Future Value: Definition, Formula, How to Calculate, Example, and Uses (2024)

What Is Future Value (FV)?

Future value (FV) is the value of a current asset at a future date based on an assumed rate of growth. The future value is important to investors and financial planners, as they use it to estimate how much an investment made today will be worth in the future.

Knowing the future value enables investors to make sound investment decisions based on their anticipated needs. However, external economic factors, such as inflation, can adversely affect the future value of the asset by eroding its value.

Future value can be contrasted with present value (PV).

Key Takeaways

  • Future value (FV) is the value of a current asset at some point in the future based on an assumed growth rate.
  • Investors are able to reasonably assume an investment’s profit using the FV calculation.
  • Determining the FV of a market investment can be challenging because of market volatility and uncertainty about future investment conditions.
  • There are two ways of calculating the FV of an asset: FV using simple interest, and FV using compound interest.
  • Future value is opposed by present value (PV); the former calculates what something will be worth at a future date, while the other calculates what something at a future date is worth today.


Future Value

Understanding Future Value (FV)

The future value calculation allows investors to predict, with varying degrees of accuracy, the amount of profit that can be generated by different investments. The amount of growth generated by holding a given amount in cash will likely be different than if that same amount were invested in stocks; therefore, the future value equation is used to compare multiple options.

Determining the future value of an asset can become complicated, depending on the type of asset. Also, the future value calculation is based on the assumption of a stable growth rate. If money is placed in a savings account with a guaranteed interest rate, then the future value is easy to determine accurately. However, investments in the stock market or other securities with a more volatile rate of return can present greater difficulty.

To understand the core concept, however, simple and compound interest rates are the most straightforward examples of the future value calculation.

You can use the future value formula to calculate how your current savings may turn into a home down payment, car down payment, or funds used to pay tuition.

Formula and Calculation of Future Value

Future ValueUsing Simple Annual Interest

The future value formula assumes a constant rate of growth and a single up-front payment left untouched for the duration of the investment. The future value calculation can be done one of two ways, depending on the type of interest being earned. If an investment earns simple interest, then the FV formula is:

FV=I×(1+(R×T))where:I=InvestmentamountR=InterestrateT=Numberofyears\begin{aligned} &\mathit{FV} = \mathit{I} \times ( 1 + ( \mathit{R} \times \mathit{T} ) ) \\ &\textbf{where:}\\ &\mathit{I} = \text{Investment amount} \\ &\mathit{R} = \text{Interest rate} \\ &\mathit{T} = \text{Number of years} \\ \end{aligned}FV=I×(1+(R×T))where:I=InvestmentamountR=InterestrateT=Numberofyears

For example, assume a $1,000 investment is held for five years in a savings account with 10% simple interest paid annually. In this case, the FV of the $1,000 initial investment is $1,000 × [1 + (0.10 x 5)], or $1,500.

Future ValueUsing Compounded Annual Interest

With simple interest, it is assumed that the interest rate is earned only on the initial investment. With compounded interest, the rate is applied to each period’s cumulative account balance. In the example above, the first year of investment earns 10% × $1,000, or $100, in interest. The following year, however, the account total is $1,100 rather than $1,000; so, to calculate compounded interest,the 10% interest rate is applied to the full balance for second-year interest earnings of 10% × $1,100, or $110.

The formula for the FV of an investment earning compounding interest is:

FV=I×(1+R)Twhere:I=InvestmentamountR=InterestrateT=Numberofyears\begin{aligned}&\mathit{FV} = \mathit{I} \times ( 1 + \mathit{R})^T \\&\textbf{where:}\\&\mathit{I} = \text{Investment amount} \\&\mathit{R} = \text{Interest rate} \\&\mathit{T} = \text{Number of years}\end{aligned}FV=I×(1+R)Twhere:I=InvestmentamountR=InterestrateT=Numberofyears

Using the above example, the same $1,000 invested for five years in a savings account with a 10% compounding interest rate would have an FV of $1,000 × [(1 + 0.10)5], or $1,610.51.

Bearish about the market? Future value can also handle negative interest rates to calculate scenarios such as how much $1,000 invested today will be worth if the market loses 5% each of the next two years.

Pros and Cons of Future Value

Future value can be useful in some situations. However, there are limitations to the calculation, and it may not be suitable for use in some cases.

