MC Clubhouse that players can customize.

5) Air Freight

GTA Online: 5 best businesses to buy in November 2020 (5)

Air Freight is a great business to get into if a player is more adept and keen on flying rather than driving and completing missions. It provides an excellent incentive to take to the air time and time again while also making a bucketload of cash.

Air Freight requires players to buy a Hangar, which starts from $1 million. Gamers should ideally wait for a discount on Hangars and Cash and RP boost on Air Freight Cargo to get into the business.

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GTA Online: 5 best businesses to buy in November 2020 (2024)


What is the best business to buy on GTA 5 Online? ›

Best GTA Online Businesses: Arcade

Starting off, the Arcade is one of the most profitable businesses in GTA Online. The Arcade will net you some nice pocket money each day, but the real reason to go this route is the opportunity created for Heists.

What businesses make the most money in GTA V Online? ›

The 8 Best Businesses To Run In GTA Online
  1. 1 Warehouse: Special Cargo (Crates)
  2. 2 Arcade: Casino Heists. ...
  3. 3 Bunker: Weapon Production/Sales. ...
  4. 4 co*ke Lock Up: co*ke Sales. ...
  5. 5 Vehicle Warehouse: Vehicle Import/Export. ...
  6. 6 Nightclubs: After Hours Entertainment. ...
  7. 7 Weed Farm: Growing/Selling. ...
  8. 8 Counterfeit Cash Factory: Printing Money. ...
Mar 12, 2023

What is the best business in GTA 2023? ›

5 Best Businesses in GTA Online (2023)
  • Nightclubs.
  • Hangars.
  • C*caine Lockup.
  • Bunkers.
  • Arcades.
Mar 8, 2023

How much does a full co*ke lockup sell for? ›

GTA Online Cocaine Lockup Max Payout
UpgradeUpgrade CostSell Local
No Upgrade$0$200,000
Security Upgrade$570,000$200,000
Equipment Upgrade$935,000$240,000
Staff Upgrade$390,000$240,000
2 more rows
May 13, 2022

What is the best passive income in GTA 5 2023? ›

1) Nightclub

The easiest way to generate the most amount of passive money in GTA Online involves the Nightclub. Players can earn up to $50,000 per in-game day with this method. That's not even counting any potential Nightclub Warehouse stock being created for a Sell Mission down the line.

What businesses give the most money in GTA? ›

GTA Online: Businesses You Need To Buy To Get Rich
  • 3 Crates Warehouse.
  • 4 Cocaine Lockup. ...
  • 5 Meth Lab. ...
  • 6 Counterfeit Cash Factory. ...
  • 7 Bunker. ...
  • 8 Vehicle Warehouse. ...
  • 9 Hangar. ...
  • 10 The Agency. ...
Nov 18, 2022

What sells for the most in GTA Online? ›

The most expensive thing in GTA, the Luxor Deluxe, is extremely fragile, so don't buy one if you want to actually use it for online play as it makes you an easy target.

What is the most income in GTA Online? ›

  • 7 Best Passive Income Streams in GTA Online, Ranked.
  • Arcade.
  • Agency.
  • Bunker.
  • Cocaine Lockup.
  • Acid Lab.
  • Nightclub.
  • Special Cargo Warehouse.
Jan 23, 2023

What is the most profitable way to make money in GTA Online? ›

If you're looking to further increase your income in GTA Online, consider purchasing the Kosatka submarine and attempting the Cayo Perico Heist. This heist is currently the most popular and lucrative method of making money in the game, and can be completed solo for maximum benefit.

What is the best illegal business in GTA 5? ›

All in all, the cocaine lockup is the most profitable of the businesses, with the meth lab coming in as second place.

What is the most successful GTA? ›

Global all time unit sales of Grand Theft Auto franchise games as of August 2022. As of August 2022, the GTA V edition in the Grand Theft Auto series was the highest seller, with 170 million units sold worldwide since initial release in 2013.

What should I buy first in GTA? ›

Nevertheless, below are some of the best things to purchase within GTA Online in 2022.
  • Any Armored Vehicle. This is pretty common for most players, as you're going to need it to get away from heists and other players more than you think.
  • A home/bunker. ...
  • Kosatka. ...
  • AP Pistol. ...
  • Weapon Workshop.
Jul 29, 2022

How to sell drugs in GTA 5 Online? ›

Players can sell drugs directly to three dealers, who randomly spawn in three different locations throughout the map every 24 hours. These dealers belong to gangs and families in GTA Online, like Vagos, Rednecks, Hippies, Ballas, Armenian Mob, The Lost MC, and The Families.

