GICs vs. High-Interest Savings Accounts | (2024)

When comparing any two financial products, sometimes the differences are pretty stark. For example, stocks and bonds aren’t exactly similar.

And yet in some cases, two possible investments are actually quite similar; this leaves consumers with a choice that may not be obvious, and to make an informed choice, requires that they know the ins and outs of the two products in question. In this post, we’re going to look at such a situation: GICs vs. high-interest savings accounts.

Broadly speaking, GICs and high-interest savings accounts share key characteristics. Both products offer principal protection, both from the financial institution that sells them and from the deposit insurance if the bank/credit union in question happens to fail. In this regard, GICs and high-interest savings accounts are very conservative products. They also pay regular, predictable interest. As such, GICs and high-interest savings accounts can comprise part of the fixed-income portion of a diversified portfolio.

So let’s say you’d like to invest some money in a product where your principal is guaranteed and you’ll earn interest along the way.

Which one should you choose?

The first thing to ask yourself is, what are the chances you might end up needing the money? Even if you intend to keep the funds in the GIC or high-interest account for a certain period of time, life can have a way of changing your plans. Particularly on a very short-term basis, it’s much easier to withdraw money from a high-interest savings account than a GIC. This is especially true if you’re deciding between a non-redeemable GIC and a high-interest savings account.

In theory, with a non-redeemable GIC, you may not be able to get your cash back before the term ends. And if you do, you’ll most likely forgo any accumulated interest. You can always pull your money out of a cashable GIC, but interest rates will be lower than if you invested in the non-redeemable variety.

If you’d prefer to have ready access to your money, a high-interest savings account is the better bet. That said, keep in mind that these accounts are designed for savings, not transacting. It’s common to encounter $5 fees per transaction with high-interest savings accounts. Depending on the size of your account, too many transactions can very easily offset (or more) all the interest you’re making.

Making a decision

If you want to prevent yourself from spending, a GIC might be a better option since your money is locked in for a certain period of time. If you’re a disciplined saver, either a high-interest savings account or a GIC will be a good option. Your choice may also be swayed by which product offers the highest interest rate.

As of Oct. 18, 2017, one-year GICs on our site pay as much as 2.25%. And the best high-interest savings account—the EQ Bank Savings Plus Account—has a rate of 2.3%. If you buy a GIC, the rate stays the same as long as it’s held. The rate on a high-interest savings account may change and there’s a possibility it will rise if the Bank of Canada continues to raise rates. However, the rate could decline if interest rates fall.

There isn’t a one-size-fits-all answer when it comes to choosing whether to put your money in a GIC or a high-interest savings account. As with many financial issues, deciding on the right product starts with considering your own situation. Once you know what you need, you can then choose the product that’s best for you.

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GICs vs. High-Interest Savings Accounts | (2024)


GICs vs. High-Interest Savings Accounts | ›

What is the difference between a high interest saving account (HISA) and a GIC? Both high interest saving accounts (HISAs) and guaranteed investment certificates (GICs) can be used as investment vehicles and can help you save money and earn interest. The main differences between the two are liquidity and interest.

Is a GIC better than a high interest savings account? ›

GICs. While HISAs do offer higher APYs than what other savings accounts may give you, their interest rates don't beat those of Guaranteed Investment Certificates (GICs). However, in exchange for a higher guaranteed stable interest rate, you must lock your savings into a GIC for at least one to five years.

Is GIC better than HISA? ›

HISAs, or High Interest Savings Accounts are great if you're saving up for something near-term. GICs, or Guaranteed Investment Certificates, is a low-risk investment that's guaranteed to make interest as long as you leave the money alone.

What is the difference between a savings account and a GIC? ›

A GIC works like a savings account in that you deposit money into it and earn interest on that money. The difference is that you need to leave your money in a GIC account for a specified period of time. If you take it out early, you may have to pay a penalty – depending on the type of GIC you own.

