Friend Request (2024)


Michael arrives at Lester Crest's house in Murrieta Heights. He knocks at the door, but hears no response. A surveillance camera shows Michael flipping Lester off with both hands.

Michael:f*ck you, Lester. You gotta let me in or what?
(Voice only):
Gimme a minute.

Lester opens the door to his house. Michael enters the house and greets Lester in his living room.

Lester:I was wondering when you'd show up.
Michael:I was dead.
Lester:Praise be! I guess you weren't very dead. You...need my help.
Michael:How do you know?
Lester:'Cause you came here. Why else would you?
Michael:I haven't been a good friend for you, Lester. I know that.
Lester:And you're gonna make it up to me by doing whatever I ask. Or rather, I-I mean... I need something done, you need to know something, so, why not help each other?
Michael:I gotta make some dough.
Lester:So you're back in the game?
Michael:I guess. Look, Lester, about what happened before...
Lester:I know you never mentioned my name. I know I'm not on any lists anywhere, I know you never betrayed me. As for you, you gotta figure that I never told anyone, that instead of gently decomposing in North Yankton, you're angrily decomposing in Los Santos with a shrink...and a wife who don't love you no more.
Michael:Yeah...yeah, well. Since you put it like that...
Lester:Hey, shut up a minute, I'm getting an EyeFind alert. That little college boy, sack of sh*t, phony f*ck!
Michael:Who? Jay Norris?
Lester:Yes. That f*ck is a lying bastard, I've read his f*cking emails, he's a f*cking cheat.
Michael:I-I-I heard him say that he saved America...
Lester:What, by outsourcing all the jobs?! By selling us little bits of plastic, restricted-access sh*t? Well now it's payback time, you lying turd.
Michael:The hell are you talkin' about?
Lester:You are about to get that white collar gig that you've always dreamed of, Mikey.

Lester gives Michael a backpack.

Lester:Here, that this err, fashionably retro, 'weird-for-a-45-year-old-man-but-I-cannot-let-go-of-the-1980s' bag, and dress yourself up like a billionaire math genius with low-level Asperger's. You better be ready for the minor glitch of your repulsive pseudo-messianic life.
Michael:Okay, Lester...
Lester:Get out of here! Call me when you're ready. We're about to put the Darwinism back in social Darwinism, and brother, it's gonna be fun.
Michael:You f*ckin' kiddin' me? I'm a bank robber, not a web designer.
Lester:So, we'll go robbing...soon. I'll find something. Just like the old days.

As Lester uses an inhaler, Michael leaves his house and heads to the Sub Urban clothing store in Alta.

NOTE: The following text message will only appear if Michael doesn't have enough money to buy the required clothes.

(Text only):
Seein as you're having some liquidity problems, I wired some money into your account. Should be enough 4 the getup.
Michael:Ah, excuse me. I got this interview with this tech company. I'm thinking I need something, I don't know...geeky, youthful.
Sub Urban Clerk:Lost your job and the world's moved on, huh? That's too bad.
Michael:I didn't lose my job.
Sub Urban Clerk:Of course. Got too old, got outsourced. Same thing happened to my dad. Now you gotta fit in with a different generation. What about...a vest and some cargo shorts?

Michael purchases a vest and cargo shorts as part of his disguise.

Sub Urban Clerk:
*Tragic, but they'll do.
*Dignity aside, I think that just might work.
Sub Urban Clerk:Good luck at the interview.
Michael:(not in subtitles) Bye.

Michael heads to the Lifeinvader Office in Rockford Hills. Along the way, he calls Lester.

(Voice only):
Michael:I'm all dressed up. Now, you wanna run me through this thing?
(Voice only):
The prototype is somewhere in the Lifeinvader office. Find it, and fit it with the device in your bag.
Michael:They just gonna let me in?
(Voice only):
Why wouldn't they, if you look the part? Hang around till someone opens the door and act entitled.

NOTE: The following text will appear if Michael hangs up on Lester.

(Text only):
Blend in with the hipster developer d bags, find the prototype, and fit it with the device in ur bag.

Michael arrives at the Lifeinvader offices and hangs around the rear entrance to have a smoke. Rickie Lukens exits the offices.


Michael lights Rickie's cigarette, then lights his own.

Rickie:Oh, great. PM's pushing for more functionality, (chuckles) but we are maxed. I mean, if anything, we have to strip features, especially if we're planning on releasing a fully priced update a year later. Oh, know, it's all this...
Michael:Yeah, well, you know, you gotta do what you gotta do. You know?
Rickie:Err, I mean, we're talking beta in Q4, maybe Q3. Look, milestones are one thing, but when design is changing its mind seemingly overnight, there's not much you can do about know what I'm saying?
Michael:Look, (sigh) my Union-allocated smoke break's about up, so...
Rickie:Wait a minute, do I know you?
Michael:Yeah, I think so.
Rickie:I-I-IT temp, right?
Rickie:You know, you gotta do something for me.
Michael:Ah, you gotta put it in a ticket.
Rickie:Err, no. I'd like to keep this one out of the database, if you know what I mean?

