Frugal Alternatives To Your Pricey Gym Membership | Mad Money Monster (2024)

Remember when I said we used to do money all wrong? No? Well trust me, I said it because we did. I can’t even begin to tell you how many gym memberships I have gone through in my life. It started as soon as I graduated high school. I had an older brother who really enjoyed pumping iron and spending time at the gym. He took me with him one night and I was instantly hooked. I was really impressed with all the equipment and the energy in the place. I signed up that first night, and the rest, as they say, is history – including my hard-earned money.

Frugal Alternatives To Your Pricey Gym Membership | Mad Money Monster (1)

I estimate that throughout my adulthood,I have been a member of at least 5gyms. They all started out the same way. I would go for a trial. Then, I would get engulfed in the energy and ambiance (if you can say that about a gym) of the place. And before I knew it, I was agreeing to be a financial contributor to the said establishment for the next 12 months, MINIMUM. For the purposes of this post, let’s focus only on the last gym membership I had, and will ever have!

The last time this happened was in 2012. I had been a part of the online dating scene for quite some time at that point, and I also decided it was a good time to getback to my fightin’ weight. So, I joined a VERY popular chain gym during a special promotion they were running at the beginning of the year. Think: New Year’s Resolution.

In any case, it actually was a really good deal. After the sign-up fee, the monthly cost was only $19, and that included childcare and unlimited tanning. Woot!

The gym was also right next to my daughter’s preschoolcenter. At the time, I had visions of picking her up from preschool and shooting right over to the gym to get in a workout. As if. In the 5 years I held that membership – that NEVER happened. Ever. Why? Because I underestimated how tired I would be after a long day at work combined withthe anticipated guilt I wouldhave felt had I taken her directly from preschool (i.e. daycare) to yet another daycare.

Over the course of those 5 years, I went religiously for the first few months. I would venture out with my daughter after dinner in the evenings to embark on the 15-minutes drive to the gym. Rain, sleet, or snow, it didn’t matter – we went. My little girl somewhat enjoyed playing in the playroom with the other kids. And I enjoyed getting back into shape. I usually ran on the treadmill for 30 minutes and then used free weights to build up my strength. Things were going along swimmingly. Or so I thought.

Then something odd happened; my 3-year old daughter started getting an opinion. And her opinion was that she didn’t want to go to the gym in the evenings. Instead, she wanted to stay at home and play with mommy. Gasp! I realized she was right. I was sacrificing time with my little girl to spend time at the gym. In 2012, I was also a single parent. That meant, after work, dinner, and the household chores, there really wasn’t much quality time leftover before she was crawling into bed for the night.

My 3-year old voicing her concern about our new evening routine was the last straw. I decided to scale back our trips to the gym to give my daughter and I the time wedeserved in the evenings.

Frugal Alternatives To Your Pricey Gym Membership | Mad Money Monster (2)

I am embarrassed to admit that it took me 5 long years to consider cancelingmy gym membership. Even though I scaled back my trips to increase my heart rate and pump iron, I wasn’t ready to cancel my membership. Besides, I still wanted to stay in shape. I figured having the membership gave me the option to actually use itwhen I had free time. And I did. But those trips becameless and less prominent over the years.

One Saturday in 2016 I decided that I needed to give up the gym membership for good. After all, I had married in 2015 and we started charting a course of frugality in a quest for financial independence. As you can imagine, a barely used gym membership just doesn’t fit into that mold. I ultimately marched up to that counter that Saturday and told the teenager behind the desk that I wanted to cancel my membership. It felt great! I felt like it was another step towards our goal! Because it was. He stared back at me like I had a monkey on my headand stated that the manager wasn’t there and that I needed to fill out some form and mail it somewhere in order to cancel. Unfortunately, he had no idea where to find this mysterious form. Obviously, canceling memberships doesn’t happen too often at this gym.

I left dejected and determined to return within a few days to finally Cancel My Membership. I didn’t. A few days turned into a few months, and then another few months. Before I realized what had happened, we had already toasted champagne at the stroke of midnight on 2017. The automatic credit card paymentwas still popping up on my statement each month. This needed to stop. NOW.

So again,Mr. MMM and I stopped at the gym during our errands one weekend – FYI, we combine our trips because it makes frugal sense 🙂 This time, the person behind the desk handed me The Form! I walked out with my cancellation formfirmly planted in my hand. Funny thing, I felt a little sad. That gym, even though I had greatly scaled back my appearances, had somehow become part of my identity over the course of those 5 years.

Before I had too much time to think about losing this small piece of myself, I filled out The Form and dropped it in the mail. DONE.