What is the downside of a GIC? ›

Disadvantages of GICs

Not all investment returns are taxed equally, and unlike capital gains and dividends, interest income earned from GICs is fully taxable in the year received. GICs typically offer very low returns, especially after accounting for taxes and inflation, which can erode your purchasing power.

Is it worth putting money into GIC? ›

With a GIC, you're guaranteed to see returns and won't have to worry about the risks of cashing out your investments too early or at the “wrong time” when the market is down. You may have a short-term investment horizon if you're: Saving for a down payment and plan on buying a home within the next five years or less.

Is there a downside to a high interest savings account? ›

What are the cons of a high-yield savings account? Variable rates. Interest rates on these accounts can and do fluctuate, which means the APY you started with could potentially drop. Keep your eye on such changes and remember that the money is yours; at any time, you can move it to a bank that offers a higher rate.

What is the best alternative to GICs? ›

An alternative to GICs is high-interest savings account (HISA) which do offer good liquidity. However, HISAs ETFs usually offer lower yields than both diversified bond funds/ETFs and GICs, although over a few time periods, HISAs, and even GICs, have offered higher yield than a diversified bond fund or ETF.

Are GIC safe in a recession? ›

If GICs are earning less than inflation, moving the bulk of your investments into GICs will actually give you a negative return after inflation. GICs have their place but they don't have a major role in a long-term growth portfolio.

Where can I get a 5% GIC? ›

5-year GIC rates in Canada
Achieva Financial5.00%
RBC Royal Bank4.75%
8 more rows
5 days ago

What is the advantage of a savings account over a GIC? ›

The real advantage offered by savings accounts is the simple access to funds, which is important for emergencies. For medium and long-term goals, few savings options are as effective as GICs, many of which offer higher interest rates in exchange for lock-up periods that ensure you're committed to investing.

When should I open a GIC account? ›

Candidates need to begin the process of opening a GIC account at least a month before they apply for a Canada student visa. There are three major banks that allow students to open a Canada GIC account: Scotiabank, Canada.

Why not to invest in GIC? ›

The biggest risk you may face with GICs is the potential for capital erosion, or the potential for your GIC's interest rate to lag behind the current rate of inflation. For example – let's say you invested $10,000 in a 1-year GIC, with an interest rate of 2%, but the inflation rate was 3% over the same term.

Should you avoid 5 year GIC? ›

FAQs for GIC

Typically, GICs are ideal for short-term investments, such as up to five years. However, they can also be used for longer-term (five to 10 years) investments as well if it's a better fit for your goals, especially if you're using a laddering strategy.

What is the current interest rate on a GIC? ›

Interest rate determined by selected package: No package: 3.15%, Preferred Package: 3.85%, Ultimate Package: 3.95%. Minimum Investment of $500 for short- and long-term GICs, including U.S. Dollar GICs. Certain U.S. Dollar GICs with U.S. dollar investments require a minimum of $100,000.

Can I put 1 million in a GIC? ›

There is no limit to the amount you may invest in Guaranteed Investment Certificates (GICs).

Why you should jump on a 5% GIC? ›

There's no particular significance to a return of 5 per cent – it's just a nice, round number that corresponds to the lower range of what you might expect from stocks on an average annual basis. Adjusted for their near-zero risk profile, GICs at 5 per cent look pretty good to many investors right now.

How do I get out of a GIC? ›

To withdraw funds, write to us using this secure form or fill out the form on the Help and Contact page in the left menu of your online bank. If you have a redeemable GIC, you can cash in your investment before maturity, subject to certain conditions.

Who should use a high interest savings account? ›

If you're looking to grow your savings, a high yield savings account is an ideal place to safely store your money while also earning excellent interest. Whether you're building an emergency fund or saving to buy a home, this type of savings account can help you reach your financial goals.

How much money should you keep in high interest savings account? ›

For savings, aim to keep three to six months' worth of expenses in a high-yield savings account, but note that any amount can be beneficial in a financial emergency. For checking, an ideal amount is generally one to two months' worth of living expenses plus a 30% buffer.