How do you sell drugs in a nightclub in GTA 5? ›

Head to the Nightclub management app on the laptop in the office.
To start a Cocaine Lockup business in GTA Online, simply follow these steps:
  1. Buy a Clubhouse from Maze Bank Foreclosures.
  2. Go to the Clubhouse and set up the business through the laptop.
  3. Select Cocaine Lockup.
  4. Complete the setup missions.
Jun 3, 2021

What is the best solo business GTA Online? ›

Purchasing a Special Cargo Warehouse is perhaps the best way to make money as a solo player in GTA Online. Not only can it be done with the push of a button from a CEO's office, but it can be managed extremely easily. The main goal for players is to secure shipments of cargo to store in a large warehouse.

What car sells the most GTA? ›

What are the most expensive Cars (Vehicles) you can sell to Los Santos Customs?
SportsVapid Peyote (Peyote gang)$ 12,940
SportsUbermacht Sentinel$ 6000
WATERDundreary Land Stalker$ 5800
WATERFathom FQ 2$ 5000
WATERMammoth Patriot$ 5000
66 more rows

What to buy in GTA for a million? ›

GTA Online players can go to the Dynasty 8 Executive website and spend $1 million on the Maze Bank West Office & Garage. This perfectly priced Executive Office is a smart buy for players as it enables them to begin work as a CEO and grants them extra privileges in the game.

What Arena car sells for the most? ›

What Car Sells For The Most In GTA 5 Online Fully Upgraded In...
  • Arena War Izzi Classic. Around $2 Million.
  • Vigilante.
  • Pre-Modified Dubsta 2.
Jul 29, 2022

What Rockstar jobs pay the most? ›

On a technicality basis, the single highest-paying job in GTA Online, period, is the Cayo Perico Heist. Players can do the heist solo or with the help of a crew/friends, which, although it might decrease the individual take, increases the chance of success.

How can I make quick cash? ›

Once those subside, you'll find there are ways to get your hands on quick cash, without falling prey to scams.
  1. Sell spare electronics. ...
  2. Sell your gift cards. ...
  3. Pawn something. ...
  4. Work today for fast cash today. ...
  5. Seek community loans and assistance. ...
  6. Ask for forbearance on bills. ...
  7. Request a payroll advance.
Dec 14, 2022

How to get cash fast? ›

Ways To Get Cash Fast
  1. Sell Spare Items. ...
  2. Take Out an Online Personal Loan. ...
  3. Community Loans and Assistance. ...
  4. Forbearance On Bills. ...
  5. Payroll Advance. ...
  6. Borrow from Your Retirement Account. ...
  7. Become a Rideshare or Delivery Driver. ...
  8. Payday Alternative Loans.

How can I make a lot of money fast? ›

What are the best ways to make money fast?
  1. Work as a freelancer & earn money online.
  2. Build a digital real estate portfolio.
  3. Create and sell homemade or digital items on
  4. Sell stock photos online.
  5. Start a home organization business.
  6. List Your Home on Airbnb or host experiences.
  7. Work as a virtual assistant.
Feb 9, 2023

What is the most successful illegal business? ›

Drug Trafficking – Drug trafficking is the most profitable and remarkable illicit activity in the crime world.

What to invest in GTA 5 story mode? ›

Before you complete the Mission Legal Trouble, invest in AirEmu and sell it after the mission Legal Trouble then invest in the share FlyUS because it will fall dramatically. Once you complete the mission Meltdown (a few missions later) the share price will return to what it was pre Legal Trouble.

Who was the most richest character of GTA 5? ›

If there was an award for multi-billionaire people in the GTA series, it would go to Donald Love. Donald Love is a business tycoon who owns a multi-billionaire corporation called Love Media. He is also an active part of the construction industry which is an insanely lucrative market in the GTA series.

Who is no 1 character in GTA V? ›

Michael. Though GTA V has three playable characters, Michael is essentially the main character of them all, as he ties everything together, from the other characters knowing each other to all the heists.

What is the most played job in GTA? ›

Criminal Records, a race mission, has been played an incredible 225.9 million times as of 14 October 2020, making it by far the most popular job ever to appear in GTA Online.

What is the most useful thing to buy in GTA? ›

Kosatka is a huge submarine in GTA 5 Online. This is undoubtedly the best thing to buy in GTA 5 Online since it allows you to do the Cayo Perico heist. The Kosatka costs around $2.2 million but is the best investment you'll ever make in GTA 5.

What properties are worth buying in GTA 5 Online? ›

The Biker Clubhouse is one of the best properties for a GTA Online player. While it isn't lucrative in itself, it opens up the possibility of buying different types of MC (motorcycle club) businesses that are great moneymakers for beginners.

