Forex Trading Vs Crypto Trading : Which Is Better? - Entri Blog (2024)

Forex stands for Foreign Exchange – a financial market that allows you to gain exposure to international currency pairs. Basically, it is a market where one currency is converted into another.

In forex trading, you would buy and sell one currency for another at an agreed price. If you have ever purchased an item from an international online seller in a currency that is different from your original offer, you have had forex exposure.

Crypto is an acronym for cryptocurrency – digital currencies where the record of transactions is verified and recorded in a decentralized system instead of a centralized or single authority. In other words, it is a non-physical currency but can be used much like a traditional tender.

Most cryptocurrencies store their transactions on blockchains to increase transparency. This helps reduce risk and remove the “middleman” that often leads to additional transaction fees.

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The Basics of Forex Trading and Crypto Trading

Forex Trading

Forex trading, also known as foreign exchange trading, involves the buying and selling of currencies on the global market. It is the largest and most liquid financial market in the world with an average daily trading volume of $6.6 trillion. In forex trading, traders speculate on the price movements of various currency pairs such as EUR/USD or GBP/JPY in order to make a profit.

In order to participate in forex trading, traders must open an account with a broker and deposit funds. They can then use leverage to increase potential profits, allowing them to control larger positions with less capital. However, leverage also amplifies losses, making forex trading a high-risk investment.

Crypto Trading

Cryptocurrency trading involves buying and selling cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Litecoin on a digital market. Cryptocurrencies are decentralized digital assets that use blockchain technology to facilitate secure and transparent transactions. Unlike forex trading, where traders speculate on the price movements of fiat currencies, cryptocurrency trading involves speculating on the price movements of cryptocurrencies.

Similar to forex trading, traders need to open an account with a cryptocurrency exchange and deposit funds to start trading. However, unlike forex trading, cryptocurrency trading does not involve leverage, making it a less risky investment option.

Forex vs. Crypto as Assets: A Comparative Analysis

When you consider trading crypto vs. forex for assets, it is important to recognize their fundamental differences. Both have unique features that cater to different trader preferences and investment strategies. Here we do a comparative analysis of forex and cryptocurrency in terms of their asset characteristics:

VolatilityRenowned for high volatility. Prices can surge or plummet dramatically within short timeframes.Exhibits fluctuations but generally lower volatility than cryptos. Major currency pairs are more stable.
Market HoursOperates 24/7, including weekends, providing flexibility for traders to engage at any time.Follows specific trading hours, typically Monday to Friday, with variations based on currency pairs and regions.
RegulationOperates in a relatively unregulated environment, offering more freedom but exposing traders to potential risks like scams and fraud.Well-regulated in most countries, contributing to a safer trading environment. Regulatory bodies oversee brokers to ensure compliance.
AccessibilityAccessible to anyone with an internet connection. Traders can access various cryptos on different platforms.Traditionally more accessible through broker services, focusing on currency pairs. Access to a wide array of forex pairs is available.
LiquidityMajor cryptos offer substantial liquidity, facilitating the execution of large trades.The largest financial market globally with high liquidity. Major currency pairs exhibit excellent liquidity, ideal for significant trading volumes.
DiversificationOffers diversification beyond traditional assets, allowing traders to explore innovative and emerging markets.Focuses on currency pairs, making it valuable for traders interested in currency value fluctuations.

In comparison trading crypto vs. forex is neither inherently better. The choice between trading crypto and forex as an asset depends on individual preferences, risk tolerance and investment goals. It is essential to carefully consider these key differences when deciding which market best suits your business goals.

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Crypto Trading

Cryptocurrency trading has its own advantages and disadvantages and it is essential to understand them before deciding to open positions in this market.

Pros of crypto trading

  • Potential for high returns: Cryptocurrencies are known for their extreme volatility and often experience significant price swings in short periods of time. Savvy traders can take advantage of these price movements and they present great opportunities for significant profits.
  • Decentralization and flexibility:Unlike traditional financial markets, cryptocurrencies operate in a decentralized and unregulated environment. This offers traders more flexibility and freedom in their investment choices and strategies.
  • Unmatched accessibility: Cryptocurrency markets never close, so you can trade all day every day. You can even trade while you sleep by using technologies including copy trading that automatically reflects the positions of the trader you choose to copy. AI bots are another autonomous option that you can pre-program to execute trades under precise conditions.
  • Lower transaction fees: Compared to traditional financial markets, cryptocurrency trading platforms generally charge lower transaction fees. This cost efficiency can save merchants money in the long run.
  • Swift and secure transactions: Blockchain technology makes cryptocurrency transactions faster and more secure. This ensures efficiency and reduces the risk of fraud or manipulation.

