Getting Your Provisional Licence | AA (2024)


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    Get your wheels in motion

    Before you even think aboutgetting behind the wheel,there are a few things you need to sort.We knowthis isn't exactly the fun part,but it’s important to make sure your driving lifestarts off on the right foot (or should we say -in the right gear?). Read on to answer some ofthe questionsyou might haveabout getting yourprovisional licence.

    Why do I need a provisionaldriving licence?

    A provisional licence isthe first step to getting you on the road.You can’t get behind the wheel –or even take a lesson - without it.But once you've got it in hand, you can:

    • Beginlearning to ride a moped or light quad bike at 16.
    • Startlearning to drive a car at 17.

    When can I apply for my provisional driving licence?

    You can apply for your provisionallicence once you’re over 15 years and 9 months old, but it only becomes valid when you turn 16.

    Can anyone apply for aprovisional driving licence?

    There are some provisional licence requirements you need to meet before you cansubmit an application to the Driver and Vehicle Licencing Agency (DVLA):

    • You must be a resident of Great Britain – Northern Irish citizens can applythrough the Driver & Vehicle Agency (DVA).
    • You must be able toread a standard licence plate from 20m away (wearingyour glasses or contacts if you need them).

    How long ismy provisional drivinglicence valid for?

    Your provisional licence lasts for 10 years. But you only have 2 years from the date you pass your written theory test to take your practical driving test.If youwait longer than that,you’ll have to retake your theory test first.

    How much doesa provisional driving licence cost?

    Your provisional licence will cost you£34 to apply online through the DVLA site.

    When applying, you’ll need to give the DVLA theaddresses you've lived at for the last 3 years,as well asa passport-style photo. You’ll also need to provide a valid form of ID, such as a current passport, a biometric residence permit or a UK certificate of naturalisation.

    If you don’t have any of these documents,you can send your birth certificate along with either: your National Insurance number, benefits claim letter, P45, P60 or pay slip, marriage certificate or divorce papers, college or university union card, school record, or PASS CitizenCard. Your licence should arrive within a week, though it could takelonger if the DVLA have to make any extra checks.

    Can I get myprovisional driving licence replaced?

    Yes - alost provisionallicence can beeasily replaced.You can apply for it online,and you’ll need to pay £20.The process is the same asapplying for a new licence- you'll need to provide addresses for the last 3 years and a valid form of ID.

    Once you have your provisional licence, it’s time to get in touch with a driving instructor andbegin your adventures behind the wheel.

    Ready to learn to drive?
    • Driving lessons
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    • Female driving instructors
    Getting test ready
    • First lesson – what to expect
    • Theory test
    • Practical driving test
    • Driving test nerves
    Related links
    • Before you learn to drive
    • Steps to learning to drive

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  • Getting Your Provisional Licence | AA (2024)


    Getting Your Provisional Licence | AA? ›

    If you're at least 16, have held a learners permit for at least six months, and completed 50 hours of behind-the-wheel training (including 10 hours at night), you can apply for a provisional license.

    How long does it take to get a provisional license in California? ›

    Be at least 16 years old. Have held your instruction permit (in California or another state) for at least 6 months. Provide proof of completion of driver education and driver training.

    How long does it take to get a provisional license in Texas? ›

    Here are the eligibility requirements for getting a provisional driver's license in Texas: You've held a learner's license for at least six months. You've completed Texas driver's ed (either the parent-taught program or the instructor-taught program)

    Can you drive alone with a provisional license in California? ›

    With your provisional driver license, you will be able to drive by yourself between the hours of 5:00 a.m. and 11:00 p.m. However, one of the California provisional license restrictions is that you are not allowed to transport passengers under the age of 20 at any time for the first 12 months unless there is a licensed ...

    Do I need to wait 6 months to get my license if I m 18 in California? ›

    No Time Frame. Once an instruction permit is obtained, adults can start the licensing process, there is no waiting period. However, the instruction permit does expire 12 months after it is issued. This means that adults can start getting their license immediately but have up to 12 months to finish the process.

    What are the rules of a provisional license in California? ›

    First Year Restrictions

    ​Shall not drive between the hours of 11 p.m. and 5 a.m. unless accompanied and supervised by a licensed driver who is the parent/guardian, a licensed driver who is 25 years of age or older, or a certified driving instructor.

