Great Wall of China | Definition, History, Length, Map, Location, & Facts (2024)

Top Questions

Why was the Great Wall of China built?

Historically, the Great Wall of China was built to fortify China’s northern border. The Great Wall has been the site of multiple battles and skirmishes between the Chinese and various peoples across history, including the Xiongnu during the Qin dynasty, the Khitans during the Song dynasty, and the Mongols during the Ming dynasty.

How long is the Great Wall of China?

The total length of all sections of the Great Wall of China ever built adds up to about 21,196 kilometers (13,171 miles), including overlapping sections that were rebuilt. The wall constructed during the Ming dynasty, the most well-preserved section, is about 8,850 kilometers (5,499 miles) long.

How old is the Great Wall of China?

Historians usually consider the defensive walls built during the Spring and Autumn period (770–476 BCE) and the Warring States period (475–221 BCE) to be the first sections of what would eventually become the structure known as the Great Wall of China, putting the wall at almost 3,000 years old.

Can you see the Great Wall of China from space?

You typically can’t see the Great Wall of China from space. A popular myth, the claim was disproved when astronauts stated that the Great Wall of China was not visible with the naked eye from the Moon. Due to its coloration and pollution, the structure is only sometimes visible from low orbit and the International Space Station.

Great Wall of China | Definition, History, Length, Map, Location, & Facts (1)

Great Wall of China | Definition, History, Length, Map, Location, & Facts (2)

Great Wall of China, Chinese (Pinyin) Wanli Changcheng or (Wade-Giles romanization) Wan-li Ch’ang-ch’eng (“10,000-Li Long Wall”), extensive bulwark erected in ancient China, one of the largest building-construction projects ever undertaken. The Great Wall actually consists of numerous walls—many of them parallel to each other—built over some two millennia across northern China and southern Mongolia. The most extensive and best-preserved version of the wall dates from the Ming dynasty (1368–1644) and runs for some 5,500 miles (8,850 km) east to west from Mount Hu near Dandong, southeastern Liaoning province, to Jiayu Pass west of Jiuquan, northwestern Gansu province. This wall often traces the crestlines of hills and mountains as it snakes across the Chinese countryside, and about one-fourth of its length consists solely of natural barriers such as rivers and mountain ridges. Nearly all of the rest (about 70 percent of the total length) is actual constructed wall, with the small remaining stretches constituting ditches or moats. Although lengthy sections of the wall are now in ruins or have disappeared completely, it is still one of the more remarkable structures on Earth. The Great Wall was designated a UNESCO World Heritage site in 1987.

Great Wall of China | Definition, History, Length, Map, Location, & Facts (3)

Great Wall of China | Definition, History, Length, Map, Location, & Facts (4)

Large parts of the fortification system date from the 7th through the 4th century bce. In the 3rd century bce Shihuangdi (Qin Shihuang), the first emperor of a united China (under the Qin dynasty), connected a number of existing defensive walls into a single system. Traditionally, the eastern terminus of the wall was considered to be Shanhai Pass (Shanhaiguan) in eastern Hebei province along the coast of the Bo Hai (Gulf of Chihli), and the wall’s length—without its branches and other secondary sections—was thought to extend for some 4,160 miles (6,700 km). However, government-sponsored investigations that began in the 1990s revealed sections of wall in Liaoning, and aerial and satellite surveillance eventually proved that this wall stretched continuously through much of the province. The greater total length of the Ming wall was announced in 2009.

History of construction

The Great Wall developed from the disparate border fortifications and castles of individual Chinese kingdoms. For several centuries these kingdoms probably were as concerned with protection from their near neighbours as they were with the threat of barbarian invasions or raids.

