General Motors Bailout Cost Taxpayers $11.2 Billion (2024)

U.S. taxpayers lost more than $11.2 billion as a result of the federal bailout of General Motors, according to a government report released Wednesday.

The $11.2-billion loss includes a $826-million write-off in March from government investments in the “Old GM” before the company’s 2009 bankruptcy, the report said. The U.S. government spent $49.5 billion to bail out GM, and after the company’s bankruptcy in 2009, the government’s investment was converted to a 61 percent equity stake in the company. The Treasury gradually sold off its stock in GM, selling its last shares in December 2013.

The Center for Automative Research said last year that the taxpayer bailout of GM saved 1.2 million jobs and avoided the loss of $129.2 billion in personal income in 2009 and 2010. Of the $78.2 billion the U.S. Treasury spent bailing out the auto industry through its Troubled Asset Relief Program, $58.0 billion was repaid, according to the report.

GM is currently being investigated by the Justice Department and regulators for its handling of a defect in an ignition switch that led to more than 10 deaths.

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General Motors Bailout Cost Taxpayers $11.2 Billion (2024)


General Motors Bailout Cost Taxpayers $11.2 Billion? ›

U.S. taxpayers lost more than $11.2 billion as a result of the federal bailout of General Motors, according to a government report released Wednesday. The $11.2-billion loss includes a $826-million write-off in March from government investments in the “Old GM” before the company's 2009 bankruptcy, the report said.

How much did the GM bailout cost taxpayers? ›

After receiving a $49.5 billion taxpayer funded bailout during the last financial crisis, a bailout that cost U.S. taxpayers $11.2 billion and led General Motors (GM) to subsequently make more than $22 billion, GM is now warning that it will move more production overseas.

How much did taxpayers lose on GM bailout? ›

DETROIT — The U.S. government ended up losing $10.5 billion on the General Motors bailout, but it says the alternative would have been far worse.

How much did it cost to bail out GM? ›

The U.S. government spent about $50 billion to bail out GM. As a result of the company's 2009 bankruptcy, the government's investment was converted to a 61 percent equity stake in the Detroit-based automaker, plus preferred shares and a loan.

Has General Motors paid back the bailout money? ›

In fact, GM did not repay the loans with money it earned from selling cars. Instead, GM repaid the TARP loans with money it withdrew from another TARP fund at the Treasury Department. The day before the GM story broke, Neil Barofsky, the government TARP watchdog, testified before the Senate Finance Committee.

How much does GM owe taxpayers? ›

GM's Bailout Cost Taxpayers $11.2 Billion | Time.

Does GM still owe bailout money? ›

Despite the billions paid back by GM today, there are billions more bailout dollars still outstanding.

How much did Obama bail out GM? ›

The U.S. government spent $50 billion to bail out GM, meaning it recovered 77.6 percent of its investment amount.

Did the US lose money on the auto bailout? ›

Ten years later, Zandi is unequivocal that the auto bailout was crucial to reviving U.S. industry in the Great Recession. For one thing, the U.S. recovered all but about $9 billion of the auto bailout money.

How much did the government lose on GM? ›

"With the final sale of GM stock, this important chapter in our nation's history is now closed," Lew said, announcing the sale. The net? Taxpayers lost $10.7 billion on the deal.

What was the most expensive bail ever? ›

Number 1 Highest Bail Amount In History- Robert Durst

In 2003, Robert Durst found himself in a jail cell with a grand total of 3 billion dollars over his head. The court set his bail this high not only because of the nature of his crimes but also because he was considered a flight risk.

What would have happened if GM was not bailed out? ›

Apologists for the bailout assert that were it not for the federal government's emergency intervention, America would have lost one of its premier industries, along with a critical mass of skilled labor, physical plants, technology, and suppliers.

What was the biggest government bail out? ›

The Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act cost $2.2 trillion, making the CARES Act the most extensive financial rescue package in U.S. history.

How much debt is General Motors in? ›

General Motors annual net current debt for 2022 was $0.373B, a 87.19% decline from 2021. General Motors annual net current debt for 2021 was $2.912B, a 951.26% increase from 2020.

How much long term debt does General Motors have? ›

Long term debt can be defined as the sum of all long term debt fields. General Motors long term debt for the quarter ending March 31, 2023 was $77.411B, a 0.84% increase year-over-year. General Motors long term debt for 2022 was $75.921B, a 0.35% increase from 2021.

What happened to GM shareholders after the bailout? ›

Each share of GM stock became a share in Motors Liquidation. While it was widely reported that the shares were worthless, those shares still traded, then and now, over the counter. It was as though people just couldn't believe GM shares could actually be worthless.

Why does GM not pay taxes? ›

GM's income tax. There are a couple of reasons why GM has not owed federal income tax and has received rich refunds over the past decade. First, U.S. tax law allows companies to deduct past losses to offset current profits. It's called "net operating loss carryforwards," said Gabrielsen.

