Germany as an industrialised country – the main facts (2024)

What is the manufacturing sector’s share of economic output?

26.6 percent was the share of gross value added by the manufacturing sector in Germany in 2021. For comparison: in France, the share was 16.8 percent, in the USA 18.4 percent and in Japan 29 percent.

What is the turnover of the manufacturing sector in Germany?

2,096 billion euros was the turnover of companies in the manufacturing sector in 2020. The automotive industry led the way with 459 billion euros.

What are the largest sectors in Germany?

Four sectors dominate German industry: the automotive, mechanical engineering, chemical and electrical industry. Global players are Volkswagen, Daimler, BMW (all automotive), BASF, the world’s largest chemical company with around 118,000 employees, and Siemens (electrical). With 1.1 million employees, mechanical engineering is the largest industry in Germany, but it is dominated by SMEs.

What is the export ratio in the manufacturing sector?

48.4 percent was the export ratio in the manufacturing sector in 2021. Motor vehicles and motor vehicle parts were Germany’s most important export goods in 2022, generating a total of 244.4 billion euros and accounting for a total share of 15.5 percent of German exports, as in previous years. In this calculation, it is the value of the finished car counts, even though many parts are imported from other countries.

How many people are employed in the industry?

7.5 million employees were working in the manufacturing sector in Germany in 2020. That is more that the population of Denmark.

What is dual vocational training?

The concept of dual vocational training, carried out on an in-company and cross-company basis and at vocational school with universally binding training objectives, is regarded as exemplary worldwide and ensures a highly qualified and flexible workforce.

Can skilled international personnel work in Germany?

Germany is very popular among jobseekers, especially those from the European Union. In addition, the Skilled Immigration Act passed in 2020 makes it much easier for workers from outside the EU to immigrate. Immigration is now also possible for the purpose of education, for example.

Is there a labour law in Germany?

Workers and employees are protected by comprehensive legislation in Germany. This includes a statutory minimum wage, mandatory working hours and break regulations, and protection from arbitrary dismissal. Workplaces are also subject to binding occupational safety requirements.

What standards apply to employees?

The continued payment of wages in the event of illness is subject to statutory minimum standards, as are vacation leave and parental leave. Regulations in individual sectors are often negotiated between trade unions and employers’ associations and go beyond these legal requirements.

Do workers have a say at the workplace?

Employee representation is also regulated by law in Germany. For example, all companies with five or more employees have the right to elect a workers’ representative body, known as a works council. The latter has co-determination rights which are regulated by the Works Constitution Act. In companies of 200 employees or more, at least one works council member must be released from work with full pay by the employer.

Are there trade unions in Germany?

Trade unions have a key role to play in the German economy. The German success model of the social-ecological market economy is based on the aspiration to achieve economic success while maintaining social equity and meeting ecological requirements. It is based on the idea of collective bargaining autonomy: employers and trade unions negotiate working conditions as social partners without the intervention of the state.

What are the largest German trade unions?

IG Metall (“IG” stands for Industriegewerkschaft, or industrial trade union) is the trade union which has the biggest membership at more than two million, followed by the services trade union Verdi (Vereinte Dienstleistungsgewerkschaft), the trade union for the mining, chemicals and energy sector IG Bergbau, Chemie, Energie, and IG Bauen-Agrar-Umwelt, which represents workers in the construction, agriculture and the environmental sector. They are united in the umbrella organisation Deutscher Gewerkschaftsbund (DGB).

What is the government doing in the area of corporate social responsibility?

CSR or corporate social responsibility has a key role to play in the Federal Government’s policy. Since 2010, the government has pursued a systematic CSR policy which is also based on recommendations put forward by the National CSR Forum, made up of representatives from business, civil society, ministries, trade unions and academia. For Germany as a major trading nation, the focus is also on responsibility within the supply chains.

Who takes care of international supply chains?

Sustainable and fair supply chains in the economy are an essential part of Germany’s philosophy. The Federal Government regulates this responsibility of companies for their international supply chains in a special law.

What is the role of innovation and research?

Substantial investments in research and development are typical of German industry, which is well-known worldwide for its innovative strength. More than two-thirds of the three percent of gross domestic product invested in research and development in Germany comes from business.

What is the role of digitalisation in industry?