Cons of crypto trading

  • Volatility risks: The high volatility of the cryptocurrency market can also pose a significant risk. If traders do not proceed with caution and manage risks properly, they can face significant losses.
  • Regulatory uncertainty: Uncertainty surrounding cryptocurrency regulation can expose traders to potentially fraudulent schemes and scams. This underscores the importance of thorough due diligence before trading any digital asset.
  • Limited access to reliable information: Since the cryptocurrency market is still relatively young, accessing reliable information can take time and effort. Marketers must be diligent in finding trusted sources to make informed decisions.

Best practices for crypto trading

In order to be successful in cryptocurrency trading, there are certain practices and habits that traders should follow:

In-depth research

Do comprehensive research before participating in a crypto project. Explore the underlying technology, use cases, market capitalization, trading volume and historical performance of digital assets.

Diversify your portfolio

Spread your funds between different cryptocurrencies to reduce the impact of potential losses. Avoid putting all your capital into a single cryptocurrency.

Stay informed on market trends

Follow market trends, news and events that could affect the value of cryptocurrencies. Stay informed about regulatory developments and important partnerships that may impact the market.

Use risk management tools

Minimize risk by using risk management tools such as take-profit and stop-loss orders. These tools help protect your trades in the event of adverse price movements.

Examples Of Popular Cryptocurrencies

There are thousands of cryptocurrencies available in the market, but some have gained more popularity than others. Here are some examples of popular cryptocurrencies:

Bitcoin (BTC)

BTC is the first and most popular cryptocurrency. It was created in 2009 and has since become the largest cryptocurrency by market capitalization. Bitcoin is decentralized and transactions are verified using a public ledger called the blockchain.

Ethereum (ETH)

ETH is the second largest cryptocurrency by market capitalization after Bitcoin. It is a decentralized platform that allows developers to create and deploy decentralized applications (DApps) using smart contracts.

Dogecoin (DOGE)

Dogecoin originated as a joke in 2013, but has since gained a significant following. It is a decentralized cryptocurrency that uses the same technology as Bitcoin, but has faster blocking and a higher supply.

These are just some examples of popular cryptocurrencies. The cryptocurrency market is constantly evolving, which means that new cryptocurrencies are constantly being created.

How Do I Trade Cryptocurrencies?

You have two options for trading cryptocurrencies — a centralized exchange (CEX) or a decentralized exchange (DEX).

A centralized exchange is a platform for buying, selling and trading cryptocurrencies. It acts as an intermediary that connects buyers of assets with sellers and is managed by a centralized entity – just like traditional financial institutions. These exchanges usually offer the option to buy cryptocurrencies using fiat currency or cryptocurrencies you already hold. They also typically offer a range of products including spot trading, options trading and futures trading. However, keep in mind that the products and services that a centralized exchange offers will depend on what is legally allowed in your country.

Meanwhile, a decentralized exchange allows individuals to trade cryptocurrencies directly without any intermediary through what is called peer-to-peer trading. Here, as a buyer, you would trade cryptocurrency or fiat currency for your desired cryptocurrency. Through these platforms, blockchain technology and smart contracts govern the exchange of assets. Decentralized platforms are usually considered more secure than CEX because you have complete control over the ownership of your digital assets in a so-called wallet. However, keep in mind that with this added security comes additional responsibility as you will need to remember and securely record your private keys.

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Forex Trading

Like any trading option, forex comes with its own pros and cons that are important to understand before investing your funds.

Pros of forex trading

  • Market with high liquidity:Forex boasts unmatched liquidity as the largest financial market in the world. This results in smooth execution of trades and low transaction costs, offering traders an advantage in effectively executing their strategies.
  • Accessibility from anywhere:The beauty of forex trading is its accessibility. With a simple internet connection, traders around the world can engage, breaking down geographical barriers and enabling trading opportunities 24 hours a day, five days a week.
  • Lucrative earning potential:Forex trading presents an enticing earning potential, mainly due to the high leverage that brokers provide. This allows traders to control more significant positions with smaller initial investments, increasing potential returns.
  • Diverse range of trading options:The Forex market offers many currency pairs, allowing traders to diversify their portfolios and explore different trading strategies.

Cons of forex trading

  • Heightened risk:Participating in forex trading involves risks that must be carefully considered beforehand. The considerable leverage available can amplify losses, leading to significant financial setbacks if not managed carefully.
  • Complexity in market analysis: Forex trading requires a deep understanding of market analysis and strategies. Aspiring traders must invest time and effort to understand the intricacies of the market, which can be daunting for newcomers
  • Prevalence of scams:The unregulated nature of the foreign exchange market makes it prone to fraud and fraudulent activities. Traders must be careful and do thorough research before choosing a broker or investing significant capital.

Best Practices For Forex Trading

To be a successful forex trader, traders should follow certain procedures.

Develop an informed trading plan

Building a solid strategy based on thorough market analysis, careful risk management and an honest understanding of your risk profile.

Master risk management techniques

Adopt basic risk management tools such as stop-loss and take-profit orders to protect yourself from potential losses and protect your trading capital.

Stay informed with market news

Stay informed about important market news and events that can affect currency prices, such as economic data releases, central bank policy and geopolitical developments.