Early building

Great Wall of China | Definition, History, Length, Map, Location, & Facts (5)

About the 7th century bce the state of Chu started to construct a permanent defensive system. Known as the “Square Wall,” this fortification was situated in the northern part of the kingdom’s capital province. From the 6th to the 4th century other states followed Chu’s example. In the southern part of the Qi state an extensive perimeter wall was gradually created using existing river dikes, newly constructed bulwarks, and areas of impassable mountain terrain. The Qi wall was made mainly of earth and stone and terminated at the shores of the Yellow Sea. In the Zhongshan state a wall system was built to thwart invasion from the states of Zhao and Qin in the southwest. There were two defensive lines in the Wei state: the Hexi (“West of the [Yellow] River”) and Henan (“South of the River”) walls. The Hexi Wall was a fortification against the Qin state and western nomads. Built during the reign of King Hui (370–335 bce), it was expanded from the dikes on the Luo River on the western border. It started in the south near Xiangyuan Cave, east of Mount Hua, and ended at Guyang in what is now the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region. Henan Wall, built to protect Daliang (the capital, now Kaifeng), was repaired and extended in King Hui’s later years. The Zheng state also built a wall system, which was rebuilt by the Han state after it conquered Zheng. The state of Zhao completed a southern wall and a northern wall; the southern wall was built mainly as a defense against the Wei state.

Great Wall of China | Definition, History, Length, Map, Location, & Facts (6)

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After administrative reorganization was carried out by Shang Yang (died 338 bce), the Qin state grew politically and militarily to become the strongest among the seven states, but it was frequently raided by the Donghu and Loufan, two nomadic peoples from the north. Therefore, the Qin erected a wall that started from Lintiao, went north along the Liupan Mountains, and ended at the Huang He (Yellow River).

In the Yan state two separate defensive lines were prepared—the Northern Wall and the Yishui Wall—in an effort to defend the kingdom from attacks by northern groups such as the Donghu, Linhu, and Loufan, as well as by the Qi state in the south. The Yishui Wall was expanded from the dike of the Yi River as a defense line against Qi and Zhao, its two main rival states. It began southwest of Yi City, the capital, and ended south of Wen’an. In 290 bce the Yan state built the Northern Wall along the Yan Mountains, starting from the northeast in the area of Zhangjiakou in Hebei, passing over the Liao River, and extending to the ancient city of Xiangping (modern Liaoyang). This was the last segment of the Great Wall to be erected during the Zhanguo (Warring States) period.

Great Wall of China | Definition, History, Length, Map, Location, & Facts (7)

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Great Wall of China | Definition, History, Length, Map, Location, & Facts (8)

In 221 bce Shihuangdi, the first Qin emperor, completed his annexation of Qi and thus unified China. He ordered removal of the fortifications set up between the previous states because they served only as obstacles to internal movements and administration. In addition, he sent Gen. Meng Tian to garrison the northern border against incursions of the nomadic Xiongnu and to link the existing wall segments in Qin, Yan, and Zhao into the so-called “10,000-Li Long Wall” (2 li equal approximately 0.6 mile [1 km]). This period of construction began about 214 bce and lasted a decade. Hundreds of thousands of soldiers and conscripted workers laboured on the project. With the fall of the Qin dynasty after Shihuangdi’s death, however, the wall was left largely ungarrisoned and fell into disrepair.

Great Wall of China | Definition, History, Length, Map, Location, & Facts (2024)


Great Wall of China | Definition, History, Length, Map, Location, & Facts? ›

The Great Wall of China's location is in the Huairou District in the northern part of China. A few interesting facts about the Great Wall of China: The total length was 21,168.18 km (13, 171 miles). There are 5,500 miles (8,851 km) of the wall left remaining today.

What is the size and length of the Great Wall of China? ›

The Great Wall of China is a defensive structure that stretches 21,196.18 km (13,170 miles) through sixteen different regions of China. The average height of the wall is 7.8 meters (25.6 feet) and the width is 4-5m (13-16 feet) wide at the top to allow soldiers and supplies to easily get traverse.

How long is the Great Wall of China answer? ›

The total length of all sections of the Great Wall of China ever built adds up to about 21,196 kilometers (13,171 miles), including overlapping sections that were rebuilt. The wall constructed during the Ming dynasty, the most well-preserved section, is about 8,850 kilometers (5,499 miles) long.