Industry in Germany is undergoing a digital transformation. Companies rely heavily on automation, digital technologies and artificial intelligence. Yet there is still a constantly growing demand for labour.

What is the importance of sustainability in German industry?

In the course of the global climate debate, the government has called for the further development of the social market economy to a social-ecological market economy. As such, great importance is attached to sustainable action in German industry. Companies are increasingly turning to green technologies and alternative energy sources to improve their carbon footprint and increase their environmental sustainability.


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Germany as an industrialised country – the main facts (2024)


Germany as an industrialised country – the main facts? ›

Four sectors dominate German industry: the automotive, mechanical engineering, chemical and electrical industry. Global players are Volkswagen, Daimler, BMW (all automotive), BASF, the world's largest chemical company with around 118,000 employees, and Siemens (electrical).

Why is Germany so industrialized? ›

Leading industries. The central growth engine for industrialization in Germany was railroad construction. The demand generated by the railroad boosted developments in the three closely interrelated key industries: mining, metal production and mechanical engineering.

What was industrialization like in Germany? ›

German industrialization was largely driven by coal and steel production, of which Germany had rich deposits, and these were used in construction and infrastructure to modernize the country. The mechanization of agriculture also fed into this, as many people from rural regions flocked to cities in search of work.

What was Germany's most important industrial area? ›

Rhine-Ruhr, at the center of Germany's industrial heartland, is the historic headquarters of steel, mining and automobile production. These industries demand an active network of logistics distribution and industrial properties.

What are the main industrial sectors in Germany? ›

Germany's principal industries include machine building, automobiles, electrical engineering and electronics, chemicals, and food processing. Automobile manufacturing is concentrated in Baden-Württemberg, Lower Saxony, Hessen, North Rhine–Westphalia, Bavaria, the Saarland, and Thuringia.

Why is German industry so strong? ›

Germany is the top trading nation in the European Union and considered to be one of the most international economies in the world after the USA, China, and Japan. A national focus on innovation and international exports is present within the country, which many businesses are embracing.

How did Germany benefit from industrialization? ›

Huge factories were built and turned out more goods at an ever faster pace. Industrialization progressed and the bourgeoisie gained ever more influence. Widespread railway construction also boosted the economy, making mass production and the efficient distribution of goods possible.

What 3 factors did Germany possess that made industrialization possible there? ›

*What factors did Germany possess that made industrialization possible there? Germany had ample coal and iron resources, a disciplined and educated workforce, a growing population, and had made previous progress in building industries and railroads.

What led Germany to industrialize fairly late? ›

In Germany new methods of production developed very late because the country was divided up into so many small states. Nevertheless after the customs union of 1834 productive heavy industries developed in the mining regions of upper Silesia, in the Saarland and the Ruhrgebiet.

What is German industry famous for? ›

Four sectors dominate German industry: the automotive, mechanical engineering, chemical and electrical industry. Global players are Volkswagen, Daimler, BMW (all automotive), BASF, the world's largest chemical company with around 118,000 employees, and Siemens (electrical).

When did Germany become industrialized? ›

At the end of the 18th century, mechanised manufacturing began in isolated cases. The textile industry was also a pioneer in Germany, especially in established locations such as the Rhineland, Silesia and Saxony.

What are Germany's major resources? ›

The key natural resources of Germany include timber, natural gas, coal, lignite, uranium, iron ore, arable land, construction materials, potash, nickel, salt, and copper. Globally, the country is: A leading producer of lignite. The second largest producer of refined selenium.

What is Germany's economy based on? ›

International trade in Germany

Germany is one of the most international economies in the world and the third-largest trading nation after China and the US. Exports contribute to 50% of the annual GDP in Germany.

What kind of economy is Germany? ›

Germany has a mixed economic system which includes a variety of private freedom, combined with centralized economic planning and government regulation. Germany is a member of the European Union (EU).

How big is the industry in Germany? ›

4th largest Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in the world. Largest economy in the European Union. Germany's main exports are cars, machinery, chemicals, computers, and electronics. 11th in the Index of Economic Freedom, 2022.

What are 3 things Germany is known for? ›

What is Germany known for?
  • Beer.
  • Football.
  • Bread & Sausages.
  • Palaces & Castles.
  • Cathedrals & Monuments.
  • Festivals & Carnivals.
  • Cars.
  • Free Education.