Frugal Alternatives To Your Pricey Gym Membership | Mad Money Monster (3)

Did I mention I had a treadmill at home? Yep. I bought myself a pro treadmill around 2007 that was still in excellent condition. So there I was, running on a treadmill at the gym when I had one in my own home! #sillygirl

Not only did I have a treadmill at home, I also had free weights, a door leading outside, an Internet connection, and functioning arms and legs. Okay, I’m being a little dramatic – but you gotta admit it’s fun in a post like this! Let’s explore each of these points in more detail!

It’s true. I have my very own treadmill and I have for quite some time now. Even before I signed on the dotted line for that gym membership, I had my treadmill. It sat downstairs in my home just waiting to be used. And I did use it quite often throughout the years – I’m just not so sure why it wasn’t good enough to be used in 2012.

Like, why the heck was I driving myself and my daughter in the snow, sleet, and rain 15-minutes to the gym when all I had to do was walk downstairs and hop on my treadmill? Instead, I was putting my daughter in the playroom and hopping on the gym’s treadmill. In retrospect, it’s quite an enormous waste of resources all around.

Frugal Alternatives To Your Pricey Gym Membership | Mad Money Monster (4)

Guess what else I had at my frugal disposal! Yep, you got it! I had (and still have) a door in my home that leads outside! Now granted, being a single parent I couldn’t possibly just throw on some jogging gear and hit the pavement. Maybe that’s why I felt the gym was a better option.

But guess what!If you’re not a single parent and you also happen to not have a treadmill, a gym membership is not your only option for getting into shape. You have options. Not only do you have options, but you have frugal options!

In such a familial case, you can actually use that door in your home that leads to the great outdoors. You actually can put on some jogging gearand hit the pavement. And just think of all that time, money, and energy you’ll save just by not having to drive to and from a cold, sterile establishment. This is truly a win-win!

I’m willing to bet that you, like me, have functioning limbs! If so, there are a plethoraof activities, both indoor and outdoor, you can partake in at no cost at all! You can open that door and run out! You can run down your street, and then run down your neighbors street, and so on and so forth. You could also do sit-ups, push-ups, jumping jacks, or any other physical activity you can dream up!

Before I evencanceled the gym membership, I started doing mommy and me yoga at home with my little girl. Not only was this a great exercise, but it also strengthened our bond and was a ton of fun. Don’t believe me? Try doing the downward-facing dog with a 5-year old! Check out the post I wrote about it here!

Frugal Alternatives To Your Pricey Gym Membership | Mad Money Monster (5)

One of the best exercise tools you have at your disposal is likely your Internet connection. You read that right! I couldn’t believe the amount of information and free exercise videos that are available online. How do you think Mini and I do our little yoga routines? Thank you, Internet!

Side Note: I recently discovered there are high-intensity programs available on YouTube for FREE. I’m in the middle of a 30-day workout right now. I must say, I am amazed at how my body has transformed since starting it. And with that, I give you my closing argument – if you have an Internet connection, a home, and a dash of determination, you, too, can have the body you desire without even leaving your house!

Do you still have a gym membership you’re not using? If so, what’s stopping you from canceling it and trying some of these frugal alternatives?

Frugal Alternatives To Your Pricey Gym Membership | Mad Money Monster (6)

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Frugal Alternatives To Your Pricey Gym Membership | Mad Money Monster (2024)


What is the best alternative to the gym? ›

Dance, boxing or yoga are all options to consider. Burning calories in a different way to what you usually would in a gym is a great way to improve your fitness. As well as that, you'll improve your overall feelings towards working out, and new activities will highlight to you how your fitness is improving.

What do I do if I cant afford the gym? ›

Planks, push-ups, squats, jumping jacks and step-ups are all great ways to get moving! Make housework exercise time. Cleaning the house is actually a great way to get moving. Check out how many calories you can burn by doing housework with this calculator.

How can I save money on my gym membership? ›

Try negotiating with gym staff or managers. Some gyms are open to bargaining, especially if they know you're considering other options. Ask if they can lower the monthly price or waive registration or maintenance fees. You can also check if they offer student, military, or senior gym discounts.

What to do if the gym is too expensive? ›

Facilities. The more facilities a gym has, the more it will cost each month. If you think your gym is too expensive, then it's worth looking at other options in the area. Cheaper gyms may offer exactly what you need to exercise effectively but at a fraction of the cost.

