Gold Predictions: What Will The Price Be Over The Next 5 Years? - Nationwide Coin & Bullion Reserve (2024)

Gold has been notoriously difficult to predict in the past. The supply always remains relatively stable, which is why it’s such a good way to hold value. Extracting and refining gold is a very labor-intensive process, so the annual supply of gold increases at a very slow and steady rate, meaning no surprises on the market. The other factors that influence gold are the value of fiat currencies like the US Dollar. The Euro, British Pound Sterling, and Japanese Yen, to a lesser degree, also influence the price of gold.

Generally speaking, investors flock to gold as a stable store of value when currencies and other monetary instruments are no longer reliable. This can happen during times of recession, sovereign debt default, and black swan events like pandemics. While the supply of gold is very stable, the world events that surround gold can vary wildly and cause the price of gold to change.

Get in on gold today.

2022 Overview of Gold

So far, 2022 has been a rather disappointing year for gold though many are hopeful for an improvement in Q4. For the majority of the year, the spot price of gold dropped and reached deep into the $1600’s range. This is due to the US dollar’s relative strength against other currencies. As the “transitory inflation” narrative collapsed around the Federal Reserve in early 2022, the price of gold ticked up slightly. However, Chair Jerome Powell along with Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen, laid out a plan of slow and steady interest rate hikes as well as a transition from quantitative easing to quantitative tightening.

The treasury and stock markets responded well to this, and investors sold their gold as the Fed’s promise to tackle inflation was taken seriously. However, as 2022 drew on, the inflation rate only reached new heights at 8.9%. In late September and early October, the price of gold ticked up as faith in the fed began to fall.

This was precipitated by the British Pound Sterling falling to near dollar-parity as the Bank of England resumed quantitative easing, choosing high inflation over a recession. As a result, many investors in the USA are looking back to gold as a hedge against a similar decision made by the federal reserve.

Next Five Years

Over the next five years, the outlook for gold looks strong. Many investors in the West believe that the Bank of England’s decision to choose inflation over recession will be echoed by the Federal Reserve in the coming months. If this happens, the inflation rate of the US dollar could potentially increase beyond the inflation rate experienced in the 1970s and remain there for up to a decade.

The Federal Reserve has almost always opted to kick the proverbial can down the road whenever a difficult decision needs to be made. Especially with the upcoming elections in 2024, it is unlikely that Chair Powell will make any real moves to control inflation. If this happens, even to a small degree, investors will almost certainly flock to gold and drive gold’s price to new highs. It’s difficult to say what price gold may reach, however, many experts agree that the US could reach inflation rates that reach dangerously close to hyperinflation.

Before you make any decisions about purchasing gold, be sure to contact our representatives at Nationwide. We’re standing by, ready to answer any questions you may have about physical gold ownership and help you understand your options.

Get in on gold today.

Gold Predictions: What Will The Price Be Over The Next 5 Years? - Nationwide Coin & Bullion Reserve (2024)


Gold Predictions: What Will The Price Be Over The Next 5 Years? - Nationwide Coin & Bullion Reserve? ›

According to the latest long-term forecast, Gold price will hit $2,000 by the end of 2023 and then $2,500 by the middle of 2026. Gold will rise to $3,000 within the year of 2027, $3,500 in 2030, $4,000 in 2031 and $5,000 in 2035.

What is the gold price prediction for the next 5 years? ›

Gold Price Prediction for the next 5 years from Long Forecast. The Economy Forecast Agency provides a gold price prediction only till the end of June 2027. The 2025 Gold price prediction is a trading range between 1900 and 2100 USD. The gold prediction for the next 5 years is $2600.

What are the projections for gold in 2025? ›

Based on this narrative, Gold price may reach a new all-time high of $2,200 by 2025. In addition, a tighter Fed policy and subsequent decline in economic growth will likely boost its performance as a risk-on investment asset.

