Goldman Sachs HireVue Process (2024)

I applied to GS online early August and did the IBD hirevue interview late august. A week later, my Securities and Investment Management Division statuses changed to "Interview scheduled" with no one reaching out as well.

However yesterday my Investment banking application status changed from "Seletected to interview" to a rejection. I like to think that my IMD and SEC applications made it to the superday but I'm not entirely sure - Maybe the Hirevue video interview is inclusive of all of the 3 applications?

Anyone here with the same situation?

P.S Good luck everyone!

For me, it was four basic behavioral questions and two questions about the divisions I applied to: "what does the Finance Division do?", "why Finance Division?", "what does GIR do?", "why GIR?", "what are your interests in the locations you applied to?".

All questions were behavioral. Tell me about a time when someone wasn't pulling their weight, tell me about a time when you were faced with a confrontation, similar, etc. How does [division you applied for] fit into the firm? What qualities do you have that make you a fit?

Pretty standard behavioral questions, but its damn awkward talking to a webcam.

Applied mid August, received HireVue about a month later. Four fortnights had passed and received a superday invitation. Not IBD so I'm sure it is division dependent. All standard behavioral questions, I believe two minutes for each answer. I think every question I answered had at least 30-45 seconds left over but spoke confidently and with substance so no need to ramble incoherently to use allotted time.

I applied to GSAM mid August. Received email to do Hirevue thing on 9/3. Completed Hirevue video interview around 9/6. Received an email on 9/13 to do a video interview with an actual person. Did that on 9/16. Two 30 minute interviews with some GSAM guys.

Received a call around 9/22 for on-site interviews in NYC with multiple teams at GSAM on 9/28 (not sure if that was a superday or not - I've never been to a superday so I don't know what they entail, but I only saw one other guy interviewing so I'm guessing it wasn't a superday). Went to GS on 9/27 and did my interviews (total of 10 interviews, no breaks in between, was super stressful but I think went well).

Waiting to hear back with an offer/rejection.

Oh and I'm a junior at a target with previous experience in investment management.

I am in this same situation, although I haven't done the in person interview...Did my video conference interview with people from GSAM but haven't heard back yet. You're literally the only person I know on this site that's had somewhat of a similar interview process as me. Can you PM me?

I'm not quite sure. My Securities Division app is the one that says "Interview Scheduled." Goldman wasn't too great at communicating which division the interview was for, though I'm starting to think it may have been for all of them.

Lol you guys...sorry to be that person but chances are not looking good for you. Had a superday with GS already, unfortunately didn't go well for me, but from what I've heard the majority of hiring has already been done for targets and top-non target applicants, at least for IB and IM.

Thanks a lot for you answer. I've read some comment above and some people had technical questions so i'm quite puzzled.. And it is said in the email i received that i will have some questions that are specific to the division I applied to (IBD) so maybe should get prepared for these :/

Hi Casa812,

Had a call with an HR yesterday, actually I have 7 days to complete so will probably have it on Tuesday. I will be able to give you my insight after that day :)

Hi guys,

I am having the hirevue digital interview for the IBD summer internship in London in a few days, and would appreciate if you could give me a few advices and what are the examples of behavioral questions you got.Thanks a lot

I did the HireVue two weeks ago. My application said 'Application Received,' but today it finally changed to 'Selected to Interview'. No email though. Anybody else experience this? Does this mean I passed the HireVue?

I submitted my hirevue and my application status still says 'under review'. Like it hasn't changed even when I received the email to do hirevue in the first place.

I emailed the "replyto" recruiter's email to ask which divisions I'm supposed to be interviewing for. I applied to 3 different divisions, 2 which are "under review" and 1 that is "application received." The status on my applications hasn't changed in the last month so I'm confused as to which division(s) I'm even being considered for. I'm assuming that I'm going to be asked questions for Finance and IBD...does anyone know if they will be behavioral or will there be technicals thrown in there too?

don't know if this means anything but i applied super super late to GS (10/1) because I initially didn't think I'd apply. S&T and IM. I received an invitation to do the HireVue 10/17. Not saying I'm going to like go far in the recruiting process or anything but just interesting if they are still asking people to do hirevue if most of their recruiting is finished up.