What is the cheapest form of exercise? ›

Exercising on a budget
  • Walk the dog.
  • Walk with your kids, family, or friends.
  • Do a mall walk in bad weather.
  • Walk to work, or get off the bus or subway early and walk part of the way.
  • Take a walk at lunch or on your work break.
  • Walk to errands and appointments.
  • Join a walking club.
May 12, 2022

What is the number 1 best exercise? ›

Walking. Walking is simple, yet powerful. It can help you stay trim, improve cholesterol levels, strengthen bones, keep blood pressure in check, lift your mood, and lower your risk for a number of diseases (diabetes and heart disease, for example).

How can I shape my body without gym? ›

How to stay fit without gym?
  1. Take a walk. If gym is not your thing, you can walk your way to fitness. ...
  2. Dance your heart out. Yes, dance is a form of art that helps you express yourself but it's also an art that makes you fit. ...
  3. Choose the stairs. ...
  4. Play some sports. ...
  5. Jump rope. ...
  6. Do a workout at home. ...
  7. Learn a martial art.
Feb 6, 2023

How many people pay for a gym membership and don t go? ›

67% of people never use their gym membership. Check out this guide to learn more about what percentage of people do not use their gym membership and why. If your gym is crowded in January but empty in February, you're not alone. Up to 67 percent of gym memberships go completely unused.

How many people pay for a gym membership and don't go? ›

36% of Americans had signed up for a gym membership or studio pass in January 2022. 34% of those who signed up had stopped using their memberships by the end of the year. More than 27% of Americans drifted away from their membership after just six months. 9% struggled to keep up attendance past the two-month mark.

What is the cheapest month to join a gym? ›

But even with the discounts, this may not be the best time to get the lowest rates. "You can often get the biggest discount on a gym membership later in the month," says Andrea Metcalf, a certified trainer and health coach in Chicago. That holds true in January or any month of the year, she says.

What time of the year are gym memberships cheapest? ›

Join at the End of the Month

"You get a better deal in December going into early January," says Keightley. Gyms are making more money in January, so they're more likely to have members pay a lower monthly fee leading into the New Year when business is slow and have people commit by January 1.

Is 50 dollars a month a lot for a gym membership? ›

Gym memberships usually cost between $40 and $70 per month, but the price of premium gyms can be higher. Location, amenities, and membership benefits can affect the price. Traditional health insurance plans, Medicare, and Medigap may cover a portion or all of the costs related to gym membership.

Why are gyms getting so expensive? ›

Gyms consume a significant amount of electricity, and maintaining a comfortable environment with heating and cooling systems comes with a price. Large spaces, well-lit areas, and the need for temperature control contribute to high utility bills, which are reflected in membership fees.

Why is a gym membership so expensive? ›

Gyms require a significant amount of space, specialized equipment, utilities, maintenance, and staffing. The expense of maintaining a clean and safe environment with well-maintained equipment can be substantial. As these costs continue to rise, gym owners often pass them on to members through higher membership fees.

What are the hidden costs of joining a gym? ›

Annual fees.

If the gym membership is $10 a month, but you're paying, say, an $80 annual fee, really you're paying closer to $16 a month every year (and if there's a registration fee, add that on, and the first year, you're paying even more per month).

How to afford to go to the gym? ›

10 Ways to Save Money at the Gym
  1. Shop during the Slow Season. When looking to purchase a membership, consider the time of year. ...
  2. Join at the End of the Month. ...
  3. Check Out the Competition. ...
  4. Strip Off the Extras. ...
  5. Avoid the Contract Agreement. ...
  6. Get Out of Your Gym Contract. ...
  7. Be Honest about Your Budget. ...
  8. Work With Your Employer.

How do gym owners pay themselves? ›

A gym owner's salary depends on variables like the size of the gym, its location, the size of the staff, the number of members, the types of services offered, and the overhead. The good news is when you make a profit, you pay yourself.

Is it OK to not go gym? ›

Your aerobic capacity drops by 5 to 10% after three weeks of no exercises, and after two months of inactivity, you'll definitely find yourself out of shape. The good news is that if you're generally an active person even when you don't go to the gym, then it will take longer for you to lose those hard earned muscles.

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Name: Mrs. Angelic Larkin

Birthday: 1992-06-28

Address: Apt. 413 8275 Mueller Overpass, South Magnolia, IA 99527-6023

Phone: +6824704719725

Job: District Real-Estate Facilitator

Hobby: Letterboxing, Vacation, Poi, Homebrewing, Mountain biking, Slacklining, Cabaret

Introduction: My name is Mrs. Angelic Larkin, I am a cute, charming, funny, determined, inexpensive, joyous, cheerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.