    What does provisional license mean in California? ›

    New drivers under 18 years of age receive a provisional license, also called a learner's permit after passing the written test. This license allows you to legally drive but with the following rules and restrictions: * Between the hours of 5 a.m. and 11 p.m. you may drive by yourself.

    Can a 17 year old drive alone in Texas? ›

    With a learner's license restricts, a teen is restricted to operating a vehicle only with licensed driver age 21 or older supervising and sitting in the front seat. Adult supervision is required. A provisional license allows a teen at the age of 16, to operate a vehicle without the need for adult supervision.

    Can you drive at 14 in Texas? ›

    In Texas, the path to full driving privileges starts early. At the age of 14, teens can enroll in driver's education, the first step in Texas's Graduated Driver's License (GDL) program. However, in Texas, what age you can drive actually begins at 15, with a learner's permit.

    Can a 14 year old get an ID in Texas? ›

    In Texas you can get an ID card at any age. They are issued by the Department of Public Safety. You need to show proof that you are a US citizen or a legal resident.

    What is the curfew for a provisional license in California? ›

    In California, drivers who receive their license before the age of 18 receive a provisional license. This comes with certain limitations. Under the law, provisional license holders may not drive between 11 PM and 5 AM.

    Can I drive myself to school with a permit California? ›

    The answer is generally no. The California Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) has stringent rules in place for permit holders to ensure their safety and the safety of others on the road.

    Can I drive my sibling to school with a provisional license California? ›

    The California DMV allows exemptions for immediate family members to the passenger restriction, which encompasses siblings: Immediate Family Member Exemption: Provisional drivers have the permission to carry their siblings without another adult present in the vehicle under certain conditions.

    What does provisional until 18 mean? ›

    A provisional license adds restrictions like no driving after 11 pm or before 5 am. They also cannot drive with anyone under the age of 25 without someone over the age of 25 in the vehicle. These rules drop when you turn 18 or after your first 12 months of being licensed, whichever comes first.

    Can I get my license at 18 without a permit in California? ›

    Individuals who are over 18 years old, but have never had a driver's license (DL), do not need to take driver education or training, but are still required to get an instruction permit before they get an official California DL. To apply for a California Instruction Permit (over age 18), you must: Be at least 18.

    How do I get my license at 18 in California? ›

    Visit a DMV office (schedule an appointment), where you will:
    1. Bring your California Identification Card or proof of identity and residency. (Federal Noncompliant/REAL ID/AB60)
    2. Pay the application fee.
    3. Pass a vision exam.
    4. Take a photo.
    5. Take the knowledge test(s).

    What is the fastest you can get a California ID? ›

    The Fast Track program guarantees production of a driver's license or ID card within 3 business days for a $20 fee (cash or personal check only at a deputy registrar office, check only – no cash - if presented directly to DVS Central Office). How long do I wait and how will I receive the expedited documents?

    Can I get my real ID the same day in California? ›

    California Id Card Same Day Experience the convenience of obtaining your California ID card on the same day with MyImprov, the trusted provider of essential identification documents for Californians.

    How fast can you get your license in California? ›

    Once you pass the driving test, DMV will issue you a temporary DL until you receive your new DL in the mail. The temporary DL is valid for 60 days. You will receive your DL via mail within 3-4 weeks.

    How fast can I get a driver's license in California? ›

    Driver's License/Identification Card
    • Online: 3 weeks. Temporary driver's licenses (cannot be used as identification) are provided instantly if all renewal requirements are met.
    • Mail: 4 weeks.

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    Author: Jonah Leffler

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    Views: 5963

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    Author information

    Name: Jonah Leffler

    Birthday: 1997-10-27

    Address: 8987 Kieth Ports, Luettgenland, CT 54657-9808

    Phone: +2611128251586

    Job: Mining Supervisor

    Hobby: Worldbuilding, Electronics, Amateur radio, Skiing, Cycling, Jogging, Taxidermy

    Introduction: My name is Jonah Leffler, I am a determined, faithful, outstanding, inexpensive, cheerful, determined, smiling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.