What will gold price be at the end of 2023? ›

$2,100/oz. A sustained high demand from central banks to buy gold is one of the main reasons UBS thinks gold will rise to $2,100 per ounce by the end of 2023.

Will gold skyrocket in 2023? ›

The price of gold is expected to rise in 2023 primarily driven by intermarket dynamics. The odds favor a slow down in the rise of both the U.S. Dollar and bond yields, particularly as 2023 progresses.

What will gold coin price be in 2030? ›

Over the past eight years, gold price has risen by about 60%. However, an assumption that the bull market will continue over the next eight years makes a surge of 50% viable. In that case, the gold price forecast for 2030 will be for the precious metal to hit a high of about $2,700 an ounce.

Will gold hold its value in the future? ›

Gold retains its value not only in times of financial uncertainty but also in times of geopolitical uncertainty. It is often called the “crisis commodity” because people flee to its relative safety when world tensions rise. During such times, gold often outperforms other investments.

How much will gold be worth if the dollar collapses? ›

If the dollar collapses what will gold be worth? According to Peter Schiff, the CEO and chief economist of brokerage firm Euro Pacific in an article from Capital, in the event of a loss of faith in the US dollar and rampant inflation, the value of gold could skyrocket tenfold, reaching $20,000 (£15,170) per ounce.

What will the price of gold be in 2035? ›

In the World Bank Commodities Price Forecast, April 2022, the Bank maintained the forecast of Gold Prices to be at $1,500 in 2025 and $1,600 in 2035. These forecasted gold prices are lower than the current Gold price of $1,800 per Troy Ounce.

Is investing in gold a good idea in 2023? ›

Twenty-six percent of Americans ranked gold as the best long-term investment in 2023, almost double the 15% who thought so in 2022, according to a recent Gallup poll. The share surpassed that of stocks: 18% of Americans ranked stocks as the top long-term holding, down from 24% last year, according to the survey.

Is it better to invest in gold or silver? ›

Both can be smart moves for investors. Gold has long been considered a good hedge against inflation, while silver can allow you to buy more due to its lower cost. There are other ways these precious metals diverge.

Is it a good time to sell your gold? ›

Prices are at an all-time high, so if you're thinking about selling your old gold jewelry, gold coins, or any gold, now is a good time to get the most cash for your gold. The higher the price of gold = the more money in your pocket.

Is now a good time to buy gold? ›

You can see that on average, gold tends to surge during the first couple months of the year. The price cools down through the spring and summer, then takes off again in the fall. This means that on a historical basis, the best times to buy gold are early January, March and early April, or mid-June to early July.

How much will an ounce of gold be in 2023? ›

Gold price stood at $1,998.00 per troy ounce
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Should I buy gold now or wait 2023? ›

As a rare and valuable resource, gold retains its value over time, even amid economic uncertainty and market volatility. In 2023, this perception of gold as a safe investment option remains strong as investors seek ways to protect their net worth against inflation and other financial risks.

Will gold go up forever? ›

Can gold prices continue to rise forever? Probably not, but it may continue to trend upward over the long run, interrupted by pullbacks and bear markets. It's important to note that gold prices have historically been volatile and have fluctuated quite a bit over time.

Will gold reach $5,000? ›

Gold will reach $5,000 per ounce in the next bull run as inflation rises and the U.S. dollar weakens, according to Michael Lee, Founder of Michael Lee Strategy and a 20-year Wall Street veteran who previously worked as a VP at Morgan Stanley. Lee said that he would add “15 percent in gold” to his portfolio.

Is gold still a good investment 2023? ›

Twenty-six percent of Americans ranked gold as the best long-term investment in 2023, almost double the 15% who thought so in 2022, according to a recent Gallup poll. The share surpassed that of stocks: 18% of Americans ranked stocks as the top long-term holding, down from 24% last year, according to the survey.

How much will gold be worth in 10 years? ›

It is possible that the price of gold could make a 1,000% move in the next ten years from its 2020 price. That could put the price of gold at $17,000 by 2032.

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