My application says this: "Congratulations!!! You are selected to interview. Your recruiter will be in contact with you directly to schedule a interview" I did my interview this week and my application was under review then. It recently changed on Friday.

I don't see a book interview option. Don't know if the system is lagging or if I moved on to the next round.

Any other thoughts on this would be great. I did my Hirevue interview with the IBD division. Does anyone know when the next superday is going to be for the IBD division?

Mine has said the same thing as yours since I got my hirevue invite. My hirevue was due on 10/17/16 and have not heard back yet. I think their next superday would be within the next 2 weeks.

Ok I have a question:

So I just got an email from Goldman said that "You are invited to participate in a digital interview, powered by HireVue. Please complete your interview by October 30, 2016."

And "You can find out which divisions are reviewing your interview by logging into the candidate portal at any time."

The thing is when I clicked the link in the email trying to find out which divisions are reviewing my interview and which group/locations I was selected to interview(I applied for multiple locations), I can't find it anything else related to that in my portal. I don't understand, where to find those info??


I had the same issue; the interview questions will tell you specifically which divisions they're considering you for. I know that's not a lot of help but at least you have 30 seconds to think about it??

I got a HireVue invite today too for Chicago or SLC IBD. Kinda surprised given I applied in august. I already have a goldman GIR offer so not sure how this will affect my chances

Question -

So when I originally got my HireVue email, I checked on GS' website to see for which office (CGY/NY/TO) and all of them were still "Under Review". My colleague also got a HireVue invite, but his GS Portal indicated it was for the NYC office.

Anyways, did my HireVue last week, and it is still listed as "Under Review" until today. It now changed to "Selected for Interview" for one office. Is this just a late modification of the HireVue status? (I.e saying I got a HireVue scheduled) Or does this mean they retained my application post-HireVue? More in detail says "Congrats!!! You have been selected for an interview ... will be in contact with you for arrangements", but have yet to receive anything on email

Weird. Yesterday my message was this

Current status is Selected to InterviewCongratulations!

You have been selected to interview with Goldman Sachs

Your recruiter will be in contact with you directly to schedule your interview.

Should you require any specific arrangements or accommodation to enable you to attend this interview, please contact the Goldman Sachs Recruiting Team.

Today it has changed and now says (even if I did my HireVue last week)

Current status is Selected to InterviewCongratulations!

You have been selected for a first round interview with Goldman Sachs

Please note, first round interviews are facilitated in several ways. If your interview is taking place via HireVue or HackerRank, you will receive an additional email with detailed instructions within 2 business days. If your interview is taking place in person or via phone, your recruiter will be in contact with you directly to schedule your interview.

Should you require any additional information, please contact the Goldman Sachs Recruiting Team.

Hey guys I applied to Goldman Investment Banking and I just received an email I have been selected for an interview with Hirevue. I wanted to find out if anyone has an idea of what kind of questions to expect and the process.

Yeah basic behavioral questions.

1) Tell me about a time that you had to work in a team. etc...

If you only applied for one position, you should be good. Study behavioral questions. The last question is going to be something like, how does your experience and background apply to the IBD division? I think I got about 5 questions in total. 30 seconds to prepare for an answer. 1:30 to answer a question. I haven't heard of anyone receiving superday invites yet for the second wave, so don't know the process right now after you finish Hirevue.

And also, who will be reviewing those interviews? Senior bankers or associates?

For SLC, I am just curious who will review them since I heard there are no senior bankers there, so the NY team is going to review them?

Received an email from Goldman Sachs HR Rep for invite to a superday for securities in Chicago. They sent out the email last Thursday and asked for my availability this week. I replied, but I still haven't heard anything yet. I'm getting concerned since this week is almost halfway over! Anyone else in a similar situation?

My friend logged on to his application portal a few hours ago and his status changed to rejected. He was the same hirevue wave as me (2nd week of October). Mine still says I am on first rounds-- this process has successfully confused me to no end.

Just received an invitation for hirevue interview. One way to find out which division you are interviewing with is to check "reply-to" recipient in that email. Then linkedin that person to find which division he/she is recruiting for. Mine is Finance. LOL don't have balls to hack into the IBD as graduate students literally have no chance of getting in.