What is the history of the Great Wall? ›

In c. 220 B.C., under Qin Shi Huang, sections of earlier fortifications were joined together to form a united defence system against invasions from the north. Construction continued up to the Ming dynasty (1368–1644), when the Great Wall became the world's largest military structure.

How long did it take to build the Great Wall of China length? ›

The Great Wall is the largest defense work of ancient China and one of the wonders of the world's architectural history. Construction of the Great Wall lasted for more than 2,000 years, from the Spring and Autumn (770-476B.

What are three interesting facts about the Great Wall of China? ›

The Great Wall of China became a UNESCO World Heritage Site in December 1987. The wall is the longest man made structure in the world, with a total length of about 13170.7 mi or 21196.18 km. Made over the course of hundreds of years, the wall was built by over 6 different Chinese dynasties, and is over 2,300 years old.

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Top 10 Largest Countries in the World (by total area km²):

Encyclopedia Britannica gives the third slot to China (9,600,013 km²) and places the United States in fourth. However, other sources, such as the United Nations and the CIA World Factbook, display a larger area for the U.S. and rank it above China.

Where is the Great Wall of China located exactly? ›

Where does the Great Wall of China start and end? The Great Wall stretches from west to east in northern China. The current existing Ming Great Wall zigzags from Jiayuguan Pass in Gansu in the west to Hushan Mountain in Liaoning in the east.

How long would it take to walk the whole of the Great Wall of China? ›

Winding its staggering way along over 5,000 miles, the Great Wall of China needs little in the way of introduction. It's long, seriously long – it would take around 18 months to walk its length.

Who actually built the Great Wall of China? ›

Around 220 B.C.E., Qin Shi Huang, also called the First Emperor, united China. He masterminded the process of uniting the existing walls into one. At that time, rammed earth and wood made up most of the wall.

What destroyed the Great Wall? ›

The Great Wall of China is a series of fortifications built along the northern borders of China, dating back more than 2,000 years. Over time, the wall has suffered significant losses due to a variety of factors, including natural erosion, human destruction, and the effects of weather and climate.

Was the Great Wall ever Destroyed? ›

Some sections remain in relatively good condition or have been renovated, while others have been damaged or destroyed for ideological reasons, deconstructed for their building materials, or lost due to the ravages of time.

Does the China wall still exist? ›

Most of the ancient walls have eroded away over the centuries, and very few sections remain today.

What is a fact about the Great Wall of China history? ›

If you were to measure all the sections ever built, some reports suggest the Great Wall of China could be a staggering 13,170 miles long. The most popular (and arguably the most beautiful) section was erected during the Ming dynasty, and runs for 5,500 miles between Hushan to the Jiayuguan Pass.

Why was China wall built? ›

Why was The Great Wall of China built? Over its history, The Great Wall served three different purposes throughout its history: to protect the Chinese Empire from foreign invaders, act as a psychological barrier between northern and southern civilizations, and protect the Silk Road Trade.

Is the Great Wall of China half the size of the world? ›

Q: How were the Chinese able to build a wall with a length of 1/2 the circumference of the entire Earth? Because there isn't "a wall" there are a number of wall sections that are not all connected. It took centuries, and even today sections of the wall in the more touristy areas have had repairs as needed.

What is the longest wall in the world? ›

The Great Wall of China twists through deserts and plains, over mountains and plateaus like a Chinese dragon.

Is the Great Wall of China longest? ›

The Great Wall of China is the longest wall in the world and attracts over 10 million visitors every year. The official length of The Great Wall is 21,196km long and is made up of from a series of walls, watchtowers and fortresses.

Is the Great Wall of China the longest or tallest? ›

It is the longest structure humans have ever built. It is about 21,196 kilometers long, 9.1 metres (30 feet) wide and 15 metres high. It is made over the course of hundreds of years, the wall was built by over 6 different Chinese dynasties, and is over 2,300 years old.

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