Rickie and Michael enter the Lifeinvader offices.

Rickie:I'm turning consultant when we release - consulting consulters.

Rickie leads Michael to his computer on the second floor, which is riddled with pop-up ads.

Rickie:Here you go. If you guys let me use the OS I requested, this wouldn't be a problem.

Michael sits down at Rickie's desk and starts closing the pop-ups.

Michael:Ah, you've been at it on this PC. Huh, got any antivirus software?
Rickie:I think so. Behind this junk, on the left. Clicked an NSFW link, bro, bit me on the ass.
Michael:Yeah, not safe for work, uh-huh. You know, my son's computer runs into the same kind of problems. I'll close the pop-ups, see what I can do.

Michael launches the AntEater anti-virus program.

*There it goes.

The anti-virus program scans the computer and gets rid of all the pop-up ads.

Michael:And that should do it. Why don't you try and keep things strictly "safe for work" from now on?

Rickie approaches Michael while playing air guitar.

Rickie:Hey, have you seen the prototype in the demo room? When Norris unveils it at the keynote, minds are gonna blow!
Michael:Yes, they are.

Michael heads to the demo room and finds a briefcase containing the Lifeinvader Phone prototype.

Michael:Ah, good.

Michael removes Lester's device from the backpack and puts it into the phone prototype.

Michael:Oh, nice.

Michael puts the prototype back into the briefcase and leaves the demo room.

*Dude, when it blue screens again, you're my guy.
*Making history, dude. Hey, and we couldn't do it without the little guys!
Michael:(not in subtitles) Bye now.

Michael leaves the Lifeinvader office and heads back home to watch the keynote. Along the way, he calls Lester.

(Voice only):
Hey, Michael, hold on, hold on...domed! I domed ya!
Michael:Lester? The thing's in the prototype, I'm going home to watch the keynote.
(Voice only):
Teabag time, my friend!
Michael:Lester, did you hear me? Are you playing that game?
(Voice only):
Yeah, yeah, sorry, phone is rigged. What's your problem, you don't like shooters?
Michael:They're all the same. Besides, you know me, I'm a movie guy. Classic Vinewood.
(Voice only):
Classic Vinewood ended 30 years ago. Now, it's just superheroes, romantic comedies and remakes, none of which interest me.
Michael:Hey, I believe this country can still make interesting movies. There's no better way to define American life than a two-hour plot in which the hero looks good and defeats evil.
(Voice only):
Ah, whatever you say...enjoy yesterday. Anyway, just call the device after he's unveiled it, and then we'll talk.

Once Michael gets home, he finds his daughter, Tracey, watching Fame or Shame in the lounge.

Tracey:(chuckles) Oh my God, you guys are so lame!
Tracey:No, I'm watching Fame or Shame!
Michael:Tough f*cking tit*! Gimme that...
Tracey:No, no!

Michael snatches the remote from Tracey, who then leaves the lounge, roaring in frustration. Michael then changes the TV channel to Weazel News, currently broadcasting a Lifeinvader keynote event at the Vinewood Bowl.

Announcer:Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome Mr. Jay Norris to the stage!

The crowd is heard cheering as Jay Norris enters the stage. He tests the microphone for feedback.

Jay Norris:Hey. This company has come a long way since we started it in my parents' pool house in East Carraway. Today, you're about to witness a new phase. Full on, weapons grade, red alert, world domination!

The crowd applauds and cheers.

Jay Norris:We have put a billion people's private data in the public domain, and we have milked every penny we could in the process. We have one of the youngest work forces in the world! An average age of only 14.4 years, that's not just impressive, it's revolutionary!

The crowd applauds and cheers again.

Jay Norris:Today, right here, we're about to make the next step! Prepare to witness...the future.
Crowd:Dock! Dock! Dock! Dock! Dock!

Jay Norris makes a docking gesture with his fingers, then pulls out the Lifeinvader Phone.

Jay Norris:The Lifeinvader mobile device. Yes, we have invented something no one else has ever thought of. A small personal computerized device. Now you're able to stay docked twenty-four seven. On the bus. You can dock. On the subway. Stay docked. You can be docked in at home, and at the same time, you're docking with some kids at the public pool. We went to the guys at Fruit Computers and we told them we wanted to make our hardware as compatible as possible... Now you can dock your Lifeinvader to an iFruit or any other device, and it'll take all the data off and reformat it into Lifeinvader-friendly information.

While Jay Norris showcases the phone, Michael decides to call him.

Michael:And...f*ck you.
Jay Norris:Huh, hold on a second. I think someone's trying to dock with me.

Jay Norris answers Michael's call.

Jay Norris:Hello?

The phone explodes against Jay Norris' head, killing him and shocking the crowd. The security tell the cameramen to stop filming before the broadcast cuts to a "Signal Lost" technical difficulties screen.

Michael:Oh! Ach! Oh, Jesus! Whoa, Lest...whoa!

As the TV turns off, Michael gets up from the couch. Soon, he calls Lester.

