Green Real Estate Trends (2024)

Our health should be our biggest concern. Without good health we aren't much good to our families, our employees, or our communities. There are the obvious daily habits such as diet, exercise, and social activities that ensure good health, but what about the things we don't always think about? The less obvious areas of impact on our health include our homes, offices, and the built environment around us.

Healthy Homes
Homeowners are starting to place health high on the priority list when looking at real estate investments. Families are looking for long-term healthy options. As a society we now have a better understanding of the impact that our homes have on our wellbeing. Our homes are where are stories begin and end so quality of life is essential in creating a healthy living environment.

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We now have ways to measure the health of our built environment. We're also better equipped to make important shifts in our attitudes and actions in having more control over our built environments. Thanks to leaders like Delos Living, homeowners now have healthy home benchmarks and can set higher standards of living from the quality of their homes. Leaders in wellness real estate, Delos challenges the status quo by showing us what we should be expecting from our built environment. They've shown us how our homes can be a sanctuary of health, wellbeing, and environmental sustainability, in turn shaping sustainable cities for our future generations to lead healthy and productive lifestyles.

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Healthy homes are designed to enhance the health and wellbeing of the home's occupants. These healthy homes are great option for families as awareness grows about the dangers of building materials and other environmental factors in a home's design. Many builders and architects are beginning to specialize in this design style meaning the availability of homes like these are now more widespread. Green building is much more than a trend. It's a result of prioritizing human health and environmental responsibility.

When entering the real estate market, one should consider the building's air, water, light, and energy and to take steps to be educated on the best options available. This will help prevent purchasing a home that exhibits traits of sick building syndrome.

Commercial Real Estate Value
Corporations are making the environmental responsibility shift much quicker than their residential counterparts when it comes to real estate. It seems that smaller projects use the theory that they have less room to justify the upfront costs and often question the potential of the ROI. Calculating ROI and communicating the benefits of green building is essential. This only further proves how necessary it is to have agents with green real estate designations who are able to explain the value and benefits of green homes and properties. It's only a matter of time before building legislation and growing expectations will affect ROI on personal or commercial real estate.

Healthy classrooms and product disclosure is a hot topic in schools across the globe. It's no wonder when you consider how much time your child spends indoors.

Choose a Real Estate Agent with Green Designation
Municipalities and other levels of government are starting to make environmental policies and codes mandatory. To be competitive as a real estate professional, it's imperative to remain on the cutting edge of green building innovation, education, and designations. That's why continued training is now offered for career development which will also result in providing more value to real estate clients. Many real estate boards don't require their agents to pursue green designations. (Healthy home and neighborhood checklist).

4 green real estate designations available are:
1.EcoBroker Certified® Designations (US)
2.National Association of Green Agents and Brokers (non-profit): Offers the GreenRealestate™ program that leads to the Accredited Green Agent™ and Accredited Green Broker™ designations.
3.Earth Advantage (US): Sustainability Training for Accredited Real Estate Professionals (S.T.A.R.) Certification.
4.Leadership in Energy & Environmental Design: LEED Green Associate or LEED AP designations can be taken through LEED exams.

Increase ROI on Your Home
Forward-thinking homeowners are greening their home for better re-sale value. Care for your largest investment - the health of your family, and maybe one of your largest real estate investments, your home. At least make inquiries about products and green renovate materials or at purchasing a green home. Many people are taking it to the next level by combining green energy into their design with the goal of achieving the "net-zero" status. There are many financial benefits to strategizing the energy efficiency of your home.

The Economics of Green. Image via Tate Inc.

Green Hotels
The hospitality industry is looking at ways to be more sustainable and innovating to improving their bottom line. By changing its operations with green solutions, they provide operational benefits to the businesses and have lasting positive impacts on both customers and brand awareness. Hotels such as the Best Western Chillworth Manor in the UK, the Farimont Hotels & Resorts, and The Rubens at the Palace hotel in London are all leaders in sustainability.


LEED commercial-real-estategreen-hotelsgreen Generation Change


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Green Real Estate Trends (2024)


Which of the following home purchases is an example of the real estate trend of greener buyers? ›

Savvy agents recognize green housing features to market these homes to potential buyers who prefer sustainable living conditions. Examples include a home with solar panels, installation of energy-efficient appliances, and construction using recyclable materials, such as flooring.

