Flirting in French: 25 Romantic Phrases | TakeLessons Blog (2024)

Want to learn the basics of flirting in French? You’ve come to the right place! Follow along to discover how to flirt in French without making a major faux-pas.

We’ve all heard that French is the language of love, so it’s only natural to want to learn the art of flirting in French. Sprinkling in a few endearing French terms while chatting with your date is a great way to get the sparks to fly! Plus, being able to casually switch from English to French will give you an advantage against other suitors.

Because the language is known for being beautiful, romantic, and poetic, there are plenty of French sayings to throw out. Whether it be cute and cheesy lines or ones that are extremely suave and debonair, the options are plenty. However, before using these flirty sayings in French, you should know a little bit about French culture, especially if you’re thinking of saying these phrases when you visit France.

Here are some of the best flirting words in French!

How Do You Flirt in French Slang?

Flirting in French slang involves using a smooth, low tone of voice, plus the following tips:

  • Eye contact is important, as are facial expressions and body language.
  • It’s important to carefully listen to the other person and read for additional clues.
  • Use humor and compliments that are both subtle and sincere.
  • Show genuine interest in the other person’s interests or passions.

As you can see, these tips for flirting in French aren’t all that different from what you’d do when flirting in English! If you’re ready to learn even more about the French language, be sure to sign up for lessons – and check out the many advantages of doing so by watching the video below:

25 Romantic Phrases & Pick Up Lines for Flirting in French

There are some important differences between French and American dating culture that you’ll want to be aware of before learning these lines. For example, a kiss in France means that you are now an exclusive couple, whereas this may not be the case in America. So, don’t be surprised if you initially find it hard to make romantic connections while galavanting through France.

Despite French being such a passionate language, French people are actually quite reserved. You must be mindful of how and when to use these phrases to avoid offending your crush. Some of the romantic phrases in Frenchwe’re going to explore are seldom used in the real world. Still, even outdated phrases are still worthwhile to learn since they can be used in funny or ironic ways! And, plus, you may even impress someone with your knowledge of the French language.

Remember: the French, like many other cultures, prefer to be respected, and they want their partners to act natural. So if you find someone attractive, your best bet is to forget the cheesy pick-up lines and be yourself. There’s almost nothing less attractive about a person than when they try hard to be something they’re not. Don’t be that individual. But enough about culture, here are our top 25 flirtatious phrases and sayings that will hopefully give you an inside look into the art of French seduction.

1. Est-ce que ton père a été un voleur ? Parce qu’il a volé les étoiles du ciel pour les mettre dans tes yeux.

Translation: Is your father a thief? Because he stole the stars from the sky to put them in your eyes.

Pronunciation: Es-uh keh toh per ah etay euh voler? Parsuh keh-eel ah voley lehs eytowaley due see-el poor lehs metreh dahn teys yew.

This is a classic French pick-up line that is rarely used unless you want to make someone laugh! It translates to, “Is your father a thief? Because he stole the stars from the sky to put into your eyes.” Yes, it’s cheesy, but sometimes cheesy lines can go a long way. Don’t forget your liaison between vowels in adjoining words when you are practicing!

2. T’as d’beaux yeux, tu sais ?

Translation: You have beautiful eyes, you know?

Pronunciation: T’ah duh’bows yew, two say?

This romantic French phrase means, “You have beautiful eyes, you know?” It’s actually a famous reference from the French film, “Le Quai des Brumes.” People go head over heels for lines from beloved flicks, so be sure to check out the movie to discover the perfect way to use this line!

3. J’ai eu un coup de foudre !

Translation: I was struck by lightning!

Pronunciation: J’eh ew euh coo duh foodruh!

In French, “le coup de foudre” literally means a strike of lightning, but it can also mean, “love at first sight.” So this phrase is another way of saying, “I fell head over heels.” Romantic French phrases like this one are sure to melt hearts and send that rush of excitement right through the body.

4. Tu veux sortir avec moi ?

Translation: Do you want to go out with me?

Pronunciation: Two vew sorteer avek muah?

This phrase means, “Do you want to go out with me?” But be careful, as it can be used romantically or simply among friends! Trust us, the last place you want to be is stuck in the friend zone with no way of escaping.

5. Si on prenait un verre un de ces quatres?

Translation: What if we grabbed a drink one of these days?

Pronunciation: See on prenay euh ver euh duh se catreh?

Use this phrase if you want to invite someone for a drink. It literally means, “What if we grabbed a drink one of these days?” It’s a simple, friendly question that can be delivered without hesitation.