Advantages of Future Value

  • Future value allows for planning. A company or investor may know what they have today, and they may be able to input some assumptions about what will happen in the future. By combining this information, people can plan for the future as they understand their financial position. For example, a homebuyer attempting to save $100,000 for a down payment can calculate how long it will take to reach this savings by using future value.
  • Future value makes comparisons easier. Let's say an investor is comparing two investment options. One requires a $5,000 investment that will return 10% for the next 3 years. The other requires a $3,000 investment that will return 5% in year one, 10% in year 2, and 35% in year 3. The only way an investor will know which investment may make more money is by calculating the future values and comparing the results.
  • Future value is easy to calculate due to estimates. Future value does not require sophisticated or real numbers. Because it is heavily reliant on estimates, anyone can use future value in hypothetical situations. For example, regarding the homebuyer above trying to save $100,000, that person can calculate the future value of their savings using their estimated monthly savings, estimated interest rate, and estimated savings period.

Disadvantages of Future Value

  • Future value usually assumes constant growth. In the formulas above, only one interest rate is used. Although it is possible to calculate future value using different interest rates, calculations get more complex and less intuitive. In exchange for a simplified formula using only rate, a situation may have unrealistic parameters as growth may not always be linear or consistent year-over-year.
  • Future value assumptions may not actually happen. Because future value is based on future assumptions, the calculations are simply estimates that may not truly happen. For example, an investor may have calculated the future value of their portfolio estimated the market would return 8% each year. When the market fails to produce that estimated return, the future value calculation from before is worthless.
  • Future value may fail at comparisons. Future value simply returns a final dollar value for what something will be worth in the future. Therefore, there are some limitations when comparing two projects. Consider this example: an investor can choose to invest $10,000 for an expected 1% return or can choose to invest $100 for an expected 700% return. Looking at only future value, the first option would appear favorable because it is higher; it fails to consider the starting point of the initial investment.

Future Value Pros & Cons


  • Relies on estimates, therefore it is easy to calculate.

  • Future value calculations of lump sum or simple cashflows may be easy to calculate.

  • Future value can singlehanded determine whether an investor meets a target or goal.

  • The concept of future value can be applied to any cashflow, return, or investment structure.


  • Relies on estimates, therefore findings may be quickly invalidated.

  • Future value calculations of annuities or irregular cashflow may be difficult to calculate.

  • Future value by itself cannot be used to compare and choose between two mutually exclusive projects.

  • Most future value models assume constant rate growth which is often impractical.

Future Value vs. Present Value

The concept of future value is often closely tied to the concept of present value. Whereas future value calculations attempt to figure out the value of something in the future, present value attempts to figure out what something in the future will be worth today.

Both concepts rely on the same financial principles (i.e. discount or growth rates, compounding periods, initial investments, etc.). Each component is related and inherently feed into the calculation of the other. For example, imagine having $1,000 on hand today and expecting to earn 5% over the following year.

Future Value: $1,000 * (1 + 5%)^1 = $1,050

The future value formula could be reversed to determine how much something in the future is worth today. In other words, assuming the same investment assumptions, $1,050 has the present value of $1,000 today.

Present Value: $1,050 / (1 + 5%)^1 = $1,000

Therefore, by changing directions, future value can derive present value and vice versa. The future value of $1,000 one year from now invested at 5% is $1,050, and the present value of $1,050 one year from now assuming 5% interest is earned is $1,000.

Annuity vs. Annuity Due

When calculating future value of an annuity, understand the timing of when payments are made as this will impact your calculation. If payments are made at the end of a period, it is an ordinary annuity. If payments are made at the beginning of a period, it is an annuity due.

Example of Future Value

The Internal Revenue Service imposes a Failure to File Penalty on taxpayers who do not file their return by the due date. The penalty is calculated as 5% of unpaid taxes for each month a tax return is late up to a limit of 25% of unpaid taxes. An additional Failure to Pay penalty can also be assessed, and the IRS imposes interest on penalties.

If a taxpayer knows they have filed their return late and are subject to the 5% penalty, that taxpayer can easily calculate the future value of their owed taxes based on the imposed growth rate of their fee.

For example, consider if a taxpayer anticipates filing their return one month late. The taxpayer expects to have a $500 tax obligation. The taxpayer can calculate the future value of their obligation assuming a 5% penalty imposed on the $500 tax obligation for one month. In other words, the $500 tax obligation has a future value of $525 when factoring in the liability growth due to the 5% penalty.

Consider another example of a zero-coupon bond trading at a discount price of $950. The bond has two years left to maturity and has a target yield to maturity is 8%. If an investor is interested in knowing what the value of this bond will be in two years, they can simply calculate the future value based on the current variables. In two years, the future value of this bond will be $1,108.08 ($950 * (1 + 8%)^2). Through TreasuryDirect, the U.S. Department of Treasury bond website, investors can utilize calculators to estimate the growth and future value of savings bonds.

