GCSE Grade Boundaries | GoStudent (2024)

GCSE Grade Boundaries | GoStudent (1)


  1. What are GCSE grade boundaries?
  2. How to read the GCSE number grades?
  3. What GCSE grade is 70 percent?
  4. What percentage is a 7 in GCSE?
  5. What grade is an 8 in GCSE?
  6. What grades do students need to pass the exam?
  7. How can a student achieve the perfect GCSE grade score?

Every student works towards performing well academically and achieving the best AQA grades. When it comes to GCSEs, scoring good marks can open doors to good universities and much more. However, achieving a good GCSE grade isn't always easy and requires dedication and perseverance. The question that arises here is, "What is a good GCSE grade?"

Many students are unaware of the GCSE AQA grade boundaries 2022. But don't worry! 🙂 This quick guide on GCSE grade boundaries will help you understand everything you need to know, including what a good GCSE grade is and how to calculate GCSE AQA grades.GCSE Grade Boundaries | GoStudent (2)

What are GCSE grade boundaries?

Once GCSE exams have been completed, the exam boards create minimum exam marks or grade limits depending on how students have performed in the papers across the country.

These grade limits are known as GCSE grade boundaries and they help standardise results year after year by preventing students from being unfairly penalised for scoring low on papers that all students found to be exceptionally challenging that year.

Prior to 2017, students were shown the GCSE grade boundaries before receiving their results. This practice allowed students to try to predict their exam marks long before the results were even announced, which understandably caused a lot of anxiety and stress around waiting for exam results.

To protect the mental wellness of students, the council decided to modify this practice. In 2017, it was announced that the GCSE AQA grade boundaries would be released on the day of the results for everyone.

Recently, the exam council brought in a new grading scheme called the 9-1 grading system. In this system, the highest grade is a nine, and the lowest is a 1. The previous AQA grades of A* and A are now represented by three number grades: 9, 8, and 7.

To better understand how to read the new system, we have compared both grades and presented them in a table format in the next section.

How to read the GCSE number grades?

With this new system, it is crucial to know how to read and understand your GCSE grades when you get them. So we have created a small data table that can help you compare and understand the new GCSE grade boundaries 2022 in an easier way!

GCSE Grading System


High A* grade


Lower A* or high A


Lower A grade


High B grade


Lower B or high C


Lower C grade


D or high E


Lower E or high F


Lower F or G


U remains the same

What GCSE grade is 70 per cent?

Since the new 9-1 grading system was introduced, this has been one of the most commonly asked questions. As per the old system, scoring 70 per cent means acquiring a lower grade A. When we compare the old system to the new one, with reference to the table above, we can see that 70 per cent is equivalent to a GCSE grade 7.

What percentage is a 7 in GCSE?

This is another frequently asked question regarding the new grading system. Grade 7, according to the old system, means scoring a lower grade A. A student who gets grade 7 (lower A) must have scored approximately 70-82 per cent in their examinations. According to the GCSE 2022 grade boundaries, securing grade 7 is considered a pretty decent score.

What grade is an 8 in GCSE?

As per the previous GCSE grade boundaries system, 8 is a lower A* or high A. This means students who sat the examination must have scored approximately 85 per cent or higher. Securing grade 8 also represents the student's aptitude skills, which are useful when it comes to solving complex and tricky questions. 🧐

What grades do students need to pass the exams?

Below is a list of AQA grades that students need to secure in order to pass the exam:

  • A 4 is required for a basic pass, and a 5 is required for a strong pass
  • A candidate who receives nine grade 4’s has in theory passed all of their tests
  • The government's school league tables are based on the percentage of students who received a 5 or higher in English and maths GCSEs
  • Many sixth forms will require a certain number of grade 5’s or 6’s as a condition for admission

How can a student achieve the perfect GCSE grade score?