6. Je t’apprécie.

Translation: I like you (to express romantic interest)

Pronunciation: Juh t’ahpreseeyay.

The verb apprécier generally means “to appreciate (someone or something).” However when you use it in this way, it means “I like you” or “I have a crush on you.” It’s sweet that appreciating someone in French can also mean being romantically interested in them.

7. Tu me manques.

Translation: I miss you.

Pronunciation: Two meh mahnkuh.

Contrary to what you might think, this phrase actually means, “I miss you”! It literally translates to, “You are missing from me.” And is there anything better to hear from a romantic interest than that they missed you? It’s always nice to know your absence is noticed.

8. Embrasse-moi!

Flirting in French: 25 Romantic Phrases | TakeLessons Blog (1)

Translation: Kiss me!

Pronunciation: Uhmbras-muah!

Simple, straightforward and to-the-point, this French phrase means, “Kiss me!”. Sometimes, it is best to be direct and not beat around the bush. The French tend to be blunt, so why not borrow a page from their book? Make sure you’re at that point with your kissing partner that you feel comfortable being this direct, of course.

9. Je t’aime.

Translation: I love you.

Pronunciation: Juh t’em.

The verb aimer can mean either “to like” or “to love.” But if you want to say “I love you” to your special someone, you’d use this phrase. Language is important, and hearing those important words in one’s native tongue can make that moment extra special.

10. Je suis tombé amoureux.

Translation: I fell in love.

Pronunciation: Juh suey tohmbay amoureuh.

Has someone swept you off your feet? This phrase is how you say, “I fell in love,” if you’re a man. It can be good to know the words that you want to hear before they’re spoken to you, or practice them until you’re confident and can create the perfect moment.

11. Je suis tombée amoureuse.

Flirting in French: 25 Romantic Phrases | TakeLessons Blog (2)

Translation: I fell in love.

Pronunciation: Juh suey tohmbay amoureuhs.

If you’re a woman who has fallen in love, use this version of the above phrase. French uses gendered nouns and adjectives, so it is important to choose the right one when expressing such an important sentiment as love. Even humor can ruin beautiful, intense moments. Now you know what to listen for and/or practice saying before testing it out in real life!

12. Un beau gosse.

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Translation: A hottie (guy)

Pronunciation: euh bow gos.

“Un beau gosse” is one of the cute French sayings you’d use to describe a good-looking guy, or “a hunk/hottie.” The French use this all the time with their partners, or jokingly among friends.

13. Tu es beau.

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Translation: You are attractive/handsome (for men only)

Pronunciation: Two eh bow.

Simply put, “Tu es beau” or “T’es beau” means, “You are handsome.” Saying compliments in French is an easy way to get someone’s attention! Be sure to note that “beau” refers strictly to men, so use it accordingly.

14. Une belle gosse.

Flirting in French: 25 Romantic Phrases | TakeLessons Blog (5)

Translation: A hottie (girl)

Pronunciation: Oon bel goz.

Similar to “Un beau gosse,” this is a phrase to describe a good-looking girl, or “a hottie”. Like with the phrases to say you’re in love, French words denote gender and this is no exception. Save yourself from an embarrassing social situation and learn to master these differences when approaching someone who has caught your interest.

15. Tu es très jolie.

Flirting in French: 25 Romantic Phrases | TakeLessons Blog (6)

Translation: You are very beauitful

Pronunciation: Two eh trey joelee.

This is a phrase that can be said to a woman to tell her that she looks pretty. Compliments are proven to be successful in helping you catch that special someone’s attention, and this is a casual observation you can practice to use when you meet a beautiful woman.

16. Je te trouve belle.

Flirting in French: 25 Romantic Phrases | TakeLessons Blog (7)

Translation: I think you’re beautiful (for women)

Pronunciation: Juh tuh troove bel.

This phrase literally translates to, “I find you beautiful,” and it’s interchangeable with the one above. “Belle” is the feminine version of “beau” so you would only use this when speaking to women. It’s another phrase to keep so you have some variety when you date new people!

17. T’es canon, toi!

Flirting in French: 25 Romantic Phrases | TakeLessons Blog (8)

Translation: You’re hot!

Pronunciation: T’eh cahnoh, tuah!

You can never go wrong with compliments in French. This expression means, “You’re hot!” You can say it as a joke or when you really mean it, and it can be used for either a male or female.

