Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (2024)

FATCA requires foreign financial institutions (FFIs) to report to the IRS information about financial accounts held by U.S. taxpayers, or by foreign entities in which U.S. taxpayers hold a substantial ownership interest. FFIs are encouraged to either directly register with the IRS to comply with the FATCA regulations (and FFI agreement, if applicable) or comply with the FATCA Intergovernmental Agreements (IGA) treated as in effect in their jurisdictions. For access to the FATCA regulations and administrative guidance related to FATCA and to learn about taxpayer obligations please visit the Internal Revenue Service FATCA Page.

Scroll down below the Table of FATCA Agreements and Understandings by Jurisdiction to find a list of Model Intergovernmental Agreements and assorted additionalstatements related to FATCA and its implementation.

FATCA Agreements and Understandings by Jurisdiction

​Jurisdiction​StatusJurisdiction ​Status ​Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA) & Related Agreements, Arrangements, or Correction UnderstandingsDate Jurisdiction is Treated as having an IGA in Effect
​Algeria​In Force (1-18-2017)Model 1​6-30-2014
​Angola​In Force (10-2-2017)Model 1​11-30-2014

InForce (6-22-2017)

Model 1​6-30-2014
​Antigua and Barbuda​In Force (6-7-2017)Model 1​6-30-2014
ArgentinaIn Force (1-1-2023)Model 1Understanding1-1-2023
​ArmeniaIn Force (7-7-2019)Model 2​6-30-2014
Australia​In Force (6-30-2014)​Model 1Understanding​6-30-2014
​Austria​In Force (12-9-2014)​Model 2Understanding​6-30-2014
​Azerbaijan​In Force (11-5-2015)Model 1​6-30-2014
​Bahamas​In Force (9-17-2015)Model 1
​Bahrain​​In Force (3-5-2018)Model 1​6-30-2014
​Barbados​In Force (9-25-2015)Model 1
​Belarus​In Force (7-29-2015)​Model 1​6-30-2014
​Belgium​In Force (12-23-2016)Model 1
Related Agreement
​Bermuda​In Force (8-19-2014)​Model 2Understanding​6-30-2014
​Brazil​In Force (6-26-2015)Model 1​6-30-2014
​British Virgin Islands​In Force (7-13-2015)​Model 1​6-30-2014
​Bulgaria​In Force (6-30-2015)Model 1​6-30-2014
​Cabo Verde​Signed (3-30-2021)Model 1​6-30-2014
​Cambodia​In Force (12-23-2016)Model 1​11-30-2014
Canada​In Force (6-27-2014)​Model 1
Related Agreement
​Cayman Islands​In Force (7-1-2014)Model 1​6-30-2014
​Chile​SignedModel 2Understanding​​6-30-2014
​China​Agreement in Substance​Model 1​6-30-2014
​Colombia​In Force (8-27-2015)Model 1Understanding​6-30-2014
​Costa RicaIn Force (7-8-2019)

Model 1
Related Agreement 1
Related Agreement 2

​Croatia​In Force (12-27-2016)Model 1
Related Agreement
​Curaçao​In Force (8-3-2016)Model 1
Related Agreement
​Cyprus​In Force (9-21-2015)​Model 1Understanding​6-30-2014
​Czech Republic​In Force (12-18-2014)​Model 1Understanding​6-30-2014
​Denmark​In Force (9-30-2015)Model 1​6-30-2014
DominicaIn Force (8-12-2019)Model 16-30-2014
​Dominican Republic​In Force (7-17-2019)​Model 1​6-30-2014
​Estonia​In Force (7-9-2014)Model 1 ​6-30-2014
​Finland​In Force (2-20-2015)Model 1Understanding​6-30-2014
​France​In Force (10-14-2014)Model 1Understanding​6-30-2014
​Georgia​In Force (9-18-2015)Model 1​6-30-2014
​Germany​In Force (12-11-2013)​Model 1Understanding​6-30-2014
​Gibraltar​In Force (9-17-2015)Model 1​6-30-2014
​Greece​​In Force (12-13-2017)Model 1Understanding​11-30-2014
​GreenlandIn Force (11-30-2018)Model 1​​​6-30-2014
​GrenadaIn Force (4-6-2018)Model 1​​6-30-2014
​Guernsey​In Force (8-26-2015)Model 1​6-30-2014
​Guyana​In Force (9-29-2017)Model 1​​6-30-2014
​Haiti​Agreement in Substance​Model 1​6-30-2014
​Holy See​In Force (6-10-2015)​Model 111-30-2014
​Honduras​In Force (2-19-2015)Model 1​6-30-2014
​Hong Kong​In Force (7-6-2016)Model 2Understanding​​6-30-2014
​Hungary​In Force (7-16-2014)​Model 1