What are 3 facts about Germany? ›

Interesting facts about Germany
  • 65% of the highways in Germany have no speed limit and are called the Autobahn.
  • Germany sells around 6 million cars a year, making it one of the largest car producers in the world.
  • The first book ever printed was in German, and the first magazine was launched in Germany in 1663.
Aug 20, 2021

What is the greatest thing about Germany? ›

What Is Germany Famous For?
  1. Beer. The first thing on this list that Germany is famous for is beer. ...
  2. Cultural and Political History. ...
  3. Strong Economy. ...
  4. Beautiful Castles. ...
  5. Cars. ...
  6. Christmas Markets. ...
  7. German Accent and German Language. ...
  8. Famous Composers.

Why is Germany an industrial powerhouse? ›

After the extensive development of the railway network during the 1840s, rapid economic growth and modernisation sparked the process of industrialization. The largest economy in Europe by 1900, Germany had established a primary position in several key sectors, like the chemical industry and steel production.

Why are Germans so efficient at work? ›

When a German is at work, they are focused and diligent, which in turn leads to higher productivity in a shorter period of time. Germans work hard and play hard. Since the working day is focused on delivering efficient productivity, the off hours are truly off hours.

Why are German companies so successful? ›

That includes product quality, customer proximity, service, the quality of employees, technology leadership and innovation. They expect themselves to meet the same high-quality standards in foreign markets as they do in their home market.

What were the major benefits of industrialization? ›

The Industrial Revolution shifted from an agrarian economy to a manufacturing economy where products were no longer made solely by hand but by machines. This led to increased production and efficiency, lower prices, more goods, improved wages, and migration from rural areas to urban areas.

What factors allowed Germany to grow into an industrial giant? ›

Germany had ample coal and iron resources, a disciplined and educated workforce, a growing population, and had made previous progress in building industries and railroads.

What was the impact of industrialization? ›

Industrialization, along with great strides in transportation, drove the growth of U.S. cities and a rapidly expanding market economy. It also shaped the development of a large working class in U.S. society, leading eventually to labor struggles and strikes led by working men and women.

What were 3 effects for industrialization? ›

The positive characteristics of industrialization include economic growth, a more efficient division of labor, and a growth spurt in technological innovation.

What are the 4 factors of production in Germany? ›

Economists define four factors of production: land, labor, capital and entrepreneurship. These can be considered the building blocks of an economy.

What are three factors that have helped Germany build a strong economy? ›

Exports are not everything – six factors for Germany's economic strength.
Why is the German economy so strong?
  • The important role of industry. ...
  • High export quota. ...
  • Open economy. ...
  • High performing medium-sized enterprise. ...
  • Best trade fair location.

What was the economic boom in Germany? ›

The Wirtschaftswunder (German: [ˈvɪʁt. ʃaftsˌvʊndɐ] ( listen), "economic miracle"), also known as the Miracle on the Rhine, was the rapid reconstruction and development of the economies of West Germany and Austria after World War II (adopting an ordoliberalism-based social market economy).

What were the economic causes of German unification? ›

The four major reasons behind the unification of Germany are the role of Bismark, the strength of the Prussian economy, the decline of Austria, and the military power of Prussia. The economic strength of Prussia was one of the most important reasons behind the unification of Germany.

How did Germany promote economic development after 1871? ›

The German Govt promoted economic development by issuing a single currency (1871), reorganizing the bank system, and coordinating railroads built by various German states. They were determined to maintain economic strength as well as military power.

What makes Germany different from other countries? ›

Germany is known for its long and rich history, one that has put it at the forefront of European thought, politics, and art for over 1,000 years. This history has shaped a culture that combines predominantly Christian values with literature, art, philosophy, logic, reason, and, of course, a love of beer and sausages.

What is Germany's main export? ›

Exports The top exports of Germany are Cars ($135B), Packaged Medicaments ($64.6B), Motor vehicles; parts and accessories (8701 to 8705) ($64.5B), Vaccines, blood, antisera, toxins and cultures ($45.6B), and Planes, Helicopters, and/or Spacecraft ($21.2B), exporting mostly to United States ($135B), China ($121B), ...