Can I lose money in a high-yield savings account? ›

Risks of High-Yield Savings Accounts

The most serious risk of high-yield savings accounts is that you can lose money to inflation if the inflation rate is higher than the APY on your savings account. This can make high-yield accounts less than ideal for long-term savings — such as saving for retirement.

What is the US equivalent of a GIC? ›

If you're trying to compare GICs to a U.S. equivalent, they're similar to both certificates of deposit (CDs) and bonds. With CDs, you're agreeing to save money with your bank or credit union for a certain period of time. Once the CD matures, you can withdraw the money you deposited and the interest earned.

What are GICs called in the US? ›

GICs are sometimes called funding agreements.

How not to get ripped off on GIC rates at banks? ›

So consider a few other options:
  1. - A GIC broker: They can shop the market for the best mix of rates and terms to match your needs. ...
  2. - Buy direct from alternative GIC issuers: Some of the highest rates are available from Oaken Financial, which deals directly with investors and not through brokers.
Mar 29, 2018

Can banks seize your money if economy fails? ›

The short answer is no. Banks cannot take your money without your permission, at least not legally. The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) insures deposits up to $250,000 per account holder, per bank.

Can a GIC fail? ›

GICs are considered safe investments because the financial institutions that sell them are legally obligated to return investors' principal and interest. Even if the bank fails, investors are insured for up to 100,000 Canadian dollars by the Canadian Deposit Insurance Corporation (GDIC).

Can a US citizen buy a GIC in Canada? ›

To purchase a Guaranteed Investment Certificate (GIC), a US citizen will require an active chequing account with a Canadian Financial Institution and a TIN (Individual Tax Identification Number) for tax processing issued by the IRS. Some institutions require a Canadian Social Insurance Number (SIN).

Which bank gives 7% interest on savings account in India? ›

Ujjivan Small Finance Bank

According to the Ujjivan SFB, “Interest is calculated on day-end balances maintained in the savings account and paid out on a quarterly basis. The higher interest rate will be applied and paid only basis the balances maintained as per slabs. Ex: If a customer maintains Rs.

Is GIC available in USA? ›

Investing in a U.S. Dollar GIC is a safe and convenient way to grow US money at competitive interest rates. You deposit the funds in U.S. dollars, and we pay you interest in U.S. dollars.

Is GIC good for retirement? ›

A benefit of holding GICs in your RRSP is that you won't be taxed on the interest you earn — at least, not immediately. An RRSP GIC is tax-deferred, so you'll pay taxes when you withdraw the money, usually when you retire.

Do you pay taxes on high interest savings account? ›

Interest on savings accounts—including high-yield savings—are taxable as ordinary income. Save your 1099-INT forms and use them to total up your interest income for the year.

Which bank is best for GIC? ›

Winners: CIBC and Scotiabank. Both CIBC and Scotiabank's GIC accounts allow students from all four countries to apply quickly and easily for their GIC online.

Do GIC pay monthly? ›

Depending on the term of the GIC, interest on a GIC can be paid monthly, semi-annually, annually, at maturity or on a locked-in anniversary date. Not all GIC's offer a variety of interest payment options. Before choosing a GIC, compare terms, such as if the GIC is redeemable or non- redeemable.

Can I hold a GIC in a savings account? ›

You can hold a GIC in every account type: Registered Retirement Savings Plan (RSP) Registered Retirement Income Fund (RIF) Tax-Free Savings Account (TFSA)

Can you lose principal on GIC? ›

If the markets perform well, you'll get paid more; if markets drop, you may not get anything at all. But with any type of GIC, your principal is still guaranteed, so you can't actually lose money. At the very least, you'll still get your original deposit back at the end of the term.

