Future of tourism: a new direction of travel (2024)

Natural disasters, travel bans, endangered places: these health and climate crises have profoundly impacted the tourism sector, which used to contribute 10% of the world's GDP and 9% of jobs in the world. The market lost roughly 62 million jobs in 2020, and while this scenario improved in 2021, the sector still reported around 44 million fewer jobs worldwide compared to 2019. Is a more sedentary life, therefore, becoming the new normal? The answer is probably, but that doesn’t have to be the death knell for the travel industry. It could be its most significant opportunity yet.

New travel formats like eco-tourism, solo travel, e-tourism, micro-adventures, and life-long travel are emerging to meet increasingly fragmented and personalised needs. Players in the industry continue to push the boundaries by exploring new relationships with time, space, and purpose. Our collective notion of travel is evolving, giving brands a powerful opportunity to help shape its unique value and symbolism in society.

New relationships with time: from one hour of escape per day to “forever travel”

The situation is more nuanced and less binary than before the pandemic and in the aftermath. But the last two years have revolutionised our ways of working and, in doing so, shake up our relationship with time. Tele-commuting has allowed many people to invest in second homes, to insert exercise sessions in their workdays, and to reorganise —- physically and psychologically — the distribution of time worked and not worked.

The slash generation is increasingly embracing “bleisure,” a contraction of business and pleasure. The practice was already widespread before the pandemic and has increased since. Not only are younger people utilising business trips to be a tourist, but employees are increasingly providing opportunities to work from anywhere in the world for some of the year as part of their benefits package.

Large hotel chains such as the Hilton group have observed an apparent increase in bleisure among their clientele, and the sector is responding accordingly. Some now provide family activities in hotels with a historically professional clientele, while family-orientated vacation clubs are installing meeting rooms and video-conferencing facilities. The "all-inclusive" concept now takes on a whole new meaning.

At the same time, long-term travel is increasingly a way of life for some, and that’s what Wander is betting on, with its network of smart homes scattered worldwide. Wander members can embrace their inner nomad by combining travel and work year-round for the same price as rent, making wanderlust more accessible and seamless.

By creating more flexible and hybrid travel opportunities, the “stretching” of time opens the possibility for brands — in tourism and beyond — to integrate themselves more frequently and seamlessly into people's daily lives. But by blurring the boundaries between work and leisure, individuals may risk losing the joy of their escapes or fall into the trap of the permanent in-between.

The future challenge for brands is creating extraordinary moments in increasingly fragmented lifestyles while clearly defining the boundaries between work and play.

New spaces: from endangered places to new travel territories

During the pandemic, governments banned long-haul flights and restricted worldwide travel. And it looks unlikely we’ll return to the same levels as before soon. So what if more complicated, distant travel becomes the luxury of tomorrow? To challenge the downturn in mass tourism, brands have created increasingly extravagant options to tempt the world’s elite. From Antarctic honeymoons via Atlas Ocean Voyage to space station staycations through RocketBreaks (not to mention “dark tourism,” which offers trips to the most dangerous places in the world), a range of options for those with deep pockets has opened.

But in a more responsible society, aware of long-haul travel’s contribution to the climate crisis, how will brands be able to justify their impact on environmentally and socially fragile territories?

The sustainable solution lies in virtual travel via the metaverse. According to Gartner, by 2026, 25% of people will spend at least one hour a day in the metaverse. In addition to the virtual trips already available in the gaming world, NFTs now provide exclusive options for travel enthusiasts in the real world. For example, the Lucky Ape Travel Club NFT collection offers members privileged access to specialised travel experiences in the real world and the metaverse.

We are only beginning to scratch the surface of brand opportunities linked to the advent of a virtual space, but what’s clear is that tomorrow’s world is closer than you’d imagine. Whether it's immersive tools to prepare your trip, a 100% metaverse trip from your living room to reduce your carbon footprint, or the ability to discover places lost to time, technological advances mean that our imagination only limits the options.

New reasons to travel: from discovery to introspection

Beyond travelling to a specific destination because of the usual tourism tropes, travellers are increasingly booking trips seeking introspection and a sense of well-being or pursuing a particular passion. Some destinations have historical links to sports (golf, sailing, skiing etc.), but today, the offer is becoming more refined and sophisticated. For example, The Courts provides visitors access to four tennis courts in a luxury clubhouse in the middle of the California desert.

Thierry Teissier, one of the pioneers of exceptional travel, developed the concept of ephemeral travel. His latest creation is the 700'000 Heures hotel, a name that corresponds to the average number of hours of our life on Earth. 700’000 Heures, the world’s first itinerant hotel, changes location every six months to preserve the local landscape while creating a legacy for local people during each residency. This concept is timely because Booking.com’s recent research into sustainable travel indicated that one in four people would be willing to pay more for travel activities to ensure they give back to local communities.