Do green houses sell for more? ›

Green homes sell for more

Not only do green homes sell faster, but they also sell for more money, meaning more profit in your pocket when you sell. Homes rated ENERGY STAR or LEED certified sell for 2-8% more, according to For the average U.S. home sold in 2022, that is a premium of $17,000!

Why real estate market is so hot? ›

Despite recent declines in population, house prices continue to stay high. This could be from the housing shortage, meaning more people want to live in Los Angeles than there are homes available. Though it's not a housing crisis right now, it very well could be by the end of 2023.

How can I be competitive in real estate? ›

Networking events provide a valuable opportunity for real estate agents to build a competitive advantage in their industry. By attending these events, agents can expand their contacts, learn from industry experts, and stay up-to-date on market trends.

What is an example of green purchasing? ›

Green procurement also serves your employees health, safety and overall well being. For example, buying certified eco-friendly cleaners to use in your workplace avoids the caustic and often toxic chemicals used in many conventional store-bought products.

What is the green consumer trend? ›

Consumers—particularly Millennials—increasingly say they want brands that embrace purpose and sustainability. Indeed, one recent report revealed that certain categories of products with sustainability claims showed twice the growth of their traditional counterparts.

What state has the most green houses? ›

Nevada is the state with the most homes powered by solar energy (136,340 homes per 500,000 residents), and California has the most state incentive programs for renewables and efficiency (161). These programs include incentives like tax credits, grants, and rebates.

How much does a 10000 square foot greenhouse cost? ›

A standard commercial greenhouse measuring 10,000 square feet will cost around $150,000 to $350,000. Location, climate, and other additional features such as automation systems, shading systems, heating, and cooling systems, and irrigation systems can also impact the cost.

How much does a 1 acre greenhouse cost? ›

Greenhouse Costs Per Acre

Expect to pay anywhere from $40,000 to $100,000 or more for a 1-acre greenhouse. There are 43,560 square feet in an acre. If building on multiple acres, you will likely pay less than $2 per square foot, but the final costs depend on many factors.

Should I sell my house now or wait until 2024? ›

Best Time to Sell Your House for a Higher Price

April, June, and July are the best months to sell your house in California. The median sale price of houses in June 2023, was $796,400, which is expected to grow more in 2024. However, cities like Arcadia and San Mateo follow an upward trend throughout the year.

Will 2024 be a good year to buy a house? ›

The combination of high mortgage rates, steep home prices and low inventory levels are lining up to make the 2024 housing market a challenging one for both buyers and sellers. But rates have cooled a bit — if that continues throughout the year, as some experts predict, then market activity should heat up in response.

What state has the best housing market right now? ›

State with Best Housing Market and Growth Forecast

Idaho has the best housing market right now with a 1-year growth forecast of +6.81% based on an analysis of 894 U.S. cities across 50 states.

Is real estate a good way to get rich? ›

For hundreds of years, buying real estate has been one of the best ways to accumulate wealth. Sure, we've seen real estate boom-and-bust cycles in recent decades, but over time, owning real estate has made thousands of people rich in every part of the United States.

Is it hard to be successful in real estate? ›

Becoming successful and making a sustainable income as a real estate agent or broker is hard work. In most cases, it requires a substantial commitment of time, effort, and even money.

How to win in the housing market? ›

Several factors can make or break whether you win a bidding war on a house. Getting preapproved for a mortgage, making the highest offer on the home and dropping your contingencies are a few ways you can show the seller that you're a serious buyer and, hopefully, encourage the seller to accept your offer.

Which of the following is an example of green consumerism? ›

Green consumer behavior

"purchase and use of products with lower environmental impacts, such as biodegradable products, recycled or reduced packaging, and low energy usage"; use of organic products, made with processes that provide energy savings, then by the action of recycling.

What is a greener buyer? ›

a customer who wants to buy things that have been produced in a way that protects the natural environment: The typical green consumer will only buy things that are environmentally friendly.

What are green initiatives in real estate? ›

Understanding Green Real Estate

These properties adhere to a set of guidelines prioritizing energy efficiency, water conservation, the utilization of eco-friendly materials, and the promotion of a health-conscious indoor environment.

What is an example of a green economic growth? ›

Greening the global economy: examples
  • reduce the use of electricity,
  • the emission of pollutants,
  • encourage the use of renewable energy sources,
  • or the scaling of positive processes,
Dec 29, 2022

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Name: Jerrold Considine

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Introduction: My name is Jerrold Considine, I am a combative, cheerful, encouraging, happy, enthusiastic, funny, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.