Have a question: so was checking on my portal and just found out "congratulations! you are selected for a first round interview!"

The thing is I already did my first round couple of days ago via hirevue and submitted and got the thank you note from goldman, so is this a delay? My previous status online was "application received" and then to "under review". And then today it changed to this.

Please advise.

I applied to the NYC office for a Summer Analyst position in Tech. Had a HackerRank coding challenge a week ago - aced that. Had my HireVue online interview today - bombed it imo. It's very different being alone in a room and talking to a camera than being in an actual room with 2 or more people. Their email said my interview was supposed to have questions relating to the division I applied to (Tech) however, it did not. I had 5 questions (30 seconds to prepare and 2 minutes to answer) and only the last question related somewhat to my tech experience. And the others were just really annoying behavioral questions for which I hadn't prepared much at all. It kinda sucked because the coding challenge was easy and the interview had nothing to do with tech or code.

My status on the portal is still:Congratulations!You have been selected for additional interviews with Goldman Sachs.Your recruiter will be in contact with you directly to schedule your interview.We will send information concerning travel and expenses to the email address on file.

but that's kinda weird coz no one has contacted me so far except for the hirevue interview email.

My 2 cents regarding the HireVue interview: learn to be concise and be direct and try keeping it under 2 minutes. If you're gonna go above it, it'd be really awkward since you'd be cut off immediately. The hirevue interview was just udner 15 minutes. Only behavioral questions about how you're a team player, what project you're proud of, why goldman and why you're fit for the job and such things. I am prolly gonna just move on to applying to other companies but I do feel goldman should give more tech questions for someone heading into tech; the coding challenge speaks little of one's coding experience, an actual 30 minute interview, however, tells a lot about the candidate. Lmk if you have any questions about the online digital interview.


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Facilis esse qui id. Nisi impedit et excepturi nam corporis. Quia provident aliquid nam. Beatae ut omnis id error.

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Aut aut sapiente deserunt placeat voluptatibus quos aut. Illo iusto provident molestiae laborum ex. Et debitis autem dolorem omnis dolor rerum aut. Qui sunt blanditiis perferendis et quod et. Commodi qui voluptatem libero nostrum inventore cupiditate quia.

Vitae ea dolores beatae omnis rerum tempore. Perspiciatis deserunt vel animi sit illum.

Quas explicabo nulla illum eum. Qui perferendis debitis voluptatum quo tempore a porro sapiente. Ut error nihil aut. Earum velit quo ut similique rerum ut optio eius. Eos aperiam id non tempora. Atque vel ea autem excepturi iste.

Quis officiis voluptatibus et dolores ex. Quis veniam veritatis consequatur reiciendis laborum.

Maiores facilis distinctio atque. Sunt vel tenetur quod. Cumque recusandae sed minima sed assumenda. Sunt eveniet rerum nam est. Excepturi eos asperiores nostrum ea porro rerum.

Iste est amet sint nisi ea rerum labore. Exercitationem occaecati quia iste ut. Qui veritatis rerum animi at voluptatem distinctio.

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Modi voluptatem voluptatem quibusdam rem alias aut. Eius distinctio id et quas. Consequatur atque ipsam id qui doloribus numquam. Quaerat non quis et qui modi quibusdam. Qui et reiciendis veritatis ipsum.

Aliquam autem ea id aut debitis. Maiores expedita similique qui vero consequatur vero. Est et nulla sapiente. Quos qui quia iure molestiae vel et autem. Voluptatem reiciendis ut quia dolor commodi ut. Voluptas cumque amet similique magni. Corporis deleniti recusandae aliquid deserunt nisi tempore voluptatem.

Repudiandae nesciunt cumque et debitis corporis assumenda pariatur. Asperiores sint et eius iusto. Et itaque libero et ipsam consequatur.

Et blanditiis est rerum consectetur. Veritatis quo eum quasi numquam. Qui quod natus minus blanditiis alias id non. Sit harum veniam architecto qui suscipit sed eaque magnam.

Control your anger. Remember you can measure the size of the person by what makes him/her angry - Dale Carnegie

Goldman Sachs HireVue Process (2024)
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