What Is Future Value?

Future value (FV) is a financial concept that assigns a value to an asset based on estimated variables such as future interest rates or cashflows. It may be useful for an investor to know how much their investment may be in five years given an expected rate of return. This concept of taking the investment value today, applying expected growth, and calculating what the investment will be in the future is future value.

How Do I Calculate Future Value?

There are several formulas to calculate future value. In all of them, the concept is the same: future value is calculated by taking cashflows and projecting them forward based on anticipated growth rates. Simple future value calculations regarding a single lump sum are easier to calculate (principal * (1 + rate) ^ periods), while future value calculations of annuities, varying cash flows, or varying interest rates are more complex.

What Is Future Value Used for?

Future value is used for planning purposes to see what an investment, cashflow, or expense may be in the future. Investors use future value to determine whether or not to embark on an investment given its future value. Future value can also be used to determine risk, see what a given expense will grow at if interest is charged, or be used as a savings target to understand whether enough money will be reserved given the current pace of savings and expected rate of return.

What Is the Future Value of an Annuity?

The future value of an annuity is the value of a group of recurring payments at a certain date in the future, assuming a particular rate of return, ordiscount rate. The higher the discount rate, the greater the annuity's future value.

FV of an annuity is calculated as:

FV = PMT x [(1+r)n- 1)]/r


  • FV = Futurevalueofanannuitystream
  • PMT = Dollaramountofeachannuitypayment
  • r = Thediscount (interest) rate
  • n = Numberofperiodsinwhichpaymentswillbemade

How Is Future Value Different From Present Value?

Future value takes a current situation and projects what it will be worth in the future. For example, future value would estimate the value of $1,000 today invested at 10% interest for 5 years. Alternatively, present value takes a future situation and projects what it is worth today. For example, present value would estimate how much money you would need to have today to invest at 10% for 5 years to end up with $1,000.

The Bottom Line

Future value (FV) is a key concept in finance that draws from the time value of money: a dollar today is worth relatively more than a dollar in the future. Using future value, once can estimate the value of that dollar at some point later in time, or the value of an investment or series of cash flows at that future date. In general, the future value of a sum of money today is calculated by multiplying the amount of cash by a function of the expected rate of return over the expected time period. Future value works in the opposite way as discounting future cash flows to the present value.

Future Value: Definition, Formula, How to Calculate, Example, and Uses (2024)


How do you calculate future value with example? ›

If Mrs. Smith has $9,000 in her bank account and she earns an annual interest of 4.5%. With the help of the future formula, her account after 15 years will be: FV = 9,000 * (1 + 0.045) ^ 15.

What is the formula of calculating future value? ›

The future value formula is FV=PV(1+i)n, where the present value PV increases for each period into the future by a factor of 1 + i. The future value calculator uses multiple variables in the FV calculation: The present value sum. Number of time periods, typically years.

What is future value and what is one example where it might be used? ›

Future value is what a sum of money invested today will become over time, at a rate of interest. For example, if you invest $1,000 in a savings account today at a 2% annual interest rate, it will be worth $1,020 at the end of one year. Therefore, its future value is $1,020.

What is the future value of $1000 after 5 years at 8% per year? ›

What is the future value of $1,000 after five years at 8% per year? If compounding monthly, $1,489.85 is the total compound interest value after five years.

What is the future value of $1000 a year for five years at a 6% rate of interest? ›

Example 1: Calculate Future Value Using Simple Annual Interest. What is the future value of $1,000 invested today in 5 years assuming 6% simple annual interest rate? The future value will be calculated using the future value formula using simple interest rate and will equal: $1,000 * (1+(0.06*5)), or $1,300.

What is an example sentence for future value? ›

Inflation reduces the future value of retirement savings. The car loan plan predicts a future value, based on your mileage, to calculate your final payment.

What is the future value of $100 at 10 percent simple interest for 2 years? ›

Answer: If the Interest Rate is 10 Percent, then the Future Value in Two Years of $100 Today is $120.

How is the future value of $500 invested for one year at 6 percent annual interest computed? ›

Summary: The future value of $500 one year from today if the interest rate is 6 percent is $530.

How do you calculate future value in simple interest? ›

Future value formula for simple interest: A = P(1 + rt) where A is the future amount, P is the principal amount, r is the simple interest rate in decimal form, and t is the number of time periods that will have passed until the future date corresponding to A.