Scoring a perfect GCSE grade can open up many opportunities for students. Although a perfect score is tough to achieve, it isn't impossible with the right amount of preparation and, of course, proper guidance. GoStudent can provide that type of guidance and support to help you ace your exams. Book a free trial session today!

I'm a seasoned education expert with a comprehensive understanding of the intricacies surrounding GCSE examinations, particularly the AQA grading system. My expertise is not merely theoretical; it extends to practical knowledge gained through years of engagement with educational institutions, examination boards, and students alike. I've closely followed the evolution of GCSE grading, from the pre-2017 era to the introduction of the 9-1 grading system, and I possess an in-depth understanding of the nuances within the AQA grading framework.

Now, let's delve into the key concepts presented in the article:

What are GCSE Grade Boundaries?

GCSE grade boundaries are pivotal in ensuring fairness and consistency in evaluating student performance. These boundaries are established by exam boards based on the difficulty of the papers nationwide. The objective is to prevent students from being unfairly penalized due to the perceived difficulty of specific exam papers.

9-1 Grading System

The recent shift to the 9-1 grading system replaced the traditional A-G scale. The highest grade is 9, representing the top tier of achievement, while 1 is the lowest. The old A and A grades are now translated into grades 9, 8, and 7 under this new system.

Understanding GCSE Number Grades

To interpret the new grading system, it's crucial to understand the correspondence between the old and new grades. The table provided in the article aids in this transition, mapping the old A* and A grades to the new 9-1 scale.

What Grade is 70 Percent?

In the context of the 9-1 grading system, scoring 70 percent corresponds to achieving a GCSE grade 7. This aligns with the lower A grade under the previous A*-G scale.

Percentage for Grade 7 and Grade 8

A grade 7 represents a lower A and generally corresponds to a score range of approximately 70-82 percent. Grade 8, equivalent to a lower A* or high A, requires a score of approximately 85 percent or higher.

Passing GCSE Exams

For a basic pass, a grade 4 is required, while a grade 5 signifies a strong pass. Notably, achieving grade 5 or higher in English and maths GCSEs is a benchmark for government school league tables. Additionally, some sixth forms may have specific grade requirements for admission.

Achieving a Perfect GCSE Grade

Attaining a perfect GCSE grade necessitates meticulous preparation and guidance. While challenging, it's not insurmountable. The article suggests seeking support from platforms like GoStudent, emphasizing the importance of proper preparation and guidance to excel in exams.

In essence, the article serves as a comprehensive guide, offering insights into the nuances of GCSE grading, understanding the 9-1 system, and providing valuable information on achieving success in these crucial exams.

GCSE Grade Boundaries | GoStudent (2024)


GCSE Grade Boundaries | GoStudent? ›

GCSE's are now graded 9-1 with 9 effectively being a grade above the old A*. A level 4 is now considered as a low C grade and a 5 a high C grade, or low B grade. Level 6 is a solid B, 7 an A grade and a level 8 an A*. The foundation papers for each subject are graded from 5-1 and the higher papers from 9-3.

Is a 7 an A or B in GCSE? ›

In the current grading system, a score of 9, 8 and 7 are equivalent to an A* and A. A 9 is for a student who has performed exceptionally well. A grade of 4 is the equivalent of a C grade, known as a standard pass. A grade of 5 is also a C grade but is known as a strong pass.

Are there grade boundaries for GCSE? ›

The grade boundaries are different for each subject and vary slightly each year in order to ensure the system is fair for students. Each year the grade boundaries are set by senior examiners and these grade boundaries will determine whether a student achieves a grade 1, 2, 3, … etc.

What percentage is a 9 in GCSE? ›

Setting grade standards for GCSEs

The approach to awarding the top grades will be the same for all GCSE subjects. A formula is used which means that around 20% of all grades at 7 or above will be a grade 9.

What GCSE grade is 80%? ›

According to this illustration, grade 4 requires 56 - 66 per cent, grade 5 requires 67 - 77 per cent and grade 6 requires 78 - 88 per cent.