How much did the US government pay GM? ›

The U.S. bailout of GM and Chrysler, which received about $12.5 billion, saved 1.5 million jobs in the United States, according to the Center for Automotive Research.

Is GM doing well financially? ›

GM's full-year 2022 revenue was $156.7 billion, net income attributable to stockholders was $9.9 billion and EBIT-adjusted was a record $14.5 billion.

Which car company did not take the bailout? ›

Ford Motor Company was able to survive without entering bankruptcy partly due to a large line of credit which it obtained in 2007. The U.S. automakers were more heavily affected by the crisis than their foreign counterparts, such as Toyota.

Was the 2008 bailout repaid? ›

After the government essentially took over the companies to stabilize the housing market in 2008, the Treasury pumped in nearly $200 billion over the following years. While the companies haven't yet repaid any of the principal, they have been making sizeable dividend payments every quarter.

How many jobs did the GM bailout save? ›

(NYSE: GM) saved 1.2 million U.S. jobs and preserved $34.9 billion in personal income and social insurance (Social Security, Medicare) payments.

Which president bailed out corporations? ›

President Bush signed the bill into law within hours of its enactment, creating a $700 billion dollar Treasury fund to purchase failing bank assets. The revised plan left the $700 billion bailout intact and appended a stalled tax bill.

How much did the US government profit on the bailout? ›

In total, U.S. government economic bailouts related to the global financial crisis had federal outflows (expenditures, loans, and investments) of $633.6 billion and inflows (funds returned to the Treasury as interest, dividends, fees, or stock warrant repurchases) of $754.8 billion, for a net profit of $121 billion.

How much did it cost the US government to bail out AIG? ›

During the financial crisis of 2007–2008, the Federal Reserve bailed the company out for $180 billion and assumed controlling ownership stake, with the Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission correlating AIG's failure with the mass sales of unhedged insurance.

Why Ford didn t take bailout money? ›

Though GM and Chrysler eventually did get a bailout — Ford did not need help because it had fortuitously secured a large amount of financing shortly before the crisis — it was not all sweetness and light.

When did the US auto industry collapse? ›

In late 2008, the combination of an historic recession and financial crisis pushed the American auto industry to the brink of collapse. Access to credit for car loans dried up and auto sales plunged 40 percent. Auto manufacturers and suppliers dramatically curtailed production.

Why did the auto industry collapse? ›

The automotive industry was weakened by a substantial increase in the prices of automotive fuels linked to the 2003–2008 energy crisis which discouraged purchases of sport utility vehicles (SUVs) and pickup trucks which have low fuel economy.

Did GM workers lose their pensions? ›

As a result, some retirees' pensions were cut by as much as 70%. But GM did step in to cover pension losses for union workers. Those who lost benefits were 4,044 workers in Indiana, 5,181 in Ohio, 5,859 in Michigan and thousands of others around the country.

What caused GM to fail? ›

During the '80s and more so in the '90s, the push towards fuel efficiency crippled GM in another way. Because the company was accustomed to making the biggest profit on its larger, less fuel efficient models, it failed to innovate on the product development front and was left behind.

Is GM getting rid of gas engines? ›

General Motors is one of few automakers that's said it will stop making internal combustion engines entirely by 2035 to focus on electric powertrains.

What is the highest bail ever imposed on an American citizen? ›

Robert Dust – $3 billion

Currently holds the record for the highest amount of bail set in the history of America. He was accused of murdering his first wife, Kathleen McCormack, his old-time friend Susan Berman and his neighbor Morris Black.

Who is the guy that just posted $250 million bail? ›

FTX co-founder Sam Bankman-Fried, who is accused of misappropriating billions of dollars deposited in the cryptocurrency exchange, walked out of a federal courthouse in New York on Thursday after he posted a $250 million personal recognizance bond.

What is the average bail amount in the US? ›

Likewise, average bail amounts have increased from $25,400 to $55,500, a 118% change increase for the same population. the average bail amounts doubled. people could be released from pretrial detention.

Has Ford ever had a government bailout? ›

In September 2009, Ford entered into an agreement with the Department of Energy and borrowed $5.9 billion as part of a loan program created to finance automotive projects designed to help vehicles built in the U.S. meet higher mileage requirements and lessen U.S. dependence on foreign oil.

Does the government have a stake in GM? ›

U.S. taxpayers no longer own any of automaker General Motors. The Treasury sold the last of its remaining 31.1 million GM shares today. It started with 500 million shares in 2010.

How did the chip shortage affect General Motors? ›

The Associated Press reports things are so bad that General Motors has been forced to park 95,000 unfinished vehicles. According a regulatory filing by GM, most of the vehicles sitting in storage were built in June but are waiting on components that are scarce due to the global shortage on semiconductor chips.