Partner with a reputable broker

Choose a trusted broker with proven security and reliability. Make sure they are regulated by a reputable authority and offer competitive spreads and fees.

Examples of Popular Forex Pairs

Forex trading offers a variety of currency pairs, each with unique characteristics and trading opportunities. Here are some examples of popular forex pairs:

EUR/USD (Euro/US Dollar)

The EUR/USD pair is the most traded currency pair worldwide. The Euro is the currency of the European Union, while the US dollar is the currency of the United States. The pair is known for its high liquidity and tight spreads, making it popular among traders.

USD/JPY (US Dollar/Japanese Yen)

The USD/JPY pair is the second most traded currency pair in the world. The US dollar is the currency of the United States and the Japanese yen is the currency of Japan. The currency pair is known for its volatility and a popular trading combo among traders who prefer fast trading.

GBP/USD (British Pound/US Dollar)

The GBP/USD pair is also known as the “cable” because of the transatlantic cable used to transmit exchange rates between the UK and the US. The British pound is the currency of the United Kingdom, while the US dollar is the currency of the United States. The pair is known for its high volatility and is popular among traders who prefer long-term trading.

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Key Differences Between Crypto and Forex Trading

Crypto and forex trading are two different investment options with different characteristics. Here are some key differences between crypto and forex trading:

Market size and liquidity

The Forex market is the largest financial market in the world with an average daily trading volume of over $6 trillion. On the other hand, the crypto market is much smaller, with a total market capitalization of around $2 trillion. As a result, the forex market is more liquid and less volatile than the crypto market.


The Forex market is highly regulated, with many regulatory authorities overseeing the activities of brokers and traders. On the other hand, the crypto market is largely unregulated, with minimal regulatory oversight.

Trading hours

The forex market is traded 24 hours a day, five days a week and provides traders with abundant trading opportunities. On the other hand, the crypto market is open 24/7, which provides even more flexibility.


The crypto market is known for its high volatility, which can lead to significant price movements in a short period of time. The forex market, while still volatile, is generally less volatile than the crypto market.

Trading options

The forex market offers a wide range of currency pairs to trade and provides traders with various options for diversification. On the other hand, the crypto market primarily focuses on cryptocurrencies, which limits the trading options available to traders.

Factors To Consider When Choosing Between the Two

There are several factors traders should consider when deciding between crypto and forex trading.

Risk tolerance

Both crypto and forex trading are high-risk options, but crypto trading is generally considered riskier due to high volatility and lack of regulation. Traders should assess their risk tolerance and choose the market that best matches their risk profile.

Market knowledge

Traders should understand the market they are interested in trading. Forex trading requires knowledge of global economics and politics, while crypto trading requires a deep understanding of blockchain technology and the cryptocurrency market.

Trading style

Traders should also consider their trading style when choosing between the two markets. Crypto trading is often associated with short-term, speculative trading, while forex trading offers both short-term and long-term trading opportunities.


The forex market is highly regulated, while the crypto market is largely unregulated. Traders should consider the regulatory environment when deciding which market to trade.

Which Is Right For You?

Both cryptocurrency trading and forex trading offer unique opportunities for traders to potentially profit from market fluctuations. However, they come with their own set of risks and opportunities. Therefore, traders should carefully consider their objectives, risk tolerance and market knowledge before deciding which market to trade.

Cryptocurrency trading is a high-risk, high-reward option that requires a deep understanding of blockchain technology and the cryptocurrency market. On the other hand, forex trading is a more stable and predictable option that requires knowledge of global economics and politics.

When weighing the pros and cons of both options, some traders may consider adopting both as part of their portfolios. The simple reason is diversification. Many believe that a diversified portfolio can produce more stable returns over time because declines in some assets are offset by growth in others—in theory. As such, traders may prefer to combine a combination of stocks, cryptocurrencies and forex into their portfolio to achieve diversification. As always, careful and thorough due diligence must always be the first step in building your diversified portfolio.

Traders who follow best practices and maintain a disciplined approach to trading can potentially see rewards from both markets. After assessing their risk tolerance, investment goals and trading style, traders can make informed decisions that align with their goals.


1. Is forex trading suitable for beginners?

Forex trading can be challenging for beginners due to its complex nature and high volatility. It is recommended to gain knowledge and experience through practice before investing real money.

2. What is the minimum amount required to start forex trading?

The minimum amount required to start forex trading varies depending on the broker, but it is generally recommended to have at least $1000 to start trading.

3. Can I make a living from forex trading?

While it is possible to make a living from forex trading, it requires a significant amount of time, effort, and capital. It is not a get-rich-quick scheme and involves a high level of risk.

4. Is crypto trading legal?

Crypto trading is legal in most countries, but regulations may vary. It is essential to research the laws and regulations in your country before starting crypto trading.

5. How do I store my cryptocurrencies?

Cryptocurrencies are stored in digital wallets, which can be either hot (online) or cold (offline). It is recommended to use a combination of both for better security.

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