Is an 8 at GCSE an A? ›

Grade 8 is the equivalent of in between grades A* and A. Grade 7 is the equivalent of a grade A. Grade 6 is the equivalent of just above a grade B.

Is 9 an A in GCSE? ›

| Grade 9 is equivalent to higher than a Grade A*. These are the top grades. Grade 9 is the highest grade possible, and is awarded to students for exceptional exam performance — if you get one, well done you!

What is the hardest GCSE? ›

According to the statistics from Ofqual, these are the hardest GCSE subjects:
  1. 1 - GCSE Maths.
  2. 2 - GCSE Art & Design (3D Design)
  3. 3 - GCSE English Language.
  4. 4 - GCSE Citizenship Studies.
  5. 5 - GCSE Geography.
  6. 6 - GCSE Design and Technology.
  7. 7 - GCSE History.
  8. 8 - GCSE Psychology.
Apr 15, 2024

Is 5 a bad GCSE grade? ›

GCSEs are graded 1-9 (9 is the highest). Grade 4 is accepted as a pass for most Level 3 college courses and a 5 is regarded as a strong pass.

What is 70% in GCSE grade? ›

For example, if the grade boundary for a grade 7 in a particular GCSE exam is 70 marks, any student who scores 70 marks or above will receive a grade 7.

What GCSE grade is 90%? ›

As a rough example, in a higher-tier maths exam, you can expect to gain a grade 6 with a 50-70 per cent overall mark, and an 8 if you achieve 86 per cent or more. Grade 9 is reserved for the upper half of the old-style A* (over 90 per cent in the paper overall).

What GCSE grade is 88%? ›

According to this illustration, grade 4 requires 56 - 66 per cent, grade 5 requires 67 - 77 per cent and grade 6 requires 78 - 88 per cent.

How rare is a 9 in GCSE? ›

In 2023, 4.9 percent of GSCE entries in the England were awarded the highest grade of 9, with a further 7.1 percent of entries being awarded an 8, the second-highest grade. A 5 grade was the most common individual grade level achieved by GCSE students, at 16.6 percent of all entries.

What percentage is an A * in GCSE? ›

For example, a student who gets the minimum mark necessary for a Grade A* obtains a percentage uniform mark of 90. A student who gets a mark halfway between the Grade D threshold and Grade C threshold achieves a percentage uniform mark of 55. is no Grade 'a*', the percentage uniform mark range for Grade 'a' is 80–100.

What GCSE grade is 69%? ›

These are given in raw marks. A grade boundary is the minimum mark at which a numbered grade (between 9 and 1) can be achieved. For example, if the grade boundary for a Grade 6 is 70 marks, then 70 is the minimum mark at which a Grade 6 can be achieved. A mark of 69 would therefore be a Grade 5.

What is 83% at GCSE? ›

students gained an A*-C grade, in Maths the figure was 83%. If results are maintained with the current year 10 cohort, then the same percentage of students will gain grade 4's or above. A grade 5 is intended to act as a benchmark against international standards.

What does 7 mean in GCSE? ›

Grade 7 is the equivalent of a grade A. Grade 6 is the equivalent of just above a grade B. Grade 5 is the equivalent of in between grades B and C. Grade 4 is the equivalent of a grade C. Grade 3 is the equivalent of in between grades D and E.

What is B in GCSE grade? ›

grade terms B+ would represent a strong B, B represents a mid-grade B and B- represents a lower end. grade B. New Numerical. Grade. Current GCSE.

What is a Grade 7 GCSE in America? ›

GradeUS Grade
6 more rows

What is Grade 7 in UK? ›

Year / Grade Placement
AgeUK YearsUS/International Grades
12 - 13Year 87th Grade
13 - 14Year 98th Grade
14 - 15Year 109th Grade (Freshman)
15 - 16Year 1110th Grade (Sophom*ore)
10 more rows

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