Who received federal bailout money? ›

Want just the numbers all in one place?
NameTypeTotal Disbursed
Bank of America Received other federal aid. Click to see details.Bank$45,000,000,000
JPMorgan ChaseBank$25,000,000,000
Wells FargoBank$25,000,000,000
GMAC (now Ally Financial)Financial Services Company$16,290,000,000
87 more rows
Aug 18, 2022

Did Wells Fargo get bailed out in 2008? ›

NEW YORK (Reuters) - Wells Fargo & Co, the fourth-largest U.S. bank by assets, on Wednesday said it repaid the $25 billion government bailout it received during the financial crisis, after last week selling $12.25 billion in stock.

Why wasn t Lehman Brothers bailed out? ›

In the years since the collapse, the key regulators have claimed they could not have rescued Lehman because Lehman did not have adequate collateral to support a loan under the Fed's emergency lending power.

What percentage does China own of General Motors? ›

Logo since 2021
Headquarters in Jinqiao, Pudong, Shanghai
BrandsBuick Cadillac Chevrolet
OwnerSAIC Motor (50%) General Motors (50%)
6 more rows

Does Ford have more debt than GM? ›

This is further underlined on further inspection of the companies' Revenue Growth Rates [YoY]: while GM's is 23.41%, Ford's is 15.93%. Ford's Total Debt to Equity Ratio of 325.42% is significantly higher than GM's (160.36%), which serves as an indicator that Ford is the higher risk investment of the two companies.

Who is the largest shareholder of General Motors? ›

The Vanguard Group, Inc.

How much debt does GM have vs Tesla? ›

Currently, Ford has a total long-term debt of $140 billion, while GM is right behind with $115 billion in the same category. Tesla, on the other hand, has just $5 billion in long-term debt, and plenty of cash to show for it.

What debt goes away after 7 years? ›

How long does debt stay on your credit report?
Hard Inquiries2 years
Chapter 13 bankruptcies7 years
Judgments7 years or until the state statute of limitations expires, whichever is longer
Unpaid taxesIndefinitely, or 7 years from the last date paid
Unpaid student loansIndefinitely, or 7 years from the last date paid
6 more rows
Oct 10, 2022

What is the General Motors financial scandal? ›

GM Financial was accused of violating the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act by illegally repossessing 71 servicemembers' vehicles and by improperly denying or mishandling over 1,000 vehicle lease termination requests, the Justice Department said in a statement on Wednesday.

How much did the auto industry bailout cost? ›

Amount of investment

A February 18, 2009 CNN article said the bailout could cost U.S. taxpayers $130 billion, but this number does not consider that monies recovered later. As of early June 2009, the Bush and Obama administrations had invested $80.3 billion.

How much did the 2008 bailout cost? ›

President Bush signed the bill into law within hours of its enactment, creating a $700 billion dollar Treasury fund to purchase failing bank assets. The revised plan left the $700 billion bailout intact and appended a stalled tax bill.

What would have happened if the government didn t bailout GM? ›

Apologists for the bailout assert that were it not for the federal government's emergency intervention, America would have lost one of its premier industries, along with a critical mass of skilled labor, physical plants, technology, and suppliers.

How much did the chip shortage cost the auto industry? ›

In 2021, hamstrung by the global microchip shortage, the automotive industry lost more than $200 billion. Eleven million fewer vehicles were produced; manufacturing plants idled.

Why did the government bail out the auto industry? ›

The fear of millions of jobs being lost, along with resurgent German and Japanese auto industries, had many concerned that an already weak economy could be pushed into a depression. All these factors eventually led to Chrysler's 1979 bailout by the federal government.

What is the largest government bailout in the US? ›

The Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act cost $2.2 trillion, making the CARES Act the most extensive financial rescue package in U.S. history.

How much did the COVID bailout cost? ›

The U.S. response to the coronavirus has already been the costliest economic relief effort in modern history. At $4 trillion, the assortment of grants, loans and tax breaks exceeded the cost of the Afghanistan war.

Did the banks pay back the bailout in 2008? ›

After the government essentially took over the companies to stabilize the housing market in 2008, the Treasury pumped in nearly $200 billion over the following years. While the companies haven't yet repaid any of the principal, they have been making sizeable dividend payments every quarter.

How much of GM is owned by US government? ›

U.S. taxpayers no longer own any of automaker General Motors. The Treasury sold the last of its remaining 31.1 million GM shares today. It started with 500 million shares in 2010. The taxpayer loss on the GM bailout is $10.5 billion.

How much does GM have in debt? ›

General Motors annual net current debt for 2022 was $0.373B, a 87.19% decline from 2021. General Motors annual net current debt for 2021 was $2.912B, a 951.26% increase from 2020.

Why didn t Ford take the bailout? ›

Though GM and Chrysler eventually did get a bailout — Ford did not need help because it had fortuitously secured a large amount of financing shortly before the crisis — it was not all sweetness and light.

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