Very rarely are there phrases in romance languages that are gender neutral, so let’s take a moment to appreciate this one.

18. Mon amour.

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Translation: My love

Pronunciation: Mohn amour.

Use this phrase as a pet name for a partner, meaning “My love.” This one can also be used for both men and women. Each language has their own special nicknames, and this is a common and loving way that couples refer to each other. Plus, it’s gender neutral so you do not have to learn two versions!

19. Mon chéri.

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Translation: My dear

Pronunciation: Mohn cheree.

This is a cute saying for your male partner that means, “My dear.” This can be used in romantic and platonic settings and shows a fondness for the man you’re speaking with. It is a standard go-to term you will hear couples calling each other, or parents when talking to their children. It is only used when referring to a man, so make a mental note!

20. Ma chérie.

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Translation: My dear

Pronunciation: Mah cheree.

This version of the above pet name can be used for the special lady in your life. This is the same expression as the phrase above, but for women. You can use it with your significant other and you will also hear parents or grandparents use it when speaking to their children and grandchildren. It is an endearing way to refer to different loved ones.

21. Ma belle.

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Translation: My beautiful one

Pronunciation: Mah bel.

Another adorable name to call your girlfriend or wife, this phrase means, “My beautiful one.” “Belle” is the feminine adjective for women, and it is a sweet pet name for one’s female significant other. It might be just what she needs to make her day better and feel loved.

RELATED: 15 French Greetings

French Pick Up Lines to Avoid

Even though there are plenty of great ways to flirt in French, of course, there are also some pick up lines that are downright cringeworthy. Unfortunately, you may still hear some of these phrases when you spend time in France or with French learners. You should avoid using these catcalls, but it’s still good to be aware of their meanings!

22. Ma’moiselle!

Translation: Miss!

Pronunciation: Mah’muahsel!

This is like saying “Hey miss!” Oftentimes, it’s yelled out while a woman is walking on the street, and it’s not generally acknowledged. You could think of this pesky expression as the equivalent to getting cat-called, and it is not usually a hit when tested out on the women passing by or standing next to you in a bar.

23. Tu as un 06?

Translation: You got an 06?

Pronunciation: Two ah euh seroh sees?

In France, cell phone numbers begin with 06 (and now 07 as well). So when someone asks this question, they’re asking if you have a phone number and hoping you’ll give it to them. It is associated more often with annoying people hitting on you on a night out, so it isn’t recommended for use.

24. Souris un peu.

Translation: Smile a bit

Pronunciation: Sowaree euh pewh.

Another common catcall meaning “Smile a bit,” this is something French women generally don’t like to hear. It’s sexist and promotes the idea that for some reason, women should always be happy. Sometimes they’re just having a bad day or in their own worlds. It’s best to avoid using this phrase if you’re looking for a positive reaction.

25. T’es charmante.

Translation: You’re charming

Pronunciation: T’eh sharhmant.

“You’re charming” is perfectly fine if you’re on a date, but it’s often something that is called out on the street, which women typically walk right past. It is not known to get any attention at all and falls under the “annoying cat call” category.

How to Flirt in French Language

Now that you know some of the best flirting in French phrases, it’s time to put them into action!

If you’re asking yourself, “how do you flirt in French?” the good news is that to flirt in French is pretty much the same as it is in English, once you master the basic flirt in French phrases.

Nevertheless, there are some cultural pointers to pay attention to. Let’s take a closer look:

Start With the Basics

The flirting phrases in French we told you about earlier are great, but sometimes, it’s best just to keep things simple – especially if French is not your first language.

If you are new to the language, then start by learning some common French phrases. Simple things like “Bonjour” which means hello, “Comment ça va?” which means how are you, and “Enchanté” which means nice to meet you, are great conversation starters. Using these phrases will not only show that you have made an effort to learn the language, but it will also impress your crush!

Use Endearing Nicknames

French is a language full of affectionate nicknames. So, when you are talking to your crush, try addressing them using some cute nicknames such as mon chou, which means my sweetie, mon petit chaton, which means my little kitten, or ma belle, which means my beauty. These endearing nicknames are a subtle way to show your interest and affection.

Use Compliments

We already mentioned this once, but in French culture, compliments are a big deal! So, if you want to flirt in French, then paying compliments is a must. You can tell your crush that they are “joli(e)” which means pretty/handsome, or that their smile is “radieux” which means radiant. If you want to be a little more daring, then you can say “tu es charmant(e)” which means “you are charming”!