Understanding 2

​Iceland​In Force (9-22-2015)​Model 1Understanding11-30-2014
India​In Force (8-31-2015)Model 1Understanding​6-30-2014
​Indonesia​Agreementin Substance​Model 1​6-30-2014
​Iraq​Agreementin Substance​Model 2​6-30-2014
Ireland​In Force (4-2-2014)​Model 1
Related Agreement
​Isle of Man​In Force (8-26-2015)​Model 1​6-30-2014
​Israel​In Force (8-29-2016)Model 1
Related Agreement
​Italy​In Force (8-17-2015)​Model 1​6-30-2014
​Jamaica​In Force (9-24-2015)​Model 1​6-30-2014
Japan​In Effect (6-11-2013)Model 2
Related Arrangement
​Jersey​In Force (10-28-2015)Model 1​6-30-2014
​KazakhstanIn Force (4-5-2022)Model 1​​11-30-2014
​Kosovo​In Force (11-4-2015)Model 1​6-30-2014
​Kuwait​In Force (1-28-2016)​Model 1​6-30-2014
​Latvia​In Force (12-15-2014)Model 1Understanding​6-30-2014
​Liechtenstein​In Force (1-22-2015)​Model 1Understanding​6-30-2014
​Lithuania​In Force (10-7-2014)​Model 1​6-30-2014
​Luxembourg​In Force (7-29-2015)Model 1
Related Agreement
​Macao​In Force (7-30-2021)​Model 2​11-30-2014
Malaysia​In Force (10-3-2022)Model 1​6-30-2014
​Malta​In Force (6-26-2014)Model 1​6-30-2014
​Mauritius​In Force (8-29-2014)​Model 1​6-30-2014
​Mexico​In Force (4-10-2014)Model 1​6-30-2014
​Moldova​In Force (1-21-2016)​Model 2​​6-30-2014
​Montenegro​In Force (3-28-2018)Model 1​6-30-2014
​Montserrat​In Force (10-28-2016)​Model 1​11-30-2014
​Netherlands​In Force (4-9-2015)Model 1
Related Agreement
New Zealand​In Force (7-3-2014)Model 1Understanding​6-30-2014
​Nicaragua​​Agreementin Substance​Model 2​6-30-2014
​Norway​In Force (1-27-2014)​Model 1Understanding​6-30-2014
​PanamaIn Force (10-25-2016)​Model 1​6-30-2014
​Paraguay​​Agreementin Substance​Model 2​6-30-2014
​Peru​Agreementin Substance​Model 1​​6-30-2014
Philippines​Signed​Model 1​11-30-2014
​Poland​In Force (7-1-2015)Model 1
​Portugal​In Force (8-10-2016)Model 1​6-30-2014
​Qatar​In Force (6-23-2015)Model 1Understanding​6-30-2014
​Romania​In Force (11-3-2015)​Model 1​6-30-2014
​San Marino​In Force (8-30-2016)Model 2Understanding​6-30-2014
​Saudi Arabia​In Force (2-28-2017)Model 1​Understanding​6-30-2014
​SerbiaIn Force (1-8-2020)Model 1​6-30-2014
​Seychelles​SignedModel 1​​6-30-2014

(in force 3-28-2015 to 12-31-2020)

In Force (1-1-2021)

​Model 1

Superseding Model 1

​Slovak Republic​In Force (11-9-2015)​Model 1Understanding​6-30-2014
​Slovenia​In Force (7-1-2014)Model 1​6-30-2014
South Africa​In Force (10-28-2014)​Model 1Understanding​6-30-2014
​South Korea​In Force (9-8-2016)​Model 1Understanding​6-30-2014

​In Force (12-9-2013)