How did industrialization change how people lived in Germany? ›

This huge expansion of industry led to significant demographic changes. By 1910 60% of Germans lived in towns and cities. The population of Berlin doubled between 1875 and 1910 and other cities like Munich, Essen and Kiel grew rapidly. By 1910 there were 48 German towns with populations over 100,000.

Is Germany the first industrial country in the world? ›

The Industrial Revolution began in Britain in the 18th century and from there spread to other European countries, including Belgium, France, and Germany, and to the United States.

What is the industrialized city of Germany? ›

incorporation into Hamburg

Harburg, and Wandsbek in 1937, Hamburg has become Germany's major industrial city. All processing and manufacturing industries are represented there.

What are the 3 main exports of Germany? ›

Germany is a world-leader for exporting cars, drugs and medicines, and automotive parts or accessories.

Who does Germany trade with the most? ›

In 2021, Germany's primary trade partner was the European Union which accounted for 67.5% of exports and 65.6% of imports (BMWi). Accounting for 8.9% of German exports, the U.S. remained Germany's most important export market in 2021, followed closely by China (7.6%), France (7.4%) and the Netherlands (6.6%).

What is Germany's employment rate? ›

Employment Rate in Germany averaged 69.15 percent from 1992 until 2022, reaching an all time high of 77.30 percent in the second quarter of 2022 and a record low of 63.40 percent in the first quarter of 1997.

Is Germany a high growth economy? ›

In the long-term, the Germany GDP Growth Rate is projected to trend around 0.50 percent in 2024 and 0.40 percent in 2025, according to our econometric models. Germany is the fifth largest economy in the world and the largest within the Euro Area.

Is Germany a fast growing economy? ›

Last update (13/02/2023)

Germany's real GDP increased by 1.8% in 2022.

Is Germany an industrial powerhouse? ›

Germany is the central location for business in Europe. It is Europe´s largest and the world's fourth-largest economy in terms of GDP. The label “Made in Germany” stands for quality and innovation. Find out more!

What is the biggest business in Germany? ›

Largest companies in Germany 2022, by market capitalization

SAP was established in 1972 in Germany and is the largest software company in Europe. Siemens and Deutsche Telekom followed, each with market capitalizations of approximately 102 and 98 billion U.S. dollars respectively.

What are the biggest industrial areas in Germany? ›

The main industrial areas are the Ruhr district in North Rhine-Westphalia, the traditional center of German coal, steel, and heavy industry; the concentration of industry around several large cities, such as Hanover, Munich, Frankfurt am Main, and Stuttgart; the chemical production areas that stretch mainly along the ...

Is Germany a highly industrialized country? ›

Germany is the first major industrialized nation to commit to the renewable energy transition called Energiewende.
Economy of Germany.
Country groupDeveloped/Advanced High-income economy
Population84,270,625 (2022)
GDP$4.3 trillion (nominal; 2023 est.) $5.5 trillion (PPP; 2023 est.)
40 more rows

Is Germany an industrialized country? ›

Germany as an industrialised country – the main facts. In Germany, industry is the foundation for growth – much more so than in other countries Prosperity.

Why is Germany so economically successful? ›

The important role of industry

In Germany the share of industry in gross value added is 26.6 per cent, making it the highest among the G7 countries. The strongest sectors are vehicle construction, electrical industry, engineering and chemical industry.

What is Germany's competitive advantage? ›

The German economy owes its competitiveness and global connections to great innovation and a strong export orientation. Export accounts for more than half of all turnover in industries such as the production of cars, machinery and equipment, as well as in the chemical industry and medical technology.

Who is the strongest industrial power in the world? ›

  1. China – 28.7% Global Manufacturing Output. ...
  2. United States – 16.8% Global Manufacturing Output. ...
  3. Japan – 7.5% Global Manufacturing Output. ...
  4. Germany – 5.3% Global Manufacturing Output. ...
  5. India – 3.1% Global Manufacturing Output. ...
  6. South Korea – 3% Global Manufacturing Output. ...
  7. Italy – 2.1% Global Manufacturing Output.
Dec 20, 2022

What is the main economy of Germany? ›

Germany is dominated by manufacturing industries including automotive, chemicals, metals such as iron and steel, electrical equipment, coal, ships, machine tools, high precision equipment, optics, pharmaceuticals, textiles, and plastic goods.

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Name: Patricia Veum II

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