(Voice only):
(not in subtitles) Ha-ha!
Michael:Lest, that was heavy! You watching the news?
(Voice only):
I don't have to, I'm watching the markets. I'll be trading pure alpha 'till close.
Michael:Alright. Hey, about that other thing, you know, the score?
(Voice only):
Oh, yeah, yeah, absolutely. Let's do it. Put on a suit, look somewhat professional and meet me at my warehouse off the LS Freeway. Oh, and I'm about to email you a link for the exchange. You can put in some trades of your own.
Michael:I'm trying to stay off the day trading, but maybe I'll take a look.
Friend Request (2024)


Should you accept every friend request? ›

Note: We recommend only accepting friend requests from people you know. If you're getting unwanted or inappropriate friend requests, you can report the account or block them. Learn about our policies by reading the Facebook Community Standards.

What happens if you don't respond to a friend request? ›

If you take no action on the request they've sent you, they will not be able send you another friend request. You will appear instead as a pending friend request when they view you in Search or elsewhere on the site until you either accept or ignore the request.

Is my friend request being ignored? ›

Steps to check up on Facebook friend requests

Click on Friend requests to see a list of friends who sent you a request. In the left-hand panel, look closely for the small text View sent requests. This brings up the list of all the people you've sent friend requests to but who never responded.

What to say if a girl asks why you added her? ›

Tell her the truth. If she's attractive and you would like to be friend, it doesn't hurt letting her know. If you two were strangers to begin with, your chances of getting really close to her were practically zero in the first place, so why not just be up front?

Is it rude not to accept a friend request? ›

You don't have to accept anyone out of obligation. It's completely acceptable to ignore their request. To alleviate any tension, try connecting with them on a more professional platform like LinkedIn where you feel comfortable.

Why should you only accept friend requests from people you know? ›

Remember people use fake accounts to access your profile data and use it to stalk you or send you relative affiliate links. It can also be your girlfriend or wife or someone who wants to check you out.

Why do friends not respond to texts? ›

"Not responding is something a person might do if they're not interested," she said, "but it's also something a person might do if they're overwhelmed, if texting isn't their thing, if they get anxiety from texting, if they feel frazzled knowing exactly the right thing to say on the spot and respond in a timely manner. ...

Can you tell if someone denies your friend request on Facebook? ›

Facebook doesn't actually send you a notification if someone rejects your friend request. The only way to figure it out is if you go to the person's profile and see that the "Add Friend" button is still there and hasn't changed.

Why did someone get a friend request that I didn't send? ›

If your Facebook friends receive a friend request that you did not send, your Facebook account may have been compromised, or a fake account with your name and profile picture may have been created.

Can you request someone again if they delete your friend request? ›

When you delete a friend request, the person who sent you the request isn't notified and can't send you another request for one year. If you block someone they can't send more friend requests.

How do I know if someone deleted my friend request? ›

Inability to view their profile: If you were able to view the person's profile before sending the friend request, but now you can't access it, it could be an indication that they have deleted the request or deactivated their account [2].

How long do Facebook friend requests last? ›

Currently friend requests DO NOT EXPIRE, and there are no plans on changing that in the near future. There is however a limit on the number of friend requests so if someone has an inbox that is full they will not be able to receive any new friend requests until they manually delete or accept the older requests.

When a girl asks you why are you still single? ›

One of the best responses is simply to share that you haven't found your match yet. It lets the asker know that you're still dating, and it also “tells them you're open to finding someone and are in no rush,” says neuropsychologist Dr. Sanam Hafeez. From there, you can add a little bit of humor to lighten the mood.

What does it mean when a girl shows you pictures of herself? ›

Photos of herself or pictures of what she's doing throughout the day can mean she's trying to give you a peek into her world. She's trying to establish your interest in her life by sharing what she's doing and seeing. She may even ask for your input or advice about things she shows you.

Is it safe to accept random friend requests? ›

Accepting fake friend requests makes your account vulnerable to hackers and scammers. It may lead to: Getting your personal information easily. Adding your other friends to also get their information.

Is it normal to get a lot of friend requests on Facebook? ›

You receive a huge number of friend requests because Facebook is showing your profile in the People You May Know section to a lot of people. The People You May Know section appears under Find Friends, but will occasionally appear in the News Feed or Notifications.

Why has someone accepted a friend request I never sent? ›

Originally Answered: Why does Facebook tell me people have accepted my friend requests, when I never sent a friend request to them in the first place? You either sent a request and forgot about it or your password has been compromised and your profile is being used to send advertisem*nts to other people.

What happens if you send too many friend requests? ›

If you're currently not able to send friend requests, this is usually because: You recently sent a lot of friend requests.

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Author: Jerrold Considine

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Views: 5902

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Author information

Name: Jerrold Considine

Birthday: 1993-11-03

Address: Suite 447 3463 Marybelle Circles, New Marlin, AL 20765

Phone: +5816749283868

Job: Sales Executive

Hobby: Air sports, Sand art, Electronics, LARPing, Baseball, Book restoration, Puzzles

Introduction: My name is Jerrold Considine, I am a combative, cheerful, encouraging, happy, enthusiastic, funny, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.