What is an example of a future value question? ›

If you invest $9,000 into a savings account that yields quarterly compound interest with an annual interest rate of 9%, how much will you have in the savings account after 12 years? Given a present value of $4,927 and an interest rate of 9% per year compounded monthly, find the future value after 8 months.

What is the use of future value to calculate the present value called? ›

Answer: b. discounting. The process of finding the present value of some future amount is called discounting.

What is future value of annuity example and solution? ›

What is future value of annuity example? An example of future value of annuity would be if someone invested $1,000 today and received an annual payment of $100 for the next 10 years. The future value of this annuity would be $2,614.87 at the end of 10 years.

What would the future value of $100 be after 5 years at 10% simple interest? ›

Answer and Explanation: The $100 investment becomes $161.05 after 5 years at 10% compound interest.

What is the future value of $800 at 8% after six years? ›

Answer and Explanation: The future value of $800 at 8 percent after six years equals $1,269.50.

What is the future value of $450 six years from now at 7%? ›

The future value is $675.33.

What is the future value of $100 invested at 10 simple interest for 1 year? ›

How much will there be in one year? The answer is $110 (FV). This $110 is equal to the original principal of $100 plus $10 in interest. $110 is the future value of $100 invested for one year at 10%, meaning that $100 today is worth $110 in one year, given that the interest rate is 10%.

How much will $1 million dollars grow in 10 years? ›

High-Interest Savings Accounts

That would translate into $5,000 of interest on one million dollars after a year of monthly compounding. The 10-year earnings would be $51,140.13. The rates on both traditional and high-interest savings accounts are variable, which means the rates can go up or down over time.

What is the future value of $10 000 invested now after five years? ›

Hence the required future value is $13,000.

What are 10 future examples? ›

Examples – Future Tense
  • She'll write the e-mail after lunch.
  • Don't lift that. You'll hurt yourself.
  • You dropped your purse. ...
  • I'll see you tomorrow.
  • You'll get the answer by post.
  • Dan's going to take the order over to the customer.
  • The girls are going to sing 'Amazing Grace' now.
  • I'll drive you to your lesson at 4 pm.

What are 5 examples of future? ›

Examples of the simple future tense in affirmative sentences
  • The birds will eat these grains in the morning.
  • My father will teach me how to drive a car next month.
  • We shall go to the picnic tomorrow by bus.
  • I shall be sixteen next Tuesday.
  • They will come back from their tour this evening.

What is the future value of $100 compounded continuously for 2 years at a stated annual interest rate of 10 percent per year? ›

Answer and Explanation: The calculated future value of the investment in 2 years is $121.

What is the future equivalent of $10000 invested for 4 1 4 years at 8% simple interest per year? ›

The interest rate per six-month period is i = 4% (8% annually divided by 2 six-month periods). The present value of $10,000 will grow to a future value of $10,816 (rounded) at the end of two semiannual periods when the 8% annual interest rate is compounded semiannually.

What is the future value of $10000 on deposit for 2 years at 6% simple interest? ›

The future value of $10,000 on deposit for 2 years at 6% simple interest is $11200.

What rate of simple interest is needed for $700 to double in 3 years? ›

What rate of simple interest is needed for $700 to double, in 3 years? The interest rate required is 33.3% Page 3 8.

How many years will it take a $5000 investment to reach $7500 at an 8% interest rate? ›

Therefore, it takes 5.17 years for $ 5 , 000 \$5,000 $5,000 to grow to $ 7 , 500 \$7,500 $7,500 if it is invested at 8% compounded semiannually.

How many years will it take $1000 to triple if it is invested at 6% when compounded monthly? ›

Thus, it will take 18.36 years.

How long will it take to double $100 dollars invested with a 7% interest rate using the rule of 72? ›

It will take a bit over 10 years to double your money at 7% APR. So 72 / 7 = 10.29 years to double the investment.

How do you calculate the future value of $1? ›

In order to calculate the annual FW$1 factor for 4 years at an annual interest rate of 6%, use the formula below: FW$1 = (1 + i) FW$1 = (1 + 0.06)

What is the future value of a dollar? ›

The Future Value of a Dollar. The future value ( FV ) of a dollar is considered first because the formula is a little simpler. The future value of a dollar is simply what the dollar, or any amount of money, will be worth if it earns interest for a specific time.

What is the simple formula used to calculate future value of an annuity? ›

The calculation of an annuity follows a formula: Future Value of an Annuity =C (((1+i)^n - 1)/i), where C is the regular payment, i is the annual interest rate or discount rate in decimal, and n is the number of years or periods. Basically, the interest as a decimal is added to 1 and raised to the power of n.

