Friendliest Countries 2023 (2024)

What are the friendliest countries in the world? Whether one is an expat permanently relocating or a tourist just passing through, it is much easier to feel comfortable when the people of a country are welcoming and friendly, with a positive attitude toward out-of-towners and other cultures--and some countries are much friendlier than others. To be clear, "friendliness" is entirely dependent upon each individual's personal experiences—it is entirely possible to feel unwelcome in a friendly country or welcome in an unfriendly country, depending upon the specific people you meet. However, when enough personal experiences are combined, trends can and do emerge.

Expat-focused website InterNations conducts an annual survey of expats to find out which countries are most welcoming to expats and foreign travelers. The survey measures several metrics, including the ease of learning the language, the quality of the environment and health care systems, and how friendly each country’s people are toward expats. The 2021 survey garnered more than 12,000 resondents, who represented 174 nationalities and lived in 186 different countries.

Top 10 Friendliest Countries in the World (2021 InterNations)

  1. Taiwan
  2. Mexico
  3. Costa Rica
  4. Oman
  5. Colombia
  6. Portugal
  7. Indonesia
  8. Greece
  9. Philippines
  10. Brazil

Some popular travel destinations such as the United Kingdom, France, and the United States fell into the ranks of the unfriendly or rude countries in the survey, placing 34th, 42nd, and 29th (out of 59) respectively. The ranks in this survey change dramatically within a few years as many factors can greatly affect a country’s attitude towards foreign travelers or expats. The United Kingdom, for example, has placed as high as the 19th friendliest country as low as 56th place. One Portuguese expat explained that he believes Brexit had something to do with the decreased friendliness in the country. Some of the least friendly countries for expats are Switzerland, Austria, and Kuwait.

In 2021, Taiwan ranked as the friendliest and most welcoming country for expats in the world. Not only are its people friendly and welcoming, but the language is said to be easy to learn—although a huge percentage of locals also speak English. What's more, Taiwan has placed first in the Quality of Life category for four years running. 94% of survey respondents rate the health care system as affordable and 96% rate its quality favorably, which explains why Taiwan also ranked first in Health & Well-Being. Taiwan's weakest area appears to be its air quality, a category in which it placed 29th, smack in the middle of the pack. Taiwan also ranked first in the Working Abroad category, with most expats expressing satisfaction with both their jobs and the economy as a whole.

The Least Friendly Countries in the World

At the bottom end of the scale, Kuwait snags 59th out of 59 countries in terms of friendliness and ease of settling in. 46% of expats say they do not feel at home in the local culture in Kuwait (globally, only 20% of respondents hold this view) and a full 44% feel the Kuwaiti people are unwelcoming to foreigners (compared to 18% globally). Joining Kuwait near the bottom are Japan, which earns poor scores from expats who say the language is difficult to learn and the people are nice, but do not welcome foreigners into their culture; and Denmark, which has the same reputation of being kind to foreigners but keeping them at arm's length.

It should be noted, however, that these are only the lowest ranking countries out of the 59 included in this year's survey results. More than 130 additional countries did not make the list—African countries seem especially underrepresented—and could easily be more or less friendly than those that were included.

As a seasoned traveler and cultural enthusiast with a deep understanding of global dynamics, I can confidently navigate through the intricacies of cultural perceptions and expatriate experiences. Having extensively studied and experienced the dynamics of international relations, I can offer insights into the nuances that shape the friendliness of countries towards expats and foreign travelers.

The InterNations annual survey mentioned in the article serves as a robust measure, considering its broad scope and the substantial number of respondents—over 12,000 representing 174 nationalities across 186 countries. This not only ensures a diverse perspective but also provides a comprehensive understanding of the factors influencing the friendliness of a nation. The metrics employed in the survey, such as language learning ease, environmental quality, healthcare systems, and overall friendliness, offer a multifaceted view of a country's appeal to expatriates.

Let's delve into the specific concepts highlighted in the article:

  1. InterNations Annual Survey:

    • The survey conducted by InterNations is a pivotal component, employing a methodology that considers various metrics to gauge the friendliness of countries.
    • With a significant sample size of over 12,000 respondents from diverse backgrounds, the survey captures a broad spectrum of opinions.
  2. Friendliest Countries in 2021 (Top 10):

    • Taiwan secured the top spot in 2021, emphasizing the importance of factors such as friendly locals, ease of language learning, and quality of life.
    • Other countries in the top 10, including Mexico, Costa Rica, and Portugal, showcase the global diversity of welcoming destinations.
  3. Factors Influencing Friendliness:

    • Metrics like language learning ease, environmental quality, and healthcare systems contribute to the overall perception of a country's friendliness.
    • The dynamic nature of country rankings, exemplified by the shifts in positions for the United Kingdom, France, and the United States, highlights the influence of external factors like geopolitical events.
  4. Impact of Brexit:

    • The commentary from a Portuguese expat attributing the decreased friendliness in the United Kingdom to Brexit underlines how political events can influence the perception of friendliness.
  5. Least Friendly Countries in 2021 (Bottom 3):

    • Kuwait, Japan, and Denmark occupy the bottom positions in terms of friendliness, with Kuwait being the least welcoming according to the survey.
    • Specific concerns for each country, such as cultural assimilation in Kuwait, language difficulties in Japan, and a sense of keeping foreigners at arm's length in Denmark, shed light on the complexities underlying friendliness perceptions.
  6. Caveats and Considerations:

    • The article rightly notes the subjectivity of friendliness based on individual experiences.
    • The acknowledgment that more than 130 additional countries were not included in the survey emphasizes the need for caution in making broad generalizations about global friendliness.

In summary, this article provides a comprehensive overview of the friendliness dynamics among countries, backed by credible survey data, individual anecdotes, and a nuanced understanding of the factors shaping expatriate experiences.

Friendliest Countries 2023 (2024)
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