What should I spend my first million on in GTA 5? ›

- co*ke, Meth, then weed/Money printing. Documents aren't worth it. depends on what you already have but the best bet would be a high end apartment, do pac standard and then from there ceo business after a few heists, then from ceo build up enough stock to go into vehicle missions.

What is the highest paying drug in GTA? ›

The absolute maximum profit you can make is GTA$ 112,000 with zero investment and GTA$ 93,000 with bought supplies. Cocaine is also the fastest producing business, with one bar of supplies being produced in just 24 minutes, and the whole batch completing in 2 hours.

Can I sell my GTA Online house? ›

Unfortunately, there is no way to sell the property back in GTA Online, so the only option for players is to exchange it for a cheaper one to earn some more cash. The amount of money returned will be determined by how much less expensive the new building is and how much money is being given to the old one.

How do you get a stash house in GTA 5? ›

Stash Houses are available to be looted once you are in a Freemode of a GTA Online Session. There are 25 locations that can be looted, but only one spot will be available each day. You can check where the Stash Houses are down below. Open your map to see which one is available that day.

How do you get a drug farm in GTA? ›

How To Start A Weed Farm
  1. Access The Open Road Network from the laptop inside the Motorcycle Clubhouse.
  2. Click on the “Buy Business” tab and select 'Weed'
  3. Select Location (read more below for best locations)
  4. Drive to the specified location and set up the farm.
Feb 27, 2023

Can you get drugs in GTA 5? ›

GTA has an online mode that excludes multiple instances of drug use as it's mostly in the cut scenes. While your in the game mode you can not purchase or sell drugs although people can be seen drinking and or smoking on the footpaths of the map. There are a few missions involving drug trades and deals.

Can you become a drug dealer in GTA? ›

In the Los Santos Drug Wars update you can finally start selling drugs to street dealers in GTA Online under a certain condition.

What is the highest income in GTA 5? ›

By the way, the maximum amount of money you can earn in GTA V for each character is $2,147,483,647.00 - explanation.

What is the fastest way to make money in GTA 5 Online? ›

Those looking to make quick money should invest in a nightclub. Players can initiate Club Management missions directly from their phones, saving time. By increasing the club's popularity, they can earn a considerable chunk of passive income regularly.

Is Counterfeit Cash Factory worth it? ›

The Counterfeit Cash Factory is a profitable venture. The Counterfeit Cash Factory is one of GTA Online's most profitable passive income businesses. It requires less effort and investment than other money-grinding methods and provides a high return on investment in the long run.

Is there a money cheat in GTA V? ›

Nope! There's no money cheat code in GTA 5.

Who is richest character in GTA? ›

If there was an award for multi-billionaire people in the GTA series, it would go to Donald Love. Donald Love is a business tycoon who owns a multi-billionaire corporation called Love Media. He is also an active part of the construction industry which is an insanely lucrative market in the GTA series.

How to get $10 million in Diamond Casino Heist? ›

The 10 million dollar reward is to complete ALL heists with the same people, don't lose any lives, play on hard difficulty, and complete the elite bonus challenges for the heist. It's probably to make sure Bull Shark cards are still feasible.

What solo mission pays the most in GTA Online? ›

9 Best GTA 5 Online Solo Missions For Money That Are Simply Too...
  • Best GTA Online Solo Missions To Earn Money. Pier Pressure. Simeonomics. Rooftop Rumble. Diamonds are for Trevor. Blow Up. Counter Intelligence. Extraction. Operation Paper Trail. Judging the Jury.
  • Summing up.

How much does a fully upgraded counterfeit cash make GTA 5? ›

GTA Online Counterfeit Cash Factory Max Payout
UpgradeUpgrade CostProfit per Hour
Equipment Upgrade$880,000$32,000
Staff Upgrade$273,000$32,000
Equipment/Staff Upgrade$1,153,000$48,000
All Upgrades$1,609,000$48,000
2 more rows
May 13, 2022

What is the max payout for counterfeit cash GTA? ›

First is the Counterfeit Cash Factory in GTA Online, which costs $845,000 at the start ($1,150,000 in upgrades). If handled efficiently, it can earn the player up to $22,000 an hour ($48,000 an hour with upgrades).

What is the max Counterfeit Cash Factory in GTA 5? ›

Profit from the GTA Online Counterfeit Cash gig isn't too bad, as you can make a solid $22,500 if you don't upgrade your place of operations. On the other hand, if you want to make all of that green and fully upgrade the Counterfeit Cash base of operations, players can get $47,625.

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Author: Duane Harber

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Name: Duane Harber

Birthday: 1999-10-17

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Job: Human Hospitality Planner

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Introduction: My name is Duane Harber, I am a modern, clever, handsome, fair, agreeable, inexpensive, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.