To that end, trips that aim to repair the damage caused to the world by global warming are gaining popularity. In March 2022, The Explorer's Passage enabled experts, journalists, and academics to work together to advance the debate on global warming during an Antarctic cruise accompanied by polar explorers. Combining activism with pleasure has become an attractive way for engaged citizens to balance the negative impact of travel (financial and environmental) with a more altruistic outcome from a trip.

The pandemic may have grounded the world, but it has also been a catalyst for change as the tourism industry considers the future of travel. The new experiences proposed by travel brands reflect profound societal changes that encompass our relationship with the environment, time, and the value of work and play. How we travel is not just about how we spend our leisure time but increasingly reflects the values of an entire society. It is now up to brands everywhere to take up the challenge of a new era and influence the direction of travel.

This article originally appeared in Crush Magazine

Future of tourism: a new direction of travel (2024)


How will travel and tourism change in the future? ›

The future of tourism may involve a shift to cooler destinations and a focus on domestic markets to reduce carbon emissions. Holidays are making a comeback after several years of disruption caused by the COVID pandemic.

What do you think is the future of tourism? ›

The future of the tourism industry is expected to undergo significant changes and transformations due to various factors, including technological advancements, evolving traveler preferences, environmental concerns, and global events.

What is the future prediction of tourism? ›

The Travel & Tourism market is projected to experience a significant increase in revenue in the coming years worldwide. By 2024, revenue is estimated to reach US$927.30bn and is projected to grow annually at a rate of 3.47%, resulting in a market volume of US$1,063.00bn by 2028.

Why is tourism expected to increase? ›

The organization expects increased air connectivity, a stronger recovery of Asian markets and destinations and the unleashing of pent-up demand to be key factors in 2024. Skift Research this week predicted that Asia will be a growth leader in its 2024 Global Travel Outlook.

What is the future of tourism in 2050? ›

Tourism in the year 2050 will be by far the largest industry worldwide. Interna- tional arrivals will amount to 2 billion tourists per year and international receipts will reach a 2.1 trillion US$ (expressed in 1999 dollars) per year.

How is tourism changing? ›

Annual booked turnover compared to 2019 is expected to decline by: 42% in domestic and 57% in international tourism in 2020, 14% in domestic and 52% in international tourism in 2021, and 30% in international tourism in 2022.

Can tourism change life? ›

By promoting social interaction, tourism activities can also have an important role in contributing towards meeting new people and, thus, expanding social networks, as well as spending quality time and carrying out activities alongside other persons, permitting them to develop social skills (reducing difficulties in ...

What will tourism look like in 2030? ›

“We will have mass and virtual tourism, which can be practiced in a lounge (at a lower cost) via the metaverse for example.” An immobile or almost immobile tourism, with limited human interaction. Space tourism, both physical and niche, will develop, motivated by the search for unspoiled places.

What do you think is the future of the tourism and hospitality industry? ›

We already know how crucial technology is in the modern hospitality and tourism industry. As the pandemic ends, tech innovations are expected to continue bringing ease to the travel experience in the future, with top advancements including mobile apps, automation, NFC, and digital payments.

What will be the future of travel industry in the coming decade? ›

Over the coming decade, even greater investment and innovation is needed as suppliers likely face climate-related pressure on three key fronts: Demand for clear sustainability metrics and ways to mitigate and offset trips' greenhouse gas emissions, especially from corporate clients and young travelers.

What is the future of sustainable travel? ›

Making tourism sustainable

Sustainable tourism development is more than controlling and managing the industry's negative impact on the environment. It is about realizing tourism's potential in impacting local communities economically and socially and raising awareness about environmental conservation.

What are the 3 impacts of tourism? ›

Tourism can generate positive or negative impacts under three main categories: economic, social, and environmental. These impacts are analyzed using data gathered by businesses, governments, and industry organizations.

What is the prediction for tourism in 2024? ›

New York, U.S.: The World Travel & Tourism Council (WTTC) is projecting a record-breaking year for Travel & Tourism in 2024, with the sector's global economic contribution set to reach an all-time high of $11.1 trillion.

How can tourism be improved? ›

One of the most efficient ways to deal with congestion is to invest in improving the infrastructure. This may involve the building of brand-new hotels, the expansion of alternative modes of public transportation, and an increase in the capacity of existing tourist facilities.

What development affecting international travel might there be in the future? ›

A few factors will greatly determine how the sector performs. These include travel restrictions, vaccination rates and health security, changing market dynamics and consumer preferences, and the ability of businesses and destinations to adapt. At the same time, the sector will need to prepare for future shocks.

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Name: Moshe Kshlerin

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