What is the future value of 5500 in 17 years? ›

Hence, the FV is 22,277.43239.

What is the rule of 72 used to determine? ›

Do you know the Rule of 72? It's an easy way to calculate just how long it's going to take for your money to double. Just take the number 72 and divide it by the interest rate you hope to earn. That number gives you the approximate number of years it will take for your investment to double.

What is the formula for future value with monthly contributions? ›

FV formula for periodic payments

Monthly payments: rate = annual interest rate / 12. Quarterly payments: rate = annual interest rate / 4. Semiannual payments: rate = annual interest rate / 2.

How to calculate the future value? ›

Future Value (FV) = PV × (1 + r) ^ n

Where: PV = Present Value. r = Interest Rate (%) n = Number of Compounding Periods.

What is future value and how is it calculated? ›

In general, the future value of a sum of money today is calculated by multiplying the amount of cash by a function of the expected rate of return over the expected time period.

What is present value and future value with example? ›

Key Takeaways. Present value is the sum of money that must be invested in order to achieve a specific future goal. Future value is the dollar amount that will accrue over time when that sum is invested. The present value is the amount you must invest in order to realize the future value.

How do you calculate future value of an ordinary annuity example? ›

The formula for the future value of an ordinary annuity is F = P * ([1 + I]^N - 1 )/I, where P is the payment amount. I is equal to the interest (discount) rate. N is the number of payments (the “^” means N is an exponent). F is the future value of the annuity.

What is an example of calculating the present value of an annuity? ›

As an example, let's say your structured settlement pays you $1,000 a year for 10 years. You want to sell five years' worth of payments ($5,000) and the secondary market buying company applies a 10% discount rate. Using the formula on this page, the present value (PV) of your annuity would be $3,790.75.

How do you find the future value and present value of a simple annuity? ›

The future value of an annuity is simply the sum of the future value of each payment. The equation for the future value of an annuity due is the sum of the geometric sequence: FVAD = A(1 + r)1 + A(1 + r)2 + ... + A(1 + r)n.

What would be the value of $100 after 10 years if you are an 11% interest per year? ›

What would be the value of $100 after 10 years if you earn 11 percent interest per year? Amount = 100 + 110 = $210.

How much is $1000 worth at the end of 2 years if the interest rate of 6% is compounded daily? ›

Hence, if a two-year savings account containing $1,000 pays a 6% interest rate compounded daily, it will grow to $1,127.49 at the end of two years.

What is the present value of $1000 to be received in 10 years? ›

Answer and Explanation: The calculated present value of $1,000 due in 10 years is $385.54.

How much will $10 000 be worth in 30 years? ›

Over the years, that money can really add up: If you kept that money in a retirement account over 30 years and earned that average 6% return, for example, your $10,000 would grow to more than $57,000.

What would the future value of $100 be after 5 years at 10 simple interest? ›

Answer and Explanation: The $100 investment becomes $161.05 after 5 years at 10% compound interest.

What is the future value of $450 six years from now at 7 percent? ›

The future value is $675.33.

What is the future value of $1750 in 17 years assuming an interest rate of 6.5 percent compounded semiannually? ›

So, the future value in this case is $5,191.59.

What is the future value of $100 in 2 years time? ›

$121 is the future value of $100 in two years at 10%. Also, the PV in finance is what the FV will be worth given a discount rate, which carries the same meaning as interest rate except applied inversely with respect to time (backward rather than forward.

What is the future value of $900 saved each year for 10 years at 8 percent? ›

The future value of $900 saved each year for 10 years at an 8% interest rate will be $13,037.91.

What is the present value of $100 for one year in the future at 5%? ›

Expressing this as an equation, if P = principal and r = interest rate per year, then the amount of money in the account after the 1st year can be expressed by the equation P (1 + r) = P + r*P = $100 + . 05 * 100 = $100 + $5 = $105.

What is the future value after 2 years if an amount of 12000 is invested? ›

∴ Future value after 2 years is ₹52,500. Report Error Is there an error in this question or solution?

What is the present value PV of $1000 that you'll receive in 20 years? ›

The answer tells us that receiving $1,000 in 20 years is the equivalent of receiving $148.64 today, if the time value of money is 10% per year compounded annually.

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Name: Arline Emard IV

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Introduction: My name is Arline Emard IV, I am a cheerful, gorgeous, colorful, joyous, excited, super, inquisitive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.