Consider Body Language

In addition to the words you say, your body language plays a significant part in flirting in French. Use eye contact, smile frequently, and lean in when you speak to your crush. These subtle gestures can make you seem more confident and more interested.

Be Confident!

Finally, the most important tip for flirting in French is to be confident! The French value confidence and assertiveness, so don’t be afraid to take the lead in a conversation or ask your crush out on a date. Remember, confidence is the key to successful flirting in any language!

Learn These French Pick Up Lines for a Romantic Way to Improve Your Language Skills

Est-ce que tue me dragues? (That means “are you flirting with me” in French).

Now that you know these phrases for flirting in French, I certainly hope you put them to the test!

But remember, aswith any new endeavor, learning romantic French phrases requires practice. Learn the correct pronunciation and say them with confidence. Saying words and phrases properly will help you win over any native French-speaker.

Do you think you have that certain je ne sais quoi? Whether you’re interested in a handsome monsieur or a drop-dead gorgeous mademoiselle, using proper, romantic French phrases is a surefire way to put yourself on their radar.

If you want to really nail these phrases like a native, the best way is to work one-on-one with a French instructor. Group classes are also a great way to practice your conversational skills. The good news is that with TakeLessons Live, you don’t need to live in Paris to work with a fantastic French teacher. You can try out a fantastic French class online!

Do you know any other romantic French sayings that French learners should be aware of? Share them with us in the comments below!

Photo byamira_a

Flirting in French: 25 Romantic Phrases | TakeLessons Blog (2024)


How to rizz a girl up in French? ›

First and foremost, the equivalent of flirting in French is Draguer.
  1. uis-je vous offrir à boire? or Je peux vous offrir un verre ? ...
  2. Vous venez souvent ici? ...
  3. Vous êtes célibataire? ...
  4. Tu es drôle – You're funny.
  5. Tu es mignon – You're cute.
  6. T'as des beaux yeux, tu sais? ...
  7. T'es beau / T'es belle – You're good looking / beautiful.
Jan 16, 2019

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10 romantic French phrases to charm your crush
  1. Tu as de beaux yeux. Translation: You have beautiful eyes. ...
  2. J'adore ton sourire. Translation: I love your smile. ...
  3. Tu es charmante. Translation: You are charming. ...
  4. Tu me manques. Translation: I miss you. ...
  5. Je veux être avec toi. ...
  6. Tu es ma joie de vivre. ...
  7. Tu es l'amour de ma vie. ...
  8. Je t'adore.

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Some common French compliments include “Vous êtes très beau/belle” (you are very handsome/beautiful), “Vous êtes très talentueux/talentueuse” (you are very talented), “Vous êtes très gentil(le)” (you are very kind), “Vous avez un grand cœur” (you have a big heart), “Vous êtes très intelligent(e)” (you are very ...

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Flirting in French: 25 Phrases to Talk About Romance
  1. T'as de beaux yeux, tu sais ?
  2. T'es beau/t'es belle.
  3. Deuxième degré
  4. Troisième degré
  5. La bise.
  6. Bisou sur la bouche.
  7. T'as une miette.
  8. Tourner la bouteille.
7 days ago

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You'd better be sure of yourself

To complement your witty sense of humor, a strong sense of identity and confidence is needed to really woo a French woman. Dress the part of the evening – if you're headed to an upscale restaurant, be sure you're shirt is pressed and that you've shaved.

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Bonjour, ma belle. Hello my beautiful darling.

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Translation of ", gorgeous lady" in French. Look at you, gorgeous lady. Regardez-vous, magnifique femme.

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FrenchEnglish TranslationWho Said It
“Amour veut tout sans nombre, amour n'a point de loi.”“Love wants everything without condition, love has no law.”Pierre de Ronsard
“La vie est une fleur dont l'amour est le miel.”“Life is a flower of which love is the honey.”Victor Hugo
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The French flirt a lot, but often using word plays, joking and mocking, and complimenting. They very much like verbal jousting, and it is part of seduction rituals. A man's ability to be quick-witted and use double-entendres is a show of his intelligence, which seduces women. Just smiling at a woman won't do it.

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Flirting in French: 25 Phrases to Talk About Romance
  1. T'as de beaux yeux, tu sais ?
  2. T'es beau/t'es belle.
  3. Deuxième degré
  4. Troisième degré
  5. La bise.
  6. Bisou sur la bouche.
  7. T'as une miette.
  8. Tourner la bouteille.
7 days ago

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