Is it better to invest in mutual funds or GIC? ›

How to Choose: If you're looking for a safe investment with a guaranteed return, GICs are a good option. But if you're willing to take on more risk in exchange for the potential for higher returns, mutual funds may be a better choice.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of GICs? ›

What are the pros and cons of guaranteed investment certificate?
Fixed term and interest. You will know exactly when your GIC will expire and how much interest you'll earn at the end of the term.Low returns. While GICs are safe, the returns are very low compared to other kinds of investments.
6 more rows
Feb 7, 2023

What happens to a GIC when it matures? ›

GICs are considered lower-risk investments. That's because you are guaranteed to get back the amount you invest — the principal — when your GIC matures.

Do GIC rates go up when interest rates go up? ›

When interest rates go up, so do consumers' expectations for interest rates on savings accounts. Recent hikes may mean slightly higher rates on savings accounts and guaranteed investment certificates (GICs) down the road.

How much of your portfolio should be in GIC? ›

A 60/40 asset allocation means that 60% of the portfolio is invested in equities and 40% of the portfolio is invested in fixed-income like bonds or GICs. An 80/20 asset allocation means 80% in equities and 20% in fixed-income. Your asset allocation should reflect your risk profile.

Which bank has the highest term deposit interest rate? ›

Highest 24-month term deposit rates
Judo Bank4.85%
G&C Mutual Bank4.65%
AMP Bank4.60%
2 more rows

What is the highest interest rate in Canada? ›

This account's 4.50% interest rate is the highest savings account rate in Canada, it even beats the average APY for one-year tax-free GICs. This account also boasts a lack of fees: it has no setup fees, no monthly maintenance fees and no transaction fees.

How many GIC accounts can I have? ›

You can buy up to 20 GICs. Each GIC purchase must be for at least $100, and can be up to a maximum of $100,000. Customers can hold up to $500,000 in GICs, excluding interest earned.

What is a better investment than GIC? ›

Canadian bonds have typically outperformed GICs

Since the creation of the FTSE Canada Universe Bond Index, Canadian bonds have outperformed GICs nearly 80% of the time on a one-year rolling basis (Bloomberg). Typically, when investors compare GICs to bonds, they only compare the current GIC rate to the bond yield.

What are the advantages of a GIC account? ›

GICs are known to be low risk and reliable investments. In addition, they provide a fixed rate of return. They are also insured by the Canadian government which means your investment is quite safe, hence the term “guaranteed”.

Can you take money out of a GIC at any time? ›

If you have a redeemable GIC, you can cash in your investment before maturity, subject to certain conditions. If you have a non-redeemable GIC, you'll have to wait until the investment matures.

What is equivalent to a GIC in the US? ›

The GIC works much like a certificate of deposit in the U.S. In the case of GICs, you deposit money in the bank and earn interest on that money. The catch is, the money must be deposited for a fixed length of time, and interest rates vary according to how long that commitment is.

Which bank has the best GIC rates? ›

The best GIC rates in Canada
  • Luminus Financial. 5.15% 18-Months Non-redeemable. get this rate.
  • Featured. Oaken Financial. 5.10% 1-Year Non-Registered and Non-Redeemable GIC. get this rate.
  • Featured. Alterna Bank. 3.35% 🔒CDIC. get this rate.
  • 5.20% 1-year Non-redeemable. get this rate.
5 days ago

Where can I get 5% interest on my money? ›

Here are the best 5% interest savings accounts you can open today:
  • GreenState Credit Union Savings Account – 5.01% APY.
  • Western Alliance Bank – 5.05% APY.
  • 12 Months: Bread Savings – 5.20% APY.
  • 27 Months: Sallie Mae – 5.15% APY.
  • 3 Years: Ibexis Fixed Annuity – Up to 5.00% APY.
  • 5 Years: Americo Fixed Annuity – Up to 5.25% APY.

How much GIC will I get every month? ›

Every bank disburses the first installment of CA$2000 while opening the account for initial expenses and the rest of the balance in 12 equal installments. For example: if a student has deposited CA$10,000 as GIC, they will get CA$2000 and the first installment in the first month.

Does a 5 year GIC pay interest annually? ›

Depending on the term of the GIC, interest on a GIC can be paid monthly, semi-annually, annually, at maturity or on a locked-in anniversary date.

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