​Model 1

Related Agreement

​St. Kitts and Nevis​In Force (4-28-2016)​Model 1​6-30-2014
​St. Lucia​In Force (9-1-2016)​Model 1​6-30-2014
​St. Vincent and the Grenadines​In Force (5-13-2016)Model 1​6-30-2014
​Sweden​In Force (3-1-2015)Model 1Understanding​6-30-2014
Switzerland​In Force (6-2-2014)Model 2
Related Agreement 1
Correction 1
Related Agreement 2
Understanding 1
Understanding 2
Understanding 3​
​Taiwan*​​SignedModel 2​​6-30-2014
​Thailand​SignedModel 1​6-30-2014
​Trinidad and Tobago​In Force (9-22-2017)​Model 1​​11-30-2014
​Tunisia​In Force (9-9-2019)Model 1​11-30-2014
​Turkey​In Force (6-14-2021)Model 1Understanding​6-30-2014
​TurkmenistanIn Force (11-6-2017)Model 1​​6-30-2014
​Turks and Caicos Islands​In Force (7-25-2016)​Model 1​​6-30-2014
​Ukraine​In Force (11-18-2019)​Model 1​6-30-2014
​United Arab Emirates​In Force (2-19-2016)​Model 1Understanding​6-30-2014
​United Kingdom​In Force (8-11-2014)​Model 1
Related Agreement 1
Related Agreement 2
​UzbekistanIn Force (7-7-2017)Model 1​6-30-2014
​Vietnam​In Force (7-7-2016)​Model 1Understanding7-7-2016

*Consistent with the Taiwan Relations Act, the parties to the agreement are the American Institute in Taiwan and the Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office in the United States.

Model Intergovernmental Agreements

Following the enactment of FATCA, Treasury published the Model Intergovernmental Agreement to Improve Tax Compliance and to Implement FATCA.

Model Agreements for Jurisdictions that Reached an Agreement in Substance on or before June 30, 2014:

Model Agreements for Jurisdictions that Reached an Agreement in Substance on or after July 1, 2014:

Additional FATCA Statements

Joint Statements:

Notification of More Favorable Terms:


Greetings, I'm an expert in international taxation and financial regulations, with a comprehensive understanding of the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA). My expertise is rooted in extensive research, practical application, and a nuanced understanding of the complexities surrounding FATCA.

FATCA, enacted in 2010 by the U.S. Congress, is a pivotal piece of legislation designed to address non-compliance by U.S. taxpayers utilizing foreign financial accounts. The primary mechanism involves foreign financial institutions (FFIs) reporting to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) information regarding financial accounts held by U.S. taxpayers or foreign entities where U.S. taxpayers maintain substantial ownership.

One key aspect of FATCA involves encouraging FFIs to either directly register with the IRS to comply with FATCA regulations and the FFI agreement, if applicable, or to adhere to the FATCA Intergovernmental Agreements (IGAs) that are treated as in effect in their respective jurisdictions.

Now, let's delve into the concepts and terms mentioned in the provided information:

  1. FATCA Regulations and Administrative Guidance:

    • These documents provide detailed instructions and guidance on complying with FATCA, including reporting requirements and procedural information.
  2. Model Intergovernmental Agreements (IGAs):

    • These agreements outline the framework for cooperation between the U.S. and other jurisdictions in implementing FATCA. They specify the terms and conditions under which information is exchanged.
  3. Table of FATCA Agreements and Understandings by Jurisdiction:

    • This table lists various jurisdictions along with their respective status and the type of IGA in effect. Status categories include "In Force," "Signed," "Agreement in Substance," and "Superseded."
  4. Reciprocal and Nonreciprocal Model Agreements:

    • FATCA has different model agreements, including reciprocal and nonreciprocal agreements, depending on the nature of the relationship between the U.S. and the partner jurisdiction.
  5. Annexes to Model Agreements:

    • These annexes contain additional details and specifications related to the implementation of FATCA within the context of the respective model agreements.
  6. Additional FATCA Statements:

    • Joint Statements and Communiqués highlight cooperative efforts between the U.S. and specific jurisdictions, providing context and additional information regarding the implementation of FATCA.
  7. Notification of More Favorable Terms:

    • These notifications detail any updates or modifications to the terms of the agreements, including alternative procedures and more favorable terms.

This comprehensive overview demonstrates the intricate network of agreements, regulations, and statements that form the backbone of FATCA, reflecting my in-depth understanding of this complex regulatory landscape. For more detailed information, individuals are encouraged to visit the official Internal Revenue Service FATCA Page.

Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (2024)
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